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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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Insulting me for asking a question about forum etiquette?

I am not from the US not do I believe in any of the points you are trying to attribute to me.

They were answering your question, not attributing those things to you. It's interesting you felt that way though.


Kills Photobucket
Why make this racial?

Would it be acceptable on this forum for an event to take place within a black community or by members of the black community and for posters to come on here and write a post ended with "black people"?

I would assume, and rightfully so you would be banned for racial stereotyping / profiling.

I would be keen to see the same action take place in this instance also.

This event in and of itself isn't racist. But seeing the National News and police response to this incident does show quite clearly racial bias. Unarmed black protesters in the street receive a police response with military equipment. National news has helicopters and 24/7 live coverage.

Bunch of armed white men take over a Government building and it's not a big deal for the national news, and police response is very stand-offish.


Because its true. Why does it make people uncomfortable to have it pointed out? Why try and sweep it under the rug and then act surprised later when you see Fox reporting Racism in America is over or "why do you keep using the race card?" When is the appropriate time to express these things or point them out?
This is the root post you are trying to apply this logic too. Just to have a frame of reference.
So for a very simple summary:

Two guys commit massive arson on federal lands to cover up evidence of illegal hunting.

They serve a short sentence, which a judge now says was indeed too short, so they're going back in. Which they are willingly doing.

A bunch of unrelated dopes looking for trouble occupy an empty federal wildlife preserve building to protest the prosecution of arsonists.

The arsonists themselves want fuck all to do with this and they're turning themselves in on the scheduled date.

White people.

What you said was absolutely true. White people do have an inherent advantage due to numerous biased institutions and systems that have afforded them, generally speaking, a better starting position in life and better potential outcomes due to it. However, I am still unclear what relevance that has to the post that conversation stemmed from or the posters critique? Backseat modding aside which is rightfully frowned upon.
This event in and of itself isn't racist. But seeing the National News and police response to this incident does show quite clearly racial bias. Unarmed black protesters in the street receive a police response with military equipment. National news has helicopters and 24/7 live coverage.

Bunch of armed white men take over a Government building and it's not a big deal for the national news, and police response is very stand-offish.

My point is solely around the use of the phrase "white people".

I'm white, so what general thing is it we have all done, since it is inferred with the use of a general term?

The differences in treatment is well noted and apparent to anyone with half a brain and an interest in equal rights, this I have clearly stated a number of times.

My point is solely around the use of generalising language within the forum.
Currently there are no lives or property at risk, and armed police intervention will only make that worse. All you have to do is surround them, wait for them to give up and then take them all to jail for a very long time.

The real issue is not how the authorities are handling this, but rather the media's tone in their coverage of it.
I mean, the disconnect is blatantly obvious.

Black people worry about playing with toy guns in walmart and getting shot for it.

White people can slaughter deer, set a hundred acre fire to cover it up while endangering thousands of lives and other people homes with a wildfire. Then complain about their OWN shit while wholly disregarding others and then armed take over a government compound and threaten violence.

You don't find it at all strange the leniency given to one particular group?
It's a lazy comparison that isn't based on facts. We're talking about multiple armed (white) people in a rural area who are not only threatening violence, they have the means to carry it out. They have taken over a building. Post-Waco the Feds and police have tried to diffuse situations like this instead of getting in mass shootouts with heavily armed extremists.

How exactly does this compare to any urban protest situation involving black people in the last couple years? Where does this compare to police responding to one person who allegedly has a gun in a store? This shit doesn't make sense on any level and is disingenuous.


Not too far off.

The U.S. has a number of anti-government groups who organize themselves as militias. They own firearms, and often train together, preparing for the day they have to fight the jackbooted thugs in the government. They tend to be a mix of survivalists, anti-government agitators, "sovereign citizens", racists, and anti-tax advocates.

Idaho has two active, known militia groups, although I'm not sure which one is participating in this particular action.

Oh, I'm aware of what the militias are. It's just an interesting thought to remove all context and view it from that angle. They're something you'd expect in a developing, chaotic, third world country, not a 21st century industrialized superpower.

The US is really weird.
My point is solely around the use of generalising language within the forum.
When white people aren't continually getting away with things black people can't, this will change. The post you're upset about was illustrating just how absurd this situation is compared to the many, many, many, many times black Americans have been killed or mistreated without anyone being held responsible. When these ludicrous differences in treatment aren't a continuous and common event, you won't have to see "white people" again.


This is the root post you are trying to apply this logic too. Just to have a frame of reference.

What you said was absolutely true. White people do have an inherent advantage due to numerous biased institutions and systems that have afforded them, generally speaking, a better starting position in life and better potential outcomes due to it. However, I am still unclear what relevance that has to the post that conversation stemmed from or his critique? Backseat modding aside which is rightfully frowned upon.

The relevance is taking the opportunity to point out all the shit a white person can get away with compared to a black person and not even notice it. Even more so, all the shit a bunch of white people can get away with it on the news and how its shrugged off like nothing or not worth "breaking news" on Fox News or constant commentary. In the context of black protestors being in the news constantly with non-violent protests. The point is to start making it relevant so its not dismissed and kept as an afterthought to be forgotten.

edit: It's also telling if the violent protest can't be spun as a positive and rallying cry for Fox News for white people they ignore it like it didn't happen.

The Adder

I'm white, so what general thing is it we have all done, since it is inferred with the use of a general term?.

Enjoyrd a generally elevated status when compared to your bretheren of less fair complexion while doing little, as a whole, to rectify the injustice of the situation, save for looking down at those who, as a whole, are the victims of this social structure and weeping like you're the real victim whenever they dare to curse said system.



When white people aren't continually getting away with things black people can't, this will change. The post you're upset about was illustrating just how absurd this situation is compared to the many, many, many, many times black Americans have been killed or mistreated without anyone being held responsible. When these ludicrous differences in treatment aren't a continuous and common event, you won't have to see "white people" again.

I'm not seeing how the post he is upset about has anything to do with the points you are making or claiming it was about. That poster responded to a post asking for a summary, he gave a quick summary peppered with some snide remarks(not that these militia jokers don't deserve it) but then bookended it with an oddly placed and unnecessary "white people."

He has since gotten banned so it is probably time to just wrap this all up and get back to it.

Bold One

this thread got far uglier than it should have

but I have to admit I find the whole situation hilarious - Am I the only one?


this thread got far uglier than it should have

but I have to admit I find the whole situation hilarious - Am I the only one?
As long as it remains harmless, and no one becomes harmed, sure, why not. This is a bunch of idiots acting out of idiocy and exposing the lunacy of their ideas to the world.

It is though a shame there seems to be a developing alternative standard with how many members of the media report on these right wing militias, both in language and totality of coverage, compared to other similar events or groups of similar danger. The FBI has called right wing militias the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the country and yet all we ever hear about - even before San Bernadino and Paris - is scary brown and black people.


Holy crap. These are the dudes from Borderlands 2? Ha.

And you know I actually thought maybe this story was overblown as I'm seeing no real coverage but sure enough this is in fact a armed group that has taken over this building and there is not much outrage as it is just a given it will end peacefully meanwhile in other states they trot out tanks and a small militia to hold back people with signs. Just crazy.
As long as it remains harmless, and no one becomes harmed, sure, why not. This is a bunch of idiots acting out of idiocy and exposing the lunacy of their ideas to the world.

It is though a shame there seems to be a developing alternative standard with how many members of the media report on these right wing militias, both in language and totality of coverage, compared to other similar events.

Then again, back in the 80's and 90's they got a lot of severe press, the residents of Waco where called everything under the sun and the tone of the media was it was better they where dead and most did not blink an eye.

Ruby Ridge as well, two instance people where labelled in the media and no charges brought for what added up to state murder.

I think these past events help inform the tactics of today.
Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?
Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?

None of that is relevant. The issue to me is illegally occupying a building and trying to alter policy that way. Can't just occupy a building by threat of force. If "other" groups did that they'd already be shot to death. It's a double standard.
Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?
That was just their defense. The prosecution had witnesses that said they were burning an area to cover up illegal hunting activities. And the "controlled burn" went into acres and acres of federal land.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?

Because they didn't control burn, they sparked a fire to cover up an illegal hunt, then against federal order to avoid burning, sparked a fire that was designed to go onto federal land, which also could have endangered th lives of firefighters that were fighting nearby wildfires.

Robin Hoods they are not, David Thoreau-styles civil disobedience this is not.


Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?

Why do you assume that is what it was rather than that they started the fires on federal land to cover up illegal poaching?
None of that is relevant. The issue to me is illegally occupying a building and trying to alter policy that way. Can't just occupy a building by threat of force. If "other" groups did that they'd already be shot to death. It's a double standard.

From my understanding of the point you are making, your issue is with the state / federal government not these people.

As dumb and ignorant as they maybe they do not decide the standards applied to them, they are making a stand for something they believe in / are invested in. The failure for them to be treated as other groups are is the fault of the other players in this situation.

It is there the anger should be directed, not these people.


Meanwhile protesting on public property


Man, that storage wars show has gotten real intense lately.
From my understanding of the point you are making, your issue is with the state / federal government not these people.

As dumb and ignorant as they maybe they do not decide the standards applied to them, they are making a stand for something they believe in / are invested in. The failure for them to be treated as other groups are is the fault of the other players in this situation.

It is there the anger should be directed, not these people.

It should be directed at both. They're armed, talking about potential for violence, and are currently occupying a federal building. They(and the media) deserve to be mocked as hard as humanly possible.


Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?

The feds own the land. Don't start fires on land you don't own.


Then again, back in the 80's and 90's they got a lot of severe press, the residents of Waco where called everything under the sun and the tone of the media was it was better they where dead and most did not blink an eye.

Ruby Ridge as well, two instance people where labelled in the media and no charges brought for what added up to state murder.

I think these past events help inform the tactics of today.

To me the problem with the media seems to be that generally speaking there is currently a heightening and intensifying of the dangers blacks and muslims pose and downplaying of right wing militias. Which the FBI has rightfully pointed out is the largest domestic terror threat.

This disparity in quantity, quality and tone of coverage ends up providing a perverted and inaccurate view of current events leading to a further perversion toward policy, domestic safety issues and being able to accurately weigh their importance relative to other issues outside and within the given topic.
From my understanding of the point you are making, your issue is with the state / federal government not these people.

As dumb and ignorant as they maybe they do not decide the standards applied to them, they are making a stand for something they believe in / are invested in. The failure for them to be treated as other groups are is the fault of the other players in this situation.

It is there the anger should be directed, not these people.

Their stand in defending some arsonists? Fuck outta here with that noise. I'd support them if they were consistent in their views of "government oppression" to American citizens. Doubt they give two fucks when it's the police gunning down unarmed innocent people.

No, I will direct my anger right as them because while they get to be "armed protestors" I'm seeing black people get gunned down for having a BB gun. And I have a lingering feeling they don't see anything wrong with that.


Why should we side with the feds in this matter? Why do we assume that the feds know better than locals how to manage local land? Why is it justified that they are putting two men away for five years for carrying out controlled burns?

I got a bunch shit I need to burn, literally and figuratively. I'm also looking to try out a couple rifles. Could you give me your address so I could come over and burn my stuff and maybe hunt around on your property. Don't worry about consenting, I'm just gonna do it no matter what.

That's essentielly what you are defending here.
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