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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((Well hell, I was going to wait until this campaign was over, but now that the cat's out of the bag...

Yes, I'll be running the next campaign. I'm going to use the Pathfinder system, but I'm opening up all official 3.5 material for use (and where there's a conflict, Pathfinder will take precedence). It's going to be extremely high-powered - it'll be a Gestalt game , and everyone is starting at level 10. For the vision I have, the PCs are essentially going to be at the power level of comic book super heroes.

That should be enough to get a concept in your head, but don't go too deep into character creation yet because there are lots of RP-related guidelines that I'm going to divulge later on))
((You ever look at PF's mythic stuff? It gets pretty wild at higher 'tiers'. kind of a cross between gesalt and epic levels I think. And nothing really stopping you from combining it with either of those(other then the ridiculous power levels all three of those combined would have...).))
((You ever look at PF's mythic stuff? It gets pretty wild at higher 'tiers'. kind of a cross between gesalt and epic levels I think. And nothing really stopping you from combining it with either of those(other then the ridiculous power levels all three of those combined would have...).))

((Never heard of that before now, and looking over it it seems pretty cool, but it also seems to demand a lot from the design of the campaign. Since I already have a pretty solid idea of where the campaign is going to go, I'm not going to revisit it in the name of making everyone's characters even more complex than they'll already be heh. Thanks for the info though))
((Cool, cool, cool... anyways, we should probably get back to the current campaign.))

With his extracts prepared, Draco waits for an agreed upon time to have the deal go down to be set.
<I just wanted to make sure nobody missed my offer. I don't need to draw my own character so I might be able to pull it off.>

Down at the arena yard, the Quartermaster provides Draco with a leather case, weighing very heavily upon the table before him. Curly explains, "I was tasked with making something in need of full precaution." He holds up a tiny metal object that has loose, metal prongs springing from it, "I call this a 'bug', as it looks like one." He opens up the case, showing the pristine collection of platinum, and then pulls open a small corner of the inside liner, "Hide it inside the case..." and he then directs Draco to a box nearby, a case where a map is placed under the glass surface. A small light blinks where the map shows the Emerald Bay Colosseum, "And this device will receive the signal of the bug and display where it is on the map. Once you deliver the currency, we'll be able to both track down who is taking it and the treasure itself."


The rest of the party makes their way to the market place, to the water hole as described. Surrounding them are various stands which to purchase produce, trinkets, and other second hand wares. Surrounding buildings include an inn with a balcony view and rooms with windows, and an apartment building on the opposite side.
During the stake-out, Thaddeus makes sure to keep Detect Evil up at all times, hoping to make it easier to spot a potential target.

While Draco is still making his preparations, Thaddeus says to Dreadstone, "Sir, I couldn't help but notice your unease at discovering my transformation. Is there anything you should like to discuss? I'd rather not have an elephant following us from room to room, if you catch my meaning."

Mike M

Nick N
Cloak pulled tight around him and hood pulled low over his face, Dreadstone does his best to assess the area while remaining inconspicuous. The balcony would offer the high ground, but would be more visible than staking out one of the other rooms overlooking the space. Their lines of sight are easier to break, however, but–

Thaddeus's question stirs Dreadstone from his ruminations. "Ain't nothin' to discuss," he replies gruffly, needlessly pulling his cloak tighter around his shoulders. "The brass has their own priorities an' inclinations, I've got better things to do than try and get in their heads to understand why they do what they do. You gotta new lease on life without none of the darkness, now, but you also got a duty to all us still down here in it not to squander it."
Unsure of what a steak out entails, Leo sticks with the others and tries to not be conspicuous. Uncertainty soon becomes curiosity as he watches Dreadstone and Thaddeus discuss his transformation. Leo can't help but wonder what makes it a big deal.

((Yeah, he's oblivious to the tension. Something something human privilege))
Draco downs a couple of his longer lasting extracts a little while before the deal goes down. Disguise self, changing the look of his body to an almost mirror image of Thaddeus 2.0 or as close as he could get. He also uses Ablative barrier in case a fight breaks out, spider climb in case he needs to leave without being easily followed and heroism just to give himself an edge. Also quickly downing an extract of eagle's splendor for a little more, as soon as he find the thieves.

((all the bonuses))
Thaddeus decides to busy himself (or at least pretend to) at the produce stand. He pays the vendor three gold in advance, and wanders around the bins, randomly picking up and trying pieces of fruit, trying to keep his eye on the drop point at all times.
Leo makes his way to the apartment, pretending to show interest in purchasing a room by carrying on a half-hearted conversation with the staff while keeping most of his focus on the drop point.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone commands Gnaw to take position and stay in a nearby alleyway while the ranger ascends to the balcony. Keeping his bow out of sight but within easy reach, he plays the role of someone out to enjoy the sunshine as he keeps a watchful eye over Draco and the plaza.
Eventually Draco himself will make way to the marketplace where the well is located, hopefully carrying the briefcase and prepared for the task ahead.

The crowds are immensely thick in the market, and with Draco's disguise the other party members (other than Thaddeus himself) will more than likely mistake him for Thaddeus with his intention to look like him. The well is ahead, and only bothered by people that wish to draw water from it as intended.
As Draco nears the well, he attempts to look out for anybody in particular. As he looks, he'll be able to see some of the others, but for the most part if somebody is hiding, they would be doing it better than Draco can spot them.
((Of the 250+ pages, only about 60 are spent on the new classes themselves. So yeah, tons of other new stuff. not to say a good portion of that isn't spent on adding options for the new classes, but most new feats and spells can generally be used by the old classes. and many archtypes(and some feats) for the old classes give them stuff from the new ones.))

Mike M

Nick N
From his eagle's perch, Dreadstone's blank eyes flit to and fro in the search of anything indicating trouble.

Perception check: 1d20+18=35
Dreadstone will eventually be able to notice Draco as the Thaddeus-lookalike carrying the suitcase, but will also be able to confirm that only the party seems to be watching over the transaction in progress, with the crowds of people moving along like a two-way river.
The area continues to remain uneventful as no action is taken. The thick crowd seems content at passing glances towards Draco as they squeeze past him as he stands there.

<If anybody needs a wisdom roll (no skill modifier) feel free to launch one.>
((By no bonus, do you mean disregard our wisdom modifier? If that's not what you meant, add 1 to my roll.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=70840]Wisdom: 1D20 = [6] = 6
<Since Dreadstone rolled a high perception earlier for context I'll just give him a better result than he rolled.>

As Dreadstone watches, it'll eventually occur to him during the moment of Draco waiting that he has a chance to realize that something seems off with the scenario they're put in, and the absence of any alarming red flags even after 'their man' has arrived on the scene is suspicious in itself.

EDIT: <holy crap I just realized how haphazardly that was written>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone stands up from his seat, gripping the balcony rail. Under normal circumstances, his battle instinct would forbid drawing such attention to himself, but that same intuition is whispering cryptic, unintelligible warnings into his ear.

"Somethin' ain't right here..."

Until now your detect evil has shown that the majority of the people around you have varying levels of evil as is human nature, but none so much to stand out. You too feel something isn't right but you aren't as sure what it is.
<Been looking at a Paizo thread about the new PF materials. Opinions seem.. a bit divided.

BTW did the Investigator actually change since playtest now that it's officially released?>
((I got nothin' here. Don't really see an option other than to continue looking around uneasily. The party is too far apart to have any kind of in-character discussion on what to do))
<Been looking at a Paizo thread about the new PF materials. Opinions seem.. a bit divided.

BTW did the Investigator actually change since playtest now that it's officially released?>

((That's pretty much everything on the pazio forums. From what I've read its fine, other then a few options and the fact it could have used another month or two of editing. As for the investigator, the only difference I notice was pretty much the stuff we already house ruled in.))
That has certainly drawn attention and a moment of ire from the crowd. After a few 'what's your problem's and perturbed looks, the reaction subsides and the day continues on as normal.
Where the amulet was said to be placed, is indeed there, hidden beneath the support under the well's top.

<I am assuming you're taking off your current amulet first to make the new amulet take effect?>

Thaddeus is met by two women in the market, picking him out among the produce and wares that surround him. They are pretty human women coming in an obligatory blonde and dark haired pair, slender and even in lower class dresses wear them well. With a glimmer in their eyes, they are quick to flirt with the paladin, "My, you're quite a find.", "Would you like to join us for an evening, M'Lord**?"

Meanwhile the crowd begins to condense tightly passing by the well center, parading around Draco uncomfortably. Workers make their way through, heaving a large shop sign that conveniently blocks view of the well area from where Dreadstone sits. Similarly a caravan travelling the opposite side makes it difficult for Tiberius to see from his viewpoint.

Draco only
all of the members in the crowd immediately near you turn towards you, and through hidden mechanisms under various parts of their clothing, begin firing darts. For each dart that penetrates your skin, you begin to feel a weary, dazing sensation.

<You won't be killed, but you're being hit by darts rapidly enough that it's essentially a reverse take 20, where they are forcing you to fail a fortitude save against sleep. However; since you buffed your AC like an armored vehicle, I'll give you roughly a turn to try and think of a way to escape before they finally hit enough times to put you asleep>


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