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Xiao Hu

serious, private things.

(religious views, the future of their support for me, the fact that it looks like my bicurious phase seems to be more than just a phase, my satisfaction in working for the family business, plus a host of other stuff)

I hope there wasn't a negative conclusion for any of those topics :/
I never understood the notion of 'sexual experimental phases'. So either you experiment with somebody once or twice but in my opinion phase always implies temporality/something that won't last long, eventually you will now know you like something after the second time and then those preferences stay mostly for ever.


Tonight my parents took me out to dinner because they needed to talk about some serious things, and I ended talking to them for six hours. It was awful.

I'm so mentally and physically drained right now and I feel like I've accomplished nothing all day, which just makes me feel more lousy. My girlfriend has to get up early for something so she went to bed before I even got home, so I can't even enjoy her company for the rest of the evening.

I finished everything on my short-term to-do list and don't have the faculties right now to come up with more things, so I can't even spend the rest of the night chipping away at a few things. Yet I won't allow myself to just crawl into bed and put some TV on because I'm delusional enough to think if I stay at my computer then I'll come up with something important to do.

7/10. Could be worse.

Sounds like a rough day.

If it makes you feel any better... I chuckled at that last part. 7/10 could be worse.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I feel like I live the opposite life to most people. Everyone conflicts with their parents over religious views while my parents have always said I'm free to believe whatever I want and that they'll love me regardless. Yet I ended up Catholic anyway.

I can't imagine what overbearing parents even feel like.
Sounds like a rough day.

If it makes you feel any better... I chuckled at that last part. 7/10 could be worse.

I try to keep some healthy perspective. It's pretty hard for me to have a truly terrible day.

I feel like I live the opposite life to most people. Everyone conflicts with their parents over religious views while my parents have always said I'm free to believe whatever I want and that they'll love me regardless. Yet I ended up Catholic anyway.

I can't imagine what overbearing parents even feel like.

It wasn't conflict so much as curiosity. They weren't judgmental, but they'd noticed some things that I never outright mentioned before so they just wanted confirmation and a bit of clarification.

They may be set in their own ways but as long as I'm able to convince them that I know what I'm doing then they trust and respect me. Sometimes it just takes a while.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I try to keep some healthy perspective. It's pretty hard for me to have a truly terrible day.

It wasn't conflict so much as curiosity. They weren't judgmental, but they'd noticed some things that I never outright mentioned before so they just wanted confirmation and a bit of clarification.

They may be set in their own ways but as long as I'm able to convince them that I know what I'm doing then they trust and respect me. Sometimes it just takes a while.
That's good. A lot of parents are really stubborn when it comes to belief differences/deviations from what they expect. I'm glad they seem willing to offer their love and support even if they don't fully agree or understand your choices and view. That's what parents should do.
That's good. A lot of parents are really stubborn when it comes to belief differences/deviations from what they expect. I'm glad they seem willing to offer their love and support even if they don't fully agree or understand your choices and view. That's what parents should do.

Yeah. It could have gone so much worse, so I have that to be thankful for.

Sounds like a productive evening then.

taking time to get something done that I didn't realize needed to get done still feels like a net loss to me :p




I'm willing to bet the long term 'net loss' of never having had that conversation would be several orders of magnitude higher.


I'm willing to bet the long term 'net loss' of never having had that conversation would be several orders of magnitude higher.

You're speaking like someone rational and removed from the issue, which means I'm much more likely to agree with you in the morning.


Redmond's Baby
I had to split my working day today, because two of coworkers have "stomach flu".

seriously, fuck this job

fuck it to the deepest part of Hell

Xiao Hu


Looking like a freaking tomato after the shower 😩


It wasn't conflict so much as curiosity. They weren't judgmental, but they'd noticed some things that I never outright mentioned before so they just wanted confirmation and a bit of clarification.

They may be set in their own ways but as long as I'm able to convince them that I know what I'm doing then they trust and respect me. Sometimes it just takes a while.

They are your parents. You and them forever have a biological link. You think alike.

Best wishes, lilith.


irresponsible vagina leak
Lol my mom reacting to facebook bear event Im going was awkwarrrd. At least was private and now a public post.


I feel like I live the opposite life to most people. Everyone conflicts with their parents over religious views while my parents have always said I'm free to believe whatever I want and that they'll love me regardless. Yet I ended up Catholic anyway.

I can't imagine what overbearing parents even feel like.
Really that's probably the best way to keep kids around. Once I started to notice my dad be embarrassed when I didn't go to church, I gave it up entirely. I don't need that pressure and he needs to be okay with whatever I decide
Co worker ranting about politics in the background. Why are people who have a lot to say so misinformed?

They have to compensate for something*

*I say this as a man who would kill for the ability to remember and go to college without racking up a ginormous amounts of college debt
Getting emails from potential employers. This is exciting, the whole moving thing might actually happen. Now I just gotta sound like a normal person on the phone.


Thats 75 cm. That is pretty short :/

yeah and I planned on hooking it up to my main tv out in the living room which is 55''

I'm going to go blind. But I guess you can hook wiimotes up to it as an alternative so I may get one of those.

Xiao Hu

God fuck 2016, so apparently my application for student allowance hasn't been processed for over a month because the responsible agency never received the requested documents... And here I am still waiting for September's salary. Can something nice happen to me once in a while?


7/10. Could be worse.

I haven't had a real life personal conversation with my parents since probably 2000 or so. My dad is a mess and my mom's way of showing love is sending me those damn Pop figures.

So while it doesn't sound like a fun night, I think I'd rather have some parents that seemed to give a shit about what I got going on. What I got was basically letting me fend for myself right out the gate.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
yeah and I planned on hooking it up to my main tv out in the living room which is 55''

I'm going to go blind. But I guess you can hook wiimotes up to it as an alternative so I may get one of those.
You can get extenders and also you could just get a long hdmi cord.

And man, that sounds like a heavy evening lili.
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