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the worst part of buying new boots is breaking them in. my feet still hurt from the new pair i bought :(

but damn if i didn't look good today with them tho.


Unconfirmed Member
EDIT: All of the sudden I remembered Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Does anyone remember that and is it any good? I honestly dont remember much.

Very good.


Unconfirmed Member
Who are you going to trust, your good buddy Shuman, or FloatOn who lied to his parent about breaking a lamp when he was 9. Even after they explicity told him to stop throwing tennis balls in the house.


irresponsible vagina leak
Who are you going to trust, your good buddy Shuman, or FloatOn who lied to his parent about breaking a lamp when he was 9. Even after they explicity told him to stop throwing tennis balls in the house.
FloatOn is in Florida plus he said he would spoon and cuddle me so I go with him.
Earlier I mentioned wanting to relax and sleep the evening away but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I got a phone call from one of my friends on my way home from work which ended up lasting a couple hours, then I got dragged out to dinner, then we went shopping, and finally we came home and did a bunch of sewing work for our Halloween costumes. (my own need was minimal having bought a mostly pre-assembled dress online)

This is good though. Maybe I'll fall asleep earlier than late and finally get back into a regular swing of things. Also I should still have most of the weekend to relax.

I'm seeing a lot of love for Westworld. I like Jon Nolan and I like JJ Abrams, but HBO pisses me off. Is anyone here watching it and think it's worth re-subbing and dealing with the piece of shit HBO Go interface? Or should I sleep on the show for now? I'm not at a loss for other things to keep my entertainment.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm seeing a lot of love for Westworld. I like Jon Nolan and I like JJ Abrams, but HBO pisses me off. Is anyone here watching it and think it's worth re-subbing and dealing with the piece of shit HBO Go interface? Or should I sleep on the show for now? I'm not at a loss for other things to keep my entertainment.

It's good but i'm Australian and we don't pay for things.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm seeing a lot of love for Westworld. I like Jon Nolan and I like JJ Abrams, but HBO pisses me off. Is anyone here watching it and think it's worth re-subbing and dealing with the piece of shit HBO Go interface? Or should I sleep on the show for now? I'm not at a loss for other things to keep my entertainment.

It's very solid, not quite as consistently well shot as something like Game of Thrones, but conceptually very interesting. The pilot is superb in that it cuts a lot of fat and instead focuses on valued density of content and themes, so over the course of one episode it does a strong job of establishing the core themes, setting, characters, and numerous developing mysteries.

But like any show a great pilot is no guarantee for a legitimately good developing narrative across an entire season or more. So if you're not pressured to jump in right now, and can avoid being spoiled, I don't see any harm in waiting to see how the next few episodes are received. If it's consistent you can jump in, and if it goes to shit you miss nothing.
It's very solid, not quite as consistently well shot as something like Game of Thrones, but conceptually very interesting. The pilot is superb in that it cuts a lot of fat and instead focuses on valued density of content and themes, so over the course of one episode it does a strong job of establishing the core themes, setting, characters, and numerous developing mysteries.

But like any show a great pilot is no guarantee for a legitimately good developing narrative across an entire season or more. So if you're not pressured to jump in right now, and can avoid being spoiled, I don't see any harm in waiting to see how the next few episodes are received. If it's consistent you can jump in, and if it goes to shit you miss nothing.

Great analysis. Thank you! :)

I guess I'll wait for now then.


Pulled out my old Bible. I'm not really a religious person but I guess I'm looking for comfort tonight. Don't care from where.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey Jobbs if I ever compared Ghost Song to No Man's Sky when I was drunk that was a low blow and i'm sorry.
Hey Jobbs if I ever compared Ghost Song to No Man's Sky when I was drunk that was a low blow and i'm sorry.

I was promised super metroid and if we don't get super metroid we've been lied too ;)

Did you know jobbs is Sean Murray when spelled backwards &#128064; :p

In unrelated news , who knew buses were sold out 2-3 days in advance , I'm trying to go from Boston to New York for comic con and it's all sold out until 12 pm , that's way to late
so the word "job" can be found inside jobbs. See: [job]bs. Obviously this means the conspiracy was an inside job. When you take that away, all you're left with is BS
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