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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Leo frowns upon hearing that Dreadstone plans to take the kobold with them, as he still doesn't trust it, and thinks that the drink or whatever it is is probably poison. That's how evil cowards work, they beg for their life, then they give you a lethal dose of horse tranquilizers after passing it off as a nice, magical liquid. While his mind is stuck in worst case scenarios, he doesn't object since he trusts Dreadstone.

"Huh. Any idea where he wants us to go?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone steps out into the hall and sees if he can't make heads or tails of the kobold's map in relation to their current position.
"Actually, it looks like the ingredients used for invisibility. I guess transporting owlbears back to the main land is a lot easier when you make them invisible."
"Invisible... owlbears?" Leo stops walking along, and a horrified look comes over his face as he imagines the ramifications of what he just heard.

In his mind, a community is enjoying a picnic in their town square. It's a sunny day, and everything is good. The village grandma baked her renown bread and everything. The kids are running around playing games, without a care in the world. And then one of the villagers explodes into a red mist as the first owlbear materializes. The first owlbear was but a harbinger of the main force, and within seconds, dozens of strategically placed owlbears drop their invisibility, tearing into the crowd. Blood splatters on the picnic baskets. The horror! They were just having a picnic, they didn't deserve this! They're coming for you Little Suzie! Stop playing jump rope, look behind you- oh no! Not Little Suzie! Oh, the inhumanity!

Leo almost cries out, but he manages to stop himself, remembering that for some reason the group gets mad when he's loud in enemy territory. Turning to Draco and the others examining the ingredients with a cold sweat on his face, he says "They're even more evil than I imagined. We can not afford to fail here now."
Thaddeus merely stands back and listens, having already said his piece and lacking anything else to add to the discussion. He will carry the bound and/or unconscious kobold when the time comes to continue on. He will also equip the magical belt to aid in shouldering the extra load.

Mike M

Nick N
"Invisible... owlbears?" Leo stops walking along, and a horrified look comes over his face as he imagines the ramifications of what he just heard.

In his mind, a community is enjoying a picnic in their town square. It's a sunny day, and everything is good. The village grandma baked her renown bread and everything. The kids are running around playing games, without a care in the world. And then one of the villagers explodes into a red mist as the first owlbear materializes. The first owlbear was but a harbinger of the main force, and within seconds, dozens of strategically placed owlbears drop their invisibility, tearing into the crowd. Blood splatters on the picnic baskets. The horror! They were just having a picnic, they didn't deserve this! They're coming for you Little Suzie! Stop playing jump rope, look behind you- oh no! Not Little Suzie! Oh, the inhumanity!

Leo almost cries out, but he manages to stop himself, remembering that for some reason the group gets mad when he's loud in enemy territory. Turning to Draco and the others examining the ingredients with a cold sweat on his face, he says "They're even more evil than I imagined. We can not afford to fail here now."

((I know Dreadstone is fed up with Leo's antics IC, but I love this shit.))
None of you recall the monsters found ever being invisible, leading you to wonder what the alchemy component is used for. Arcana 22
unless there was someone on board to quickly apply the invisibility as the ship was docking, the invisibility would not last a boat trip across the sea. Creatures also cannot be made to have permanent invisibility.
The rest of the bags remain unchecked as you venture back out into the hall.

The Kobold points you in the direction it wants you to go, which is to your left after exiting the room.

Mike M

Nick N
"Stay close," Dreadstone cautions in a whisper as he follows the kobold's instructions. "We've had enough surprises for one day."
((Ha, glad that was well received))

Still worried about invisible owlbear death squads and lacking the arcane know-how to question such an idea, Leo quietly follows along, keeping a warry eye on the kobold.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Wow, looks like we've recruited not one but two new frenemies in this mysterious mountain base on Owlbear Island. What shall we call our new member? Stinker? How about Twitchy?"

Niko looks at Thaddeus, then at the kobald as it scuttles alongside the others into the hallway and then back to the Drow warrior. He simply shakes his head at Ozzy as the weasel hops back onto his shoulder and they leave the room. "Hopefully if one of them turns on us they can just fight each other."
Thaddeus looks at Nico disapprovingly, and one corner of his lips curls downward. "Young man, I take offense at the mere suggestion of comparison between myself and this creature. I have worked for nigh on forty years to eke out a position with a modicum of respect in the Ruby Keep military and the esteemed ranks of Heironeous's Holy Warriors, no small feat when considering my heritage. You would do well to remember that before grouping me in with the likes of this poor, primitive specimen before us."

He turns away and continues walking before Nico has an opportunity to reply.

Mike M

Nick N
"Yer outta line, Nico," Dreadstone admonishes. "You of all people can confirm he was on the level with the truth spell, he's as good as vouched fer in my book."

The tiefling smiles a grin of sharp teeth that gleam in the everlasting torchlight. "'Sides, he outranks you. We been playin' fast and loose with chain of command this whole while, which works alright when you're all at the same level. But there's no gettin' 'round the fact he's officially second in command."


bitch I'm taking calls.
The sorcerer opens his mouth to respond to the Drow before closing it a few seconds later in frustration as the paladin continues on without pausing. Seeing their commander approach, Niko chuckles under his breath and whispers to the tiefling. "Give a stranger a pass on his coincidentally "lost credentials" and suddenly he thinks he's second-in-command. What a joke, eh Dreadstone?"

"Yer outta line, Nico," Dreadstone admonishes. "You of all people can confirm he was on the level with the truth spell, he's as good as vouched fer in my book."

"That's true, but I just think we should be cautious of-"

The tiefling smiles a grin of sharp teeth that gleam in the everlasting torchlight. "'Sides, he outranks you. We been playin' fast and loose with chain of command this whole while, which works alright when you're all at the same level. But there's no gettin' 'round the fact he's officially second in command."

"..." Nicholas pauses for a long moment before pulling the hood of his cloak over his head. "You're the boss." He prepares an open spell for the door to the new room pointed to by the kobald. 'Second in command, pfft. I bet Baldur could have beat up this priggish Drow' he thinks to himself while making the incantations.
After hearing the exchange between Niko, Thaddeus, and Dreadstone, Leo ceases his day nightmaring dreaming and drops back to quietly chat with the irritated Niko.

"Damn, that was harsh. Everything we do today is wrong, huh? For what it's worth though, I think we can trust Thaddeus, he seems like a good guy. A bit naive though, wanting to spare a blatantly evil creature and thinking that it's not about to double cross us. On that note, we should probably be keeping a close eye on the kobold. Five to one odds whatever "treasure" it leads us to is poisoned or trapped."
'Second in command, pfft. I bet Baldur could have beat up this priggish Drow'

((Heh, Baldur would HATE what is happening with the party right now actually, to the point where I don't think he and Thaddeus could coexist in the same party for long. That's not exactly what I was going for when I designed this character, but it's neat that it's turning out that way))
<When's Thaddeus going to find out your group is called the Drow Slayers?>

If allowed, the Kobold will direct you past the next two rooms, to the hall around the corner, and to a gap in the ground that separates you from a room on the other side. However, there is a ladder nearby which can be used to cover the gap.

The creature will point at the door and make the drinking gesture again, but soon after make punching movements with its fists.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Not sure what you're saying little buddy. Why don't you go ahead and climb across first and show us what you mean?" Niko positions the ladder over the pit using ghost hand.

Mike M

Nick N
(("You're a drow and you slay things, right?"))

Dreadstone grabs the ladder and uses it to span the gap. Gesturing at Draco, he says, "After you."

Gnaw whines anxiously, pawing at the ladder. "Stay," Dreadstone commands. "We'll just have to deal what's on the other side of the door without you."

((Unless of course Gnaw can just jump the gap. Dreadstone will cross as well if there's room outside the door.))
<This would have been more of a puzzle coming from the other side of the pit where you would have had to find a way to get the ladder to you or cross the pit without it. Just assume you can get through without danger. I also intended the Kobold to emote his attempt to tell you something after you actually get to the door.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((My bad I edited my post to include some extra info. Is it still possible to move the ladder into position using ghost hand or is the ladder too far away? Also I wanted to see if the kobald could be on the other side of the pit so it could show us better what it wanted us to do.))
<No, I am saying that the ladder is on YOUR side, and you can easily trivialize the pit just by setting it in place.

In fact, I'm retconning this, it's not a ladder, it's a large plank that you can each get across.

Also, GAF likes to be down when I need to make quick clarifications on the spot apparently. I couldn't even edit this post without spending several minutes to do so.>
As party members begin to cross the plank, Leo follows along. He takes this time to equip his scizore and pull out his shield, still convinced that the kobold is leading them to some kind of ambush or trap.
Trying for a minute to put aside his biases about the villainous kobold, Leo sees if he can make heads or tails of its gestures.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65059]Sense Motive: 1D20 + 5 = [10]+5 = 15

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone observes the kobold carefully, trying to discern what the small reptilian creature might be trying to tell them...

Sense Motive check:  1d20+16=28

((I have an idea what's going on, but I was wrong, like, 100% of the time in the last game, so I'll hold my tongue for now.))
Tiberius can at least understand some kind of fight to go along with the drinking.

Dreadstone is a little better at piecing together its advice. He can understand from the mannerisms and the emotion conveyed that it's genuinely trying to convey that there's a reward in the next room, but something in there is guarding it thus you will have to fight it. It is likely trying to make an exchange for your sparing its life by helping you.

With the understanding you have, there is no reason you shouldn't have an advantage.


<With that, I can give you bonuses on stealth checks as a circumstance moving into the room, provided you are actually stealthy in your roleplay.

After Draco unlocks the door (which is a take 20), opening the door is a separate action and can be done by a different person. Roll stealth when doing so. Invisibility and pass without trace bonuses do not apply since the door itself moves and makes sound.

Finally, you may roll perception when peeking through the door crack.

You can find an alternative way of going about this if you find a better way, but that above instruction kind of goes along with how your stealth has improved for this moment.>
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65066]Stealth: 1D20 = [19] = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65067]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [4]+5 = 9

((Against all odds, Leo got a 19 on stealth, but only a 9 on perception, I guess he decided he wanted to act like a ninja for a minute))

((OH, you guys were talking modifiers, not actual rolls. I should probably change this post then. Sufficient to say, my modifiers here are no good.))


((Well we haven't decided who's going to open the door yet after Draco gets it open. Right now Dreadstone seems the best bet.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
After hearing Dreadstone's translation, Niko nods and prepares himself for what lies beyond the door. 'I wonder, maybe the little scoundrel is being honest after all?' Retrieving the wand of Mage Armor from his cloak, he casts it upon Stricia and himself after they are on the other side of the pit. "Whatever is on that side, we'll be ready" he whispers to the monk.

UMD Check (1d20+15=24, 1d20+15=23)

Mike M

Nick N
((I rolled a 20 on my stealth check, so let's just go with Dreadstone doing it.))

Minimizing his profile as much as possible (a difficult task sometimes for someone with horns and a tail), Dreadstone cracks open the door to peer through the gap and see what lies in wait on the other side.

Stealth check:  1d20+16=36
Perception check:  1d20+16=28

<I made a mistake in the mapping. Assume that you're a room ahead of where you actually are (the gap leads to an empty room, and the room you're making a stealth check is the room down some stairs). This is such a tremendous mistake I'm gonna make sure this is clear before I continue on.

I want everyone to repeat the correction I just made on your positioning so you understand clearly. From the hallway, you cross a gap, the door after the gap is an empty room, and you are currently in that room looking into another.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Is the room we're stealthing down a light of stairs from where we crossed the gap, or are we looking into a room with stairs in it leading down from the door?))


((We're not at the plank gap, we're in the room past that which has nothing but downward steps and another door which Dreadstone is peeking through))
((I was just now able to reconnect to gaf. So the plank covering the gap lead to a door going into an empty room, and now we are going down the stairs in said empty room and Dreadstone is stealthily peeking through a door?))
After hearing Dreadstone's translation, Niko nods and prepares himself for what lies beyond the door. 'I wonder, maybe the little scoundrel is being honest after all?' Retrieving the wand of Mage Armor from his cloak, he casts it upon Stricia and himself after they are on the other side of the pit. "Whatever is on that side, we'll be ready" he whispers to the monk.

UMD Check (1d20+15=24, 1d20+15=23)

((You don't need to roll umd for spells on the wizard/sorc spell list, no matter if you know them or not personally. Even if they are a higher spell level, then your character knows you can still cast them from a wand without rolling.))

((And yeah, even if i had max ranks in stealth, Dreadstone would still beat me, unless i used inspiration.))
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