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I never once said anything about British politics because I am not an active part of your polItical system. I have no say. I don't pretend to know. It's YOU that's assuming shit about American politics like you know everything.

To be fair I'm american and I'll gladly point out that the british are pretty fucking stupid for voting for brexit
I voted for Hillary because that's what I thought would help my friends.

It's all I could do in the long run.

Playing the blame game/circle jerk on the internet is so completely pointless because it was an systematic failure of our politics to get someone competent elected.

It was a failure of our education system to educate people and it's a massive failure of the democratic party to get anyone elected to office.

Fuck this blame game
Fuck our political system
Fuck everything.

All of us need to get involved in 2018, and we need to drag our friends into it.
I fucking love Austin Walker. Really looking forward to the future of Waypoint.

Agreed, this is really great. I've always appreciated his calm and thoughtful tone in his articles.


Been wrapping up Strange Journey lately (bullshit Eridanus Sector) and REALLY getting into Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland.
It's definitely not the game I was expecting going in and super impressed with it so far.

Actually really getting back into DS/3DS lately with a peppering of arcade games.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight art and animation is just ❤️
This just went on my wishlist.


Whoa, how did you swing that? Congrats!

Sorry for the late response it's been a long day :(

I've actually had to do very little. She has been initiating pretty much everything so far. I'm still hestitating on things due to the complexity of her situation with the divorce. I don't want to be a home wrecker you know? So for right now I'm just trying to be her friend and get to know her better.
I never once said anything about British politics because I am not an active part of your polItical system. I have no say. I don't pretend to know. It's YOU that's assuming shit about American politics like you know everything.
You said that I don't live in a racist, homophobic society. I do. And it is possible to take an interest in another country's politics you know, especially when it's one of the most influential countries in the world.

But fine. I'm not allowed to comment apparently. So instead I'll just drop this article by Roqayah Chamseddine here and let you tell her why she's wrong for saying it.

*legitimately leaving because I feel like people probably won't want me around for a while, at least until the dust has settled*


Smells like fresh rosebuds
At my kids veterans day recital tearing up like a baby at their songs and letters.

However having babies singing Anchors Away is kinda messed up lol. Our song is about getting shit housed while in port. It literally describes drinking until the breakdown dawn.


At my kids veterans day recital tearing up like a baby at their songs and letters.

However having babies singing Anchors Away is kinda messed up lol. Our song is about getting shit housed while in port. It literally describes drinking until the breakdown dawn.

I came home excited to see my baby girl and apparently my wife had kind of a stressful day with her so she put her to bed already. Feels like the day was a big waste as I'm sure I will snap my fingers and be teleported back at my desk tomorrow.


On a far less important note, didn't manage to snag myself a mini NES.

Don't care that much, a mini SNES on the other hand...


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
imgur is being flooded by cute sea slugs to make everyone feel better about the election.


Lost Planet 3 PS3


Street Fighter 2 HD PS3


Remember Me PS3



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I would buy a mini-SNES on day zero.

Also, I'm totally making these for Thanksgiving, but mine will be whole wheat.



A lot of people on these boards at each others throats today.

Listening to the new Run The Jewels track. My sadness and anxiety has been transformed into anger now.

My thoughts immediately went to Co Flows Patriotism from 2002:

I'm the ugliest version of passed down toxic capitalist
Rapid emcee perversion -- I'm America!
Your bleeding-heart liberal drivel gets squashed
Wash em with sterilized rhyme patriot-guided weaponry bomb
From the makers of the devious hearts -- I'm America!
You bitchy little dogs don't even phase my basic policy
The bomb's smarter, my Ronald Reagan's crush Carter
With Bay of Pig tactics makin young men into martyrs
(Come on down!) Come to my happy promised land
Smiley faced opportunity cypher
And jump on the CoFlow pension plan
A proletariat, crushing State of the Union
Between serpentine words and mass confusion
Of media controlled blurb advertising disillusionment
Your family will love my low-rent, low-life
No-brain, reality-dagger, MOVEMENT
Hop over the border for amusement; try to test the waters
That the other slaughter crews pay all they dues in
You up against -- Jesus Freak, formin corporations in Young Republicans
Indelible NATO force hidden agenda, puppet governments
I'm lovin it! Keep the people guessin who I'm runnin with
Control the population and hide behind sacred covenants
Fuckin with me?!?! Means liberal wildlife burnin, gasoline seized
And an automagnetic third world printed with metal plates in they knees
Can't you hear the disenchanted, hide the scream of
Gabriel's reflected new wind instrument, a judgment played in flat C
I replace humans like robots in a GM factory (warning! warning!)
Then export metaphors to sweat shops, cause the price is satisfactory
Your pious little cries of injustice get met with apathy
(Awww, SHUT UP!!) Soak, cloak, hormone injected dairy product
And conservative right-wing anti-eroticism; the poisonous
Resevoirs and power lines in your neighborhood cause botchilism
SENSELESS! Join the census, censorship sentences sentence
Triple-felon citizen paid pennance!
Dissension against C-F ends in, penetentiary residence
Lock em up first, then ask questions
Omniscient presence, my CHARM is the weapon
With cameras mics and satellites that leave privacy breathless
You don't even know the chemicals you've ingested


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
A lot of people on these boards at each others throats today.
Did you expect anything less?

The abject misery and fury people feel was going to come either way, but with a Trump victory GAF was bound to implode. It sinks my heart to see so many people in such a negative state of being.


Did you expect anything less?

The abject misery and fury people feel was going to come either way, but with a Trump victory GAF was bound to implode. It sinks my heart to see so many people in such a negative state of being.

I actually expected a tiny little more from people on here, if you're going to throw molotovs, throw them at the right fucking targets.
I actually expected a tiny little more from people on here, if you're going to throw molotovs, throw them at the right fucking targets.

The anti-hillary sentiment on this board was silenced far too often. Now it's back out in full force.

That protest thread is a mess, if I read one more 'whats the point' comment I'm gonna throw up.


The anti-hillary sentiment on this board was silenced far too often. Now it's back out in full force.

That protest thread is a mess, if I read one more 'whats the point' comment I'm gonna throw up.

Kinda of have to point the finger a little bit at the moderation team for the first point.

But yeah, multiple OT threads I'm not touching with a 10 ft pole.
I really hope this election fires up the left like Obama's fired up the right. I'm 24 so I haven't been politically cognizant for very long but I am mad as hell and that is not changing anytime soon.

Also we are going to get some great music in the next 4 years.


Seattle isn't in much better shape. I was outside a little earlier today and it was dead silent. You could cut the mood with a fork.


You aren't a homewrecker if the home is already wrecked.

Good word. Thanks

Seattle isn't in much better shape. I was outside a little earlier today and it was dead silent. You could cut the mood with a fork.

Here in Orlando I was buying snacks at wawa earlier. The friendly cashier asked how I was and somehow I just felt like being real and I said "disappointed" we proceeded to vent to each other and it was so refreshing to be honest with a total stranger.


I really hope this election fires up the left like Obama's fired up the right. I'm 24 so I haven't been politically cognizant for very long but I am mad as hell and that is not changing anytime soon.

Also we are going to get some great music in the next 4 years.
Hey, I saw you in the protest thread. Yeah, I hope this becomes a continuing thing for the next 4-8 years (hopefully 4 or less, if he ever gets impeached or something). Taking that anger to the midterms would be helpful, though with the districts in the 'Pub's favour...

And yes, I can only hope for more folks letting their anger out through music in the meantime. Something like grunge needs a comeback.


Hey, I saw you in the protest thread. Yeah, I hope this becomes a continuing thing for the next 4-8 years (hopefully 4 or less, if he ever gets impeached or something). Taking that anger to the midterms would be helpful, though with the districts in the 'Pub's favour...

And yes, I can only hope for more folks letting their anger out through music in the meantime. Something like grunge needs a comeback.

A sequel to the nofx album war on errorism is in order


Good. Too many are too apathetic.

Have there ever been major protests like this a day after? This seems unprecedented.

When the majority of the Western world is in shock over an election outside of their own country (even if the US remains the largest player in the game), you know shit is fucked.
So I already experience certain bullshit every once in a while given I live in Alabama, but about 30 or so minutes ago, I was walking through the parking lot on my way to the car. A truck is backing out a few spaces down. The driver is white, has his window rolled down, and is wearing one of those 'Make America Great Again' hats. As he drives by me he says, "Fuck Hillary and you niggers", laughs, and peels off.

I'm at home now. I was fucking pissed the whole way driving back. Maybe that piece of shit was openly racist before, I don't know, but racists have become more bold since Trump started this campaign, and this shit will likely get worse now that he's going to be fucking president.

Shit like this is why I'm of the mindset that anyone who voted for Trump can fuck off.


Absolutely amazing how I now realize how much America doesn't give a shit about me, as a young, gay female.


Actually the majority of the country who voted for Hillary -- and the majority DID vote for her -- Do give a shit about you and many of them care a great great deal. This is still horrible though :( I've had this odd feeling of unease today that I never thought I'd experience as the result of an election because usually I'm not very politically engaged.

Shit like this is why I'm of the mindset that anyone who voted for Trump can fuck off.

Man that's horrible :((((

Validating his words and actions by voting for him means there is something wrong with you, I view it very simply


So I already experience certain bullshit every once in a while given I live in Alabama, but about 30 or so minutes ago, I was walking through the parking lot on my way to the car. A truck is backing out a few spaces down. The driver is white, has his window rolled down, and is wearing one of those 'Make America Great Again' hats. As he drives by me he says, "Fuck Hillary and you niggers", laughs, and peels off.

Absolutely vile.


irresponsible vagina leak
Im emotionally reaching a point I dont want to reach and my family wont stop saying racist and homophobic comments. I want to disappear but I cant do shit cause I got no money and my friends are not exactly near and in conditions to take me into their apartments. I was very happy and now I don't feel safe at this apartment. This fucking sucks and I feel more shit will be said during the week.


So I already experience certain bullshit every once in a while given I live in Alabama, but about 30 or so minutes ago, I was walking through the parking lot on my way to the car. A truck is backing out a few spaces down. The driver is white, has his window rolled down, and is wearing one of those 'Make America Great Again' hats. As he drives by me he says, "Fuck Hillary and you niggers", laughs, and peels off.

I'm at home now. I was fucking pissed the whole way driving back. Maybe that piece of shit was openly racist before, I don't know, but racists have become more bold since Trump started this campaign, and this shit will likely get worse now that he's going to be fucking president.

Shit like this is why I'm of the mindset that anyone who voted for Trump can fuck off.
That's despicable man. I hope an opportunity presents itself that you can live in a more accepting community.

Having those come out of the woodwork even louder and prouder is really sickening.

A friend of mine posted a picture of a car in Astoria (NYC) that had all sorts of different animal horns etc, trump flag and the license plate "oval bush". I was shocked it could be real.
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