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No, that's not accurate. Shaving doesn't cause your face to change shapes, heal your bad eye, replace your eyebrows, or remove your scar. It also doesn't remove your cheekbone definition.


Alright what's your name, Neil deGrasse Tyson?
I don't wanna waste my time
Becoming a member of society
Blah blah blah
And back down , back down
Waste my time duh duh duh

That's my random recap for the song on no killer no filler, now I'm gonna see if I came close to any of those lyrics


anyway staying up watching the debate was a bad decision. I got way too fired up and ended up only getting like 5 hours of sleep because of it :(

also fuck trump and everything about him


good morning everyone~

watched the debate and trump says a lot without ever really saying anything. it blows my mind
I know. And the way he tried to deflect his most recent scandal by going on about ISIS during it was...EUGRH!

I'm so glad knowing that my mother hates him.


They played In Too Deep and Fat Lip which are the only songs I really know, and they weren't terrible, but...yeah lol. Apparently the original headliners were meant to be Weezer, but that fell through which suuuuuuuucks

Oh I meant that every other day is a day with poor mental health. I know it is for me :D
Would be nice if that meant today was a day with good mental health. Alas...


Beard shaming? When fakegaf goes too far. Jobbs has lost it.

yeah. for someone who says they don't look shame his crusade against having facial and/or body hair is something else.

say something about unnatural hair color or other body mods and all bets are off though
Beards are great. I look much better with one than without. I already have a young looking face, and without facial hair I'd look like a giant toddler.

Without beard - old & busted
With beard - new hotness


Don't you think it's a bit early in the day to go pointing out my hypocrisy? :0

That said, I find it easier to comment on beards because it's a choice I make about whether I have one or not. Women have their appearance scrutinized and commented on as a matter of course so I'm more loathe to dissect their look... That and I'm mostly just being silly


So Daniel Craig is back tracking on not playing Bond again? can't say I'm surprised, I'm also glad, theres nobody else right now who could do it.


I missed that whole thing. Summary?

Turned into a verbal slapfight and everyone (except the Trump audience, apparently), was fed up with the way that it was handled by the end of it. Trump threw his running mate under the bus, neither candidate was particularly good at speaking about issues concerning race, and everyone forgot that this was supposed to be about politics.

My brain feels like mush right now and it's my rest day from the gym


irresponsible vagina leak
Hanging out with cousin now. Not bad. First day wasnt that good of a impression but today seems better. I shall keep updating you :p

Beards are the best by the way.
beards are only gross if the guy doesn't shower (like apparently most of the guys don't do going by this thread) and little food bits get stuck in itsodfkodfgodfg

I'm definitely on team stubble tho. dat scratch <333


I shower often and keep my beard at a reasonable length.

In fact I trimmed my beard in the midst of my insomnia last night.


There are literally dozens of people who could do it

Okay name dozen's (meaning at least a couple groups of twelve) of people who have the looks, talent and maturity to play Bond.
I only ask you to do this since you said "literally" and I can't think of a single one, this can't be right, I know my hot talented mature Englishmen quite well.
EDIT: I am kidding clearly but I am firm on my Craig is Bond stance, if you could name at least one person you think could replace him i'm all ears
Okay name dozen's (meaning at least a couple groups of twelve) of people who have the looks, talent and maturity to play Bond.
I only ask you to do this since you said "literally" and I can't think of a single one, this can't be right, I know my hot talented mature Englishmen quite well.

Tom Hardy. but he'd be too good for that.
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