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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<yeah, i only kept it around since it was part of the game ans I was able to divorce the roleplay and game mehanics that alignment deals with, but there isnt a very strong argument for keping the restrictions (and the game isnt exactly balanced anyway).>
((I feel like I missed something. Did someone take a level in an unexpected class?

BTW Thaddeus is ready whenever. I just don't really have much RP to add at this point))
<Yeah, you're getting an extra level in Anti-Paladin* because you chose Sephiroth as your new character icon>

Once ready, Thaddeus is laid onto the ground and his hands placed over himself. The wizards that volunteer for the ritual stand over him and begin incanting the spells. It can be watched their movements, as they combust spell components that spark over your, giving command to the power that they hold.

Over time, Thaddeus' body will feel still. He'll feel as if something was pouring over his body, several times in fact as if several layers are painted over and at times he will have sudden compulsions to blink but not know why.

What was promised an hour will seem like much longer when filled with uncertainty and pause, and constant repetition and chanting of the spell words for the ritual.. but finally... it will end.

A mirror is wheeled in after Thaddeus stands up, and he can see that he appears as a surface elf, skin and eye color altered to match that of other elves. In fact, the very well designed and formal wear he has almost makes him appear like a high elf, but with obvious lack of royal trappings. While standing behind the corner of the mirror, one of the spellcasters asks, "How do you like it?"

<*I'm joking, don't make hard to undo changes to your character sheet>
Rather than answer the wizard, Thaddeus starts to laugh. It's subdued and stilted at first, but quickly ramps up in flow and intensity.

Abandoning all manner of decorum for the moment, he rushes toward the spellcaster who asked him the question and gives him/her a hearty embrace, lifting the person a few inches off the floor. He promptly puts him/her back down and runs out of the room.

He carries on all the way out of the facility, onto the campus, and all through town.

He heads for the market district and stumbles upon Tiberious. "LEO! Or Tiberious perhaps?! Oh, it doesn't matter, you wonderfully stupid man! Look upon me! It is I, Thaddeus! No longer a Drow, but a regular, normal elf! HA HAAA!"

He gives Tiberious a bear hug, lifting him off the ground as well. "Oh, happy day! I never thought it to be possible!"

He lets go of Tiberious and continues on through town.
People all about the city give the elf strange looks, but this time it is for a much different reason. The sight of someone so strangely happy seems to draw much attention.
At first, Leo is unsure of how to respond to the excited elf approaching him. "Good day, friend! Do I know you? Oh, you must be a fan! Let me find something to sign an autograph with."

Upon revealing his identity, Leo remembers him mentioning the transformative procedure. "It worked! Congratulations, Thad!" For a minute, Leo gets swept up in the excitement with him. As Thaddeus heads off to celebrate through other parts of town, Leo watches him run off happily. "Looks like that worked out for him. I'm glad everything went well."

A couple minutes later, he stops and says "Wait a second, wonderfully stupid?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually just wasn't sure he was even supposed to be present for this, or even if he would want to be. Prejudice and bigotry are such an integral part of his background, but I've no idea if he should be happy for Thaddeus, angry that he never got a similar offer, or judgmental that Thaddeus is so quick and happy to abandon his identity like that.

Seriously weighty concepts to have to address, and I'm a featherweight writer on social issues : P

For now, he doesn't have any further business in the Bat unless Dortumn wants a briefing, and let's just say his first look is at the party regrouping at the wagon.))
<Yeah, I haven't been able to play out the whole bigotry background into the world very well either with consistency. It's too difficult to put myself that low.

Being unsure what to think is a valid reaction for a character though.>
As the elf celebrates his new found identity with the world, the party as they are scattered eventually gets a call from Dortumn,

Looks like we're being called to an incident, we need you in the stadium viewing box to discuss matters in private.
After getting the glee out of his system, Thaddeus is finally brought back down to earth by Dortumn's sending. He takes five minutes to stand still, close his eyes, and compose himself, and by the time he starts to head in the direction of the coliseum, he is back to business as usual - though maybe a little less solemnly than before.

"Sir," he says, standing at attention in the commander's presence, "Thaddeus Birchwood, reporting for duty."
Present in the viewing box is the regent as well, likely why they are up there instead of in the academy room. Looking over the redesigned Paladin, the regent hrms and nods, "You truly look like the Keep's finest." He then remarks, "I see your hair is kept silver as well."

If the others are in the room at this time, Dortumn, will look to Dreadstone to read his expression, silently communicating uncertainty.
By the time the call goes out, Leo has forgotten about being called stupid and has gone back to checking out his new weapon. Upon getting the order, he makes a beeline for the colliseum.

((Dat post timing. I'm going to assume he gets there around the same time as everyone else))

Mike M

Nick N
There is little in Emerald Bay to hold Dreadstone's interest. He has no interest in licking the windows of shops displaying their wares that he cannot afford, and now that he is officially unofficially a black ops operative working on Dortumn's behalf after Excalibur has thought him slain, he doesn't have the time to be keeping up with the latest bounty postings.

Besides, he's supposed to be dead. Calling attention to himself seems the surest way to broadcast the survival of him and the rest of his party to the Orphans, which is something he would like to avoid. He doesn’t doubt that news of their miraculous recovery will find its way to Excalibur’s ear at some point, but he would like to be able to press his advantage for as long as he holds it.

Standing in the box seat of the coliseum, he blows tobacco smoke out over the empty bowl of the arena, Gnaw leaping and snapping at the insubstantial clouds, each attempt threatening to send him careening over the edge to the sand-covered floor down below.

Thaddeus’s arrival comes as close as anything ever has to making Dreadstone faint with shock. Mouth agape at the erstwhile Drow’s dramatic transformation, the smoldering cigarette falls from his lips. Heedless of the burning embers scorching the expensive carpeting of the box seat, he casts his gaze between Dortumn and Thaddeus in turn, mouth working uselessly as he tries to find the words to name the torrent of emotion whirling in his chest.

“What?” is all that he can eventually muster in response.

((The French idiom for "window shopping" is literally "window licking" according to my wife, and I think it's just the greatest imagery ever...))
The dwarven officer moves closer to the stunned tiefling and kneels down, wobbling on one of his knees, to pick up the cigar that had escaped the grasp of the tiefling's lips. Pushing himself up on the cane, he offers the cigar back and whispers to Dreadstone words only he can hear as explanation, "This war's not gonna be good for innocent Drow. It was an offer for protection, so I hear."
Draco shows up a little late, now rocking a shiny new set of armor... although it probably looks exactly the same as his old one. He catches sight of the new elf, but quickly realizes the truth. "Ha. I like the new look. Here's hoping you aren't pulling a fast one on us... Well if you were, I'd know by now, so I guess all is well."
Leo shows up with the others, ready to see what's going on. For those unaware that he's already seen Thaddeus, his complete nonrection to his new look is probably odd. "Looks like we're all here now! What have you got for us today Dortumn?"
Thaddeus maintains his composure, but he chances a sympathetic glance at Dreadstone. Though the ranger has thus far shown no outward bitterness regarding his lot in life, Thaddeus suspects that the tiefling would at the very least seriously consider a similar procedure; being known by such nicknames as Hell's Warden and the Scourge of the Narrows is bound to wear on one's psyche at some level.

Noting that Dortumn has offered up an explanation, and seeing how the two officers both outrank him, he declines to add comment and patiently continues looking straight ahead, waiting for the briefing to continue.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's face is a studied mask of impassiveness. Under normal circumstances, his poker face would be considered an asset, but in the current circumstance it seems wildly out of place.

"I'm certainly glad that... Accommodations could be made for Thaddeus, in light of the... Unfortunate circumstances surroundin' his heritage," he delivers flatly.

"It's not everyday the brass goes through such trouble for one of their own," he says to Thaddeus in that same dead voice. "Yer a lucky man."
Nodding, the Dwarf soon realizes that the cigar between his appendages was not received, decides to keep it for himself. He says, "I'd say we should drink over this, but I'm afraid that..." he then shifts, turning to everyone in the room, "and the rebellion may have to wait, unless you want to help deal with increasing riots in Rosewood and the Keep. Have you ever heard of this Lovegood gal?"
<Well, knowledge local for anything you might not know about her, but since you guys have already encountered her in person before (*cough*Niko*cough*) it isn't mandatory.>
Draco will recall that she has performed in a concert the day they had arrived in Emerald Bay as part of a celebration of a new year, and will also remember that Niko had personally sought audience with her on his own, leaving the results of said encounters up to the imagination.

Besides that, Draco hasn't taken in any particular specifics.
Assuming the others don't have much to contribute on their own, he agrees, "Didn't think so... well, that last kidnapping job was a bust, but we might be in for the real thing."

Marcallus cuts in, explaining with guided hand movements, "We have been receiving messages from some organization identifying themselves as the Thieves' Guild of Emerald Bay. They are demanding two-hundred thousand gold's worth of platinum stacks for her return."

Dortumn comments, "Aye, they're taking advantage of a beloved performer to pressure us into involvement. It'll make us all look bad if we fail to do somethin' about it."

"Indeed. This could spiral into a public relations nightmare if news spreads that Ruby Keep military was around but did nothing to solve this issue. I know the rebels hold more importance but since you are "off-duty" so-to-speak, and your skill sets are better suited for incidents like this, you may be our best chance."
Thaddeus raises a skeptical eyebrow. "Sir, are we entirely certain that this so-called 'Thieves Guild' is indeed unrelated to the rebels? It would be quite the coincidence if so. Perhaps this is yet another branch of the Orphans, hatching some unseen plot. Is there any intelligence on the whereabouts of these thieves? Perhaps the scroll outlining their demands is available for perusal?"
Dortumn looks between the now pale skinned elf and the regent noble, and looks back to Thaddeus, saying, "That's for you to find out. We didn't even know the thieve's guild even existed until now, much less how they might be involved with The Orphans, or if they even exist. They never disclosed their location. They did give us instructions which we'll go over momentarily once we know for sure you even want to investigate this incident."
Assuming no one in the party speaks before him, Tiberious says "After that last assignment, I'm eager to do an actual rescue. Go ahead and show us what you've got."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone pounces on the change of topic like Gnaw might pounce upon a scrap of spoiled meat uncovered in an alley.

“Thieves’ Guild of Emerald Bay, y’say?” he says, scratching his chin in contemplation. “Can’t say I immediate recall ever hearin’ of ‘em. ‘Course I mostly worked out of Ruby Keep my entire life, so it may just be me not keepin’ up with the current events over hear. Curious thing, though, a buncha thieves turning kidnappers. Usually not as much overlap in those two professions, different skill sets an’ all.”

The tiefling seems downright invigorated to have a mission that seems so well within his realm of expertise. Anything that he can focus on to get his mind off of Thaddeus’s transformation.
"Aye, a lot of info we're missing. We'll hand you the instructions given now."

Soon a guard comes in with a bird in the cage. He opens it up to retrieve a roll of paper that was loosely unwinding on its own. It is handed to Dortumn for him to read aloud as he unravels the message written horizontally on the long scrap of paper, "We have Lovegood in our possession and desire 200,000 gold pieces worth of pure platinum delivered to us - the platinum ingots must be 15 cm long and no more than 1.5 cm thick, not including the mold we desire on the engraving which are the official logo of Ruby Keep's Treasury and the mark of authenticity - deliver the ingots in a leather case to the water supply in the flea market district, there will be a wooden support underneath the well's rain catcher which you will find an amulet, put it on and we will come and collect the payment - the man you send to deliver must come alone and must follow our instructions precisely."

Handing the paper over to Dreadstone for further review, he says, "Curly already has the ingots prepared, and says he plans on adding a little 'spice' to it. If you decide to follow the instructions, we want to get every bit of info we can from a stakeout."

The regent Marcallus states, "The ingots come out of my own budget. I can only do so much to test the waters of how they operate though."

<Yeah... this scenario isn't exactly Tiberius friendly or mother approved.>
((Hah, it's just a bit out of his comfort zone. But that's ok, infiltration missions are fun!))

Tiberious struggles to pay attention to the instructions once he realizes that it boils down to 'be sneaky and not do a frontal assault.' Once the scroll is handed to Dreadstone, he looks to the others. "That sounded really elaborate. Who's going to do the delivery?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone considers the instructions. "Oddly specific 'bout the size an' shape of the ingots," he notes. "Might want to check with the magic types to see if there ain't some sorta significance to that."

In response to Leo's question about who would perform the drop, Dreadstone falls deep into thought, his tail curling around his ankles. "Gut reaction?" he muses, "I'd assume this to be an Orphan operation. Meanin' the only one of us right now who can show their face without blowin' our solitary advantage is Thaddeus, on account of his... New look.

"This amulet business is the real stickin' point, though. No doubt they got it magicked up somehow to paralyze the dropper or teleport 'em or somethin'. Whoever makes the drop is gonna need serious counter measures in place..."
Hearing the comment about the structure of the ingots, the regent states, "That is how the treasury melds platinum bars of that size. They are wanting to ensure that we are giving them real metal of value and not a cheap imitation and those are markings of genuine money."

Dortumn says, "How you want to go about this I'll leave to the experts."
<I'm running out of things to do, so I figure if anybody is making a character for what game ThLunarian will run after this I can probably make an artwork of it.>
"I get the feeling that this isn't Thaddeus' strong point. However if you give me some time, I'm sure I could work something out for myself... When does the drop need to be made?"
Dortumn answers, "Let's just say that a good everybody around here's going to be pissed if they find out the concert's cancelled. I don't imagine the thieves are going to let us dawdle either."
"Perhaps, if Draco is to act as the.... er.... the bait, it would be prudent to equip him with the Scrying Stones, in case, as the Lieutenant postulated, he gets whisked away upon equipping the amulet. Beyond that, I am unsure what the rest of us could do, apart from scouting the location of the drop."
Draco will get himself a scroll of disguise self and add it to his spell book whenever we are done here. And probably prep his extracts then(dat 1 minute prep time, gotta love it).
Nodding, Dortumn gives a moment of command, "Curly will have the case with the money, I'll need the rest of you to get to the well while he prepares so that you can find out where you want to keep watch."

<And this is what everyone wants to do?>
((Yeah, I'm fine with going this route. The rest of the party may want to be on standby somewhere relatively nearby though, so long as the get there separate from Draco))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods. "Draco it is," he agrees. "The rest of us will just have to get in position beforehand in case anythin' goes down."
((I'd like to know some details about the campaign before I start working on my character and actually wouldn't mind knowing what other people are planning on making as well... Do we even know what system he is going to use? If he goes 3.5 again I'm gonna need to do some researching as I haven't look at since the last campaign.))
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