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Explain thy GA nickname!

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Ani = Animorphs
Hawk = Hawk

Tobias was my favorite character in the series. I made the name about 7 years ago, and never changed it.

Though more people call me Ani instead of Hawk (how I prefer) now.


Yes it's my first name, but it also warrants mention (well, not really) that it's one of my favourite musical artists, Hawksley Workman. So, bam! Double whammy.




New Arnette Smoke Grey HOODOO Sunglasses, N/R
Price: $24.95

Not really worthy actually.
I'm known as Munky on a lot of other forums, and my friend was joking around one time and called me Cyborg Munky because I was always on the computer and never went to sleep.
I got mine from my previous job. Management was a joke, so I cooked up this nickname for online gaming in a sarcastic sort of way =P Plus it works in so many ways, in a sort of Office Space sorta way.

Jim Bowie

Jim Bowie was an Old-West Pioneer, best known for stabbin' Injuns with his self-proclaimed Bowie knife and dying at the Alamo.

The Jim Bowie is also a local submission lock, performed by jabbing your thumb into the side of the victim and pulling upwards.


I just use my real name. My last name is Fernando btw, so Miyuru Fernando.

protip: Spell out 'Miyuru', and it forms a question!

Am I why you are you (M-I-Y-U-R-U)?


Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
my names julian.. which was jules but it sounded cornball to me :p which then became jubs.. then julls.. *shrug*

geogaddi : that album scares me - i went through a period where i listened to 'the beach at redpoint' CONSTANTLY. the opening 5-10 seconds of that track are the most desolate, bleak few seconds i think i've ever heard in a track and give me chills every time - awesome stuff - * hopes there's more BoC coming out soon*


Redmond's Baby
Dr - teachers in elementary school called me 'Doctor'. Dr. is shorter for Doctor (atleast here). Minus period
M - first letter in my name
DrM :)


My name is Rizwan. I used to go by Rizzawan II back on the old forums cause it was a mix of Rizza and Wan, two names people usually call me by. II was there cause on the older GA it was just Rizzawan. After a while I really didnt like the Rizzawan mix so i just went with RiZ. 'i' being lowercase to pay tribute to NiGHTS. III cause its the third version cause of the three moves the forum has made since Ive been here.
Scalemail Ted is the main character of a comic of the same name that I wrote a few years ago.

Scalemail Ted is a self proclaimed super hero with an overactive imagination, who effectively accomplishes absolutely nothing. He sits around and tells stories about how great he is, when in fact he has no powers other than that of epic yet absurd storytelling. His stories progressively get greater and greater as inquistive and skeptical listeners ask more and more qustions about its plausiblity and likelyhood; For every inquery anyone had was answered with yet another completely outlandish explanation , weaving themselves into a giant fairy tale. He essentially just lives in his house and interacts with his neighbors making the biggest deals out of the most trivial matters; finding and retelling the most extraoridinary and exciting descriptions and adventures within the most ordinary task and errands found in day to day living.

Since my actual name is, Ted...short for Edward...I took this character's name as my handle. I use the same name everywhere.

Anyway, one day I'd like to get a pic of 'Scalemail Ted' and use that as my avatar. I vow not to use any thing else and thus I am avatar-less.


I started using Baek a long time ago, taken from the character in Tekken 2. But since Hwoarang replaced Baek in Tekken 3, I felt I had to change my nick to Hwoarang.

After some time though, I realized how popular Tekken was on the net. Not only was the nickname used a lot at sites where you have to register, but you also ran into irritating people on IRC who wanted to ask me things like "DO YO LIKE TEKAN?"
And sometimes they simply wanted to tell me "I CAN CRUSH YUO WITH KING HAHA"

So yeah, I grew tired of all that, and I wanted to change my nickname yet again. I looked around for a nice nick to use, but I couldn't find anything suitable and original in the Tekken series anymore. So I glanced slightly sideways, and started going through other fighting games just to keep the tradition alive. I found Kilik from Soul Calibur, a nickname that's easy to remember and easy to write and read, both forward and backwards. And no, I'm not actually a big fan of Soul Calibur, I just happened to like the name.

I used it for a while, and realized it wasn't nearly as popular as Hwoarang (thank god). But people still used it here and there, and when I was about to register myself at GAF, Kilik didn't work. That's when I changed it to the romanized version of the name, so to speak. Kiriku, a nick I've been using for a number of years now. And I don't plan to change it for a while either.


Junior Member
sas(h)imi- japanese dish consisting of thinly sliced raw fish: I love this!

robot- I thought I was a robot for the longest time when I was a kid, the price to pay for growing up in an atheist family I guess...


My parents named me after Akira Kurosawa. I've used my name in one form or another since I started going on the internet back in 1995. I don't really look like an Akira, but that's alright with me. I gain respect when I tell people my name in some cases. :D
Diomedes: Greek warrior from the Illiad. He Helped Odysseus steal the statue of Pallas from the trojans

Kun: Japanese name suffix, less formal than -san

I have been a big fan of the Illiad for years. In high school, I decided to name a side scrolling space shooter I was making for my TI-82 after my favorite character, Patroclos, but I mixed up his name and Diomedes (second favorite character) when I called the game Code Diomedes Red. I left it because that sounded better than Code Patroclos Red.

I used Diomedes for just about everything after that until I tried to create an AIM account and found that it was already taken. Then I added -kun to the end.


DCX- A site i used to belong to Dreamcast Extreme. I used to have DC Prophet...and well, you know...that was lame.



needs to show more effort.
back in... I dunno... Jr High maybe me and a group of like... 5 other friends all sat down and watched Record of Lodoss War. Whenever we watch a movie or something, we felt the need to point out when a particular character was acting like one of us. But this anime marked the first time we found characters for all of us in the same movie/anime. It was decided I was slayn, and so slayn I am.
Oh wow, this name is so old. Darth is obvious, and Wufei is actually my favorite Gundam pilot from the anime Gundam Wing. They just show my love for Star Wars and Gundam/Anime. Nothing special.
Interesting stories.


I was talking to my wife about the people who drove dune buggies in the area (we were living in Yuma, AZ) and I said bune duggies instead (borderline dyslexia). I liked it so I used it as my "alternate" nick on the net.


I was just playing some FF:XI and trying to come up with a name. Never left a town without getting signet cast on me.
Ever since I first got access to the internet in '98, I've been using the screenname "$piffyBiff", because "spiffy" is my favorite word and I think the name "Biff" is hilarious. This still is my alias at most forums and games I play (If you ever see [bA]$piffyBiff owning in a Counter-Strike server, it's me :D )

$piffyBiff was my alias at the old GA forums, but I never posted much so I don't know if any of you remember me.
Anyways, on the new boards, I needed a change, so I changed my screenname to "DigDugDirkDiggler".
I was bored at work one day, and decided to play some Dig Dug on the Atari plug-n-play since no one was in my section of the store (electronics). I thought the Pookas looked really cool and decided that I might make an avatar with them when I got home. Again, since I was really, really bored, I started playing around with wordings and stuff, and thought that the rhyming scheme of Dig Dug and Dirk Diggler (from one of my favorite movies, "Boogie Nights") was cool. When I got home, I started google image searching for Dig Dug and found a pic of the game that was perfect, since Dirk Diggler had one of the biggest dicks ever. I used the background of the "Boogie Nights" movie poster along with the gardener from Dig Dug and his huge..."pump". Here's the end result of my mind wanderings:

Ok......my name will take some explaining, but it boils down to a one word concept in the end.

It all started out when I was trying to think of a nic. I am obsessed with Megaman at the moment, as I'm sure many who recently picked up the collection are. I wanted something to do with Megaman, but nothing too obvious.

So the electric sheep part refers to the book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" which was the basis for the movie Blade Runner. From here, it has nothing to do with that except in name. Mega Man is fighting against Dr. Wily to obtain a better future. When you count sheep, it is in anticipation of falling asleep and being comfortable and content. The electric sheep represent the dreams he has of the fighting being over and his tranquil state of rest if the fighting stopped.

There is also another meaning. Mega man is a robot, and his electric sheep dreams might be different from ours, but he does dream and hope for a better life like the rest of us. He is different, but that doesn't mean he is lesser or inferior.

The one word concept behind my name is peace. Just like sheep must be counted sometimes in order to fall asleep, we all need to make an effort for the world to be a better place, even if it is a simple act of kindness.

I feel like such a hippie.:)
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