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Four hours on the hammer drill and hand auger and I am knackered. Two hour drive back to the city, grab a shower and a brew and be in the zone to chainsaw some motherfuckers I reckon.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Four hours on the hammer drill and hand auger and I am knackered. Two hour drive back to the city, grab a shower and a brew and be in the zone to chainsaw some motherfuckers I reckon.
Come chainsaw this tree that fell in my backyard
Man, I say and do a lot of shit unintentonally that makes me look like a total creep.

I should stop that.

You know me so well.

I was thinking of Vincent Adultman since it would be easy because of my height, but I'm not sure yet. What character do I look like though?

please do vincent adultman.
I just realized when I count with my fingers on my right hand I start with my index and end with the thumb but on my left hand I start woth my thumb and end with the pinky. I think its because I cant bend my pinky finger on its own with my right hand so I have to hold it down with my thumb.
Just tried this. Once I get to ring, my thumb wants to come up as the same time. Weird.

Edit: Actually, after a few more attempts, it feels sorta natural.
We need to start changing how we count with our fingers. Sick of conforming to our conditioned ways. Its time we start freeing ourselves from the shackles of normalcy in hand counting.
We need to start changing how we count with our fingers. Sick of conforming to our conditioned ways. Its time we start freeing ourselves from the shackles of normalcy in hand counting.
I couldn't agree more. For too long I've been counting like everyone else, but today that changes. I'll forge a new path for these digits.
I couldn't agree more. For too long I've been counting like everyone else, but today that changes. I'll forge a new path for these digits.

Peace, brother.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey Dan how do you flirt with the girl at work with the nice bum with no other information to work with except that her bum is nice?

Also she's short?


Redmond's Baby
Cannot find kitten anywhere. Looks like either mother cat took it to another place or somebody stole it.


Well, you've never led me astray so far.

You could also begin an exercise routine involving a lot of squats, thus building powerful glutes.

At a certain point, her cute bum will react towards your powerful butt on a subliminal level and you can begin your courtship. We'll discuss how you build a nest later.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Pho base with leek, garlic, silverbeet, rice noodles, and shitaki mushrooms. Shredded carrot, spring onion, chilli, coriander garnish. Fried smoked tofu.

Bastard pho.

To be fair, you're cute. And you photograph well. And you eat cool stuff.

aww shucks :3


I want to post here more but I have literally nothing to contribute

Perfect ama time

What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Which is your favourite part of the human face and why?
Tell me about a mistake you made?
If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?
Whats your middle name?
How big is your bed?
What music are you listening to right now?
Tell me about your favourite music / song / band?
Name your 5 favourite foods?
Good questions to ask People to Know Them More
Do you like to shop?
How often do you go online?
Tell me about someone you really admire?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Are you vegan? I'm seeing a lot of vegan ingredients in your stuff lately but I feel like I've also seen you do meat before

Vegetarian, as of most of this year, so a lot of my older dishes are meat based. Most of my dishes are vegan though, mainly because it's not hard. I don't consider there to be many literal "vegan ingredients" with the exception of replications and substitutes (like vegan cheese). Everything else in my head is just an ingredient of its own, like tofu.

What do you do when you wake up with that dark and and anxious feeling :s

Surround yourself with the things you love and find comfort in (good food, music, movies, and sunshine), and use that as a platform to experience something new and stimulating and exciting. Take a risk. Welcome a surprise. Explore the unknown. And rest easy knowing no matter how anxious you get there are always, and always will be, people who love and adore you, your life is your own, and bound to limitless growth and enjoyment.

I read this as gay and got my hopes up.


out of curiosity, how would it make you feel if a woman described the reverse experience of getting her hopes up on mishearing that you're straight?

food for thought ♥

I don't mind Vazra wanting what he'll never get.
Perfect ama time

What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Which is your favourite part of the human face and why?
Tell me about a mistake you made?
If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?
Whats your middle name?
How big is your bed?
What music are you listening to right now?
Tell me about your favourite music / song / band?
Name your 5 favourite foods?
Good questions to ask People to Know Them More
Do you like to shop?
How often do you go online?
Tell me about someone you really admire?

Either people I like dying or vomit. One of the two.
Most of the time I just watch LPs on Youtube or mess around on GAF and Twitter. Play guitar a lot too, I need to restring it though.
Hmm. Either eyes or mouth. Eyes because they can be incredibly pretty and expressive, mouth because a good smile can absolutely kill me. And they have more...physical uses.
I once very drunkenly made out with a friend who has a girlfriend because I was an emotional wreck because my grandmother had died that week.
For society to be transformed into a working anarchist communist utopia
Nothing at this very second but I was just listening to Oxygen by Feeder, who...
Are my favourite band. I've liked them since I was like 10 and first heard Just A Day, which is still my favourite song. They just do everything incredibly well, from Swim and Polythene when they were really grungy and quite heavy, to Yesterday Went To Soon and Echo Park when they were more pop-punky, Comfort In Sound and Pushing The Senses when they (understandably) went softer to everything from Silent Cry onwards where they've been doing a combination of all those things.
Steak, burg, sausages, steak pie, duck pancakes
as much as I morally want to, going vegan would be hard
Eh, dunno. It's a thing to do but I don't think of it like a pastime or anything.
I'm a web developer, so basically every waking hour.
My best friend has both fibromyalgia and CFS, had 3 slipped disks a couple of years ago, and has basically been constantly unwell for the last 4 or 5 years, but is one of the most hard-working people I know. It kills me that I can't do more to help her, and I do wish she didn't feel so guilty when she can't work, but to be able to live like that and still want to work is...yeah. On top of that, she's just incredibly smart and kind and just generally a wonderful person. She's great, and I'm lucky to have met her and have her put up with my stupidity for the last 8 years


My best friend has both fibromyalgia and CFS, had 3 slipped disks a couple of years ago, and has basically been constantly unwell for the last 4 or 5 years, but is one of the most hard-working people I know. It kills me that I can't do more to help her, and I do wish she didn't feel so guilty when she can't work, but to be able to live like that and still want to work is...yeah. On top of that, she's just incredibly smart and kind and just generally a wonderful person. She's great, and I'm lucky to have met her and have her put up with my stupidity for the last 8 years

People often talk up how much they wish they didn't have to work. And maybe some could get away with it and figure out a way to give their life meaning. But speaking as someone with the same illnesses who desperately wishes he could work again, it's a very lonely existence when you're home all day and everyone else is out doing their jobs.
Your friend sounds badass

She is. I wish I got to see her more. She's been talking about moving back, so hopefully she can find a job here so she can.

People often talk up how much they wish they didn't have to work. And maybe some could get away with it and figure out a way to give their life meaning. But speaking as someone with the same illnesses who desperately wishes he could work again, it's a very lonely existence when you're home all day and everyone else is out doing their jobs.

Yeah, I get that. I guess it's the guilt part that gets me. It's just like...don't feel bad for taking time off because of your illnesses, it's not your fault, you know?

EDIT: Ugh, my MP supports Prevent, a shitty fucking racist authoritarian program that alienates Muslim children


Today is both great and kind of sad for me. Great because I get to see my favorite band tonight and sad that it is the last day of work for a guy I worked pretty closely with for the past four years. It's going to suck to not have him around here :(
Perfect ama time

What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Which is your favourite part of the human face and why?
Tell me about a mistake you made?
If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?
Whats your middle name?
How big is your bed?
What music are you listening to right now?
Tell me about your favourite music / song / band?
Name your 5 favourite foods?
Good questions to ask People to Know Them More
Do you like to shop?
How often do you go online?
Tell me about someone you really admire?

Heh, I'll bite because why not?

Being alone. I hate it with a passion.
Video games, reading, and spelunking the depths of youtube.
Probably a persons smile or eyes. Both can be dead giveaways for how they really feel.
I got married. Never again. I'll just get a god damned dog this time around.
Go back in time to my 18 year old self, and punch him in the throat for not joining the army when he had the chance.
King sized split twin.
Uhh.. my boss has mexican polka going on the computer in the office downstairs for some godawful reason. So that at this moment.
Right now, I am big into Bluegrass. A good one for me is Times to get Better by Doc Watson.
Lasagna, burritos, cheeseburgers, ribs/steak, and grilled cheese sammiches.
I am terrible with people, so I got nothing on this one.
I avoid it unless necessary.
Every day, duh. No Game, No life.
My dad. He gave me the work ethic that gets me through life at a job I hate, and my rather stone faced mental condition. It takes a lot to phase me or make me show emotion, which can be both a good and a bad thing. God bless old school german farm families.
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