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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Eventually the crowd thins and disperses, and continues along their way as if nothing had happened. The only difference now is that Draco seems to have fled the view of the others.
Tiberious looks out to see a caravan blocking his view. Frustrated, he tries peering around it to no avail. When the caravan clears out of the way, both the crowd and Draco are seemingly gone.

"Oh damn it, I had one job..."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone explodes out the door of the inn, half-prepared to detain the whole crowd for questioning into the mysterious disappearance of Draco. He is visibly relieved when the investigator shimmers back into sight beside the well.

"The regent ain't gonna like his gold goin' missin'," he notes. "Let's see if Curly's 'bug' is doin' its job."
Thaddeus is momentarily struck dumb by the attentions of the females, but it doesn't take him long to catch on. "I cannot guarantee that I will remain in town through the evening, but if it be so, I am laying my head at ((I forgot the name of the inn we're staying at, I might edit it in later if I can find it)). Meet me there at nightfall and perhaps we may convene over a round of ales. For the moment, I am embroiled in an important mission. Excuse me."

He hurries toward the sudden and inexplicable parade, making his way through just as Draco becomes visible once more. "Are you alright, soldi-- err, Draco?"
Tiberious makes his way over to Draco once the crowd disperses. "Are you ok, Draco? I thought you got kidnapped for a minute there." A moment later, he notices that the bag of money is missing, and that an amulet he hasn't seen before is around Draco's neck. Slowly but surely, the gears in his head start to spin, moving away a substantial number of cobwebs.

"Draco! I think that amulet teleported the platinum away when you put it on!"
"Or they took it when I jumped in the well and you were all distracted apparently. I wish I could say that is fine since we wanted them to have the thing anyways, but they clearly have information on us, enough to single you all out from all the people here. I dare say our friends in the Ruby Keep might just have a mole."
"Well, I guess that makes sense too..." Tiberious says disappointedly. "If there's a mole, should we still follow the signal when we get a chance? I guess it could be a trap, but if we face it head on like men, we may be able to turn the trap back on them."
"The existence of a malevolent influence in the Capital is old hat, I believe," says Thaddeus. "After all, who else would've covered up the existence of my family? I daresay this only reinforces the decision to distance ourselves from the military proper. Though... I suppose that tactic has already proved itself ineffective, if they are watching us as closely as they are."

He pauses to consider. "Perhaps we ought leave town post-haste."
<I'm guessing weekend is keeping Mike M busy. For whatever reason the brass seems silent after this incident, so you'll have to decide for yourselves where you want to go next.>
As the party returns to the academy's colosseum to rendezvous with their commanding officer, it'll eventually occur to Dreadstone that Gnaw isn't with them, but they are already too close to the colosseum to divert their path.

A guard is outside, and directs them to the supplies. There Dortumn rushes to the party and exclaims, "There you are!! Thank the dead gods you're alright! We were just about to see what happened at the site and our vision was scrambled and we could no longer send messages through the scry."
"They knew exactly who we were and how to foil us," Thaddeus says at the first opportunity. "Which suggests that this 'Thieves Guild' is more than likely a branch of the Orphans, and further suggests that our attempt to conceal the fact that we are still alive has failed. Perhaps most troubling of all, it's plausible that we are being watched even now as we speak. Sir Curly's tracking device is worth checking up on, but after that I feel it would be in our best interests to either make a move, or get out of town, dependent on what is gleaned from the bug."
Despite having no idea how they really did it, Tiberious decides to speak up anyway. "I don't know much about magic stuff, never been a fan of it myself. But if magic can let you watch people, maybe they had some other magic to keep them from being watched?"
"Yep. You can buy necklaces that do that if you are willing to pay the price. Surely an inventive wizard could come up with some other interesting ways to use them as well."
Dortumn takes the amulet carefully, "You haven't been able to identify this? We'll get somebody from the Academy to tell us what it is then. We'll have Curly's assistant bring it up to them." He begins for Curly and gives the amulet to the half-orc assistant, giving him instructions on what to do with it.

Curly begins by saying, "First off.. we just received a missive that a puppy that matches the description of Gnaw, being that of a wild black and white beast covered in corn grain, has been recovered by the animal care workers. It's no coincidence that this happened not long after he was positioned to watch the scene. Fortunately they have orders to bring the dog back to us.

"Next, we haven't lost track of the bug. It appears to be heading towards one of the busy streets. Once the dot on the tracker stops moving, we have one more device for you to use to pinpoint the exact location once you get into the near area." He reaches for a small rectangular box with a dial and antennae, and holes poked in the front, "This map will tell us a broad location of the bug but it will be too difficult to pinpoint who may have it, so that is where this handy tool comes in. This knob has two settings: on, and off. This is necessary because it makes an atrocious noise that grows louder as you get closer to the bug, essentially making it easier to find it. This is all electronic and taking advantage of various waves and signals in the material plane, an evolution of non-magic tinkering if I do say so myself."
<I assume you guys just want to know where the bug is headed. Gonna get to that shortly.>

As the little blip lighting over the graphed map moves throughout the city, the half-orc assistant eventually arrives with news, "This amulet is indeed one of protection against scrying, sir. They have also determined that it does no ill effects other than such. While I was there they handed me a bird cage, presumably another message from the captors."

When the note is opened up and read, it reads:

I didn't think you would be so quick to cooperate, but we were even more surprised when we found out it was Hell's Warden himself and his friends willing to work with criminals such as ourselves. Don't act surprised for us to know you're involved, you're more famous than the princess you're trying to buy back. Every time you are seen in public, every time you even so much as ask for a steak, somebody spreads the word of your whereabouts.

I assume "Draco" is with you too. Remember this, Draco, three of our own trained you. Let that sink into your consciousness if you think of crossing the Thieve's Guild.

We've decided we greatly benefit from this business we do with the city. You have three days to prepare another two-hundred thousand gold pieces in platinum ingots, and if you think that's an unfair alteration of the bargain then consider this an up in our ante: We have Mina Forrester. Give us the money if you want her and Lovegood to see the light of day again.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs glumly as he reads the note. “I miss the days when I was just chasin’ the ones that were as sharp as cobblestones,” he mutters. Reading down the rest of the letter, his eyebrows arch in surprise at the revelations therein. “These sons of bitches just know how to ruffle everyone’s feathers now, don’t they?” he says.

Taking Curly’s strange “electrical” tracking device, Dreadstone turns it over in his hands as he considers it. There’s not much he can understand about it and its function, however; this non-magical technological boom is beyond his understanding, making him feel like a man as out of time as he is out of place among other humanoids. “This here is our one advantage,” he says. “Now that they know we’ll pay, they’ll do everythin’ they can to make sure we keep payin’, which means they got no intention of letting their hostages go. They were prepared for us, and we should continue to expect ‘em to best us at every turn if only because they know us while we don’t know them. But they may not know Curly and his… gadgets…”
"Wish they had told me... I would have been all for joining the Thieves Guild. I'm sure there resources would have been useful before I took them down from the inside. Oh well. I guess now we are trying to save a princess." Draco looks to Dortumn, "Did you guys lie to us or are you all actually that clueless? I'm not even sure what the worse answer is at this point..."
Dortumn seems flustered a that last question, unsure how to answer. The half-orc steps in to state, "I don't believe such a term was meant to be taken literally, and was most likely a reference to the reverence and importance the song performer holds despite her lack of status as royalty." Adjusting his goggles, Curly follows up, "Thank you. I believe that is a logical conclusion considering there is no possible princess to kidnap, and we HAVE been exerting much of our security into making sure our actual political figure with us, the bachelor Marcallus BIllem, is safe. Speaking of, the guards have returned him to the undisclosed location, or so I hope."

While this event is happening, some men wheel in a cage on a wooden cart, stored inside a spastic beast trying to squeeze its maw through the bars and swipe at the air out of it. Gnaw has been returned.
"This bird cage and the note contained within came from one of the assailants, correct?" says Thaddeus. "Would it not, then, be possible to attempt to scry the location of said assailant? Granted, they've demonstrated the ability to shield themselves from scrying, but it couldn't hurt to make the attempt."

He takes a deep breath. "While that lead is pursued here, let us proceed in the tracking of this 'bug' creature."
Leo winds up getting the wrong message out of the follow up letter. "We're famous!"

"Yeah, let's go find this bug and wreck some thieves. So that fancy box knows where the bug is?"
"Unfortunately the thieves thought of the possibility that we would follow the birds back, so they never trained the birds to return home," explains Dortumn. He follows with, "Aye Tiberius. You're famous... among bad people and criminals. If you manage to save Lovegood you'll most likely be famous proper."

After awhile a small, metronome beeping noise can be heard at the nearby table, prompting the halfling to take notice, "Ah ha! The bug has finally stopped moving!" Tracing his finger over the glass top of the map, he hrms and says, "It appears to be stuck at an establishment in the downtown area. A place marked as the Piano Bar."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone starts in surprise at the mention of the piano bar. "I know the place," he mentions as he undoes the latch on Gnaw's cage.

Patting the snapping dog on the head, he adds, "Let's just hope this isn't them messin' with us some more."
Tiberious frowns at Dortumn's response. "I guess that's true. A man of the people would be known and reviled by bad guys, but being known and reviled by bad guys doesn't mean we're there yet."

When the bug comes back with a reading, he says "The Piano Bar? I guess that's our next destination then. I wonder if I'll get to beat one of the thieves to death with a piano..."
You step into a somber melody of background music draped over a well stocked tavern filled with patrons, both depressed and relaxed. Activity is thicker than the other times Dreadstone or Draco may have visited, an indication of a good business day. The tender as usual gives a nod over to the incoming party, as well as glances from other parts of the establishment carried over.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone produces Curley's bug tracking device and works the knob as he had been instructed.

"Mind the door," he instructs Gnaw, who immediately takes up position in the threshold, raising his hackles and gnashing his teeth at all who draw near.

"If you got any secret hidey-holes in this joint, now'd be a good time to spill it," Dreadstone tells the tender as he sweeps the device around the room.
The tender's normally casual demeanor is immediately harshened by the up front instigation made, followed by a swift and very commanding, "If you got any problems to fess up, sooner is better than now." The tender makes sure that his voice isn't private, drawing the attention of patrons about at the rise of tensions between the tender and a Keep officer.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone pointedly ignores the baleful glares of the less-than-reputable patrons and begins to sweep the bar with the bug tracking device.
Upon entering the piano bar, Tiberious daydreams about brawling his way into the thieves' hidden area. It would be a great spectacle, with him jumping off tables, throwing people into walls, and with any luck, wielding a piano like a giant, awkward club. When the dust settled, he could interrogate the bartender through a series of frightening, inaudible shouts.

Remembering how the last time he rushed in without consulting the party went over, he opts to not act out his day dream. Instead, he sits at a table and watches Dreadstone scout the place, while looking to see if anyone in the bar is going to try anything.
As Dreadstone dials the knob to its more relevant binary setting and begins to move away, should he feel a sudden yank pull him back, as the tender grasps at his clothing to pull him close.

Over a faint pitched buzz coming from the device, the tender states into the tiefling's face, "Hey, buddy! I was talking to you. You seem to have a few issues I'd like to hear."

Soon some of the more unsavory sorts begin standing up, adjusting their clothing as they watch the party warily.

Mike M

Nick N
A shadow falls over Dreadstone's face as he turns to the threatening bartender. "Friend, you're layin' hands on a lawman in the course'a carryin' out his duly 'pointed duties," he says through pointed teeth. "That's just cause for me t'drop you where y'stand.

"That goes fer the rest've you, too," he says loudly to the bar. "Let us do our job, an' we'll be on our way soon enough. We got bigger fish t'fry today than you lot, slowin' us down is just a way for me t'end up mad an' you t'end up needin' to see a cleric. We clear on that?"

Intimidation check:  1d20+15=32
((The demoralize effect only works on one person at a time(without the feat), but the one for changing peoples attitude... doesn't really have a specific rules on using it against more then one person. Personally I think it does work because that is a thing people do all the time. that said it does take 1 minute to do and only last up to an hour at most.))

Draco takes a stand next to Dreadstone, "You all better put those toys away... unless you want to mess with TIBEROUS!!! Master of the arena, killer of villains and monsters and hero of people everywhere!"

Aid another Intimidate: (1d20+9=27)
<Alright. So I guess I would need to retcon my post then, I just wanted an excuse for Tiberius' feat to come into play, if he acutally took it like he said he would anyway.>
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