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Let's watch the coming weeks, I still expect some stronger volatility as soon as Trump clears things up especially in regard to Asia and Latin America. The Euro will probably strengthen further against the Dollar, gold will most likely rise even further.
Yeah I'll definitely keep an eye on it.
I'm just really disappointed. Like I thought America was better than this.

I'm not gonna change shit though. I'm gonna keep being me and living my life. It's just disheartening that so many bigots crawled out of the woodwork to prove that this country is filled with so much hate and fear.


It's amazing. We thought people were being crazy with the Brexit comparisons, but after last night, they were totally right.
They were being crazy with the comparisons but they also happened to be right :p

At least brexit had somewhat close polling, in this case it was mostly just a feeling


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Seriously though, last night wasn't all bad. There were a lot of good reforms passed. Recreational marijuana is legal in 3 more states

Xiao Hu

I need a friend here atm. Im a wreck internally but cant be vocal about it.

::sending positive energy to Florida::

Good friend of mine called me racist because I called those Americans who voted for Trump the worst... This day is shiiiiiit!


It was a joke. But tbf, while making progress will be hard, walking anything back is pretty imposible with house close Congress is split.
RFRA's are free game though. Gotta hope to be in a state that's not crazy enough to have one. Might have to rely on economic pressures like with North Carolina to prevent them from happening

Xiao Hu

Are racists a race now?

Apparently yes. So according to him I shouldn't be so condescending about the results because we Germans aren't any better. Except for we haven't voted a Trump into office. Yes, next year we will see a populist far-right party in the parlament but they will have zero influence and with some good work we'll push that scum out in 2021.

Oh, and he is a radical lefty btw...


As a gay female in the military, I'm seriously fucked. So good on you for being straight and male, I guess.

I'm a little bitter, sorry.

I wish that there was something more I could do. I did my best to speak out against trump and I voted for Hillary.

I'm heartbroken to say the least.

I need a friend here atm. Im a wreck internally but cant be vocal about it.

once I get a more reliable vehicle I'll head your way and buy you some beers. I'm so sorry that this happened.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'm glad I live in a blue state on one of the biggest blue counties in the US. Even Riverside, and Orange County went blue.
It's a shock absorber.

Plus, weed got legal, and we have a biracial senator.


"Harambe, A Dead Gorilla, Got Over 15,000 Votes For President Of The Unites States" Fucking idiots.

And while California did some good, we still have the death penalty -_-

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me

Charlie Brooker is going to be more angsty and closer to his original self.
His yearly Wipe series is going to be something.


irresponsible vagina leak
Once I get a more reliable vehicle I'll head your way and buy you some beers. I'm so sorry that this happened.
I was pretty positive here in FL but now I feel crushed man. I dont know why I expected better but I guess it was just the charm of being new to the area. Im legally here so I shouldnt worry about that part but my lgbt rights and the rights of my friends who are other minorities is fucking depressing.


This is like 2000 all over again. She won the popular vote, but messed up big when it came to the electorals. This is gonna be a long 4-8 years, folks.
This is like 2000 all over again. She won the popular vote, but messed up big when it came to the electorals. This is gonna be a long 4-8 years, folks.

She completely overlooked the rust belt. I saw this months ago, Trump was firing up the blue collar voter. She wasn't at all.


She completely overlooked the rust belt. I saw this months ago, Trump was firing up the blue collar voter. She wasn't at all.
And you know what the saddest part is? Trump's still gonna wind up with less votes than Romney and McCain. Hillary just didn't get the Dems fired up like they did with Obama. If it wasn't for term limits, we would have seen a third term out of him.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
And you know what the saddest part is? Trump's still gonna wind up with less votes than Romney and McCain. Hillary just didn't get the Dems fired up like they did with Obama. If it wasn't for term limits, we would have seen a third term out of him.
Cynicism and apathy. The people most affected just don't vote.

We need a national voting holiday, or weekend

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I am depressive and as pessimistic as they come, but cynicism and apathy are so much worse.

I only apply those attributes to myself and not the world.
Jesus Christ at the woman I just saw on the local news.

"We're not ready for a woman president. A woman would be better standing behind the president."
man I can't take this stupid apartment hunting anymore. I gotta work super early all week (for my standards at least) and I was up way later than I intended to last night bc of that stupid skype house showing that didn't work and I'll have to do the same today. plus I'm counting skyping as social interaction which is extra exhausting to me on top.
I just want to sleep and be alone 4ever :(((

sorry, I get super whiny when I'm tired and I need someone to comfort me. >.>


@trabbo, fully understand the exhaustion of unwanted but necessary social interaction. It can be frustrating but hopefully you find a resolution soon.

My car is still not even at the shop. I need to call those slow assholes today. I know exactly how long the labor takes and it should have been done by Monday.

Remember when everyone was mocking Trump's campaign with how little funding it had, and how horribly it was run?

@trabbo, fully understand the exhaustion of unwanted but necessary social interaction. It can be frustrating but hopefully you find a resolution soon.

My car is still not even at the shop. I need to call those slow assholes today. I know exactly how long the labor takes and it should have been done by Monday.

Remember when everyone was mocking Trump's campaign with how little funding it had, and how horribly it was run?

you should kick their asses!


It's amazing. We thought people were being crazy with the Brexit comparisons, but after last night, they were totally right.

I compared it on this forum and was told off.
Sometimes this forum is in such a bubble, they forget that idiots exist.

We come to this forum as there's lots of like minded people here,
but we can't forget what a lot of other people are like.

Still think the dems got too cocky this election.
Hopefully Sanders and Warren can be the new face of the dems.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Well. President Trump, huh. I don't think I'll ever be able to take that seriously.
Vaz, with all the election shit that happened, I realized I forgot to gift you the Humble stuff. I'll be sending you a PM in a few minutes, I'm at work atm
SO what games are you playing to escape reality this week?

I'll probly be playing Overwatch as usual, maybe some dragon quest builders for the super happy vibes
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