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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
yeah there are people who are supposed to be working there, as we speak. The building was not "deserted" in any meaningful sense, it was the weekend and the employees were at home.

Here's some more articles on this whole issue:

Some familiar characters, different chapter of the story (from 1994)

Interpretation of the current chapter:

And pieces relevant to the over-arching issue:




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wow, even Trump came out against the Cowliphate.

Morale's gotta be pretty low if even the Donald thinks you've gone too far.


remember me
Krugman's most recent blog post talks about this and about how petty their arguments are

"Something that strikes me, however — and which I don’t fully understand — is that when people like this turn to angry rhetoric, with at least a hint of violence, the trigger events tend to be trivial. "

Then he gives an example of Erick Erickson wanting to drag a legislator out to the street and beat them to an inch of their life over banning phosphate in dish deterget and making his dishes harder to wash.

And i realize this is the ultimate case of white people problems
"That's where your life is amazing so you just make shit up to be upset about."


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I keep seeing this excuse being trotted around. Even if that's the case, why is it okay? Can I go ahead and invade somebody's Summer house if the family who owns it doesn't happen to be using it for most of the year?

You can and no one is going to force you out with bullets blazing.

Nobody said it's OK. Where is the idea that anyone said it's OK they took the building?




I keep seeing this excuse being trotted around. Even if that's the case, why is it okay? Can I go ahead and invade somebody's Summer house if the family who owns it doesn't happen to be using it for most of the year?
No. And neither can they - they're going to jail.






This is quickly becoming just.. the best possible version that events could be. If they weren't already the punchline of a national joke, they will be if this sort of thing keeps up.

And then the FBI can send them to jail.

Edit: God Bless the Internet.
Jed whispered into Ammon's ear, "What happens on the Federal Wildlife Refuge stays on the Federal wildlife refuge"

Ammon ran a hand through Ryan's hair, then eased him down, whispering "I grant you unlimited grazing rights."

Waking was always easier when the gentle scent of Skoal danced upon his kiss.

I'm losing it here.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You can and no one is going to force you out with bullets blazing.

Let me add to that. What if I took it over and said anyone who tries to take it back will be killed?

Nobody said it's OK. Where is the idea that anyone said it's OK they took the building?

Tons of conservatives have said it's totally fine that they took over the building cause no one was using it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, looks like shit's about to get real. There was a townhall meeting today and the Sheriff said that he was asking the militia goons to leave, to which the town seemingly cheered in approval.

The Bundys have decided however, that while normally the Sheriff is the supreme law of the land (yes, this is something they actually believe), in this case, said Sheriff is dead wrong, and they'll be making themselves right at home, thank you very much!

Dear Sheriff David Ward
Harney County, Oregon

In light of the ongoing protest as a result of the oppression of many in your county, I would like to share my thoughts and offer my assistance regarding your involvement in this matter.

You put yourself up and presented yourself to run for the elected office of Sheriff, You have been elected by the good citizens of Harney County and made an oath to them to protect their Lives, Liberties and Property. As a sworn protector, You promised them that you would protect them from enemies both foreign and domestic. You promised and assured them that you would support and defend the U.S. Constitution. You solemnly swore and entered into an oath before God and the people that you would uphold these promises.

Sheriff, your oath was not made to the federal government nor any of their corporate entities such as the BLM or Forest Service etc. This oath was quite the contrary that created a Sacred duty, to serve, protect and defend every single one of your citizens like a hen protects her chicks against all threats. Don’t forget who your boss is, we the people of Harney County. For the sheriff to allow anyone or anything to violate the rights of his people, We The People, is a dereliction of duty of the highest order.

I must ask, what happened to the protection the Hammond family did not receive? Where were you when a foreign entity not having any constitutional power, authority and jurisdiction within your county abused your citizens? Imprisoned them, restricted them from using there resources to make a living, ruining their way of life and violating their customs and culture and charging them with heavy fines. These were the people you swore before God and the people to protect. Why did you forsake them?

Have you taken sides with the Feds? Are you scared to do your duty? Are you ignorant to what your duties are? Are you scared of how the Feds may react if you actually perform your sworn duties? I would really like to know what your excuse is for not honoring your oath of office as Sheriff of Harney County.
In the wake of your abstanance you now have some very important decisions that need to be made very soon. It should not be a hard decision understanding your purpose of existence as stated in the oath you have taken. The choice is simple, A. to turn a blind eye against your people and continue to collaborate with the Feds, pushing their agenda to remain in power and control over the people and their resources and to continue participating with fear mongering tactics such as shutting down schools etc. and now participating in the new growing threat of violence by the Feds toward peaceful protesters. or B. Re-commit yourself to uphold and perform your duties to We The People of Harney County and utilize the protesters that have come to your peoples assistance and say simply, no to the Feds and rid your county of their presence and tyranny that they have spread across your County.

Understand that the protesters have peacefully assembled only to support you and your people who are and have been oppressed by Federal over reach. Understand that their assembly is a constitutional right and act. Understand that they do not intend any harm to anyone, they sincerely want to restore the rights, land and resources that belong to the people of Harney County who have pre-emptive rights to them and non other, especially any federal Corporation. Understand that Constitutionally it is impossible for the federal government to own or manage land outside the bounds and terms stated in art. 1 sec. 8 par.17 of the U.S. Constitution. Remember that governments were instituted among men & women for the security of the rights of the people and that when governments begin to abuse those rights and fail to secure them, it is up to non other than the people themselves to uphold those rights, it is their right, it is their duty to dispose of the tyrannical government infringing upon those rights. (see the Declaration of independence.)

This sheriff is why citizens all across this nation assemble at times for regress of grievance for the respective oppression to cease. For this reason the protesters have come to your county. They have come hoping for your blessing and support and to support you in the changes you will need to make. Remember that you have the authority to promote a positive and forthright outcome working with the people to create liberty and prosperity in your county. However you also have the ability to exercise your individual agency and abuse your office and power given you to continue your lawlessness. If you continue in this direction, I’m afraid you may have blood on your hands.

Sheriff, I respect the office that you hold and the awesome responsibilities that are your’s and pray that you may be given the strength to say simply no to the feds, rid them of your county, give back the lands and resources to the people whom they were taken from and ultimately restore prosperity and liberty in your county. I know that would be the right thing to do, I believe as a steward with the accountability to the people, God will be pleased with and uphold you.
I do not reside in Oregon but can be available at your request to help you in any way I can to restore the rights of the people of Harney County. Sincerely, your supporter.

Dave Bundy
Concerned American

Edit: God Bless the Internet.
Jed whispered into Ammon's ear, "What happens on the Federal Wildlife Refuge stays on the Federal wildlife refuge"

Ammon ran a hand through Ryan's hair, then eased him down, whispering "I grant you unlimited grazing rights."

Waking was always easier when the gentle scent of Skoal danced upon his kiss.

I'm losing it here.





yes. yup.

that's all.


Well, looks like shit's about to get real. There was a townhall meeting today and the Sheriff said that he was asking the militia goons to leave, to which the town seemingly cheered in approval.

The Bundys have decided however, that while normally the Sheriff is the supreme law of the land (yes, this is something they actually believe), in this case, said Sheriff is dead wrong, and they'll be making themselves right at home, thank you very much!

Oh good, he's threatening to kill the Sheriff now.

Don’t forget who your boss is, we the people of Harney County
I do not reside in Oregon but...

So, are Y'all Qaeda now protesting the federal government owning the property they're taken or something else? With the original ranchers surrendered to prison, I don't know what they're doing there still.


remember me
Is there anything more insufferable than the phrase "we the people" outside the Constitution. Every time I hear it in some right wing rant I pull a Liz Lemon

Is there anything more insufferable than the phrase "we the people" outside the Constitution. Every time I hear it in some right wing rant I pull a Liz Lemon


That eyeroll is amazing.

And no, you're right. Ben Carson was doing that shit in the debates and it made me want to scream.

Tons of conservatives have said it's totally fine that they took over the building cause no one was using it.

They're getting a fair amount of conservative backlash too though. Glenn Beck was ripping on these guys yesterday. Many politicians have also distanced themselves from this event.


They're getting a fair amount of conservative backlash too though. Glenn Beck was ripping on these guys yesterday. Many politicians have also distanced themselves from this event.
Kinda shocked at Glenn Beck actually.

He built an empire on prepper paranoia. Maybe he doesn't like it because this is exposing how fraudulent this is.
Breaking: Oregon Sheriff To Hold Meeting With Armed Refuge Militia

"The sheriff has called a meeting with the individuals from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge at the intersection of Narrows-Princeton Road and Lava Bed Road to discuss a peaceful resolution," according to an alert from law enforcement. "This meeting will occur in the next few minutes. Please refer to attached map for specifics on location."
This meeting is called for a peaceful resolution. Sheriff Ward is NOT there to make an arrest. He's there to ask them to leave #HarneyCounty

— Harney Cty. Sheriff (@HarneyCoSheriff) January 7, 2016

I'm surprised nobody thought of thought of that before -- just ask them nicely to leave.
Kinda shocked at Glenn Beck actually.

He built an empire on prepper paranoia. Maybe he doesn't like it because this is exposing how fraudulent this is.

distance self when shit gets too real, but never stop implying that shit should get real
Yeah, this is ridiculous. They broke the law. Maybe they will get arrested after they leave, but letting them just go home without punishment is not good.

Seriously. If they're not planning on punishing them, they might as well do nothing or give into their demands. Letting them off scott free or with a fine or some shit just means they'll consider themselves above the law and pull this same kinda of shit again. Are they seriously planning on galvanizing the Bundy clan as the US's preeminent spoiled brat family?


If you're white and a group with guns, you can just take stuff? sweet

edit: wait, what am I saying. That's America day 1


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Breaking: Oregon Sheriff To Hold Meeting With Armed Refuge Militia

I'm surprised nobody thought of thought of that before -- just ask them nicely to leave.

Their response:

The leader of a group of armed protesters occupying a U.S. wildlife refuge in rural southeastern Oregon on Thursday rejected a sheriff’s offer of passage out of the state to end the standoff.

Protest leader Ammon Bundy met with Harney County Sheriff David Ward, who offered to escort the occupiers out of the state as a way to end the standoff, but Bundy declined.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
They're getting a fair amount of conservative backlash too though. Glenn Beck was ripping on these guys yesterday. Many politicians have also distanced themselves from this event.

He's just pised that they didn't buy supplies from his sponsors.
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