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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Tiberious shakes his head as he hears about Markrow. "A match fixer, huh? Even amongst the shady sponsors, those that would stomp upon the hopes and dreams of children by creating sham matches are the lowest of the low. I look forward to ripping out his spleen."

In response to Thaddeus, he says "Yeah. No such thing as soon enough."
Thaddeus shakes his head at the man. "Clearly you are not as much a man of the streets as you appear. That's enough to feed you for over a month. If it seems an insignificant sum to you, then perhaps you'd do well to pass it on to someone less fortunate."
Unimpressed by the declaration of how much he could be fed, he states, "The information I gave you is far greater than how much I can stuff my face."
"If you had intended this to be a monetary transaction, perhaps you ought to have made that plain before surrendering the goods." With that, Thaddeus sets off toward the residential district.
He happily takes the 50 gp as a more worthy tip, "I'll be sure to tell everyone to watch out for him then. Put my info to good use, you hear?"
Very easily, the group manages to find the address of the residence through a quick talk with the landlord of the district, you are able to find the building which the entrepreneur is apparently living. You find yourself at a small house among a strip. Well furnished and built, but small.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone puffs on his cigarette across the street, considering the situation. "Knockin' on the door an' introducin' ourselves probably ain't the best course of action," he says. "If we could draw 'em out, that's be better... Like what if a belligerent gladiator came callin', demandin' a fight?"
Leo remains fairly angry as they head towards Marcro's residence, disgusted at the blatantly dirty sponsor.

He immediately brightens up upon hearing Dreadstone's suggestion. "That sounds just as good as kicking the front door down! I can have him out here and have his spoiled gladiator conquered in no time!"
<Trying not to butt in as Dortumn as much as I did during the Breeding Center, but yes if the team is okay with that being your approach and as long as I'm allowed to slow down the game if I want to give an opportunity to roll skill checks at particular points.

Also, this isn't a very rigid dungeon where every room is made with the assumption the party is together so feel free to split up as you need to as long as I don't start feel like some players aren't able to play due to it. Dortumn will tell you when it would be a good idea to be in a group.>
((Sorry for the miscommunication, I thought we were waiting on... someone, though now I'm not sure who))

Thaddeus partially stifles a laugh. "I couldn't think of a more appropriate course of action. Tiberious, I believe it's time for you to put on the show of your life!" He pats the gladiator on the back as if to say 'Go get em'.
Tiberious begins to focus, taking this task very seriously. "Calling out another gladiator is a complicated, dramatic affair, so I'm going to need you all to do me a favor. In the best case scenario where I draw a crowd from this, they're going to need to be rowdy. I want you all to stomp and shout after each accusation I throw at him; that'll hopefully get the others going. And when I say 'A man's got to do,' you all say 'what a man's got to do!' It only takes a few people doing it to get the whole crowd going. All right, if this goes properly, this fool will have to fight me damn near on the spot, and Markrow will have to come out."

Tiberious begins his march to Markrow's front door. He does some breathing exercises to focus his mind for the task ahead, reaching a state of gladiator zen.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72104]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 15 = [17]+15 = 32
As he gets closer to the door, his mind is cleared of all outside interference, focusing only on what it is to be a man. He thinks of the manliest things he can muster: dramatic arena fights, ten-sided swords, and whale surfing. Eventually, he settles on the image of a barrel-chested man shaving with an adamantine dagger in one hand while wrestling a bear with the other. He is one with man. He is ready.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72105]Perform (Oratory): 1D20 + 17 = [16]+17 = 33
Tiberious knocks on the door with great force and yells, loudly enough for the houses in line of sight to hear, "Markrow! Your champion is a fraud! He was always a fraud! He's not worthy of a paper sack for a mask, let alone the arena belts he's 'won'!"

Tiberious waits a moment for the door to open in response before continuing.
<I'm glad I didn't assume Tiberius was just going to bust in. The outcome is very different now.>

Just as Tiberius may have intended, his attempt to 'start something' draws the attention of those that can hear and be bothered by it, and the curiosity of such things that trouble their neighborhood. Unfortunately for him, many of the people are the passive sort and don't realize they're supposed to crowd around as an audience.

One half-orc lady in a dress coat for the weather approaches, taking it upon herself to question the group, "What is this drama you are trying to start!? Markrow isn't even at home!"
Disappointed that his big confrontation doesn't get to happen, Tiberious turns around and addresses the half-orc woman.

"It looks like my timing's a bit off then. The man who lives here, Markrow, used to sponsor gladiators. His star sponsee, who travels with him, is a fraud who rose through the ranks through cheating and collusion. I came here to call him out and see him put in his place. By any chance, would you happen to know where they're at or when they'll be back, fair lady?"

((I'm assuming that will need a diplomacy roll. If not, ignore it.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=72107]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 9 = [4]+9 = 13
((Ouch, go figure that I blew my good rolls on performing))
She gives a dismissing wave but does offer a bit of info, "I'm afraid he doesn't talk about where he headed off to. Whatever business you have with him, try not to make such a huge fuss in front of the entire city, alright?"
"I'm sure it would have been a performance for the ages," Thaddeus says confidently to Leo. "I should doubt it will take long for this coward of a man to show his face."

He cups his chin in his hands. "My gut tells me that Ms. Forrester and Ms. Allgood, or at least the keys to their whereabouts, lie within this manse. I would like nothing better than to barge in and search, but I fear we would need a warrant of some sort first."

He paces back and forth, peering around the corners of the home and inspecting it as he thinks. "Unless, of course, we can find probable cause to barge in as officers of the law..." He glances at Dreadstone to get a feel for what the lieutenant is thinking.
Tiberious shakes his head in bemusement. "Most people would pay premium for front row seats to such a confrontation, but to each their own."

Turning to Thaddeus and the others, he says "You know I'm plenty in favor of busting in there. Just say the word and we'll break that door like I would have that masked poser."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone drops the butt of his cigarette to the ground and grinds it beneath his heel. "Did ya hear that? I'm pretty sure I heard someone callin' for help inside. That'd be exigent circumstances for entry without a warrant now..."
Leo claps his hands together after Dreadstone speaks. "You here that, guys? Now we don't need a warning! Err... warren... screw it, there's a door to kick down and people to rescue!"
Leo is still disappointed that Markrow and his gladiator weren't there to answer his challenge, but getting to kick a door down goes a long way towards making up for it.

As they head to the front door, he slips back into the mantle of Tiberious. "Door of cowards, you shall hide your secrets from us no longer! Have at you!" Putting all of his weight behind it, Tiberious throws a brutal kick at the door to force it open.
Shattering the lock, the door is broken open, allowing passage inside the house.

It is what is expected of someone that only recently moved in. Little of the way of furnishings and decorations are set up aside from a low table near the fireplace and a dining room in sight. There are stairs leading up to the upper floor.
"No more hiding now, you cow- oh, the house is actually empty. I guess we should search the place?"

While trying to figure out what to do, Tiberious walks over to the nearby low table to look at it more closely.

((I'm having trouble linking on my phone, but I rolled a 12 total.))
Underneath the table there seem to be some tomes. Pulled from the table's large space under the surface, it doesn't take more than a glance at the cover to realize they are manuals for trading, in particular sea faring and cultural practices in Greyhawk or Faerun countries, and a book on marketing wares.
"Let us appropriate one of these tomes as evidence, and to assist the Headmaster in an attempt to scry for this Markrow fellow, should the need arise. I'll check upstairs."

Thaddeus pockets one of the books and ascends the staircase.
Upstairs leads Thaddeus to much more interesting sights than the main room. Here the bed rooms can be found and more personal belongings are seen. In particular, a closet, a coat hanger by a door with a dress jacket hung from it, and a working desk perpendicular in placement in relation to the bed.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone pauses in the threshold, kneeling down to examine the splintered remains of the door as Gnaw trots past him and begins sniffing around.

Gnaw perception check:  1d20+12=16

"Y'know," the tiefling says as he draws himself back to his full height, "we coulda just had Draco pick the lock..."
"Sir," Thaddeus calls down the stairs as he pats down the dress jacket, "Perhaps now would be a good time to have Commander Dortumn look in on us. He may have some insight on things that could be relevant to which we are not privy."
After finding the books and watching Thaddeus go upstairs, Leo responds to Dreadstone. "Oh! I never thought of that, I guess that's true. But then I wouldn't have got to kick down the door."
the wood of this door was once an oak that grew several lifetimes greater than you are now and sawed at the base by orcish lumberjacks owned by what were then slave drivers. With the branches sliced off the log was taken to a lumber yard where it was sliced into flattened blocks to be distributed. A carpenter then carved the block into the door shape and it was painted with what you recognize as minerals and a binder.

Gnaw gains +1 intelligence


Very quickly Thaddeus finds a note left in the envelope pocket of the jacket. Unfolded it reads written in charcoal writing We have a refurbishing project at the abandoned mansion back of town, bring workers.

Mike M

Nick N
((LOL at work at Gnaw's revelations))

Dreadstone produces the scrying stones and claps them together to initiate contact.
"Commander," says Thaddeus as he reads the note, also loudly enough for the rest of the party to hear. "We are currently in the new home of one Mister Markrow, who we strongly suspect is involved in the kidnappings. I have just found a lead suggesting that something is going to happen soon at an abandoned mansion in the rear of the town. What are your orders - should we finish searching in this house first, or should we leave immediately for the mansion to investigate?"
"Whichever you decide to do, make it quick. 'Don't want to see you get caught snooping around a home and get held up by the brass for too long."

Mike M

Nick N
"Check the desk," Dreadstone says ((somehow having knowledge of it though he's just standing in the doorway)), "then we best be out of here. We gone an' made our intentions known now, we don't got much time before this lead goes cold."
Thaddeus opens the closet door to make sure nobody is being held inside, and if there isn't, he quickly opens the drawers of the desk, combing through for anything of significance.
The desk, when searched through, finds various notes documenting dealings with various banks. The man has several accounts for various locations.

There also seem to be a list of charming nicknames and ratios and odds labeled next to each one (knowledge local, Dreadstone's Ruby Keep bonuses apply). Some of the names are underlined.
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