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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
That is a pleonasm though.


She already sounds cooler tbh. The other one was a fuccgurl anyway

mega fuccgurl

You really are not? I feel deceived and I want my money back, Mr.

I grew up with hippies bruh.

Xiao Hu

Ok. Fuck me. A granny in our neighbourhood saw my little sister smoking. I think me openly consuming nicotine might have played a role with it but her stupid friends certainly encouraged her... I've failed and I feel guilty 😞


Ok. Fuck me. A granny in our neighbourhood saw my little sister smoking. I think me openly consuming nicotine might have played a role with it but her stupid friends certainly encouraged her... I've failed and I feel guilty 😞

Maybe it's not too late


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I got a good question:

tofu or seitan?

...that's a good question

So like any good vegetable (or assortment of) I can't give an answer because it's all about context. Even "tofu" can mean many things. How firm is the tofu? What about silken? Smoked? Flavoured? So many variations. My local supermarket has like.....8 varieties of tofu.

But maaaaan seitan is good. As someone who really appreciated the complexities and joy in meat flavour and preparation, it's seitan that comes closest, not tofu. Average seitan is so forgettable and whatever, but good, proper seitan is crazy good and does the best job of anything in replicating the taste and texture of meatstuffs. I've had chicken-like seitan that tears just the way a good breast fillet would, and strips of beef-like seitan that does wonders to a stir fry.

My vote goes to seitan, but only because you've made me choose.
I'm meeting my culinary wizard vegan friend tomorrow, and so given this discussion I'll be sure to raid her seitan lexicon.
...that's a good question

So like any good vegetable (or assortment of) I can't give an answer because it's all about context. Even "tofu" can mean many things. How firm is the tofu? What about silken? Smoked? Flavoured? So many variations. My local supermarket has like.....8 varieties of tofu.

But maaaaan seitan is good. As someone who really appreciated the complexities and joy in meat flavour and preparation, it's seitan that comes closest, not tofu. Average seitan is so forgettable and whatever, but good, proper seitan is crazy good and does the best job of anything in replicating the taste and texture of meatstuffs. I've had chicken-like seitan that tears just the way a good breast fillet would, and strips of beef-like seitan that does wonders to a stir fry.

My vote goes to seitan, but only because you've made me choose.
I'm meeting my culinary wizard vegan friend tomorrow, and so given this discussion I'll be sure to raid her seitan lexicon.

I guess I never really had crazy good seitan bc I'd choose tofu :l I always feel like seitan has a specific taste that you can't really get rid off...with tofu you can do anything!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I guess I never really had crazy good seitan bc I'd choose tofu :l I always feel like seitan has a specific taste that you can't really get rid off...with tofu you can do anything!

Aforementioned wondrous vegan friend has a crazy seitan necronomicon detailing countless seitan variations and my sampling experience has been diverse and wonderful, but I feel ya. Tofu is super versatile and I love it for as much.


I like seitan. I get it when my hipster wife makes me go to the co-op for free range organic gluten free acorn squash to make baby food.

I grab me a premade seitan wrap and a ginger beer.

Also I just had one of our biggest sales volume days yesterday and I think it was related to the election. Yay.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Good morning and happy Armistice day. World War I was tremendously important for many reasons and frequently overlooked and forgotten.

Xiao Hu

Jackfruit is actually a good meat replacement

Ever had a jackfruit taco?



I don't think I have seen one in Germany yet. Asia yes.

I like seitan. I get it when my hipster wife makes me go to the co-op for free range organic gluten free acorn squash to make baby food.

I grab me a premade seitan wrap and a ginger beer.

Also I just had one of our biggest sales volume days yesterday and I think it was related to the election. Yay.

Where do you and your wife work again? I asked you before but you ignored me 😞


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Good morning and happy Armistice day. World War I was tremendously important for many reasons and frequently overlooked and forgotten.

One of the most poignant moments in human history. Made my clients shut up and did our minute silence.

It's a shame it's so traditionally overlooked in school history.


I don't think I have seen one in Germany yet. Asia yes.

Where do you and your wife work again? I asked you before but you ignored me 😞

I work in digital marketing and I run an Amazon store.

My wife owns her own business. She's a fitness instructor.


So that's where the good butt comes from. Gotch ya 😉

Oh you noticed. Yea she's been having me do lots of lunges and I think the tighter jeans have helped. They do chafe quite a bit unfortunately. I've been going through lots of talc

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Good morning and happy Armistice day. World War I was tremendously important for many reasons and frequently overlooked and forgotten.
I had known just basic stuff about the War until I listened to Hardcore History episodes of Blueprint for Armageddon. Some of the descriptions of the war are just nightmarish, especially the artillery barrages.

Sebastian Junger's book Storm of Steel is a great book from a German soldier.

The Last of the Doughboys is also pretty good.
Everything is closed today for Remembrance Day. Going to listen to the ceremony from Ottawa on the radio.

- the best gift you ever bought your mum
- no more Stone or no more pizza

Don't know— suspect nothing will top telling her she is going to be a grandmother— whenever that happens.

Can't make pizza without a stone.


I can't go one night now without waking up in the middle of it trembling now that You Know Who is going to be Prez. I hate 2016, and I expect I'll be saying that for each year moving forward.
I had known just basic stuff about the War until I listened to Hardcore History episodes of Blueprint for Armageddon. Some of the descriptions of the war are just nightmarish, especially the artillery barrages.

Sebastian Junger's book Storm of Steel is a great book from a German soldier.

The Last of the Doughboys is also pretty good.

Yah, when you really get into it WWI was the closest thing to hell on earth the world has ever seen. Thousands of soldiers would die in under and hour just to take a few meters of ground, artillery barrages would last for days, chemical warfare terrorized both sides. There are entire swaths of French Countryside you still can't go to because of all the unexploded ordinance there, and the war ended a century ago. It's fucking nuts.
I can't go one night now without waking up in the middle of it trembling now that You Know Who is going to be Prez. I hate 2016, and I expect I'll be saying that for each year moving forward.
I keep getting real sad thinking about all my trans friends, I haven't even seen one of them since Tuesday.


irresponsible vagina leak
So bored walking in Target, Ross and Dollar Tree while my nephews get some routine check up at the lab. I hope the food is good wherever my sis is taking us after. I could be shit posting here and on FB from my bed.


This is my favorite ad. It's like they hired a designer who's never been to earth (and who's also from 1995, it seems) to design an ad that embodies "gamers".



Smells like fresh rosebuds
Oh man, I just got a second NES classic by chance. They had a ton of them at the Marine Corps Exchange that no one gave a fuck about.

I don't know if I wanna gift it or flip it tho.
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