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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It just pisses me off that if Black people "protested" in this manner these so called patriots would throw a fucking fit. And there would be blood in the streets.

The double standard at play here is a complete slap in the face. It's the epitome of White privilege.

I really, really wish some brave black folk would start (legally) toting around guns.

Shit, just carry around airsoft.
The double standard at play here is a complete slap in the face. It's the epitome of White privilege.
Pretty much. And it's a shame, honestly! Were this happening in a vacuum and not in a US that's been torn to pieces with racism and xenophobia, this is a freaking awesome way for law enforcement to try to deal with the matter. Short term at least.

After a few days, the occupiers themselves started getting upset that they were either being mocked online or largely ignored by law enforcement and the general public overall. In an era of being able to quickly create huge exposure for yourself and rally people it's quite an insult to them. So they were given a few days to get bored and leave, the sheriff's extremely generous offer of "just leave, because you've embarrassed yourselves enough and are a laughing stock across the world and we sort of feel bad for you at this point" was turned down, and now I'm guessing law enforcement gets really pissed really quickly.

Again, if this were in a vacuum, or a fiction story. It's an incredibly rural area, in the dead of winter, at a non-essential government facility which was empty at the time and is available for only procedural purposes during this season (keeping risk to the general public to almost zero). In the amount of time it would have taken to get any sort of federal response in the area they were already internet memes and deemed more hilarious than dangerous. It's extremely possible that this non-reaction from the Feds has been deliberate. At the very worst it sounds like the sort of thing that would be a tutorial mission in an stealth video game. "There are these guys holed up in this remote government building and we have seriously no idea what they want. Do something? Idunno. Here's a megaphone, a radio and a pistol. Use some combination of them."

...But this is not in a vacuum, and that's just not how shit works in this country. Shouldn't, at least. The non-intervention by the Feds I think has still been deliberate (however misguided and setting of an awful example), as they were probably laughing about them on Twitter last weekend like everyone else was. Very hard for them to be taken seriously, but they need to step up and show that there are consequences for an armed occupation of Federal land.


It just pisses me off that if Black people "protested" in this manner these so called patriots would throw a fucking fit. And there would be blood in the streets.

The double standard at play here is a complete slap in the face. It's the epitome of White privilege.
Afuckingmen! I'm sick of this shitty double standard. The fact that nothing has been done not even something as simple blocking entry to the building is infuriating. This should be a wake up call for minority communities to finally get our collective shit together and unite but we won't. We're all to happy to fight amongst each other and kill each other instead.


Kills Photobucket
Afuckingmen! I'm sick of this shitty double standard. The fact that nothing has been done not even something as simple blocking entry to the building is infuriating. This should be a wake up call for minority communities to finally get our collective shit together and unite but we won't. We're all to happy to fight amongst each other and kill each other instead.

I think they have blocked access to the building. seem to remember reading that a few days ago.
It just pisses me off that if Black people "protested" in this manner these so called patriots would throw a fucking fit. And there would be blood in the streets.

The double standard at play here is a complete slap in the face. It's the epitome of White privilege.

Here's How The Nation Responded When A Black Militia Group Occupied A Government Building

The Black Panther protest in 1967 is not the "black version" of what's happening in Oregon right now. Those demonstrators entered the state Capitol lawfully, lodged their complaints against a piece of racially motivated legislation and then left without incident. But for those who see racial double standards at play in Oregon, the scope and severity of the 1967 response -- the way the Panthers' demonstration brought about panicked headlines, a prolonged FBI sabotage effort and support for gun control from the NRA, of all groups -- will serve as confirmation that race shapes the way the country reacts to protest.
It just pisses me off that if Black people "protested" in this manner these so called patriots would throw a fucking fit. And there would be blood in the streets.

The double standard at play here is a complete slap in the face. It's the epitome of White privilege.

The country was founded on the premise of white men grabbing their guns and taking what they wanted by force. Independence from the Brits, land from American Indians, competitive advantanges in third world Latin America...these white men are just carrying on the tradition of attempting to get what they want by force of arms. Its as American as apple pie and while I dont agree with the racial double standard, I dont think this militia is all that crazy doing what theyre doing, the country's history is rife with disgruntled white men getting what they wanted through armed revolt.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I really, really wish some brave black folk would start (legally) toting around guns.

Shit, just carry around airsoft.
I understand wanting to highlight this double standard, but you do realize what would happen if anyone did this, right?

Every black person within several blocks of those gun-shaped objects would be riddled with hundreds of bullet holes. Then the fact that they held guns would be used as "proof" that black people are dangerous, and then it would be used as justification for all sorts of hate crimes and random racist attacks/shootings across the country.
The country was founded on the premise of white men grabbing their guns and taking what they wanted by force. Independence from the Brits, land from American Indians, competitive advantanges in third world Latin America...these white men are just carrying on the tradition of attempting to get what they want by force of arms. Its as American as apple pie and while I dont agree with the racial double standard, I dont think this militia is all that crazy doing what theyre doing, the country's history is rife with disgruntled white men getting what they wanted through armed revolt.

Word. Just really irritating and you know what...I'd be less upset if people were as honest as you are w/ just laying it out. But mofo's act like that never happened.

"We landed here and found this empty nation!"
"We spread democracy in Latin America!"



It's literally hilarious how diometrically opposed the reaction to this has been in comparison to recent fatal events involving people of color in this country. Forget actions, just the attitude and language with which law enforcement and some media use to refer to this situation is indistinguishable from coddling to me. Let alone the fact that the leaders of this have been able to pull this twice. How do you let this kind of standoff happen twice with the same goddamn family at the helm? This is shit parents of 5 year olds are able to nip in the bud.

Hilarious? Yeah but then it just makes me feel like shit. Entirely. Seeing how clear the difference is really hits you in the balls. -- Not asking for storming the gates -- but just asking that I wish all encounters with LEO could be treated with these ginger emotions and concerns. These guys aren't thugs, they aren't animals.. They are being spoken about like some kids who have just gone too far and the townsfolk just want to reel em in before they hurt themselves. This just highlights the Justice system problems, and perception problems here.
They are free to walk in and out whenever. There are no cops there at all.

They are going to resturaunts to eat, drinking at bars, some of them even go to hotels for the night and walk back in the morning.

I say just let them stay there all winter, they'll eventually just get bored and leave.

Sounds good for the local economy at least.


Kills Photobucket
It's literally hilarious how diometrically opposed the reaction to this has been in comparison to recent fatal events involving people of color in this country. Forget actions, just the attitude and language with which law enforcement and some media use to refer to this situation is indistinguishable from coddling to me. Let alone the fact that the leaders of this have been able to pull this twice. How do you let this kind of standoff happen twice with the same goddamn family at the helm? This is shit parents of 5 year olds are able to nip in the bud.

I don't want the cops to storm this compound. I wish this cautious approach with emphasis on deescalation was the norm with minorities. Instead they get the "They're coming right for Us!" and "respect my authoritah" police.


I don't want the cops to storm this compound. I wish this cautious approach with emphasis on deescalation was the norm with minorities. Instead they get the "They're coming right for Us!" and "respect my authoritah" police.

exactly. -- And not just law enforcement -- But the entire media behind this, the attitude towards this in the general public, its night and day.

Its like they are being treated as humans, with rights.
No, that's John Ritzheimer. Cooper is sort of their "media guy" though and that video is there, which might be why you confused the two. Ritzheimer is the guy who started a GoFundMe campaign to raise $10 million after organizing a protest in front of a mosque in Arizona, claiming he feared for his life. He was a marine, but was discharged for violating its tattoo policy (according to him). He's on an FBI watch list though.

I wonder what part of the policy he violated. According to an article on About.com:

http://usmilitary.about.com/od/marines/a/tattoo.htm said:
Marines are prohibited from:

a. Tattoos or brands on the head and neck.

b. Sleeve Tatoos. A sleeve tattoo is a very large tattoo, or a collection of smaller tattoos, that covers or almost covers a person's entire arm or leg.

c. Half-sleeve or quarter sleeve tattoos that are visible to the eye when wearing standard PT Gear (T-shirt and shorts). A half-sleeve or quarter-sleeve tattoo is defined as a very large tattoo or collection of smaller tattoos that covers, or almost covers the entire portion of an army or leg above or below the elbow or knee.

d. Tattoos or brands that are prejudicial to good order, discipline and morale, or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the Marine Corps. These may include, but are not limited to, any tattoo that is sexist, racist, vulgar, anti-american, anti-social, gang related, or extremest group or organization related.


Poet Centuriate
Some of the players in this little troupe:

"Capt O." Joe Oshaugnessy
"No Santa" Cai Irvin
"Official Spokeswoman (Who?)" Maureen Peltier
Jon "My 15 Minutes Are Up" Ritzheimer
Blaine "I'm A Former Marine, Trust Me!" Cooper
"Raging Unicorn" Brian Cavalier
"Played A Ranger In D&D Once" Ryan Payne
"Captain Moroni"
Ammon "I'm In Charge, Really!" Bundy
Ryan "The Other" Bundy

Am I missing anyone?

Who's the dude with the strange, contorted face?

haha the sheriff shook his hand and gave him a get out of jail free card. Jesus Christ.

just like some ol' pals.

look at that pic of them, just two dudes shooting the shit.

fucking hell.
Ha. Somebody in the comments was justifying it by saying the black guy was carrying his gun differently... Absolutely ridiculous.

I also read it's not accurate since it's two different cops and that the cop responding to the Black guy would have responded the same way to anyone because that's just his personality.

The hoops people will jump through to implicate anything *other* than racial bias is astounding.


Take with a grain of salt, along with all stories coming from the seized federal building:

At least one of the militants, Joe “Capt. O” Oshaugnessy, left the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge amid drinking claims after arguing with participants over bringing their wives and children to the standoff, and another — Brian “Booda” Cavalier — left the compound after news reports revealed he had lied about serving in the military.

A former compatriot-turned-opponent claims one of the most prominent militants, Blaine Cooper, sucker-punched one of his friends — sending the counter-protester to the hospital with a concussion and serious facial injuries.
Who's the dude with the strange, contorted face?

The other Bundy Brother, Ryan. From the way he looks I'd guess he had a stroke or what Jim Ross has, That or a steer gave him a really good kick in the head. :p

Take with a grain of salt, along with all stories coming from the seized federal building:

Yeah, according to those inside "Capt. O" was drinking up the donations they received through Ritzheimer's website and was staying at a local hotel rather than the refuge. One of the guys, Cai Irvin, posted a video about his disillusionment over the situation, crying and saying it was like finding out there was no Santa.


you can't put a price on sparks
i guess the best call really was to not confront them. they're eating themselves from the inside out and might help the government more long-term rather than empowering their anti-government movement


Kills Photobucket
i guess the best call really was to not confront them. they're eating themselves from the inside out and might help the government more long-term rather than empowering their anti-government movement

Confront them and give them an out was reasonable, it's the media circus they allowed it to become that's the problem I have. You don't see police shaking hands with a bank robber, or anyone else. Meeting should have been no-cameras.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So some good news. The Sheriff has said that he'll be no longer talking to the militia as they've refused to leave peacefully.

I figure these dudes saying they would hang the Sheriff for treason might have something to do with it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Can we close the road, turn off the power, water, and phone lines yet?

Yeah, the lack of any response combined with the more positive then it should be media coverage that is actually looking at their issues means this will happen more often.

Want to get national coverage white touting your guns and get people to talk about your issues? Just take over a federal building!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It sickens me that the sheriff was still being super cordial and buddy-buddy with these fucks, going so far as to offer them penalty free, safe passage out of the state, after they threatened his wife and her parents.
So, still no law enforcement?

Yeah, this is going to get worse before it gets better.

The FBI and local law enforcement have a secure base at the local High School but haven't made an appearance in force at the refuge. It wouldn't surprise me if they have guys out in the woods keeping track of the comings and goings of the militia and what they're doing to gather evidence for future charges (at least I hope). Considering they've been seen driving around the property in federally owned vehicles and have claimed them for "the people" charges of GTA could certainly be added to the list of charges.


Kills Photobucket
Heavily armed 'security detail' shows up at Oregon standoff encampment

Long story short, Heavily armed members of the Pacific Patriot Network show up to act as a "security detail", Ammon Bundy tells them to buzz off, now the PPN are pedaling "articles of resolution".

So the police have NOT blocked off access to and from the building? What the hell? I'm all for them being cautious and not storming the place, but what possible benefit is there in not cutting these people off from outside support?


So the police have NOT blocked off access to and from the building? What the hell? I'm all for them being cautious and not storming the place, but what possible benefit is there in not cutting these people off from outside support?

At this point my only hope is that they have a lot of these guys in their notes already and are basically letting them finally incriminate themselves.

A right wing honeypot operation.


Kills Photobucket
At this point my only hope is that they have a lot of these guys in their notes already and are basically letting them finally incriminate themselves.

A right wing honeypot operation.

Still, It allows more people to show up. What if Bundy had wanted these new idiots to join them?
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