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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I have no idea if I'm any good at massages. I must be horribly inconsistent, because I've had everything from people loving it to the point where I've had to stop from getting tired, to outright being told I'm terrible and never again. Then I once from a close ploitonic friend had "Okay stop now, you're making me horny", which was a whole bunch of what.

I fucking need one badly myself though, now that I think about it. Been ages and I'm stiff and knotty from work stress. Might book in for the weekend.

I'm ashamed to say that some of the stuff I threw out was of value but I was in too much of a hurry for it to be gone to bother ebaying it or finding a good home. I'm awful :(

What kind of stuff are we talking about? I thought about throwing away shit but when I want to start I always put it back and find excuses to keep it.

Stuff like clothing, trinkets, old useless tech shit, etc. I donate a lot as an aid bin for second hand goods is just across from my house. Obviously stuff with sentimental value or real use stay, but sometimes I like to really dig through my goods and ask myself if what Im hoarding really holds any value. Do I need it? Did I even acknowledge its existence between the last cleanout and now? If it was gone would I notice and miss it?

idk I thought he washing would make the rice stick together less, but it was almost risotto-like, very slimy. halp me.

Did you buy a different type of rice? I'm almost impressed.

I think you'll be satisfied. It's a show that very much has its heart on its sleeve, which is a big part of why I like it. There's so much cynical television out there these days.

Awesome. Even though it's not their source material, I adore Cloud Atlas for the reasons you stated.


someone's gotta do it



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I bet there's not many people that would turn down a massage from Mike Rowe.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
*Wake up*

*1 PM*


Where did the day go, and why did I sleep for an ungodly amount of time?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Yeah, I'm so glad I'm on the base power grid. Apparently Dominion says there are 550,000 homes without power right now. But as a result I have lots of guests rn. Like 6 girls from work are staying with me.


After receiving communication from a certain member, I will not be posting in here. They have made their feelings about me crystal clear. I wish to play no part in a 'community' that they are a part of. They are toxic. They are bitter. But they're right about me.


After receiving communication from a certain member, I will not be posting in here. They have made their feelings about me crystal clear. I wish to play no part in a 'community' that they are a part of. They are toxic. They are bitter. But they're right about me.

What the fuck? I don't want to start a witch hunt but who the hell made you feel like this? I don't know you very well but you seem nice enough, I don't see why someone would do that.
EDIT: Having now looked at your earlier posts it seems to me that something weird is certainly going on, were you blacklisted or something? Also you talked in an earlier post about not always feeling welcomed here, I understand that and had it myself (I even get the impression off of one user that I'm not liked too) but I certainly wouldn't let it stop me (maybe a handful of users disliking me would).


What the fuck? I don't want to start a witch hunt but who the hell made you feel like this? I don't know you very well but you seem nice enough, I don't see why someone would do that.
I'm not dropping names. Despite what they think, I don't like negativity and drama. I won't feed their aggravation by naming who it was. They know who they are. They know how I feel. I'm just sorry it had to end like this.


I'm not dropping names. Despite what they think, I don't like negativity and drama. I won't feed their aggravation by naming who it was. They know who they are. They know how I feel. I'm just sorry it had to end like this.

Friend if it's just one person I'd hate the idea of you leaving because of them, I don't know what happened, people seem to be ignoring you for some reason, I'm not really in the clique here either, nobody has expressed an outright dislike for me but I'm not exactly Vazra.
Honestly this seems really weird and out of character from this community
EDIT: Okay so I just read through that post on the last page where Lillithe responded to loads of things you said, I won't lie it was very strange reading, it was a bit surprising to see her like that, I wonder if it was just that you were complaining about people ignoring you.
I'm not dropping names. Despite what they think, I don't like negativity and drama. I won't feed their aggravation by naming who it was. They know who they are. They know how I feel. I'm just sorry it had to end like this.

if this is quitting a thread on the internet how does breaking up with someone in RL go for you? just let it go man. if you really feel that umcomfortable that you want to leave just leave. nobody cares about some mystery drama
if this is quitting a thread on the internet how does breaking up with someone in RL go for you? just let it go man. if you really feel that umcomfortable that you want to leave just leave. nobody cares about some mystery drama

Yeah, I do feel sympathy for you, but by posting this specific wording, it's clear that you do want to name names.


if this is quitting a thread on the internet how does breaking up with someone in RL go for you? just let it go man. if you really feel that umcomfortable that you want to leave just leave. nobody cares about some mystery drama

I won't lie I love mystery drama, but the more pressing mystery to me right now is how I seem to have missed the part where everyone got pissed at S
Yeah, I do feel sympathy for you, but by posting this specific wording, it's clear that you do want to name names.

this is the opposite of what I want. I just want this blaming to stop. Symph has no reason to be this melodramatic. nobody attacked him in here. get over it.

I won't lie I love mystery drama, but the more pressing mystery to me right now is how I seem to have missed the part where everyone got pissed at S

I'm not pissed at him, I don't know him. but his posts have become a somewhat regular melodramatic disturbance in the force and it's annoying. he clearly needs mental help but we can't provide that for him.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Time to get out of bed and go to work.

Kill me, please.


this is the opposite of what I want. I just want this blaming to stop. Symph has no reason to be this melodramatic. nobody attacked him in here. get over it.

Yes but somebody made their feelings about him very clear and what was said has clearly made him feel like this is a toxic environment (something i know to be untrue), personally I just don't like the idea of one of us going to this guy behind our backs and making him feel unwanted
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