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I wrote a thing earlier

Because I don't feel like having this conversation more times than necessary I need to unload some things. Keep scrolling if you want, I'm not writing this for any kind of affirmation or to create some kind of echo chamber.

From the beginning I was a Bernie Sanders supporter. How much I donated to his campaign isn't important. I was elated by the passion I saw at Bernie-fest from people from all walks of life in attendance at that particular event.

I was heartbroken when Sanders didn't make it in the primaries and angry at what I heard happened with the DNC. Of course it was only logical to be skeptical of HRC after something like that.

Meanwhile it was easy to see how Donald Trump represents everything opposite to my character. It was clear from the beginning that I wasn't going to support him.

Then Bernie Sanders endorsed HRC and drove the point home that this election was more than just candidates but about the platform that will do the most good for this country. He expertly spelled out how HRC was willing and able to carry the mantle of the democratic platform and my skepticism about who Hillary Clinton was dissolved.

From that point on at every opportunity I tried to make it clear how important it was to vote for the democratic platform (not specifically HRC) to my friends that decided to not vote or to those that were leaning third party. I stressed the importance of voting against Trump and worrying about the qualms they have with Hillary Clinton later.

Now that the worst possible scenario has happened for this country everything is just so surreal. This has never been about my well being. As I've said earlier being a straight white male makes things easy for me. I will never know the struggle so many friends of mine have faced and will have to endure even further under a Trump presidency.

I'm still trying to process it all but I'm inspired now more than ever to get involved in activism on a local level. My busy schedule is no longer an excuse.

I'm horrified at what I'm hearing and heartbroken that it's happening to my friends here in fakegaf. The least I can do is lend an ear and pass on an encouraging word. If any of you need to unload my inbox is open. I'll promise to be the best friend I can to you.


I wrote a thing earlier

I'm horrified at what I'm hearing and heartbroken that it's happening to my friends here in fakegaf. The least I can do is lend an ear and pass on an encouraging word. If any of you need to unload my inbox is open. I'll promise to be the best friend I can to you.



It really does feel like I have a target on my back, as a gay man. I mean, it's always felt that way at least a little bit and I'm safer in Seattle than I would be in say, the south but it's still very sobering. And scary as fuck.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

My friends and family are literally at each others' throats, which was going to happen no matter who got elected

I am so sad rn

I give hugs to everyone, I know you need hugs


Wonder if there were many who did a LOL thing like brexit, where people didn't think it was going to happen,
so they cast joke ballets.

Those polls really painted a different picture.
I'm still trying to figure out how exactly the DNC managed to blow this election. They couldn't have asked for an easier path to power for another 4 years, and they still managed to fuck it up. I'm guessing right about now Biden is regretting not running, Sander is probably waggling that finger of his at a computer monitor yelling 'I TOLD YOU SO' and Obama is taking hits straight from the bottle knowing everything he worked so hard for is about to get flushed down the toilet.

I mean seriously, how the fuck do you not manage to beat Trump coming off the heels of an amazingly popular president from your own party? You have to be either blazingly incompetent or completely stupid to not get the win in that situation. And here we sit watching as the Democratic party has to try and figure out how they managed to fuck up so bad.

And the best part? Now they have to find someone new to run in 2020. Hillary, Biden, Sanders will all be to old. Kain won't want to run again. Warren is a possibility, but after witnessing what happened this time around I am betting she backs away from the idea. The only plus side is that they will have four years to learn from their mistakes and lay the groundwork to try and oust Pence (since I am betting Trump resigns within two years).


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm still trying to figure out how exactly the DNC managed to blow this election. They couldn't have asked for an easier path to power for another 4 years, and they still managed to fuck it up. I'm guessing right about now Biden is regretting not running, Sander is probably waggling that finger of his at a computer monitor yelling 'I TOLD YOU SO' and Obama is taking hits straight from the bottle knowing everything he worked so hard for is about to get flushed down the toilet.

I mean seriously, how the fuck do you not manage to beat Trump coming off the heels of an amazingly popular president from your own party? You have to be either blazingly incompetent or completely stupid to not get the win in that situation. And here we sit watching as the Democratic party has to try and figure out how they managed to fuck up so bad.

And the best part? Now they have to find someone new to run in 2020. Hillary, Biden, Sanders will all be to old. Kain won't want to run again. Warren is a possibility, but after witnessing what happened this time around I am betting she backs away from the idea. The only plus side is that they will have four years to learn from their mistakes and lay the groundwork to try and oust Pence (since I am betting Trump resigns within two years).
I'm 90% sure Biden's son's death had an influence in his decision not to run. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
holy fuck I'm drunker than I've been in a long time, I even had wine (QUEUE PEOPLE SAYING OHHHHHH WINE, SO DRAMATIC stfu I only have wine on special occasions)
His son was a big one, but I have heard the DNC also played a part in it by telling him they preferred Hillary. Which was fine, they were counting on her name and connection to Bill to seriously help her odds. The problem is, Hillary doesn't come across very well to the average person. She tries so hard to make herself one of the people it comes across as fake very easily. Biden though, Biden could pull it off. He had a knack for fitting in with just about any crowd. And while he may not have had all the connections or the big name recognition, being able to relate to the average voter is just as important.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I mean, several thousand people voted for fucking Harambe.

Absolute worst meme of 2016 leaves yet more destruction in its wake. Burn the earth to cinders and start again.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
His son was a big one, but I have heard the DNC also played a part in it by telling him they preferred Hillary. Which was fine, they were counting on her name and connection to Bill to seriously help her odds. The problem is, Hillary doesn't come across very well to the average person. She tries so hard to make herself one of the people it comes across as fake very easily. Biden though, Biden could pull it off. He had a knack for fitting in with just about any crowd. And while he may not have had all the connections or the big name recognition, being able to relate to the average voter is just as important.
I just want a woman president that is actually likable and good

Absolute worst meme of 2016 leaves yet more destruction in its wake. Burn the earth to cinders and start again.
Harambe is shit. Not the gorilla. The meme


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Beyond reason
Someone able to throw away their vote for a meme
Both candidates were shit but to throw away your vote for a meme is fucking kslfkjshfhaowr09fu3qwfhoih


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I had a small glass of red wine with dinner. Programming drunk is no fun though so I didn't imbibe as much as everyone else.
imbibe further like the rest of us

MY MAN. I just haven't decided what to get yet. Beer? Liquor? Wine? All viable options.

(And I'm with you on white over red.)
Brotha let me share with you my secret tonic. It's a regular glass of drinking water, half vodka (decent brand) and half seltzer water. Add Mio (blue or grape is best, but any works) to make it sweet. Low calorie, not that bad, tastes amazing. Nobody ever believes me until they try it, and then they always ask for it at parties. "Make me your Mio drink!" They say.

Or just get White Wine.


imbibe further like the rest of us

Brotha let me share with you my secret tonic. It's a regular glass of drinking water, half vodka (decent brand) and half seltzer water. Add Mio (blue or grape is best, but any works) to make it sweet. Low calorie, not that bad, tastes amazing. Nobody ever believes me until they try it, and then they always ask for it at parties. "Make me your Mio drink!" They say.

Or just get White Wine.

What's Mio? :p


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
my roommates and girlfriend already failed to convince me so I'm not sure what hope you have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you placing me on the bottom of your social hiearchy? I'm offended, Lili. Truly.
idgaf lol, please don't taket his seriously

What's Mio? :p




You're going to betray tequila all due to some artificial flavouring?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Vodka, Dan! I definitely agree that tequila needs to be left alone.

(Except for the occasional margarita...)

Yeah. I'm done with GAF. This site is nothing but Trump and I can't do it.

It is pretty relentless, yeah. I'm assuming it'll settle down eventually. Maybe.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
fumes doesn't know what he is talking about my drink is awesome


There are exceptions. :p I'm not sure I'd have any idea how to make a sunrise by myself, though...

Easiest cocktail in the world. Tall glass, a shitload of tequila (this may just be my personal preference, 2 shots is the usual I think), fill the rest with orange juice and add a dash of grenadine.

The grenadine is really just for colour though.

fumes doesn't know what he is talking about my drink is awesome

I'm pretty sure I know what a flavoured vodka and tonic is mate! And if that is your drink of choice, by all means have at it.


Easiest cocktail in the world. Tall glass, a shitload of tequila (this may just be my personal preference, 2 shots is the usual I think), fill the rest with orange juice and add a dash of grenadine.

The grenadine is really just for colour though.

I think I can pull this off. To the grocery store I go!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm pretty sure I know what a flavoured vodka and tonic is mate! And if that is your drink of choice, by all means have at it.
Fair enough my friend, fair enough
You going to smoke some of that legal weed?

Never say never. Probably not.

Are you placing me on the bottom of your social hiearchy? I'm offended, Lili. Truly.
idgaf lol, please don't taket his seriously

Not at the bottom. Just... not at the top ;)

Yeah. I'm done with GAF. This site is nothing but Trump and I can't do it.

There's an extension you can use to filter out threads. I don't have anything political on the front page.


This is what my front page looks like right now



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Not at the bottom. Just... not at the top ;)
You could call this a matter of physical distance and the inability to prove my charming influence to others

Anyway I am about to pass out, goodnight friends, stay hopeful


Never say never. Probably not.

I'm obviously a proponent of it having its place, I've found it has definitely sparked my creativity when used irregularly, plus I obviously like the high.

Not that I'm suggesting you need it, but since recreational use is legal for you now I'd suggest trying it at least twice. I say twice because I've come across plenty of people who were unaffected the first time they smoked it, but most definitely felt it the next time!
You could call this a matter of physical distance and the inability to prove my charming influence to others

Anyway I am about to pass out, goodnight friends, stay hopeful

yeah, something like that ♥

good night

I'm obviously a proponent of it having its place, I've found it has definitely sparked my creativity when used irregularly, plus I obviously like the high.

Not that I'm suggesting you need it, but since recreational use is legal for you now I'd suggest trying it at least twice. I say twice because I've come across plenty of people who were unaffected the first time they smoked it, but most definitely felt it the next time!

I'm really glad it passed. To me it's like a harmless hobby, such as inline skating, which some people really enjoy but is off-putting to others, especially when the inline skater tries to make everything in their life about skating. I don't necessarily want to skate but people should damn well be able to enjoy their hobby if they so choose.

If an opportunity or two comes up I'll certainly give it a try, but I'm not going to go out seeking it right now. That's all :)

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Just for the record, while I might disagree with some points RNJ explained, on Neogaf he has every right to express his opinion on the most important and sad political movement since, well, a long time. Just because one doesn't give a shit about international politics or those of other countries, it's kinda mean and lacking respect to tell him he isn't supposed to either.

I'm sorry guys, but this really rubbed me the wrong way, especially since every thread about political idiots in the UK, Germany, Europe as a whole has LOTS of opinions from Americans who clearly don't know anything about even their own politics and obviously even less of international or regional politics.

To tell him pretty literally to go fuck himself with his opinion is something I didn't expect from this thread, and it kinda makes me not comment on a lot of things from now on as well. I know everyone's on edge, understandably so, but that was unwarranted.

Oh well.
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