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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Oh cool, didn't know that about the spells. And yes I understand the positioning, Niko is ready to get dropped into a rancor pit or w/e))
Dreadstone manages to get the door slightly open without making a sound or causing an abrupt change in scenery.

Inside is a modest wine cellar, lined with aisles of wine bottles kept in cabinets. With his keen vision, Dreadstone can spot towards the end of the room, a wine bottle sits next to what appears to be a golden object of some sort.

Soon after, a large face moves into his view. At first it may seem like something just jumped right in front of him... but it is eventually apparent it is not a face that's very close, but... a very very large head... made of liquid, patrolling the room.


It completely fails to notice your presence.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone stands stock still, scarcely daring to breathe. He observes the roving liquid face as it patrols the room, hoping to discern some pattern to its movements that he can exploit. He'd love to avoid a battle if he can.

Perception check:  1d20+16=30

Once his curiosity is satisfied, he moves carefully away from the food to relay what he has seen in case someone else has a notion of what it is that he has seen.
Unlike the well guarded and well alert room that you had met Thaddeus in, the strange water creature is alone, and the wine collection provides plenty of cover and the door is not always watched.

Another thing Dreadstone will note is that like many of the rooms in the facility they've been in so far, none of them have had a proper floor installed. The watery monster's movement leaves the dirt ground damp in its wake.
That is most definitely a water elemental, but of a smaller size than the earth elemental you encountered briefly before. Somehow information on the existence of elementals has circulated through your back channels, and this particular elemental's appearance matches what you had heard about one particular elemental that, because of their ability to warp their fluid structure at will and do not need bodies, decided to take on a statuesque crafting of a human face in a reflection of humanoid vanity. It makes you wonder how your insiders know this information about this elemental in particular.

Mike M

Nick N
"Last time we tangled with one of them elemental things, it damn near killed us," Dreadstone whispers. "The room's got lots of blind spots, ways to break that thing's line of sight. I think I can sneak past it an' get out without gettin' spotted."

A thought occurs to him. "Draco, this is dangerously close to bein' too easy. Like we're missin' somethin'. That thing is leaving a muddy trail all over the floor, it can't... I dunno, see through the mud, can it? Feel a footstep walk on it, that sorta thin'?"
Draco is pretty sure that an elemental's ability to "feel" things based on a trail it leaves or bits that fall from it would be the same as if a person lost their finger, where they no longer feel what the detached finger is touching.

<I just made that up, I actually don't have an official ruling on that.>
"No, nothing like that. Although, it is quite a bit more powerful if both it and its target are in water... how much water is needed for that, I'm not quite sure."
((Hurr... internet went out just as i was going to post.))

"Personally... I won't do so well against them, but if this is a smaller one, you should be fine."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"A water elemental you say?" Niko begins to formulate a plot, sparks of static electricity sparkling across his knuckles. He looks at Leo with a smile before nodding at Dreadstone. "Just say the word, boss."
<Draco can just tell you this ICly since he rolled so high, but I actually can't find anything in the rules that suggest that Water Elementals are more susceptible to lightning attacks than anything else (DR resists any type of damage).>
Leo catches Niko's glance, and approves wholeheartedly. Niko's casual creation of a thunderfist sends his mind wheeling with possibilities for team attacks. Twin lightning punches, electrifying Leo while he slams the giant face into the ground, the possibilities are endless.

He's about ready to go full Tiberious and charge into the room, but then he remembers Dreadstone choking him last time he did that. Dreadstone seemed really mad at the time, but Leo can read beneath the surface. That anger was a facade for a deep sadness. Dreadstone must have some odd man code that is completely incompatible with his own, and seeing him do heroics with such a conflicting style must have killed Dreadstone inside a little. While the other man code doesn't make any sense to Leo, he doesn't want to hurt Dreadstone's feelings.

Leo continues standing off to the side with the rest of the party, thinking (I can't go and make Deadstone cry. Better just let him do stealth)

((If this page is any indication, spells ignore DR. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/glossary.html))
<Okay, so once again the DR notation eludes me. The next time I see something with DR 5/Magic or whatever, it only means Magic weapons, not Magic in general.

So Niko's lightning would be more effective than weapons, but not anymore so than any other spell.>

Mike M

Nick N
<Draco can just tell you this ICly since he rolled so high, but I actually can't find anything in the rules that suggest that Water Elementals are more susceptible to lightning attacks than anything else (DR resists any type of damage).>
((What, we're not playing Final Fantasy rules?

Do we have any silence and invisibility spells on hand? Just sending Dreadstone in for a snatch and grab seems like the best plan still to me.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
(("Whose footprints are these?"

I can cast invisibility once. But I only have 1 level 3 spell left so that means no haste until we get out of here. Nothing to conceal footprints unless I would manually have ghost hand smooth them over or something, which would still require me to be in the room and I doubt I would get a good sneak roll.))
((Gonna be That Guy the Paladin here))

"Sir," says Thaddeus, "I'm not sure I understand the purpose of attempting to use subterfuge just to steal some unknown trinket. I can certainly appreciate clearing out the stronghold so to protect our flanks as we descend, and I can also see the merit to avoiding this room altogether, but with respect, your proposal serves no purpose other than personal gain, and exposes you to unnecessary risk besides."

There is a subtle, but hard to ignore, emphasis on the word 'steal.'

Mike M

Nick N
"You're free to file an after action report explainin' your take on the situation," Dreadstone says evenly to Thaddeus, "but last time we threw down with an elemental, it punched me clear through a tree and damn near killed Stricia. We are not engagin' that thing unless absolutely necessary, not when I can sidle on by and it seems content to just run in circles in there.

"An' it ain't stealin', it's on site procurement. If that potion can give us an edge in shuttin' this place down, I judge it a risk worth takin'. We're a field op team operatin' without a lifeline here. We seize every advantage we can, 'specially if it belongs to the enemy."

((Dreadstone's ready to do this, especially if we've got invisibility and/or silence or maybe even pass without trace.))
<i still feel inclined to apologie about the earth olem. I lrgitimately interpreted its full attack incorrectly and novody called me out on it until it was too late. This elemental should be far easier

Also, my life is garbage right now. I might not be able to make art for the game for awhile>
"Certainly, Sir," Thaddeus accepts without hesitation. "I would never question your orders. It is a first officer's duty to speak his mind while strategizing; normally this would be done in private, but circumstances would make that difficult at present. The remainder of us shall lie in wait, at the ready should anything go wrong."

Mike M

Nick N
((I know that the golem wasn't supposed to be that hard, but Dreadstone doesn't, so it seems like a good IC justification for trying to achieve a quest objective by avoiding combat all Solid Snake style.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Slightly disappointed about Dreadstone's orders to use every means possible to avoid engagement, Niko nonetheless complies with the tiefling's wishes. "I can cast invisibility on you whenever, chief."

Mike M

Nick N
((Not unless we have a silencing ability on tap. How do we want to do this, a series of increasing DC stealth checks?))

Mike M

Nick N
"I'm goin' in," Dreadstone whispers as he tightens the straps of his armor and secures his various items of equipment to minimize their potential for movement and therefore their potential to make noise. "If I get into trouble, I reckon you'll know it."

Rendered unseen by the effects of Niko's invisibility spell, Dreadstone peers through the crack in the door leading into the room with the mysterious potion. As the hydrogenous guardian of the room flows by and turns a corner to go up another shelved aisle full of bottles, Dreadstone seizes the opportunity and slips inside.

Following down the same aisle the water elemental just went down, Dreadstone slinks along, using his tail to sweep the mud behind him to obscure his footprints. Growing up an outcast among the outcasts of society teaches a man a trick or two about moving undetected...

Stealth check:  1d20+16=31
Dreadstone successfully covers his tracks with his tail, and manages to find a way to get by without his active trail being spotted. As he moves through the wine cellar, he'll note that a lot of the wines here are a supply likely seen at a respectable but not noble class tavern.

Once he finds his way to the table in the back, draped with a simple cloth, Dreadstone will see two things in question: a tall wine bottle dated back well before Emerald Bay became a united city, and nearby is, of course, a golden statuette of Olidammarra, the only god to have survived The Fall and very much known to have most likely celebrated with a drink of the wine seen now.

Both of these items would fetch a great price in the market.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone arches an eyebrow at the contents of the altar. He had expected the prize of this expedition to be something that had more martial value, like some sort of potion of strength or something. Still, he may be able to hock these and purchase such an item outright.

His invisible hand pauses over the idol of Olidammarra. He doesn't know much about the gods, but even he knows that this one is supposed to still be very much alive, and the patron deity of thieves and rogues to boot. Hopefully the god of trickery won't take offense at his graven image being in the possession of a man of law and order.

Sighing inwardly, Dreadstone grabs the bottle and the statue and beats as hasty a retreat as he can manage, hoping to reach the door before the water elemental's patrol brings it back this way. The prowling guardian may not have noticed him, but it's probably astute enough to notice that the altar has gone empty.

Stealth check:  1d20+16=31
((Yes, that's a fresh roll.))
Dreadstone manages to procure the items and retreat back to safety and behind the door before the Elemental could notice the items are gone.

The Kobold glances, nodding while smiling wondering if you are pleased with the drink you found.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone exhales a breath he wasn't aware that he had been holding. Holding out the wine bottle and statue before him, he shows the spoils of his efforts to the rest of the party.

"Not quite the tactical advantage I was hopin' for," he admits.

"We should probably get movin' before that thing notices. Let's get back across that gap."
Thaddeus relaxes considerably once Dreadstone is out of harm's way (relatively speaking). The sight of the spoils makes him wary, though, and he draws from Heironeous to scrutinize them on a deeper level.

((Cast Detect Evil))
While he's disappointed that a fight has been avoided, Leo finds respect in Dreadstone's capacity to stick to his own man code.

This just leaves the issue of the kobold. It's still an evil creature that will go on to harm and trick others if let go, but it completed its part of the deal on terms for its life. He can't just kill it in cold blood and invalidate the party's word. This has turned into a complex moral quandary, and Leo hates those. Feeling a headache coming on, he asks "what becomes of the kobold now?"
Thaddeus detects no evil in Dreadstone's aura. The Kobold pings as evil, but its aura appears uncertain as to whether it will stay that way depending on how it will continue to act and most Kobolds will show as evil to him indiscriminately.

<inb4 5 HP Kobold to take a full Smite Evil crit roll>
((I was actually trying to check the statue and the wine bottle, but I guess they're in the clear since you didn't think to mention them))
<Oops. I am sleepy and misread your post. I thought you were scanning Dreadstone after he committed a naughty.

Neither item is magical, it is indirect currency for you guys.>

Mike M

Nick N
At Leo's question, Dreadstone turns his attention to the kobold. The helpful little reptile is currently under affectionate assault by Gnaw, who is licking him furiously. "Guess we take him with us, fer the time bein'."

((I envision the kobold riding Gnaw into battle from bow on. Heh.))

"Let's double back and get on with findin' those wizards."
Glad to have the difficult decision taken off his shoulders, Leo gladly agrees with Dreadstone's call. Turning towards the kobold, he attempts to communicate with it in a manner that transcends language barriers: interpretive dance.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65138]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 14 = [11]+14 = 25
Launching into a silent routine, Leo stands rigid, drops backwards as if he's trying to set a record in limbo, and then shoots back up. He does three pirouettes, and stops while standing on one leg. Putting his other leg back down, he slowly brings his arms out and over his head. He then thrusts his right arm as if holding a spear four and a half times. Turning his back to the kobold, he simultaneously points to the ceiling and the floor.

The meaning of the interprative dance is clear (to Leo): you have earned trust for now, but backstab us and you will die.
Toppled onto to the ground by the large beast's sudden interest in it, the Kobold helplessly tries to cover its face with its arms while it is assaulted by the slobbering.
((Generally, with the exception of undead and aligned outsiders, creatures do no ping off of detect alignment until they have 5 or 6 HD unless they have it as a class feature(like clerics and paladins.). Its nice for keeping lawful stupid paladins from smiting random commoners just for pinging(not that Thaddues is one of course).))
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