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EYE: Divine Cybermancy |OT| Eye For An Eye - Indie FPS/RPG, Source engine

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy 4-Pack - COMPLETE
3. Flunkie - Paid/Gifted!
4. Discotheque - Paid/Gifted!

All gone. Thanks everyone!
This game is suspiciously cheap for what it looks like it wants to be. What's the catch? Who made it? Do we know anything about the studio? Interested to see what your impressions are.


Conciliator said:
This game is suspiciously cheap for what it looks like it wants to be. What's the catch? Who made it? Do we know anything about the studio? Interested to see what your impressions are.

Indy dev on launch week. Its not a big well-known house so they cant come busting down the doors asking full retail.

That being said, I know nothing about the studio but the first review to come in was pretty positive.


They're a french team who've made 2 large mods. The catch is you can't expect all the bells and whistles of a big studio.


Okay so I've played past the first "level" and... I'm not sure how I feel. It's obviously made by an amateur team, but their menu scheme and shit is kind of terrible. Why couldn't they have gone with a hotbar for skills where I could just hit 1,2,3,4,5, etc. instead of bringing up a fucking wheel (Dragon Age anyone?) and having to select shit.

I went with psi force and it's kind of ridiculous. I just summon my dudebro's with big guns and they annihilate everyone.

Also, I can appreciate that it's a "hardcore" game and all, but a save system would be nice. I can't always guarantee I'll be able to play through a whole level (or want to) and so... yeah, it kinda sucks ass that I can't save and come back later.

Oh and someone mentioned issues with the translation - it's definitely terribad. The tutorials menu is pretty rough on the English side of things and the dialogue suffers.

I give it about a 6/10 based on what I've played so far.
Zenith said:
They're a french team who've made 2 large mods. The catch is you can't expect all the bells and whistles of a big studio.

I ain't concerned about the audio/visual experience, but I am a bit concerned about the gameplay.


Yeah, I have mixed feelings. Some things feel really good and others as just kind of meh, but most things out of the gate are pretty confusing. You have a tutorial menu that shows you exactly what to do if you get confused. I have only played the first level like 1stStrike, and I probably won't know exactly how I feel about it until I play more. So far, my random comments:

1. Hacking seems better than just "press button and presto!" - it's actually a real-time-strategy-RPG-like minigame where you pick to attack/shield/etc. I haven't figured it out yet but it seems cool.
2. The inventory system. You get boxes to fit your equipment from the armory (pistols take up less space than rifles, yadda yadda), and design your loadout for the upcoming mission. It wasn't anything outstanding but was kind of neat to me.
3. Weapons and combat seems competent. You can dual wield a katana and a pistol, which was pretty neat.
4. Lots of powers to use. I haven't even scratched the surface here, but it seems fairly deep?
5. Setting is kind of a weird futuristic/ninja setting that is compelling enough.

1. Movement. I kind of got some weird hitches when moving around and looking places. Also, the clipping for NPCs and other in-game objects is pretty bad.
2. The ability wheel. Like 1stStrike, I could easily see it working with a hotbar instead of the wheel, but unlike 1stStrike I appreciate trying something different, and it's not like it fails at being useful.
3. Sound. Very meh. Some sounds are shrill AHHH in your face and others make you want to turn the sound up. Guns sound okay. Sounds overall are kind of annoying.
4. So far, the pacing and accessibility of the game are just bad. I felt overwhelmed when I first started, like wtf is going on here? There's a big video tutorial menu list, but when playing a game for the first time, I want a tutorial to teach me how to do things myself, not watch a video and repeat.
5. Menus and presentation are kinda shit.

There's other things that I'm sure I'm missing but that's just my very rough first impressions. I certainly want to and will play more.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
The game sounds like it's rough around the edges. Strangely, that intrigues me, as I tend to like games that are rough around the edges a lot more than those that are immaculate and polished.


It's very interesting and seems to have quite a bit of depth.

It's so rough presentation wise though, can really tell it's indie.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Riposte said:
I was into it until I read

Sounds lame.

Really? Who doesn't just spam the hell out of quick save in this type of game?


I guess I'll wait for more reviews to come in before making any hasty decisions seeing as how I just found out about this.
The OP made me interested in the game. The trailers and subsequent player impressions killed that. I will wait and see, too. Regardless, it seems more like an FPS with some light RPG elements rather than an FPS/RPG hybrid.


Aaron said:
I'm not sure why you would think that of what's essentially a Source mod.



Davedough said:
Didn't notice that, but sadly those things aren't always accurate. Having played the game some, I'm not sure how it would support a controller. The interface is very mouse heavy. Annoyingly so.
I was having some fun with this game in co-op until I ran into a very annoying bug. When more than one character interacts with an NPC it can cause players to get locked up and stuck on the dialog screen. We tried to have only one person engage the NPC but if only one player speaks to an NPC the other player has no idea what is going on with the story because the dialog is not displayed for them and that's no fun at all. I had to exit several games because of this and eventually gave up. :(

I might try this again later. Anyone else run into similar problems?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just got home and downloaded it. Only was able to play for about 30 minutes, but I'm very intrigued so far. What I've experienced of the actual shooting part of the game has been quite satisfying.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I don't get hate for menu. It's quite clean and simple. You can hotkey all powers by the way.

As for steep learning curve who expected abything else? It's quite old-school in that regard. It just dumps you in the world and lets you try things.

The only part I'm dissapointed in is writing. I mean you either have it on a good level or dump it completely since no one would care about this anyway.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
The_Player said:
Oh, wow, 8.99$. Why so generous, steam? Bought. Now, to find some friend for coop.
Call me when I'm on Skype. I'll be there in 6 hours or so.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
_tetsuo_ said:
Can probably get 1 more for sure


Ok,I have 1 more thats on board. So with Dani we need 1 more.

Sorry, I have to bail. Silly friend who I was going to buy it for, bought it himself.
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