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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Have you thought about changing your career? Btw, what exactly is your major?

I've no formal qualifications so my career is one I've fallen into, and not really much of a career anyway, even though I've had several roles within it. I probably need to go to school and get a proper qualification that I can leverage alongside my career experience to get into a new career that combines the strengths of both, but for the time being I'd really just like to be working anywhere else in another industry even if it's not an impressive job.

I have a terrible work ethic though. I mean, I work hard and put authenticity into my role, because I don't like letting down my clients, colleagues, or doing a bad job, but fuck spending eight hours a day, five days a week doing this shit. It's like I'm committing to misery. Stupid privileged safety nets have conditioned me against modern workday culture.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
First impressions should never be predictable, but good eye!

I SEE what you did there.



Redmond's Baby
It's that time of week where I feel depressed about having to wake up and go to work tomorrow and romanticise being told I'm no longer needed.

That is me every Sunday evening.

I have simply give up any hope of landing a new job in next few months. Whole job situation around here is simply beyond FUBAR. And then they wonder why I am so grumpy and in a bad mood for weeks or even months. Plus I have no will left do to anything like to learn something new or useful...

Plus these MRI results left me with more questions than answers - "There is a possibility that there is a side ligament injury, but we recommend another exam". Of course they do not add that waiting time for orthopedist is over 4 months.
My mother voted for Trump also. Most of my extended family did. I'm not sure if I even want to go to Thanksgiving.

"Could you pass the stuffing please?"
"So when do you think the illegals are going?"


My mother voted for Trump also. Most of my extended family did. I'm not sure if I even want to go to Thanksgiving.

"Could you pass the stuffing please?"
"So when do you think the illegals are going?"

Oh yeah, I'm staying away from my grandparents this Thanksgiving. They're diehard Fox News watchers. I don't know how they'll react and I don't wanna know.


what me first? I'm sick, people should do what I want :(

also I told him I won't make it today. I feel like I'm lying even though I'm not lol. knfgjndfkgfg

In that case, I'll provide the shoulder rubs.

I think being a little more aloof than usual due to the flu put the kybosh on my last date.
Your mother sure is trying to justify her fuckup.

At least have the decency to not vote for either one like my dad.

She just called me because she knows I'm fucking pissed about it.

"You do realize that Trump and Pence are probably going to enact discrimination policies based on religious preference right? So when I can't get a job, maybe you'll understand?"

"Oh that's bullshit Emily, I'm straight and I have never once been discriminated against! It's all in your head!"

Yeah, that's kind of the fucking point, mom. You're straight so therefore, people don't hate you.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
That is me every Sunday evening.

I have simply give up any hope of landing a new job in next few months. Whole job situation around here is simply beyond FUBAR. And then they wonder why I am so grumpy and in a bad mood for weeks or even months. Plus I have no will left do to anything like to learn something new or useful...

Plus these MRI results left me with more questions than answers - "There is a possibility that there is a side ligament injury, but we recommend another exam". Of course they do not add that waiting time for orthopedist is over 4 months.

The feel is real :(. If I were annexed tomorrow I'd probably go home, buy beer and cake, and have a swell old time along with a couple of months off. I'm insanely reluctant to take any of my leave because mentally I've no long term investment in the role, so while the odd bit of leave here and there would make the role more tolerable, I'd much rather get it all back if/when I'm gone and use it to take a break.

I'll see the year out and think things over the week or so off I get for Christmas. Our site might get closed anyway so *shrug*. Could get an easy out.

I feel the misery though. That's me. I've no energy to do things outside of work.

Btw EC, I totally would have invited you over if you lived on the best coast.

If I wasn't wrestling with Melbourne's erratic weather and doing some birthday shopping I'd have been there.

Xiao Hu

She just called me because she knows I'm fucking pissed about it.

"You do realize that Trump and Pence are probably going to enact discrimination policies based on religious preference right? So when I can't get a job, maybe you'll understand?"

"Oh that's bullshit Emily, I'm straight and I have never once been discriminated against! It's all in your head!"

Yeah, that's kind of the fucking point, mom. You're straight so therefore, people don't hate you.

Is she pretending to be dumb or does she only suck at finding arguments in favour of that fascist duo?
Btw, I'm on season 5 of Mad Men and it's 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥, fam.

One of the greatest shows ever.

She just called me because she knows I'm fucking pissed about it.

"You do realize that Trump and Pence are probably going to enact discrimination policies based on religious preference right? So when I can't get a job, maybe you'll understand?"

"Oh that's bullshit Emily, I'm straight and I have never once been discriminated against! It's all in your head!"

Yeah, that's kind of the fucking point, mom. You're straight so therefore, people don't hate you.

A shitshow.

Was your dad at least With Her or did he not vote?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Dragonz, it seems to me like your mother is blissfully ignorant rather than uncaring, so I wouldn't hold it too much against her, although feeling anger is of course understandable.

As a man whose own mother has said many callous and abrasive things unwittingly in the past, and felt great outrage at such statements, I say this with great empathy. Some people really don't "get it."


irresponsible vagina leak
Ugh I need naked cuddles with NotJobbs and his roommate again. YKN would probsbly try stealing the roommate if he saw him lol. Such a daddy
Dragonz, it seems to me like your mother is blissfully ignorant rather than uncaring, so I wouldn't hold it too much against her, although feeling anger is of course understandable.

As a man whose own mother has said many callous and abrasive things unwittingly in the past, and felt great outrage at such statements, I say this with great empathy. Some people really don't "get it."

She could at least show some fucking empathy.

Whatever. I'm over it, and I'm over her.


Dragonz, it seems to me like your mother is blissfully ignorant rather than uncaring, so I wouldn't hold it too much against her, although feeling anger is of course understandable.

As a man whose own mother has said many callous and abrasive things unwittingly in the past, and felt great outrage at such statements, I say this with great empathy. Some people really don't "get it."

I've gotten into a few fights with my mom because she doesn't understand why I want to be openly gay. She's not homophobic, particularly. She's just scared, scared that I'll get beaten on the streets or otherwise hurt. A concern that I'm starting to share now.

(That said, I have it easier than some because I can easily pass for straight.)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
vazra's reposts have significantly multiplied my facebook feed bear quota.

Xiao Hu

The saddest thing about this election for me is that all those blue collar workers and lower class voters have voted for a con artist from the middle of the establishment to express their dissatisfaction against the very same establishment. His is by all account not concerned with your well being as an underpaid worker or somebody who lost their job because of allocating manufacturing, if he was he wouldn't be accused of mistreating his employees at the scope we have information for. Another point that is laughable in my opinion are people who reference him as a successful businessman for him being qualified to reenergize the affected industries, so either those people are naive or deliberately ignoring the facts and his horrible, horrible track record as an entrepreneur.

It's tragic that America's mislead phobia of unions and socialist leaning working policies like we have over here in Europe can't produce a more competent leading figure for those affected. The real waste of ones vote wasn't the one by third party voters but by those disenfranchised who trust Trump representing them.

Literally 80% of people think I'm gay

You're not?! Please don't open those PMs I messaged you D:
Literally no one thinks I'm gay.

The saddest thing about this election for me is that all those blue collar workers and lower class voters have voted for a con artist from the middle of the establishment to express their dissatisfaction against the very same establishment. His is by all account not concerned with your well being as an underpaid worker or somebody who lost their job because of allocating manufacturing, if he was he wouldn't be accused of mistreating his employees at the scope we have information for. Another point that is laughable in my opinion are people who reference him as a successful businessman for him being qualified to reenergize the affected industries, so either those people are naive or deliberately ignoring the facts and his horrible, horrible track record as an entrepreneur.

It's tragic that America's mislead phobia of unions and socialist leaning working policies like we have over here in Europe can't produce a more competent leading figure for those affected. The real waste of ones vote wasn't the one by third party voters but by those disenfranchised who trust Trump representing them.

Ultimately I think Dems need to appeal to the white working class by NOT going after guns. My dad is a hardcore Dem but he's very pro gun and Kander's results in MO paint a similar picture. Don't demonize guns and gun owners, gain votes in rural America.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't think I'm gay.
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