I think it is harder to name one that is worse.
No that's Bethan's job.
I used the debug mode in Sonic 2 nearly every time I played once I learned about it. That was probably my favorite.What were some your favorite cheat codes?![]()
I'd just assumed it would be a 1977 Shortbox.
I had some cheap knockoff game genie/mod thingamajig that I bought from GameStop. It also allowed me to play import titles on my ps1. I bought it along with Dragonball GT: Final Bout.Game Genie was really popular cheat codes for everything. I used to think poorly of my cousins for using it but I used one whenever I could. 99 lives? OK!
Game Genie was really popular cheat codes for everything. I used to think poorly of my cousins for using it but I used one whenever I could. 99 lives? OK!
They are shittier than the boy bands they parody in their 'edgy' music video. So fuck you.
No that's Bethan's job.
Haven't heard a blink song before
Dammit that Dennis avatar too effective
...I don't think they were going for edgy. More just dumb.
No, they are making fun of the Backstreet Boys (which is fine by me because they suck too) because back in those days it was of course totally uncool to be a boy band.
But if you look back at this video clip (and especially the segments where they are NOT the backstreet boys) you find out that they are in fact not as cool as they think they are.
The idea behind the clip is to set a clear opposition of stupid boy bands and supercool real bands. However when I saw this clip a while ago on TV, I was thinking....you are also not that cool![]()
No I got it
But this is a band who, on the same album (which itself was called Enema of the State), have a song called Dysentery Gary
They are not trying to be cool, they were just fucking around
In that case they are just extremely unfunny.
I won't argue against that
Catchy though![]()
I'm blaming youI think we killed the thread Rob.
After googling and seeing what bands came up seems like I only ever heard some Green Day and the one song about Twilight Paramore made on MTV by accident...I don't think they were going for edgy. More just dumb.
Also no.
What's your opinion pop-punk? They're good if you're into that sort of thing. I'm kind of impressed that you haven't heard any though
I'm blaming you
Also Bethan keeps leaving marks, goddamnit
And that's just the top fifth/quarter of it
I bet it's just you and a vacuum cleaner.
After googling and seeing what bands came up seems like I only ever heard some Green Day and the one song about Twilight Paramore made on MTV by accident
I bet it's just you and a vacuum cleaner.
Rude >:cMust be a Dyson.
Blink are garbage. They are the shitty mainstream filtered down lily version of 90s west coast punk.
Also, I'll never get the Internet obsession of sitting on U2. U2 have created 4-5 absolutely flawless records and have an absolutely incredible body of work. Can they be hypocrites? Yes. Is Bono a bit full of himself? Absolutely. But they have done actual good and their catalog is brilliant aside from that shitty free album.
I bet it's just you and a vacuum cleaner.
I'll post some good bands once I get back from lunch if you're interested
Rude >:c
When we were in high school, my brother used to borrow my lipstick, apply it on himself, kiss his own hand, then press the hand against his cheek (then of course clean his lips).
my step grandmother died and now all her stuff is picked apart and being distributed among the family. it feels like feeding off the dead
also: has anyone else the problem of fb going nuts when you click a picture on pc?
This is fantastic.
my step grandmother died and now all her stuff is picked apart and being distributed among the family. it feels like feeding off the dead
Some songs will do
Not ready to get into a whole genre
my step grandmother died and now all her stuff is picked apart and being distributed among the family. it feels like feeding off the dead
I'd just assumed it would be a 1977 Shortbox.
You've captured her essence.
This is fantastic.
thxDirect Hit - Was It The Acid
The Ergs - Every Romance Language
The Copyrights - Stand Up/Stand Down
The Dopamines - You'd Make A Good Horse Cop
House Boat - A Song In Which I I Convince Myself To Stop Being Such A Fucking Idiot
Masked Intruder - Saturday Night Alone
Banner Pilot - Spanish Reds
Dear Landlord - A World That We Never Made
Off With Their Heads - Start Walking
...ok I think that's a good start
You never did mineLol I did, didn't I
Glad you like it
You have now been Tencefied, a glorious practice that started this whole Fake Gaf mess we are in now XD
Like rectocele?Pack of shit cunts hiding their bigotry behind political process.
Like rectocele?
Westworld is so great, two episodes in at least. It's the right level of stimulating, juggling standard narrative and mysteries with proper science fiction thought experiments that combined have me totally engaged. And I think that's what really draws me; so far these two facets of story telling and themes are not separate but interwoven. The mystery is related to the study of the definition of consciousness, identity and purpose, and the nature of a perceived reality. It's cleverly layering its themes and concepts with a lot of intelligent duality, in tandem with the character driven mystery and adventure.
I'm very surprised it's as good as it is
It's okay I only had piss cunt with my birth, a Periurethral lacerationGreat, now that's something I know about.
It's okay I only had piss cunt with my birth, a Periurethral laceration
giving it a lookWestworld is so great, two episodes in at least. It's the right level of stimulating, juggling standard narrative and mysteries with proper science fiction thought experiments that combined have me totally engaged. And I think that's what really draws me; so far these two facets of story telling and themes are not separate but interwoven. The mystery is related to the study of the definition of consciousness, identity and purpose, and the nature of a perceived reality. It's cleverly layering its themes and concepts with a lot of intelligent duality, in tandem with the character driven mystery and adventure.
I'm very surprised it's as good as it is.
Sorry to hear. That's butts.