That put off by marriage? What happenedHeh, I'll bite because why not?
Being alone. I hate it with a passion.
Video games, reading, and spelunking the depths of youtube.
Probably a persons smile or eyes. Both can be dead giveaways for how they really feel.
I got married. Never again. I'll just get a god damned dog this time around.
Go back in time to my 18 year old self, and punch him in the throat for not joining the army when he had the chance.
King sized split twin.
Uhh.. my boss has mexican polka going on the computer in the office downstairs for some godawful reason. So that at this moment.
Right now, I am big into Bluegrass. A good one for me is Times to get Better by Doc Watson.
Lasagna, burritos, cheeseburgers, ribs/steak, and grilled cheese sammiches.
I am terrible with people, so I got nothing on this one.
I avoid it unless necessary.
Every day, duh. No Game, No life.
My dad. He gave me the work ethic that gets me through life at a job I hate, and my rather stone faced mental condition. It takes a lot to phase me or make me show emotion, which can be both a good and a bad thing. God bless old school german farm families.
Sorry for asking and no need to answer