Fume5 wins again!
Tales of Berseria , Nier and Persona 5 in the first half of 2017. Much life.
*googles games of 2017*
*googles games of 2017*
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Nov 16
The failing @nytimes story is so totally wrong on transition. It is going so smoothly. Also, I have spoken to many foreign leaders.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Nov 16
I have recieved and taken calls from many foreign leaders despite what the failing @nytimes said. Russia, U.K., China, Saudi Arabia, Japan,
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Nov 16
Australia, New Zealand, and more. I am always available to them. @nytimes is just upset that they looked like fools in their coverage of me.
He really fucking hates the NYT. A tragedy that everyone has to deal with this man child for the next four years.
Is this real life? I find it so hard to imagine a president elect who is tweeting to a paper saying: Wow you fail..I totally got calls from presidents! Sucks to be you NYT!
Presidential af.He really fucking hates the NYT. A tragedy that everyone has to deal with this man child for the next four years.
LmaoI'm picturing Trump doing a State of the Union and I'm screaming.
His speech writers have their work cut out for them.
?playing games in 2018 is going to be so sweet
Presidential af.
Ah ok. You're gonna have so many awesome games to choose from by then.this is the approximate time when I'll be graduating. the only time I play now is just the periodic casual multiplayer thing.
It's probably been about a year and a half since I've sat down and taken time to play a nice single player game.
I've been telling you dumdums to brace for it, but noooo, America couldn't have its own Brexit moment because of reasons. I also told you that his RNC speech was dynamite, yet I got laughed at again. I no longer want the gift of prescience. Fuck it.Our very own Berlusconi. What did we do to deserve this?
I'm treating this as a reality show and nothing more. (Although potentially extremely damaging given the Legion of Doom he's assembling for his cabinet.)
Get waxed. It felt like I had a cotton-like cloud between my legs.I am wearing jogging pants... The 🍆 Is real... Im uncomfortable lmao
I am wearing jogging pants... The 🍆 Is real... Im uncomfortable lmao
My dick shows easily in those pants.What does that even mean? Sweaty dick?
I've been telling you dumdums to brace for it, but noooo, America couldn't have its own Brexit moment because of reasons. I also told you that his RNC speech was dynamite, yet I got laughed at again. I no longer want the gift of prescience. Fuck it.
The saddest (sad!) thing about Trump's presidency is that it will have all the ugly trappings of Berlusconi's minus the bunga-bunga scandals. At least those were fun to look at from afar, in a tragicomic way.
Prescience implies that you had some knowledge it was going to happen. This is closer to guessing the lottery numbersI've been telling you dumdums to brace for it, but noooo, America couldn't have its own Brexit moment because of reasons. I also told you that his RNC speech was dynamite, yet I got
laughed at again. I no longer want the gift of prescience. Fuck it.
Ah ok. You're gonna have so many awesome games to choose from by then.
Its ok I changed my attire to something that fits me better.
It will hit 30-40 on Sunday. RIPDude it was so cold in Orlando this morning. My car told me it was 50 and I nearly lost my shit.
Prescience implies that you had some knowledge it was going to happen. This is closer to guessing the lottery numbers
Aren't Spaniards hairy beasts anyway?
Prescience implies that you had some knowledge it was going to happen. This is closer to guessing the lottery numbers
Yeah heavy rain is garbo.
I'll always have a soft spot for him because of omikron tho
Right now I'm going through a pee pee pants city time with France.
I couldn't fall asleep last night for quite a while, I had a ton of emotions and thoughts bouncing around my head. I imagine you feel similarly.
Hmm interestingannnnnd she wrote me an email this morning and ended it with this
annnnnd she wrote me an email this morning and ended it with this
Flawless 👌🏻hi i havent slept yet
Go to bed bright eyes<3hi i havent slept yet
hi i havent slept yet
shit, looks like depression is licking me again...
blueballs the post
So cute. And those eyes.hi i havent slept yet