I will come at you a lot when I get a car 🌚Also
Alien > Aliens
Come at me
yes and yes. both movies are wonderfully amazing treasures
the ending of T1 <33
a storm is coming :OOOO
Nothing wrong with that.Also
Alien > Aliens
Come at me
why? to hug you because that's the only right opinion to have?Also
Alien > Aliens
Come at me
Sometimes you have great taste cutie pie.
And I actually prefer Aliens to Alien by a long shot.
Would you believe they inspired this game?Nothing wrong with that.
It's amazing though just how influential those two movies have been for video games.
why? to hug you because that's the only right opinion to have?
sometimes?! also you're wrong there babycakes
I never beat Doom 1 without cheat codes
Do you have an opening tomorrow evening? I have a couple of canker sores that might need to be looked at.
Okay professor childpie ❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺💋💋💋Hmmm, I give you (and only you) permission to call me Dr babycakes, not Mr or master, Dr.
they're not contagious so they're just a speed bump at best
Def. True. Alien is so fucking good.Also
Alien > Aliens
Come at me
Oh saw Dr. Strange with the woman and babies. It was really good. Marvel has such a leg up on DC at this point. Their movies are just so much more charming and full-on character. They make it much easier to forgive the flaws. I have high hopes for Wonder Woman tho, it looks so good
Which head tho?Ok, had to have a serious talk with a good friend of mine about homoerotic stuff. Basically we agreed to tone down the rather gay sounding mutual remarks because my sexual background makes me feel weird/ambiguous about it. Now my head is hot and I feel a little bit noxious but I'm glad we made things clear.
Prometheus was a good concept wrapped in self-indulgent bullshit.
They fucked over the first writer, back when the film still was under the Aliens monkier.
🤔Officer infant muffin))
I've seen broken image man many a time.So we got this new guy in at work. He's kind of a big deal. Maybe you've heard of him.
Marvel movies: Human actors turn into weightless CG cartoons and fly around on screen doing things I don't care about and have been given no reason to care about -- and often (civil snore) the motivations and logic behind everything that happens is so stupid that it shatters my ability to even believe the movie exists much less that the characters exist
I've seen broken image man many a time.
So we got this new guy in at work. He's kind of a big deal. Maybe you've heard of him.
I don't need movies about comic book heroes to be believable or even have motivations I care about. All I need in these movies is to be entertained and Marvel delivers exactly that.
The only time grounded super heroes worked was when we had Chris Nolan directing. Since that isn't happening again I've resigned to sit back and enjoy the ride.
He looks the same way I looked when I saw your pic earlier. 💅🏽So we got this new guy in at work. He's kind of a big deal. Maybe you've heard of him.
I don't need movies about comic book heroes to be believable or even have motivations I care about. All I need in these movies is to be entertained and Marvel delivers exactly that.
The only time grounded super heroes worked was when we had Chris Nolan directing. Since that isn't happening again I've resigned to sit back and enjoy the ride.
Do you get an advanced screening of Moana?
It's not about being grounded. It's about being interesting.
He looks the same way I looked when I saw your pic earlier. 💅🏽
Should I repay you with a pic? You can ask a few members here that know Im not shy 😂😂😂Goddamnit 😂
Yet very entertaining.Currently going through Twin Peaks.
I wish. He's kinda quiet in person. A real tough guy, it's hard to get him to talk.
I literally fell asleep during Dr. Weirdo
Should I repay you with a pic? You can ask a few members here that know Im not shy 😂😂😂
Yet very entertaining.
Don't you do any drug screenings? He looks kinda stoned.
Alrighty.I'm good. o_o
It boggles my mind that you can enjoy a game like gears 4 in the same way I like dumb marvel movies but can't apply that same logic to marvel movies yourself.
Blizzard just confirmed most of the Overwatch crew is gay af
Buttering up my pooper for Bastion's gun dick brb