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I think my anger at those Dems who gave $13k to the NCGOP is now wholly justified. What with the fucking massive voter suppression that they were behind and everything

Xiao Hu

I can't even begin to describe the devastating effect this will have on minorities and the poor with the GOP in charge. I'm anticipating social services will be hacked to the bone, which will probably make me homeless. Gay rights will be stripped away. I can't even think. I'm just horrified.

Come over to Europe then


Someone who said if a restaurant served a gay person he wouldn't eat there anymore is our new vice president

Someone who said even worse things is our new president.

America is taking such a major leap backwards that I'll actually be an old man before we recover from this.


Unconfirmed Member
The up to date results indicate it will be fucking close



Fucking christ

I told you to vote for Sanders

Centrist liberalism is well and truly dead

And before anyone accuses me of it, I take no pleasure in what's happening. I'm fucking pissed off. Of course, the left will still be fucking blamed for this, won't we? Because it's never going to be the fucking fault of the people who nominated one of the most unpopular presidential candidates ever is it?


I have to laugh at the fucking incompetence of the Democrats. Otherwise I may actually kill someone.

Good fucking job America, you may actually end up with the tangerine moron as president. Good. Fucking. Job.
I'm glad you addressed the incompetence of the Democrats, because it is not a one way street in this shit show.

What they did to Sanders rather than focusing on solid messaging for the actual campaign is ridiculous.


Trump can't do as much damage as people are afraid of (I hope) but the fact that this will legitimize so many hateful fucks...


Trump can't do as much damage as people are afraid of (I hope) but the fact that this will legitimize so many hateful fucks...

The supreme court is gone for another generation, and who knows what wacky shit they can do with all three branches under their control. I'm a little grossed out.


A generation?


Lifetime appointments, so yeah.

This'll put the democratic party in the position of having the least power it has had in.. Like, maybe ever. GOP will have the supreme court, the senate, the house, and the presidency with a fucking lunatic at the top. It's actually legitimately kind of scary.


Man, that system needs to change.

What can I say, stay safe, remember that not everyone is a hateful bigot and hope the Trump presidency implodes without taking too many people with it.

Who am I kidding, this year has been fucked for people who believe in progressive politics, no matter which nation or country they are from.


Could he reappeal Don't Ask Don't Tell?

Fuck me this is fucking awful.

They could literally do anything. I don't think they'd spend a lot of capital on something like this (, so unlikely, but yeah.

It's safe to say the ACA is as good as dead. It wasn't brilliant to begin with, but a lot of vulnerable folks who were depending on medicade to get checkups and medication and dental care will be kissing that goodbye.

edit: to be fair, the democrats could probably be disruptive enough in the senate to stop some of these things. I know you need 60 votes to basically do almost anything in the senate, so I guess we'll see.


irresponsible vagina leak
Well my breathing is becoming harder for me with the throat inflammation and only breathing from one side of my nose and I think my tongue is slightly swollen. I got no medical ensurance here yet so I might as well die at this pace if it gets any worse. FML


I know I will never trust Gaf again for political insights :( Ever since Trump started running for Republican candidate I was told over and over again it wasn't actually possible for him to win.



I'm afraid

I know I will never trust Gaf again for political insights :( Ever since Trump started running for Republican candidate I was told over and over again it wasn't actually possible for him to win.


Turns out the whole "uneducated white people will come out in droves" thing was right. Funny that the polling for Brexit ended up being better
So 2016. Many a great celebrities whose craft I enjoyed died. My job went to shit. My wife left me. And now Trump is going to be president.

Yah, this year kinda blows ass.


After the CA vote all comes in it seems quite plausible or even likely that Hillary Clinton will have won the popular vote.

In other words, it's possible that more americans voted for the loser. Go democracy.


Unconfirmed Member
Today was a great day. I woke up at midday, submitted my passport application for a cruise, decided to swing by work even though it's my day off so that I could shake hands with Jenny Hill, mayor of Townsville who was touring our building, bonded with Mark, the British guy at work with a mohawk, went to Catus Jacks for two $3 pints of Dragonslayer Ale, talked with a guy about the US election, bought a copy of The Hobbit at Salvos for only $2, as I was walking across the road the guy in front of me had a seizure, I made sure he was okay and waived off traffic with a bunch of council workers until the ambulance came, had a mushroom focccia, the girl at brumbys was real cute, had black freckles all over her face, my highshool girlfreind who may still llike me got broken up with, and she is devastasted, Donald Trump won the US presi-What? Noooooooooo


I need a fucking drink.

Hateful bigots world wide taking this as a sign of legitimacy.

$47 billion wiped off the Australian stock exchange and he's not even president yet.

Fuck knows what this is going to do to the state of geopolitics.


I need a fucking drink.

Hateful bigots world wide taking this as a sign of legitimacy.

$47 billion wiped off the Australian stock exchange and he's not even president yet.

Fuck knows what this is going to do to the state of geopolitics.

Yeah, I'm just gonna try to forget all this happened and ignore all the news. Going for a run and then I'll try to get some work done.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
gettin rrrrreeeaaeal sick and tired of this weimar republic phase the western world seems to be going through


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Free game keys

Lost Planet 3 PS3


Street Fighter 2 HD PS3


Remember Me PS3



This is viral marketing for Tyranny, the new RPG where evil has won and you take what is yours, by Obsidian Software coming to Steam November 10th 2016, isn't it?
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