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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

The door opens without a hitch like last time. As you glance in from outside you see that this room is notably smaller this time with crates stacked waist high near a stone plaster wall. There is no light illuminating this small storage place, only from outside does it take visual form.
Peering in only briefly to scan for threats, the apparent stillness inside the room, along with its small size, seems to confirm its safety. "Clear," says Thaddeus, making way for someone else to go inside and raid the place. He remains on the outside, alert for any threats that may approach.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone looks at Leo strangely. "It's a storage closet, son," he says. "I doubt we'll find much in there of value or use."
"Oh, alright then," Leo says, sounding somewhat dejected. After a few moments of silence, he pipes up again.

"...but Deadstone, what if it's a magical storage closet?"


Stricia nods. "True Leo. It is possible that there are hidden magical items in these crates. The question is do we wish to go through them, or move on? I do not think it would be hard to open them and even if there aren't any valuables it would give us more information on what the Orphans were doing here. It would require time however."

Mike M

Nick N
"If it were a magical storage closet," Dreadstone says, speaking in a slow an clearly annunciated tone suitable for addressing turnips, "it would be locked. And guarded. And booby trapped. And well lit."

"Now come on, we've dragged this on long enough. We got some wizards to see."
"That would make sense, but that's how they get you, by making you think they're operating off sense. It could be a hidden in plain sight kind of deal."

Turning to Stricia, he says "Yeah, I guess time's a question, but I don't think the wizards are going anywhere. It shouldn't take long to just open the crates and see what's in them, especially if Niko can see if there's magic stuff in any of them."

"Ok, how about that then Deadstone? I want to fight wizards too, but I don't want to overlook stuff either. A quick check for magical stuff or anything odd in the boxes shouldn't chew up any real portion of time."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Shrugging, Niko steps past Stricia and with the wave of his hand, casts detect magic to see if anything illuminates itself within the dark storage closet.
Niko finds a Jagged Ghost Blade (AKA Scimitar w/ Ghost Touch) in one of the crates, and there is a glow behind the concrete portion of the wall.
Leo practically jumps for joy when magic is detected in the room, validating his thoughts that common sense is a trap.

"That's a nice-looking sword! Anyway, the glow behind that bit of concrete seems worth checking out. Anyone have a good idea for getting the wall out of the way, or should I just try and smash it down?"

As he says this, Leo readies his nine-section whip for some impromptu demolition work.
Leo helps Stricia in moving crates out of the way, and takes a peak at the newly exposed area while doing so.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=65206]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [16]+5 = 21
<In your defense, the closet is not necessarily magical, just that they reinforced it with non-magical means.>

As boxes are moved away from the wall in order to examine it further for something to get by it, Dreadstone will eventually pick up on something particular about the wall. The crack separating it from the ground seems padded. Upon reaching down to clear away the dirt, a button can be felt under the concrete wall.

Press it?

Mike M

Nick N
"Well I'll be damned," Dreadstone says as he uncovers the hidden switch. "Looks like Leo was on the right track after all."

Once he's sure that the switch is not trapped, Dreadstone will throw it.
Dirt crumbles and falls into a thin smoke as the wall is mechanically carted into the side, revealing a vivid brightness illuminating several tiles (with glowing plates in the ceiling parallel to them).

The step plates all feature a symbol on them, a symbol easily recognizable even to those unfamiliar with the arcane: an unfolded scroll. What the scroll is suppose to represent requires in-depth knowledge.

<Knowledge: Religion>

Mike M

Nick N
Religion check:   1d20=15

Dreadstone peers into through the hidden door and observes the plates inside. Thinking back to the offer of a rare vintage wine on an altar to Olidammarra, he comments, "This bunch sure seems t'be the religious sort."
Dreadstone, thinking back on the Olidammara thing, realizes that the "altar" he saw was really more of a makeshift party table to have refreshments on than a true altar for performing religious ceremony, unless one's idea of worshiping Olidammara is getting hammered.

As for this symbol, he doesn't recall it being something he would see in Ruby Keep outside of a magic shop.
Stricia is also uncertain of this god. Whatever deity this is, it is niche in the Kingdom, but its symbol seems to serve some kind of indication as to the purpose of the device.

((I'm no lore aficionado, but as I understand it, I believe that would be a legit form of worship for him.))
<yeah, most likely. It's ambiguous as to whether it is actually an altar to Olidammara or if it's simply a damn good wine at a dining table, which Olidammara would happen to appreciate either way.>
Draco recognizes this as a symbol of Ohgma, a dead god of Knowledge and generally well liked by any that sought knowledge. In particular, one of his domains is Travel and his symbol is more likely being used to denote the function of the step plates rather than any sort of tribute.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Maybe they use this to teleport or something. Whatever it is, they tried to hide it hastily. I vote we let Kenny push it."


"I would not use an unwilling prisoner for such a matter" Stricia admonishes Nico. "If we are to experiment it must be one of us who takes the risk"
<If somebody wants to act as a sacrificial goat for the party, make sure the party agrees with it first instead of "I'm jumping in!" or "I'm shoving you in!">
((Time to get approval for more reckless stuff whoo))

"If we're making Kenny our mascot and turning him away from evil, she has a point," says Leo. After a few seconds, he comes up with a solution.

"I've got it! I can trigger these and see where they go. Maybe one of them connects to a universe where people evolved from bagels."

"You know what? I kind of just want to push the panels."


"I would advise against using these. Perhaps something else in this base will give some clue to their purpose." Stricia cautions.

((Unless there's some other knowledge roll that can be used. We should probably move on))
<Niko can determine the school the spell is based on the detect magic from earlier, based on a Knowledge Arcana (DC 20), but he won't be able to find out the actual spell.>
"Aww, but they went out of their way to hide these! They have to do something cool. We should see what they do."

((Non-Tiberious suggestion: maybe we can get one of the wizards here to reveal under duress how they work))
Niko can tell that the tiles are powered by some kind of Conjuration spell which often deals with transportation and creation of creatures, or at times healing.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Hmm, now that I think about it they probably use this to move monsters around rather than it being a secret portal to their lair. Probably best we don't mess with it."
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