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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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Kills Photobucket
A protest covered nationally by the news media, no one was killed, public property wasn't destroyed and looted, and for once the people being protested for were actually wronged by the government. White people really are better at everything.

Sometimes I wish the mods would hold off on the ban for a few hours. Let the hole be dug deeper, let the hilarity go on a little longer...




i wholeheartedly agree with this
A) They took a (knowingly) uninhabited federal building "by force". Can you take a building by "force" if no one's actually in there to use force...on?
unless the doors were unlock they took it by force
B) There are a lot of armed chumps who regularly threaten the government. Some are even not white and threaten the police or courthouses. I'd rather not have the default response of the police be "lets go in and take everyone out"; regardless of their race.

as opposed to doing nothing at all?

as I said earlier damned if they do and damned if they don't


Who burner account are you?

I commend him for saying flat out what so many want to just say on gaf, and elsewhere. Must be frustrating to word your racism in a way that wont catch a ban. Its why I like Trump. Brings everything to face value. None of this "Oh I don't like Obamas policies!" "Which ones???" "Pfft I just plain don't like him!" "why?" "hes bad for the country..." etc etc

Baby Milo

If i was the feds, i'd just surround the place and blockade it. No utilities, no one allowed it. Those who surrender and leave will be arrested, but no supplies will be allowed in. The longer they hold out, the harsher the punishment.

agreed with this but they should all get harsh punishments


Its amazing how entitled they think they are. hopefully they can settle this peacefully and punish those who are doing this.

If i was the feds, i'd just surround the place and blockade it. No utilities, no one allowed it. Those who surrender and leave will be arrested, but no supplies will be allowed in. The longer they hold out, the harsher the punishment.

Siege is against international humanitarian law, so that is not happening.


Whoever they are they're going back to their goblin mountain and bragging about how they got you pressed. Guaranteed. :lol

These kids always go for the shocking posts.

If you're gonna troll at least for the entertaining long con troll.


FGC Waterboy
unless the doors were unlock they took it by force

as opposed to doing nothing at all?

as I said earlier damned if they do and damned if they don't

Hell; considering the town it is in and the day of the week - the doors might have been unlocked. I guess when I think of by "force" I think of doing it against active opposition.

I think slow playing it is the best option. They're going to keep screaming dumb shit; further discrediting their cause (letting them destroy their own movement with exposure), and eventually they'll get bored and leave - people will get arrested, and no one dies.

People are seriously defending these fuckwits?

Sadly; there are at least some people who agree with them, and the internet is nothing if not a giant ass megaphone.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
They think, as far as I can tell, that all public lands should be sold into private ownership.

(or at best managed at the state/county level because that level of bureaucracy would be much better equipped to manage it because...[reasons] )

At the same time they claim to be "outdoors-men" who think that people have a common right to the land. I don't think they have thought the issue through very well. Or probably any issue, really.

Well that's one interpretation of US history, I guess.

Well, I left out the obvious after our government stole it from the Native Americans, unless you are thinking I am wrong about something I wront. If I am, I apologize, but as far as I've been taught or read that's basically the gist of it.

Curious to see where you think what I wrote was wrong or misunderstood.


Also, I know that guy's banned above, but no.. it's highly doubtful they have years worth of supplies. They've lied about their numbers, they are lying about supplies. I'm sure they can hold out of quite some time though.

They did ask them to leave though, but it seems so far that's about as far as the Feds want to escalate this.
People are seriously defending these fuckwits?

My brother is now defending them. Does not help that the guys that recently broke into our house were black.

I tell him that making racist jokes is being racist, he counters with "well, it goes both ways. Don't make jokes about white men with guns". So now Y'all Qaeda is a racist joke?

I live with this guy.

eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
Well, I left out the obvious after our government stole it from the Native Americans

Well that was the thought behind my snarky reply, I admit.

But there is also a whole lot of other things going on here with the "legitimacy" of these people's claims (they have none)

Look, nobody likes dealing with bureaucracy and there's no denying that there's plenty of that with public land use issues. With good reason, though: what is the alternative to government acting as a mediator in public land use? Private ownership of all BLM/Forest Service/National Parks and the disbanding of the Dept. of the Interior?

The whole purpose of the BLM is to allow the public, and private corporations, to use these large areas of "empty" land in western states (this is where and why the American Indian issues come into play, given the fallacy of this premise). The agency already makes provisions for ranchers, miners, recreation, etc. Of course not everyone is happy, because not everyone wants to use the land in the same way. Again, what is the alternative? There are plenty of reasons why the sagebrush rebellion fell apart: there wasn't, isn't, and really can't be any political unity behind it in the first place.

The Bundy gang, though, was making use of the these provisions without even paying the fees to the BLM for DECADES. If I remember right they owe millions of dollars, and see the BLM asking for payment as "tyranny". In other words, they want to socialize the costs of their ranching but privatize the profits. Or, they want to be the ones to decide who has land rights, not the BLM. They are scum bags and ignorant of American history and the principles of democracy.

If people want to talk about streamlining the bureaucracy of public land management in the US, there's better ways to do it than promoting violent sedition.

We can definitely agree that these people should not be the ones to represent that process.
Its amazing how entitled they think they are. hopefully they can settle this peacefully and punish those who are doing this.

Siege is against international humanitarian law, so that is not happening.

We will let them release non combatants then. The hardcore can stay put or be arrested though.


Kills Photobucket
These dudes aren't Navy SEALs. They are out of shape, poorly organized, crybabies with guns.

Of course, they didn't plan.

Actually a little surprised they didn't go loaded with years worth of freeze dried apocalypse supplies that get advertised on conservative talk radio.


A protest covered nationally by the news media, no one was killed, public property wasn't destroyed and looted, and for once the people being protested for were actually wronged by the government. White people really are better at everything.

This near had me in tears. This was definitely a junior right? Or they just really didn't give a shit anymore?


Kills Photobucket
Terrorism is the use of fear to achieve a political end. Occupying a building is just protest. Nobody's terrified about going about their day due to this.

They've threatened violence if anyone tries to stop them. Schools have been closed in the area and employees of the Refuge can not go back to work until they're out.

This is not "just a protest"


This near had me in tears. This was definitely a junior right? Or they just really didn't give a shit anymore?
No need to kick the poor idiotic fool while he's down.

Also, I'm pretty sure that taking over a building that doesn't belong to you counts as looting. Its literally looting the highest value thing in the building: the building itself.


They've threatened violence if anyone tries to stop them. Schools have been closed in the area and employees of the Refuge can not go back to work until they're out.

This is not "just a protest"

Violence towards practical ends is not terrorism. Its purpose needs to be to incite terror. If its purpose is defending territory, that's not terrorism.

Yes, it's disruptive. Protests are disruptive. Yes, it's a stupid protest. Yes, they should be imprisoned when they're eventually starved out of there. But not every bad thing is terrorism.
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