I got a good question:
tofu or seitan?
...that's a good question
So like any good vegetable (or assortment of) I can't give an answer because it's all about context. Even "tofu" can mean many things. How firm is the tofu? What about silken? Smoked? Flavoured? So many variations. My local supermarket has like.....8 varieties of tofu.
But maaaaan seitan is good. As someone who really appreciated the complexities and joy in meat flavour and preparation, it's seitan that comes closest, not tofu. Average seitan is so forgettable and
whatever, but good, proper seitan is crazy good and does the best job of anything in replicating the taste and texture of meatstuffs. I've had chicken-like seitan that tears just the way a good breast fillet would, and strips of beef-like seitan that does wonders to a stir fry.
My vote goes to seitan, but only because you've made me choose.
I'm meeting my culinary wizard vegan friend tomorrow, and so given this discussion I'll be sure to raid her seitan lexicon.