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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((I'm really tempted to just rush in, but I think Leo's good on needless endangerment for now. Waiting to see if anyone has other input before doing something like that))
((I'm really tempted to just rush in, but I think Leo's good on needless endangerment for now. Waiting to see if anyone has other input before doing something like that))

((I'm not quite good on Leo needless endangerment yet so...))

"What are you waiting for? Go already!" Says Draco as he pushes Leo towards the open door.
Says Draco as he pushes Leo towards the open door.
<One does not simply push a man into Mordor.

That's beside the point now, as long as you're not pushing him INTO the room. Everyone roll perception for listen, -5 penalty since Draco made a bit of noise just now.>
((That's an endorsement if I've ever read one!))

"Oh, we're actually going in all quick-like? I mean-

Leo practically hurls himself through the threshold of the door, shifting into Performance mode. He slides in and strikes a flamboyant pose.

"I. Have. Arrived! This is how a man enters a room! Everybody! Cross the threshold and join me! Today, we seize this place, starting with whatever is in here!"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64848]Perception: 1D20 - 1 = [11]-1 = 10
((If the sick has passed, take away the -1 and mark it as an 11))
((That's an endorsement if I've ever read one!))

"Oh, we're actually going in all quick-like? I mean-

Leo practically hurls himself through the threshold of the door, shifting into Performance mode. He slides in and strikes flamboyant pose.

"I. Ha-
It is around there that a Kobold that has scampered into a little hole in the corner pulls on a rope, leveraging up a wooden wall and elevating it into a fit gap above it.

Three owlbears stalk from the opening, angrily glaring at the man inside.

<You were screwed over just now. Roll initiative.>
"More infernal bear impersonators, huh? So be it! There shall be three less of you monsters stalking this world in a few minute!"

((Should I go ahead and roll initiative?))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64849]Initiative: 1D20 + 2 = [14]+2 = 16
((It appears that today's victim of needless Tiberious endangerment is Tiberious))
((IF it was from a wand, it only lasts an hour as its probably caster level 1. If niko cast it himself, it last 7 hours so no way has it worn off yet))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Even Mage armor is expired? Dortumn must have been talking for hours! Doubt we need it to smack down a handful of Owlbears though.))

Initiative: 1d20+7=23

Niko rolls his eyes before beginning the motions for casting haste. "Well that plan failed spectacularly. Looks like it's up to us to liberate these closeted Owlbears. I had no idea you were so adamant about advocating for monster rights, Draco."

The sorcerer casts haste on everyone.

EDIT: ((Oh shoot, I was using the wand version. My bad, Azih))
Initiative List

Owlbear A - 24
Owlbear C - 24
Niko - 23
Dreadstone - 17
Gnaw - 16
Tiberius - 16
Owlbear B - 16
Draco - 11
Stricia - 11
Thaddeus - 3

Claw Attack vs. Tiberius, Damage, CMB for Grab (1d20+8=19, 1d6+4=5, 1d20+14=25)

Right away, Tiberius is given no chance to make a stand after his reckless entrance, immediately swooped up into the Owlbear's grasp, claws digging into him.

Claw Attack vs. Draco, Damage, CMB for Grab (1d20+8=27, 1d6+4=8, 1d20+14=30)

And as if Karma is setting in, another Owlbear glances to the door and decides to seek the half-elf at the door. Moving to where the doorway is blocked, it reaches and grasps the smaller creature before him.

Now Tiberius is trapped with two Owlbears, a predicament Draco had helped put him in.

((I'm assuming Dreadstone and Gnaw won't be able to get to me this turn, so I'm typing up my turn))

Tiberious spends a little too long posing, and before he knows it, one of the owlbears has descended on him and caught him in its grasp. The raking claws piss him off more than they hurt him, telling him that it's time to get to killing.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64859]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [3]+18 = 21
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64860]Grapple Escape: 1D20 + 16 = [8]+16 = 24
((If he's still sickened, subtract 1 from those rolls))

((Quick draw on the shield and cestus. I should have enough move left for a single attack since I'm hasted and escaping a grapple is a standard action, but if not, I'll strike out the following))

With a roar, Tiberious launches into a spin, propelling himself out of the owlbear's grip. While airborne, he slides on his shield, and more importantly, his cestus. Anyone who can see Tiberious right now would see that a shock bolt has been shoddily attached to the cestus, creating what looks like the saddest unicorn horn.

In Tiberious's mind, he's no longer stuck in a small room. He is in the middle of an arena, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Mostly cheering. Front and center is Draco, who isn't being grappled by an owlbear as far as Tiberious sees. No, he's sitting in a fancy cheer with a sneer on his face, writing up an article for Fuck Gladiators Monthly. Tiberious can not be on the cover. He will not be on the cover. Staring down the owlbear, he prepares to throw the most important most of his life. Turning his head around, he throws a wink at Draco before charging in.

"This fist cries out for the joy of the crowd! I call upon your goodwill for this attack. Everyone put their hands into the air and lend me your strength! This one is for all of you, Diving Thunderfist Stinger!"

Tiberious rockets forward, throwing his bolt-adorned cestus toward the owlbear's face. To his horror, the bolt makes his fist wildly unaerodynamic. This will be difficult, but he can do this. He has to do this. He's got this.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64861]Power Attack: 1D20 + 7 = [1]+7 = 8
He does not, in fact, got this. "Shit. Fuck Gladiators Monthly, here I come."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Nicholas casts haste on the team except for Tiberius who is unfortunately too far away. He then moves into position to get a better look through the door, just in time to see Draco get scooped up by an Owlbear.

((Asking so that I can plan my turn: I didn't state it outright, but since we're moving through hostile territory I feel like Thaddeus would have his sword and shield ready to go. Is this acceptable, or am I going to have to spend my turn getting my equipment out? And if so, is it alright to just get both items out with a single move action?))


((I suggest that Draco make the decisions on how to proceed through dungeons as he is stealthy and the lock picker of the group))

Mike M

Nick N
Y&#818;&#857;&#851;&#812;&#827;&#797;&#798;&#853;&#846;&#858;&#815;&#846;&#803;&#857;&#780;&#786;&#877;&#770;&#831;&#781;&#782;&#866;&#866;&#860;&#866;&#861;o&#807;&#790;&#827;&#854;&#828;&#796;&#790;&#798;&#845;&#858;&#852;&#825;&#818;&#857;&#852;&#796;&#793;&#813;&#798;&#873;&#772;&#838;&#787;&#875;&#830;&#844;&#769;&#842;&#873;&#778;&#775;&#787;&#781;&#856;&#866;&#432;&#806;&#854;&#797;&#817;&#818;&#799;&#840;&#839;&#879;&#771;&#777;&#876;&#774;&#867;&#770;&#834;&#785;&#872;&#773;&#783;&#782;&#830;&#789;r&#802;&#813;&#815;&#854;&#851;&#853;&#853;&#815;&#857;&#829;&#834;&#779;&#782;&#867;&#774;&#830;&#877;&#834;&#786;&#783;&#875;&#844;&#785;&#774;&#778;&#789; &#821;&#821;&#826;&#809;&#827;&#840;&#809;&#803;&#770;&#843;&#771;&#855;&#776;&#769;&#834;&#867;&#875;&#830;&#784;&#786;&#870;&#844;&#838;&#865;&#862;m&#824;&#802;&#801;&#852;&#826;&#826;&#798;&#800;&#829;&#878;&#878;&#772;&#878;&#848;&#777;&#877;&#768;&#778;&#873;&#774;&#877;&#794;&#837;&#837;o&#824;&#854;&#853;&#805;&#798;&#857;&#857;&#809;&#825;&#790;&#826;&#827;&#791;&#853;&#815;&#799;&#811;&#840;&#879;&#849;&#771;&#879;&#867;&#778;&#866;&#864;&#837;t&#772;&#875;&#878;&#849;&#776;&#769;&#785;&#875;&#867;&#874;&#872;&#776;&#769;&#776;&#769;&#879;&#829;&#783;&#875;&#834;&#871;&#867;&#847;&#824;&#792;&#817;&#826;&#798;&#854;&#806;&#793;&#790;&#816;&#853;&#819;&#793;&#805;&#837;h&#824;&#873;&#838;&#867;&#829;&#831;&#778;&#768;&#849;&#768;&#785;&#777;&#869;&#847;&#839;&#816;&#796;&#797;&#851;&#804;&#819;&#817;&#817;&#857;&#793;&#798;&#799;&#816;&#837;e&#823;&#801;&#795;&#839;&#819;&#828;&#805;&#814;&#840;&#805;&#827;&#838;&#785;&#788;&#775;&#775;&#860;&#7775;&#821;&#801;&#790;&#812;&#825;&#805;&#858;&#853;&#846;&#790;&#814;&#873;&#829;&#774;&#782;&#775;&#834;&#794;&#865; &#821;&#841;&#825;&#819;&#804;&#816;&#854;&#814;&#827;&#878;&#870;&#774;&#772;&#774;&#776;&#872;&#772;&#784;&#776;&#787;&#864;i&#823;&#801;&#795;&#854;&#851;&#791;&#851;&#793;&#784;&#834;&#849;&#848;&#788;&#788;&#768;&#875;&#875;&#831;&#794;&#7777;&#770;&#878;&#859;&#838;&#829;&#872;&#831;&#775;&#876;&#847;&#820;&#814;&#805;&#825;&#856;&#837; &#790;&#798;&#805;&#812;&#858;&#817;&#857;&#875;&#842;&#848;&#844;&#769;&#869;&#834;&#771;&#777;&#879;&#785;&#859;&#848;&#848;&#864;&#862;a&#824;&#816;&#799;&#845;&#810;&#793;&#805;&#798;&#853;&#817;&#813;&#829;&#874;&#868;&#777;&#831;&#873;&#872;&#834;&#781;&#872;&#867;&#850;&#770;&#768;&#772;&#789; &#821;&#802;&#806;&#841;&#826;&#813;&#815;&#778;&#843;&#768;&#774;&#771;&#785;&#769;&#794;&#837;c&#858;&#854;&#790;&#817;&#810;&#800;&#790;&#815;&#854;&#838;&#774;&#776;&#769;&#775;&#785;&#874;&#781;&#843;&#776;&#776;&#877;&#789;&#856;l&#820;&#801;&#802;&#851;&#845;&#809;&#819;&#799;&#792;&#790;&#798;&#800;&#840;&#815;&#851;&#828;&#874;&#830;&#782;&#875;&#859;&#873;&#850;&#781;&#867;&#843;&#849;&#872;&#859;&#878;&#786;&#878;&#778;&#849;&#855;&#768;&#860;&#7843;&#824;&#807;&#858;&#791;&#806;&#805;&#853;&#796;&#799;&#858;&#799;&#858;&#840;&#800;&#809;&#842;&#842;&#872;&#859;&#867;&#879;&#771;&#873;&#850;&#779;&#787;&#842;s&#795;&#815;&#825;&#809;&#792;&#826;&#796;&#851;&#805;&#798;&#852;&#803;&#818;&#817;&#858;&#779;&#787;&#870;&#848;&#776;&#769;&#838;&#875;&#865;s&#820;&#820;&#840;&#814;&#800;&#846;&#857;&#815;&#877;&#784;&#871;&#776;&#769;&#789;&#865;y&#822;&#801;&#846;&#827;&#828;&#796;&#825;&#853;&#827;&#812;&#815;&#840;&#798;&#799;&#798;&#870;&#782;&#876;&#869;&#855;&#838;&#769;&#864; &#808;&#812;&#814;&#809;&#811;&#828;&#815;&#791;&#806;&#797;&#783;&#859;&#777;&#787;&#867;&#872;&#768;&#842;&#774;&#874;&#844;&#869;&#878;&#787;&#769;&#837;l&#802;&#807;&#808;&#797;&#806;&#805;&#839;&#815;&#819;&#858;&#853;&#817;&#776;&#769;&#787;&#769;&#769;a&#821;&#801;&#795;&#793;&#790;&#814;&#852;&#841;&#818;&#853;&#790;&#839;&#816;&#792;&#857;&#858;&#825;&#850;&#849;&#787;&#831;&#782;&#866;&#865;d&#824;&#808;&#815;&#846;&#809;&#793;&#782;&#787;&#773;&#774;&#850;&#787;&#878;&#844;&#856;&#865;&#865;&#7923;&#824;&#823;&#801;&#795;&#800;&#846;&#798;&#797;&#790;&#811;&#814;&#828;&#810;&#773;&#775;&#788;&#877;&#784;&#848;&#877;&#843;&#829;&#877;&#768;&#872;&#769;&#771;!&#823;&#811;&#816;&#819;&#818;&#792;&#853;&#851;&#826;&#797;&#809;&#779;&#844;&#781;&#875;&#834;&#773;&#869;&#848;&#788;&#876;&#843;&#774;&#875;&#776;&#769;&#788;&#842;&#780;&#784;&#848;&#864;

Dreadstone lets out an involuntary curse in his native abyssal tongue, too surprised at the owl bear’s sudden appearance in the threshold of the door to worry about the poor etiquette of speaking so coarsely in front of others.

“Duck!” he shouts to Stricia, his bow already in his hand with a pair of arrows nocked on the bowstring. With fluid grace amplified by the effects of Niko’s hastening magic, he fires nearly half a dozen arrows in the time it takes him to draw a single breath.

Attack vs. Owlbear
Attack 1:  1d20+13-2(Rapid Shot)+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=23
Damage:  2d8+10+2(Haste)+2(Point Blank) (x2 from Manyshot)=25
Rapid Shot Attack:  1d20+13-2(Rapid Shot)+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=27
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=11
Attack 2:  1d20+8-2(Rapid Shot)+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=12
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=12
Haste Attack:  1d20+13-2(Rapid Shot)+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=19
Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=11

“Gnaw!” the tiefling archer barks sharply as he reaches into his quiver to make ready for his next round of attack, “Sic, boy!”

Scarcely needing encouragement to engage in acts of violence, Gnaw lunges forward and sinks his fangs into the owlbear’s unnatural hide and begins shaking his head vigorously in an attempt to tear off a chunk of its strange flesh.

((Gnaw moves to J11 if the owlbear is actually still alive after that. Otherwise he’ll move as far as he can towards the next one.))
Bite vs. Owlbear:  1d20+7=20
Damage:  1d6+4=10
((That’s his maximum damage output : / I should probably invest in some gear for Gnaw to make him more useful…))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Can you actually get gear for your pets? Now that I think about it, diamond encrusted tooth caps would be sweet.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Can you actually get gear for your pets? Now that I think about it, diamond encrusted tooth caps would be sweet.))
((I thought Lady had some stuff, like a belt of dexterity as a collar or something? I may be misremembering. She just seemed more effective than Gnaw overall, but that might be that she never seemed to fail tripping an opponent.))
((I thought Lady had some stuff, like a belt of dexterity as a collar or something? I may be misremembering. She just seemed more effective than Gnaw overall, but that might be that she never seemed to fail tripping an opponent.))

((I don't remember if she had gear, but druid pets are higher levels than ranger pets, so that probably made a difference))

Mike M

Nick N
((Gnaw can get decked out. Give him a Monocle of the Investigator))
((And if I get him a hat of disguise too, I can change his avatar to this:))

<Pardon my absence, I had to sleep badly.

I am also still annoyed about how this battle was triggered.

@TIberius: Does your class allow you to escape a grapple and then attack afterward? Because I don't think that's possible as that's a standard action. This isn't like 3.5 where when something rolls a grapple you roll opposed because the defender uses CMD now. Not that I need you to edit your post since you missed your attack anyway, so the roleplay and your turn can still remain intact.>
((No, I just haven't fully transitioned from 3.5 to Pathfinders yet. That and for some reason I keep thinking move actions can be swapped with standard actions the same way it works vice-versa))
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