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Explain thy GA nickname!

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Wedge Antilles, who goes on to be promoted to general later in his Republic career. Also the greatest sci-fi character ever to be created. I came up with the name for my Starcraft account on Battle.net, and it stuck.
24 is my favorite television series. I changed it from the nick I used to a long time ago, Dricas (the name of the DC's JPN internet software, or something), which became stupid relative to where I went as a gaming fan. I haven't been a system advocate for a long time now, so I didn't care about identifying w/ a system anymore when I decided to have my name changed (props to bish on that one).


Lost Weekend was the name of a movie (from the 40's I think) that was about an unsuccessful writer that decided to have a weekend long drinking binge. I've had way too many of those over the last two months, so I thought the name was fitting. Avatars from a scene in the movie, too.

(it's also what John Lennon called the short decadent period where he decided to get away from Yoko Ono and get really fucked up)
Felidae = the Genus(family) name for cats, and I love cats.
Khrall = Name I tacked onto the end of it for a role playing game once, and I liked the sound.
My nick is part of Sheeta's (from Laputa) secret family name, well in the Cantonese version (which was the first version I watched as a child...so it is "my" original version) it was pronounced "Leshita"; however, it can be Lucita as well, depending on which version/subtitles.




Hunter S. Thompson kicks ass.

24 is a kick ass TV show.

Depeche Mode is awesome.

Skies of Arcadia stole 2 weeks of my life, and I don't regret it.


nickname describing my cheap-ass/weak-ass 'kill the alien (and usually myself too) with rocket launcher' tactics in AvP after i got sick of getting owned by the same co-worker.


Unconfirmed Member
Its a combination of portions of my first and last names.
Its also a nick I got called in college.

I changed from UCB because I graduated :D


Acrylamid is the German spelling of acrylamide, the toxin that was all over the media some time ago because it was said to cause cancer and to be generated when cooking potatoes.
In this time, Harald Schmidt, host of the one and only German Late Night Show (now in 'extended holidays' ;( ) made the following joke in his stand-up: "Yesterday, I was at Mc Donald's and asked the question: 'What's the deal with Acrylamid?' Answer:'Today, Acrylamid has his day off!' "
Well, I thought Acrylamid really does sound like a cool Indian name, so I decided to use.

(Just wanted to add that in Germany, it's a typical McDonald's cliché that many Indians work there.)
Black Deatha

It's pretty simple, after I got the net back on Dec 31st '99, and shortly after went to play Half Life online, I was trying to think a name up. And at the time since HL was (and still is) one of my favorite games, I wanted to make a name to sorta connect to it while also being speerate, and I always liked the sound of the name of the reasearch facility in Half Life called Black Mesa. So I decided to use it as inspiriation while not ripping it off completaly. That's when i came up with Death-a to be pronounced Death-Ah.

That's my unnesisarly long explination for my name that has since than just stuck.

~Black Deatha

Mr Gump

Um i got banned from GA a while ago and was conveniently forgot about and got a friend to register an account and he asked what username id like and i said "put anything i dont care."

Mr Gump it is.



I made up my name cause I always make it a point to have an original name and not something like Gamecubefan2004 or something dull like that. Actually, Ceros was a werewolf demon type character (think John Talbain mixed with Spawn) I made up when I was drawing one day and since werewolf demons are the shit.....you know the rest of the story. :)


Watched "dude wheres my car?" after i played some game online, needed a nick, took shibby. After that people started calling me shibbs, so thats it.


It was a mashing together of syllables that sounded good...

Originally it was a name for a series of mechs I designed (for mechwarrior); Zaptruder Adams, Williams and Jefferson (as the different variants of the mech).

When it came to choosing a net handle... Buck Naked and whatever else I had were somewhat lame... but Zaptruder... it stuck.


Logging onto a BBS for the first time I was asked for this wierd thing called an alias, or username.

I had to have a friend explain this concept to me and I was a fan of Strider on the Amiga 500 at the time, I sucked at the game but loved the style and challenge.

Someone else had taken Strider (probably after Aragorn, of which I had no idea what LOTR was) so I thought I'd go for a 'leet' variation call myself Stryder, that way I wouldn't be a direct copy of Strider also.

I know, I know, kinda lame but it's stuck since then.


Variety. Started off KiiLA, then just plain Duane, then MechanizedDeath, and now Pimpwerx is the latest name of my freelance company, and thus also my new deathmatch tag. So it's now my new forum tag. I'm a pimp, and it works. :D PEACE.
I approve of Friend and Planescape Golem.

Jack Frost is the main character of Grant Morrison's Invisibles - a young British street punk who's the reincarnation of Buddha, has latent psychic powers, likes getting piss drunk and vandalizing property, is the key to mankind's salvation, etc.

December 22, 2012, 8:00 AM is the end of the current age according to the Long Count of the Mayan Calendar, and the end of mankind's mental separation and the beginning of the Supercontext.


I like Megaten, too, so that's a plus.


Unconfirmed Member
Freeburn Track Repair is a family owned, full service, racing surface repair company & manufacturer of RHINO TRAK PATCH, FREEBURN ASPHALT CRACK FILLER and FREEBURN TRACTION COMPOUND since 1980.

I wanted a new nick, something related to Motor Racing, and just loved the fact they had a product called "Asphalt Crack Filler".

So , It was either "Freeburn" or "Ass-Crack Filler" - I figured Freeburn was the better example to set :p


Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
<-------So blatant it hurts. At least it doesn't have SSJ4SuperSaiyaJinEtc tacked on front. :p

I'm saving my name change for the future (hopefully in the next 6 months). I already have the nick thought up.
I'm Scottish and pretty patriotic and like to idenify myself with the country. So, I thought about something that is well known worldwide about Scotland - Loch Ness and it's associated monster - and applied a creative twist to it (monster is so cliche).

Boom baddy boom - lochnesssnowman


Modified from my usual nickname (Mjhunter) for MMORPGs cause my original nick made me sound like I was a hunter when I clearly was playing other classes.

As for the original, it's my first and middle inital with hunter for a last name instead of my real one.


Same ol' MIMIC.

My nickname for when I copied nicks at the GamePro boards and got in trouble for taking it a wee-bit too far. :)


I have a problem with Frenchies and Frenchi-Canadians (sorry folks I just do) but damn do these two make great music. My avatar is the name of an album from "Boards of Canada", a nostalgic idm-electronic music group. I recommend all their albums, including "Music has the right to Children". Originally, I was going to put "Air" as my name because those frenchies also make great music. Claude Debussy happens to be my favorite composer of all time, yet he's french. Gosh—I have issues.
Nine was an internet nickname from years ago, years ago I put mighty in front of it because I thought it sounded keen, and I've yet to give it up when I need a handle.

Though maybe I should've used my AIM handle, Brutha J.
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