Thanks.I'm glad you didn't drive
Thanks.I'm glad you didn't drive
Grim Dawn is fun as fuck. Dragon's Doggo has now been put on hold.
I am cat sitting and it is not going well :<
I am cat sitting and it is not going well :<
Please call cat-support. We're closed.
hahaha I love this pic so much
would you rather have a pet tiger or pet lion?
pretend they are completely domesticated
would you rather have 4 balls or 4 nipples?
I'd choose 4 ballz
Pet tiger easily.
I can't do my white male Jasmine cosplay without one.
I'd choose 4 ballz
hahah WTF
now i'm picturing you dressed as jasmi.. no.. ugghh... nooooooooo
Nipples are the best.*
I have a nearly baby-like fixation with them.
Nipples are the best.
I have a nearly baby-like fixation with them.
#teamrobotbodiesI dont like nipples. theyre weird
Drink more.Y'all, the Thanksgiving leftovers are calling to me.
Help me through this difficult time.
I feel this struggleY'all, the Thanksgiving leftovers are calling to me.
Help me through this difficult time.
Paging Funky Papa.why dont I have a tag yet? it's mean xc
why dont I have a tag yet? it's mean xc
What tag would you like?
Crazy cat lady?
I wasn't fishing, i was just pointing out how mean it is that some the most dedicated and cool gaffers are left without some sugar 🍭🍬Oh, tag fishing?
Ill tag you so hard when i become a modI deserve a tag
Ghostly member
Deine Mutter
It's a g-g-g-girl!
Ill tag you so hard when i become a mod