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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
"And that's just one reason why Dreadstone is captain."
Draco gives Dread a quick nod before nonchalantly walking into the room, and stabbing the owlbear that just grabbed the gladiator in the a nice, wide openning, "I told you Leo, I told you about the bolt."
Niko nearly doubles over in laughter at the investigator's quip, but despite his laughs he has not forgotten the threat of the deadly, ravenous creatures before them. Nor the presence of a stranger to the party. He looks at the Drow with excitement. "Tibererius can tank hits like nobodies business, don't worry. Stricia will no doubt punch their beaks into rubble shortly, just watch."
((Gonna do this now since it might be a busy day at work today))

All frustrations with the severe lack of discipline and protocol in this group are forgotten when the pit-speech assaults his ears.

A chill runs through Thaddeus's spine as he processes what he's just heard. Though he doesn't understand a word of it, every fibre of his being tells him that it is... wrong. His long-ingrained paladin training tells him he ought to strike down the source of the foul speech immediately, but he resists his instincts by focusing instead on his respect for the chain of command and realizing that there is an imminent threat to dispatch.

He will deal with this later.

Thaddeus marches forward to the nearest owlbear and delivers a savage blow with the righteous fury of a seething holy warrior.

Power Attack for 7; Damage (1d20+7=27, 1d8+13=20)

((Man I am on a roll in this dungeon))

Critical Confirmation and Extra Damage (1d20+7=22, 1d8+13=18)

Mike M

Nick N
A chill runs through Thaddeus's spine as he processes what he's just heard. Though he doesn't understand a word of it, every fibre of his being tells him that it is... wrong. His long-ingrained paladin training tells him he ought to strike down the source of the foul speech immediately, but he resists his instincts by focusing instead on his respect for the chain of command and realizing that there is an imminent threat to dispatch.

He will deal with this later.

((OOC, I'm wondering if anyone even gets the joke about Dreadstone's occasional outbursts of abyssal speech or if I'm playing to an empty room with it...))
((OOC, I'm wondering if anyone even gets the joke about Dreadstone's occasional outbursts of abyssal speech or if I'm playing to an empty room with it...))

((I didn't realize there was a joke. I just figured it was a character quirk that came out of Tieflings knowing Abyssal automatically. If there's another layer to it then I'm interested))

Mike M

Nick N
((I didn't realize there was a joke. I just figured it was a character quirk that came out of Tieflings knowing Abyssal automatically. If there's another layer to it then I'm interested))

((It is, but I'm having fun with it. You have to look carefully to read it, but he's saying the most benign things possible. In this instance it's "Your mother is a classy lady."))
((It is, but I'm having fun with it. You have to look carefully to read it, but he's saying the most benign things possible. In this instance it's "Your mother is a classy lady."))

((Lol, yeah actually I did notice that. I have no idea how you're getting those crazy effects around the text BTW, that's really cool))
((It is, but I'm having fun with it. You have to look carefully to read it, but he's saying the most benign things possible. In this instance it's "Your mother is a classy lady."))

((Yeah, the classy lady bit got a laugh out of me. Xalgo text is working pretty well for Abyssal too))


((The looking for the library in your first outburst was great. Will try to get my move in in the next little while))
<ive decided to cut the battle early because i want to sleep but also not force you to wait on me. Roleplay finishing off the owlbears, amongst yourselves, and then when i wake up tiberius, draco, and the kobold are in deep trouble>


((Oh ok.))

Stricia uses her speed to circle around and set up a flank on one of the owlbears with Draco, her strike hits true damaging the owlbear greatly.
With the party making short work of two of the owlbears, Tiberious only has one more chance to get this attack right.

"You know what? You were kind of right Draco. This is a really advanced attack, and I underestimated it. But I don't think it's beyond me. Now that I know the punch has to be offset, it's just a simple matter of adjusting. Like THIS!"

Tiberious puts a corkscrew motion into the punch, spinning the crossbow bolt into the owlbear. The bolt breaks off in its forehead, and he hammers it in with an additional punch.

As the owlbear drops to the ground, Tiberious roars in victory. He doesn't notice the numerous other fatal wounds on the other side of the owlbear inflicted by the party, but hey, minor details. He made the Divine Thunderfist Stinger work, and that's what really matters. Looking at the corpses for a minute, he ponders if he's built up an immunity to whatever assassin's poison was in their meat last time. "Hmm... nope, not today, owlbears."

Tiberious puts away his weapons and decides that it is now time to find the kobold bastard that sicked three owlbears on him. "I have something special in mind for this guy, thinking he can fuck with Tiberious..."
The moment the danger has passed, Thaddeus sheathes his sword, then whirls around and gives Dreadstone a withering gaze.

"Sir," he says with obvious restraint, "May I speak to you in private?"
"You're such... Forget it. SO! I have a pretty good feeling we know have a pretty good idea what is behind the rest of the doors in this area, perhaps it would be best to skip them now and look for thier gun totting leader instead?"
Without turning around, as Tiberious is convinced that would give the kobold a chance to escape the room, he replies "Maybe there's owlbears in the other rooms, maybe there's not. No telling what kind of fancy talking systems the boss guy has, so we should probably clear the rooms to avoid any ambushes down the line. If it makes a difference between doing it and not doing it, we can approach the other rooms with subtlety, I guess."

Tiberious's tone becomes sharper at the end of his response, as he does not even try to hide his contempt for the concept of subtlety.

Mike M

Nick N
"Hold that thought, son," Dreadstone says as he brushes past Thaddeus, oblivious to the tone in the drow's voice. He has something more pressing to attend to at the moment.

Striding across and around the corpses of fallen owlbears, the dark ranger storms right up to Tiberious. With the practiced technique of years of enforcing the law against those larger than himself, he pivots the gladiator around on his heel and pins him against the wall, thorned gauntlet pressing up against Tiberious's throat and restricting the flow of both blood and air.

"Now you listen to me, an' you listen good," Dreadstone hisses. "You want to go an' get yerself killed? You do it on yer own time. This is not one of yer showy fake-ass gladiator arena fights we're fightin' here! I don't expect y'all to behave like proper military, but I'm gonna have to insist that you not behave like a complete fuckin' idiot before you put the lot of us six feet under!"

He lets Tiberious go with a final shove for emphasis, before turning to glower at Draco. "An' you," he continues, leveling a claw-tipped finger at the half-elf investigator, "fer dead gods' sake an' our own, don't encourage him!"

Breathing heavily and shaking slightly from his momentary raging catharsis, Dreadstone pauses to collect himself, clenching and in clenching his fists as he does so.

Finally, he remembers Thaddeus had asked to speak to him. "Now what was it you wanted to talk 'bout?"
For a second after Dreadstone lays into him, Tiberious seems panicked. As he storms out of the room, he urgently asks Draco, "You didn't see the Kobold escape during all of that, did you? If it got away... anyway, I wonder what that was all about, you'd think our lives were in danger back there or something. I could understand that response if I opened a cage full of elephant-sized bears, but a kobold opening a cage of three owlbears? Maybe Deadstone's just in a bad mood."
Suppressing a sneer as Dreadstone casually refers to him as 'son', Thaddeus waits as requested. The dressing down of Tiberious and Draco takes him by surprise, and suddenly he finds his respect for the tiefling returning.

He takes this chance to use his divine connection and peer into Dreadstone's soul, in order to get an idea of whether the man was truly corrupted, or just ignorant.

He detects no evil in the man, and Thaddeus's demeanor thaws considerably.

"With all due respect, I couldn't help but notice that you just spoke in the language of demons." He pauses for a beat. "I am fully aware that you are a virtuous man, and I am sure you had no evil intent. However, as a paladin of Heironeous, sworn champion of goodness and lawfulness, I ask that you please refrain from using such profanity. Not just for my sake, but for that of the innocent and impressionable among us."

He clears his throat. "And sir, with all due respect, I would prefer not to be called 'son'. I was a young foot soldier, newly enlisted in the city guard, when the reports of a demon-child roaming the Narrows first began to trickle in all those years ago. My superior officer at the time was among the first to investigate and determine that there was no threat. I am a fair bit older than I look."

Unless Dreadstone has more to say, Thaddeus is ready to move along.
The kobold is still in the little hole in its corner, trembling in realization that it faces up to several that easily thwarted the trap it set.

Before you can get to it, you hear a voice in your head by the headmaster.

We just saw what had happened just now... Dortumn is... very unhappy, and fuming greatly. I... think he'll need a moment.

After that moment, he gets back to you and says,

He is telling me to say that he does not care how little you perceive a threat, but that if he sees more idiotic machismo such as that he will strongly consider a punishment of some sort.
His blaming everything that happened on the kobold interrupted, Tiberious looks around to try and figure what direction he should talk in to reply to the voice.

"Idiotic machismo? Go ask Dortumn what in the Nine Hells he hired me for then, because I'm pretty damn sure I'm doing my job!"

He then angrily walks toward the kobold. "As for you, you little bastard, not only do you resort to trickery and sick freaky owl-bear hybrid things on me, you don't even have the spine to back them up in combat? Wretches like you don't receive mercy, I'm going to fucking bury you."

"Hey Deadstone! Do you or anyone else here care about what happens to this kobold?"
"I'm not sure what the big deal is, our presence here has most likely been known since I got the front door to melt. Hitting them hard and fast seemed like our best option, and taking sudden, unexpected blows to the head is clearly Leo's strong suit, making him the perfect one to walk into the inevitable traps. But hey, If you want me to scout out each room one by one to let you know that they are trapped, I can do that too. ...Or better yet..."
Draco walks over the kobold, pushing Tiberious out of the way(most likely failing if he puts up any resistance), his scimitar pointed at it and says, "You speak common? Because I've got a few questions for you."
Soon after another message comes,

He says that he had hired you to aid in combat situations... that is, aid, not to be the one that needs to be aided. I don't know how much he means this, but he just suggested not to give further argument to make him regret the decision.

One can only imagine how Dortumn must be acting behind the shroud of the headmaster's messaging.

The small creature doesn't respond to Draco's common. Sense Motive DC 15
It doesn't seem to understand what Draco had just said.
Seeing that he won't convince anyone of anything through a scry, Tiberious gives an apathetic wave, feeling a mutual contempt for the man who evidently has no idea how the finer points of being a good adventurer and hero work. He might as well get back to what he can have an impact on: this kobold's body.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65017]Sense Motive: 1D20 + 5 = [15]+5 = 20
"I don't think he understood you, Draco. Can we break him now guys? This mess was mostly his fault. The bastard opened an ambush cage like a coward, and look, now we're all pissy. This is why I hate cowardly villains more than regular villains. And owlbears, they're almost as bad as regular bears. You know what? Fuck the contents of this room in general."


Stricia shrugs as well. "We would have run into conflict anyway. I do not know why they are incensed. They should be happy that there are three less monsters to contend with."
<For the record, the contents of the room I have not described yet, but I am waiting on Dreadstone to respond to Tiberius' desire to crush the Kobold.

Also, I normally don't give advice to players (since it seems condescending to do so and I like to keep surprises), but yes you probably would have ended up fighting this battle had to approached it cautiously, except that you could have potentially been more prepared for it and maybe even found a way to been the ones to surprise them. I want to make you guys understand that my own enjoyment of the game has been hurt somewhat by how the pace of the game was just yanked from me like that, so I hope you don't dismiss what I'm trying to say both ICly and OOCly.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods thoughtfully at Thaddeus's comments. "I'm a slave to habit, I reckon," he replies. "I'll try an' mind my tongue goin' forward."

Turning his attention back to the situation developing in the room, his face screws up into a look of distaste. "The kobold's done surrendered -- well, as close to surrendered as they're capable of. I doubt we'll get anythin' useful out of him, but we're not gonna pound him for fun an' jollies."

Dreadstone glances around the room, investigating it with his full attention for the first time. "'Course, I'd prefer we not just let 'im run loose, either. This place has gotta be full of cages and restraints, we can probably use some of 'em."
Now that things are calming down, Dreadstone takes the time to look around the room. There are many bags around the room, and one in particular has been hastily discarded, had hit the floor, and its contents spilled into the dirt ground. This particular substance is ground into a dust, but continues to glimmer brilliantly; in fact, upon further inspection most will assume it is silver.

Knowledge Arcana DC 22 (Draco already knows this knowledge)
This is a material used to formulate an invisibility extract.

Other bags which can be assumed to contain similar or other substances sit at the side of the room.

The Kobold continues to tremble in his little hole. Upon further inspection he is wearing a belt that is absent from the other Draconic creatures they have seen, and clearly oversized for it as the belt is wrapped around it twice and covers its entire stomach.
As Dreadstone makes his will clear, Tiberious's fists clench up. Of course the cowardly villain surrendered after its ambush failed! That's what they do. Letting it live just means it'll scheme more ways to hurt people, steal candy from babies, and who knows what else?

Wait a second, now that Leo thinks about it, he's seen cursed rooms like this before. Unless someone takes action, the circle of rage will continue to grow and spiral out of control. While he wishes someone else would do it, it looks like he has to step up and be the big man here. Taking a few deep breaths, he unclenches his fists and forces a cheery tone.

"Ok, that can work! How about this, then? We throw the kobold in the cage he had the owlbears in, and close it back up. It's fitting and it won't hurt the little ball of evil here. Of course, we should take the belt before throwing it in there, it probably does magic stuff."

After having hopefully defeated the curse of anger, Leo looks around and sees that there a bunch of bags in the room.

They're probably full of flour or something. Flour is silverish sometimes, right? If it's something useful, one of the observant people will notice that. His mind is still mostly on the kobold.
"At ease, Tiberious," says Thaddeus. "Evil though he may be, this kobold has surrendered and would doubtless be discarded if found by those on charge. Leaving him to rot in a cage would be tantamount to killing him in cold blood. He is also quite harmless on his own. Since taking prisoners seems infeasible at present, it is my opinion that we ought to let it go. Of course, the final decision is the Lieutenant's."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Let him go? He'll just run and get reinforcements or release more traps. If he would have attacked with the Owlbears we'd have killed him anyway." Niko scratches his scraggly beard (grown over time being on the island) for a moment as he considers the options before them. As he does so, Ozzy approaches the spilled bag of powder, his nose twitching in curiosity.

"Actually I have a better idea. Stricia, do you think you can knock it unconscious? That would probably buy us enough time to progress, then when it wakes up it can wander off on its own to no doubt be killed by an Owlbear or an Orphan operative out for revenge. But at least it won't be by our hands, thus neatly fitting our guest's dear monster morality code of conduct."

((If not stunning fist, non-lethal damage should work to knock it unconscious, right?))

Spotting his weasel approaching one of the bags, Niko shouts out to it. "Hey, stay away from that. You don't know what it does. Actually come to think of it, what does it do? Can we use these bags of material to blow something up or as a distraction? I wonder if we can expect the Orphans to employ some of this against us in the other rooms...."
If somebody begins to approach the Kobold, it will soon become afraid and begin frantically waving its hands in front of it, expressively pleading for you to stop, and it will begin to shriek loudly in its language to you.
"So, uh, I guess we should take the belt first, right? I don't want to damage something that might be useful to us if I knock this guy out. Last check for objections, everyone. Oh, and anyone have a way to translate Kobold speak? It's probably just begging us to not kill it, but I don't know."


((Unless we have a way to translate what it's saying I don't think we have any other choice. Any spells or potions for something like this? Plus I guess we can Detect magic on the belt also))

Mike M

Nick N
"Hold up," Dreadstone says. "Somethin' ain't right 'bout this."

He kneels in front of the frantically gesticulating kobold. "I don't understand a lick of what yer sayin'," he says, "but nod if you understand what I'm sayin'."
The Kobold's belt is most definitely magical.

It makes a simple diagram in the dirt as fast as it can. You see what appears to be directions to find something. Afterward it cups both of his hands and makes a drinking motion with it, nodding in suggestion that it's something they'll like. It then points a finger upward and, while making a noise, branches its arms outward after.


Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone whips out his notebook and transcribes the kobold's crude instructions. "Change of plans," he announces as he snaps the book shut and returns it to the interior of his cloak. "We take 'im with us, provided there's nothin' magical preventin' him from leavin' the room. I gotta hunch 'bout what's goin' on here..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko is unable to make anything of the crude drawing, but since Dreadstone seems to have a hunch he doesn't pay it much mind. Instead he focuses on the kobald's game of charades."Hey, I think I know what he's trying to say! Something about a potion to bestow flight? Draco, do you think the ingredients in this room can be mixed to create flying potions or something?"
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