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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
"A good statue and some wine. Glad we didn't get splashed by the elemental for that at least." Niko's voice holds and aid of feigned relief, but he shares a look of disappointment with the gladiator. He laughs at Leo's attempt to communicate with the kobald and gestures back to the critter being smothered by Gnaw. "Maybe this kobald will be our new mascot."
Thaddeus can only shake his head incredulously at whatever seems to be happening with the kobold.

"With the Lieutenant's permission, I shall take point, as the most heavily armoured among us. I recommend that Tiberious take the rear guard."
"A mascot, huh? I wonder if we'll have to make kobold suits now..."

Leo's thoughts are interrupted by Thaddeus's suggestions on the group formation, at which point he balks at the prospect of being in the back.

"Rear guard? I'm all for protecting anyone who needs it, but I'm a close-quarters guy, and getting attacked from behind doesn't seem like a real risk here. Putting me I'm the back just means I have to run further to get to the bad guys."
"Given our fearless leaders love of the bow, I'd say he'd be the best option for hanging in the back. Worse comes to worse, I'm sure he's no slouch with a sword and Gnaw's one mean son of a bitch himself."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs. Much as he would love to bust Leo down to rear guard duty, both he and Draco have a point. "Thaddeus, you're in the lead," he grants, "but the others are right. We're more likely to run headlong into trouble than have it sneak up on us, an' Leo's more useful in a direct combat application."

Turning to the gladiator, he speaks clearly and slowly, as though addressing a turnip that was extraordinarily intelligent by the standards of tubers, but dim by those of humans. "You fall in behind Thaddeus. No chargin' into battle unless he gives the go ahead. No battle cries. Pretend you're givin' a performance to a bunch of deaf orphans an' keep the volume down."
((That is probably the best thing I've read today. I'm going to be imagining Leo's brain as a sentient turnip for a while now))

Leo slowly blinks as Dreadstone gives his orders. While he hears the words, their meaning goes over his head. Instead, his eyes light up at the prospect of performing for deaf orphans.

"A silent performance for deaf orphans? That's... brilliant! It's the best idea I've heard from anyone in years!"

Putting a reassuring hand on Dreadstone's shoulder, he says "I know we have conflicting, incompatible man codes, and I'm sorry that adhering to mine hurt your feelings. I promise it wasn't me condemning what you think it is to be a man. While I still have no idea why you value stealth and silence so much, for the rest of the time we're in here, I can perform as if the audience is deaf orphans."
You make your way past the stairs into the empty room once more.

Upon further inspection of this room, you will soon realize that the light coming from there has a less yellow tint than the ioun torches that you have been seeing scattered near the ceilings in each room, and aligned in squares. Looking up, you see a grate above you leading outside; a third point of entry you could have potentially taken had the second door not been found.

Leaving that room, you make your way past the plank bridging over the gap once more, and now you are back in the underground shaft. Looking to your left, you see a way blocked with a partially finished concrete wall, but there are also rooms you have bypassed to see what the kobold wanted you to see.


Stricia looks curiously at the newest member of the party. "Does he know anything else about what this base holds?" she looks at Leo who seems to have established the most rapport with the creature.
Now that the party is back in the hallway from earlier, Leo eyes the doors they passed with curiosity.

"Since that last room lead to treasure and a mascot, we should probably check out these other doors before going in deeper."

Despite his eagerness, Leo somehow avoids rushing to one of the doors and kicking it open. The restraint almost looks like it's causing him physical pain.

Seeing Stricia's glance, he tries to take a crack at talking to the kobold again, now that the little guy is starting to grow on him. "Hmm, I'll use the power of interpretive dance again to see if he knows anything."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65149]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 14 = [20]+14 = 34
Summoning the spirit of dance within himself, Leo drops to a soft patch on the ground and begins twirling around on his hands. Somersaulting, he lands on his head and spins for a solid five seconds before pointing at the doors. As he roles up, he gracefully leaps through the air, striking the pose of the great question.

If that's not a clear message to the kobold asking what's behind the other doors, he doesn't know what is.

((EDIT: In between Azih and KM's posts, I'm not sure if Stricia was referring to Thaddeus or the Kobold))
Thaddeus will remember that he was blindfolded when being escorted to the deeper parts of the area to realize what was going in in the lair. Even when he was thought to be working with Dorthlenne he wasn't well trusted. He does remember equal activity coming from the partially walled off area and one of the rooms.
The Kobold just hangs around for the moment, content that its guidance to the loot has spared it. It doesn't seem to give a meaningful response to Tiberius'... whatever he's doing.

<A sense motive for the Kobold may be useful. I don't have a set DC for it but that's because I'm not rolling bluff.>
Upon completing his dance number, Leo looks towards the kobold for a response.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65151]Sense Motive: 1D20 + 5 = [6]+5 = 11
While trying to figure out what it knows, Leo thinks about how wowed it must have been by his ability to speak through dance.
Stricia feels that the Kobold has exhausted whatever help it can give at the moment, and either doesn't know where they set the best way to progress through, or doesn't realize the importance.

<I kind of developed a bad habit of making sure you guys get to certain areas so I'm gonna leave it a bit open where you want to go next.>
As the Kobold's profound silence deafens the hallway, it soon becomes clear that the kobold has no input. Five minutes later, this is clear for Leo as well.

"Huh, I guess Fuzzy McKobold doesn't know what's behind the doors. I guess you can't know everything, Fuzzy," Leo says, looking down and giving the kobold an "oh you" look. "I guess that means the only way to see what's behind the doors is to open them up. Are you fine with checking out these rooms, Deadstone?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko observes their mascot's look of bewilderment with amusement. "Fuzzy? I think he looks more like a Kenny to me." Ozzy sniffs the kobald curiously before running back up the sorcerer's cloak and making a clicking sound. "Right, I thought so as well." He turns to address the party as they decide on the next door.

"I agree with Leo, looks like Kenny's powers are tapped out for now. Let's just pick a door like last time, except" he notes, placing emphasis on the 'exception' "this time instead of pushing Leo through we'll just have Dreadstone or Stricia peak inside first. No one even needs to open the door, I'll just pop it open with magic just to be safe."
Leo looks at Niko, then back at the kobold. "Hmm, Kenny? I can kind of see him being a Kenny. But it's missing a certain... something. I know! How about Archduke Kenny the Short?"

On the matter of stealth, Leo says nothing, opting to leave that to the people who enjoy such things.
"I meant no disrespect," Thaddeus says quietly to Tiberious as the group treks through the tunnels. "You are the second most well-armoured among us, and so I thought to have you protect our flank. It had not occurred to me that our flank is unlikely to be assailed."

At the door, Thaddeus holds his weapon and shield ready, in preparation for Nico to pop it open.
"No offense taken," responds Leo in a similarly quiet voice. He doesn't seem upset about it in the slightest. In fact, he takes it as an opportunity to try and compare notes with the guy he perceives as being the closest in the party to his own combat style.

"At first I thought it was just some weird code thing like Deadstone has, but that makes sense. If there was a threat of getting attacked in the back, it would make sense to have me there to head off anyone trying to hurt Deadstone or Niko. Was that a military habit or something? I come from a totally different school of fighting, so I don't know too much about military tactics."
((Intelligence check (1d20+1=5)

As displayed above, I don't have Knowledge Local, but I'm going to spitball an answer as Thaddeus sees it and file it under roleplay. If he happens to be correct, file it under 'A broken clock is right twice a day' :p))

"Yes. Though I have admittedly seen relatively little real-world battle experience, I underwent vigorous training in field tactics, both during my time as a foot soldier and during my Paladin training. The majority of our exercises took place out in the open, where an enemy could attack from any direction. In those instances it was very beneficial to have those who can take a hit along the perimeter, protecting the archers and casters in the middle of the formation. I've grown so accustomed to that protocol that I tried to apply it here without due consideration."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone presses to the front of the group and stares down the tunnel with a frown on his face.

"It's a risk, but we should probably check the doors as we pass. Just a sneak 'n peek. One of them might have the way out of here or the wizards behind it.

"But watch for traps. We already know this bunch is a bit trap crazy..."
((Since Leo doesn't know any better, he'll just assume Thaddeus's answer is spot-on, whether it's actually accurate or not. EDIT: I'd roll knowledge local, but it doesn't make sense for Leo to try and answer his own question))

Moving out of the way to make room for Dreadstone, Leo continues quietly talking with Thaddeus.

"Ah, so the goal's to keep the less durable people in the middle, I think I get it. Sounds like your combat history's the opposite of mine. I've been in a ton of fights, but I didn't have a lot of formal training. Like, I think there was some before I wound up in the arena, but that was pretty much just a hit the ground running kind of thing. There, it was usually one on one or a few against a bunch, and the idea is to strike them down and look cool doing it. So my ideas of tactics seem different from the rest of the group. And then there's just the differences in how to be heroic. I never knew people liked being stealthy so much until now."
On the contrary, what Draco knows about keeping a strongman in flank is not specific to the military; it is actually a practice among mercenaries or adventurers going on specialized quests such as you are on now to protect spell-casters or rogues among their ranks. Particularly, dungeons tend to have tight spaces thus the issue comes up among employed parties one way or another.
<I am taking the silence over last evening as a lack of objection to the actions you're taking. I just need to know two things:

1) Which door are you examining? The one nearest where you can travel or the one closer to the owlbear room?

2) Is Niko still using Ghost Hand to open the door?>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((It's actually just an Open spell rather than Ghost Hand, but I vote yes for that and to try the door nearest where the Owlbears were))
After the door is opened, and you carefully scan the inside from the safety out of the outside, it becomes apparent that the room is devoid of living things for the time being. You can make out from outside tables with flasks and liquids abound.

<That is what you would see on a take 10 of Perception with no bonuses.>
When the door is opened, Leo ceases his conversation and looks inside from outside of the door, trying to see if anything stands out.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65181]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [15]+5 = 20
Tiberius can neither confirm nor deny any presence of traps just yet, but looking inside he does see that this room seems to be a bit of a laboratory of some sort, with chemicals being mixed together to make concoctions. On the left looking in, there is a similar wooden wall and rope leverage that can be raised but it has not been used nor is there anybody to do so. Likely the Owlbear trap would have worked for this room as well and the two rooms are connected via the trap.
"Huh, looks like this room is a lab of some sort. I can't tell if there are any traps or not though."

Grinning, he pushes Draco towards, but not through, the door. "Sciency stuff and possible traps, this one sounds like it's all you!"
Grinning, he pushes Draco towards, but not through, the door. "Sciency stuff and possible traps, this one sounds like it's all you!"
<Please don't start this again.>

Draco, when he gazes into the room, will be able to confirm that the room isn't trapped for sure. It makes sense that they wouldn't want to use a step trap in a room where they are working and with a brilliant variety of potentially flammable equipment, thus the use of monsters as a means to repel intruders. He'll also be able to recognize that a lot of the mixing materials are typically used for alchemy. It is here that before the workers left, something had been finished brewing.

<Draco can take this mutagen for him to use. It is a Dexterity based variation.>
Draco stumbles into the room and looks around. "Sure... No traps, other then the owlbears from the other room I guess. But that obviously is not a problem anymore... this however, could be useful." he says as he grabs the mutagen on the table. "I could maybe do something with the rest of this stuff... but it would take to long to work into something. We might as well move along."
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