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Heh, I'll bite because why not?

Being alone. I hate it with a passion.
Video games, reading, and spelunking the depths of youtube.
Probably a persons smile or eyes. Both can be dead giveaways for how they really feel.
I got married. Never again. I'll just get a god damned dog this time around.
Go back in time to my 18 year old self, and punch him in the throat for not joining the army when he had the chance.
King sized split twin.
Uhh.. my boss has mexican polka going on the computer in the office downstairs for some godawful reason. So that at this moment.
Right now, I am big into Bluegrass. A good one for me is Times to get Better by Doc Watson.
Lasagna, burritos, cheeseburgers, ribs/steak, and grilled cheese sammiches.
I am terrible with people, so I got nothing on this one.
I avoid it unless necessary.
Every day, duh. No Game, No life.
My dad. He gave me the work ethic that gets me through life at a job I hate, and my rather stone faced mental condition. It takes a lot to phase me or make me show emotion, which can be both a good and a bad thing. God bless old school german farm families.
That put off by marriage? What happened
Sorry for asking and no need to answer
Heh, I'll bite because why not?

Being alone. I hate it with a passion.
Video games, reading, and spelunking the depths of youtube.
Probably a persons smile or eyes. Both can be dead giveaways for how they really feel.
I got married. Never again. I'll just get a god damned dog this time around.
Go back in time to my 18 year old self, and punch him in the throat for not joining the army when he had the chance.
King sized split twin.
Uhh.. my boss has mexican polka going on the computer in the office downstairs for some godawful reason. So that at this moment.
Right now, I am big into Bluegrass. A good one for me is Times to get Better by Doc Watson.
Lasagna, burritos, cheeseburgers, ribs/steak, and grilled cheese sammiches.
I am terrible with people, so I got nothing on this one.
I avoid it unless necessary.
Every day, duh. No Game, No life.
My dad. He gave me the work ethic that gets me through life at a job I hate, and my rather stone faced mental condition. It takes a lot to phase me or make me show emotion, which can be both a good and a bad thing. God bless old school german farm families.

Ewwwwww why would you want to join the army
Surround yourself with the things you love and find comfort in (good food, music, movies, and sunshine), and use that as a platform to experience something new and stimulating and exciting. Take a risk. Welcome a surprise. Explore the unknown. And rest easy knowing no matter how anxious you get there are always, and always will be, people who love and adore you, your life is your own, and bound to limitless growth and enjoyment.

thx for this <3 you're right

nooo I accidentally superliked someone again -.-


Unconfirmed Member
nooo I accidentally superliked someone again -.-

That put off by marriage? What happened
Sorry for asking and no need to answer

Long story, but my marriage did a number on me mentally and physically. The juice isn't worth the squeeze to me anymore.

Ewwwwww why would you want to join the army

I enjoy the hell out of running heavy equipment, I feel like a kid when I'm on a bulldozer. And the army had plenty of jobs involving them. Plus you get all the benefits of service (minus the chance of death, because ya know war and stuff).


nooo I accidentally superliked someone again -.-
Start winking

Long story, but my marriage did a number on me mentally and physically. The juice isn't worth the squeeze to me anymore.

I enjoy the hell out of running heavy equipment, I feel like a kid when I'm on a bulldozer. And the army had plenty of jobs involving them. Plus you get all the benefits of service (minus the chance of death, because ya know war and stuff).



Unconfirmed Member
Now you have to marry them.

Nah. I got superliked on Tinder once. I would always close the app and hope it would go away, but every time I opened it there she would be. Tinder is great for fetting a glimpse into the psyche of someone who uses Tinder but that is it's only worthwhile function.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
ooh, now you have me curious how the Vincent costume would look. You couldn't just wear a trench goat. It'd have to be all lumpy and awkwardly tied off. Plus the hat would probably have to be oversized. Plus it wouldn't hurt to have a pump or two to simulate unnatural movement under the curtain.

You might get a decent Kylo Ren if you dye your hair black. But you'd have to go for it since you're pretty damn blonde. You could also do Suicide Squad Joker if you want to be really kitschy.

I dunno. What kind of people are you going to be dressed around? Do you care if they know who you are? I'm trying to get my girlfriend to go as the Cheshire Cat to better go with my Alice costume (which almost may as well be generic blue Victorian era dress). Only she has a record six years running of wearing the same bunny costume :p

Alright, both of those suggestions sound damn cool. They both would take some serious commitment to pull off well. The crowd I'll be around will mostly just be coworkers, but people like to dress up here. I'll keep you all updated on what I go with.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Nah. I got superliked on Tinder once. I would always close the app and hope it would go away, but every time I opened it there she would be. Tinder is great for fetting a glimpse into the psyche of someone who uses Tinder but that is it's only worthwhile function.

Two of my friends are now engaged (not to each other) thanks to Tinder. Love...finds a way*.

*may sometimes remain perpetually lost


Smells like fresh rosebuds
No. One got chlamydia and was describing who gave it to him and the other dude got all big eyed and realized it was the same Stephanie who had given it to him.


Unconfirmed Member
Two of my friends are now engaged (not to each other) thanks to Tinder. Love...finds a way*.

*may sometimes remain perpetually lost


Actually someone I knew met his current SO through Tinder and their relationship is particularly steady. But still, most people in relationships to me seem like achingly lonely people trying to grab onto whatever stability they can get, like hundreds of magnets that have been thrown in a bag and dumped on the floor.

But I guess that's the romantic in me.


Unconfirmed Member
Only a truly cynical person would use a condom during sex with someone they met on a 50 megabyte app that literally anyone can download for free on Android or iOS.


irresponsible vagina leak
Perfect ama time

What scares you the most and why?
What do you do in your free time?
Which is your favourite part of the human face and why?
Tell me about a mistake you made?
If you could do anything OR wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish?
Whats your middle name?
How big is your bed?
What music are you listening to right now?
Tell me about your favourite music / song / band?
Name your 5 favourite foods?
Good questions to ask People to Know Them More
Do you like to shop?
How often do you go online?
Tell me about someone you really admire?
Absolute silence as for why I just feel unease something might happen.
Now going out on walks and play video games
Eyes and the expressions they make. A nice set of teeth with a smile is nice too tho.
Jump in a pool doing a flip but didnt flip and my head hit the bottom of the pool and was nearly paralyzed for a week in bed recovering. Could have ended in a wheel chair if it went a bit harder.
Give myself a successful life full of blessings and same to those who I love as well.
No middle name.
Twin and you can see my feet hanging out.
Nothing lately but last Ive heard was Fata Morgana Another Episode OST on Spotify
Music pop or rock but I can do anything for most of the part. As for favorite song at the moment has to be Hatefuck by Cruel Youth.
Pizza, Lasagna, mac and cheese, fries and fried chicken and Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds Cereal.
Ask stuff about interests from movies, books, games, music or whatever might seem that works.
I like shopping games and sometimes clothes but no money so I mostly dont do much shopping these days.
Almost every 20-30 minutes.
That person has patience but has a strong hand when disrespected and makes sure to be respected and gives respect back. Can joke and be serious depending the situation but its mostly neutral for most of the part.


Absolute silence as for why I just feel unease something might happen.
Now going out on walks and play video games
Eyes and the expressions they make. A nice set of teeth with a smile is nice too tho.
Jump in a pool doing a flip but didnt flip and my head hit the bottom of the pool and was nearly paralyzed for a week in bed recovering. Could have ended in a wheel chair if it went a bit harder.
Give myself a successful life full of blessings and same to those who I love as well.
No middle name.
Twin and you can see my feet hanging out.
Nothing lately but last Ive heard was Fata Morgana Another Episode OST on Spotify
Music pop or rock but I can do anything for most of the part. As for favorite song at the moment has to be Hatefuck by Cruel Youth.
Pizza, Lasagna, mac and cheese, fries and fried chicken and Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds Cereal.
Ask stuff about interests from movies, books, games, music or whatever might seem that works.
I like shopping games and sometimes clothes but no money so I mostly dont do much shopping these days.
Almost every 20-30 minutes.
That person has patience but has a strong hand when disrespected and makes sure to be respected and gives respect back. Can joke and be serious depending the situation but its mostly neutral for most of the part.
Lucky with that pool
Time to give yourself a cool middle name :_:
eww chlamydia. tbh sometimes I see someone on Tinder and I can tell by the face they look like chlamydia.

also I joined this vegan single group on fb for one last desperate attempt and I noticed there are not attratice vegan men in Germany. the women are hella cute but the men ewww


All this chlamydia
Rafael David was good but that didnt happen. It was in the plans but mom and dad decided to keep me with my mom's side father's name since my bro has Father's side dad. Meh

Show up one day with a crazy self given middle name. Surprise everyone.


I'm good at asking ama's
It 's not like i copy paste questions off the internet.



Not at all


irresponsible vagina leak
good luck!

starting over is pretty hard but at least you don't have a job to worry about on top of it. How are you liking the area so far?
Nice weather and lots of places to walk to. I'm at Flescher Ave which seems to have most stores I may need in walking distance. So far my only complain is room sharing and a small bed which will be fixed when Im on my own later
how do you deal with terrible thoughts? it's like.. i'll go about my day and everything's fine, then the thoughts hit me like a truck, and dread just pours over me. most of the time it's not even about myself, just loved ones.


irresponsible vagina leak
how do you deal with terrible thoughts? it's like.. i'll go about my day and everything's fine, then the thoughts hit me like a truck, and dread just pours over me. most of the time it's not even about myself, just loved ones.
Try thinking of things you enjoy and good memories. Also if you can try listening some music to help you get busy or distracted.


how do you deal with terrible thoughts? it's like.. i'll go about my day and everything's fine, then the thoughts hit me like a truck, and dread just pours over me. most of the time it's not even about myself, just loved ones.
Accept the beauty of uncertainty

Beyond that it's hard to say without knowing specifics.

Tho I just realized that my depression might be making it easier to deal with things like the concept of death and being more conscious might suddenly make them issues again


I dont want to look like a bear in a small bike tho. I take car bro.

I was just joking. I think it would be hilarious to see you going down I-4 in a vespa.

I wish Rick Scott wasn't such a fuckwad and allow the high speed rail project to make progress. it would be rad to take a fast train to tampa and/or miami


irresponsible vagina leak
I was just joking. I think it would be hilarious to see you going down I-4 in a vespa.

I wish Rick Scott wasn't such a fuckwad and allow the high speed rail project to make progress. it would be rad to take a fast train to tampa and/or miami
That would be great to get my cuddle buddy ;)

Jk but would be easier to hang out.


I'm so excited for the bad religion show tonight adjsklajfasdklfjdaslfd

it's also going to be great to see against me! open. I have only seen them pre-Laura Jane Grace
Accept the beauty of uncertainty

Beyond that it's hard to say without knowing specifics.

Tho I just realized that my depression might be making it easier to deal with things like the concept of death and being more conscious might suddenly make them issues again

i guess it's like my mind starts thinking about them not being around any longer, or just bad things happening to them to cause them to not be around. i don't know if it's like my mind finding ways to visualize my loneliness or what. i'm glad it doesn't cripple my day, it just cripples me for the time it pops up

@Vazra, i'll definitely keep your advice in mind as well


i guess it's like my mind starts thinking about them not being around any longer, or just bad things happening to them to cause them to not be around. i don't know if it's like my mind finding ways to visualize my loneliness or what. i'm glad it doesn't cripple my day, it just cripples me for the time it pops up

@Vazra, i'll definitely keep your advice in mind as well
This is morbid but the more family members wouldn't be around the better my life would be so I might not entirely be helpful :p

I definitely did used to get nightmares and such tho. I guess it also helped that I went to like 10 funerals in 2010.
Maybe the issue is just becoming too used to a certain set of circumstances. You don't want to consider the unknown and just assume it will come with a lack of something rather than being okay with some things being left behind as others taking their place.
hide in the comfort of your pals here, then use that positive energy to blast your way through what you want to do later :)

This is morbid but the more family members wouldn't be around the better my life would be so I might not entirely be helpful :p

I definitely did used to get nightmares and such tho. I guess it also helped that I went to like 10 funerals in 2010.
Maybe the issue is just becoming too used to a certain set of circumstances. You don't want to consider the unknown and just assume it will come with a lack of something rather than being okay with some things being left behind as others taking their place.

i honestly think you're onto something here. it does help to hear it from an outside source, and i'll definitely keep this in mind when the thoughts creep back in. thank you &#9829; and i also hope your surroundings become better for you~
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