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Explain thy GA nickname!

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From the movie advertised at the beginning of "A Decemberween Pageant" on www.homestarrunner.com, but when I tried using it as an AOl Screen Name Jackson wouldn't fit, so I came up with Manuel to replace it. I also think on The Tick that Batmanuel says something along the lines of Litigation Manuel in an episode, but that wasn't the intentional reference. It also combines my passion for litigation and spanish names.


aka The Hound
The Hound is a character that I like from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Just a couple of comments:

The name Duck of Death makes me laugh everytime I see it, being a fan of Unforgiven.

Pimpwerx, you're avatar is hilariously creepy.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I believe demon9173 was my AOL username back in the old days when I had AOL (around 95-98 or so). Although K I N G122 was another one I used. demon just sorta stuck.
Apharmd Battler

1) My favorite Virtuoid from Sega's Virtual On: Oratario Tangram. Apharmd B was my favorite in VO:Operation Moongate (the prequel).

2) Apharmd Battler is the "king' of CC (close quarters) in VO:OT his melee range is insane and he scraps nicely in close. I've taken martial arts since a teenager and hold several ranks in various martial arts (e.g. 1st DAN in Hapkido), currently staying in shape with boxing and Muay Thai. So in other words I can relate to Apharmd Battler's programming. ;)

3) I have been employed as a chemist for over 12 years. I currently work in R&D and work with senior scientists M.S., PhD. and Pharm.D. Sometime we but heads and disagree and various scientific approaches...i.e. sometimes I am A Pharm. D. Battler (get it?). ;)

4) As a side note there were VO short stories written in Japan and there were other Apharmd models. Apharmd Battler, Apharmd Striker, Apharmd Commander..........

Well you guys asked............

Here's the pic link, how do you post images in this fourm?



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Take a wild guess :)

I grew tired of thinking up anything interesting for a name, as the cool factor of anything like that would change with time. Using my first name is quite the constant.
Mine would have to be a story of when i was 16 or whenever it all started. I basically got the shaft in many ways and situations in life (none in that way so quit thinkin it). So my friends noticed also and basically they kept saying i was "Jewed" so basically it kinda stuck like i was hebrew or something (not really and nothing is wrong with being hebrew might i add). And so i just stuck elite with it and nothing is quite as cool as the "elitehebrew"


Tag of Excellence
I use this name for everything, EVERYTHING.

No one has EVER thought of using it (my initial purpose) so I've made it my business name, etc.

Robby is my nickname.

EDIT: My Avatar has absolutely nothing to do with me or my GA name. I randomly chose it for shits & giggles.


Suikoden = Bought the game, loved it, never stopped talking about it at the time.
Dan = My first name

Suikodan = One of my friends who was tired of hearing me then he said:"Hey we're gonna call you Suikodan!".

It sticked with me. I kinda love the uniqueness of it.
6.8 said:
Someone please guess mine. No one will get it hahaha.
That was the magnitude of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake when your parents met after they were trapped in a collapsed building together and you were conceived because they were afraid it would be their last night on earth.
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