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I thought you were joking. Normcore is a joke so I assumed you were in on it.

I can't tell if I'm joking or not. I don't think I'm taking it seriously or intentionally trying to fit the label but something about it resonates with me deeply. I have always been unattracted to people that try to be overtly flashy.


Fair enough! :)

It's just confusing how you talk about it sometimes. Like describing a normal person as rare.

In my experience cute nerdy girls are extremely rare. Nerdy girls are common enough but they never seem to be physically attractive to me for whatever reason.

I'm also not actively trying to seek anyone out so maybe that has something to do with it.


Preparing for a series of big wind storms over the weekend. Got canned food, water, candles, the whole routine. I almost never lose power because of my proximity to downtown but this looks like a doozy so it never hurts to be prepared.
In my experience cute nerdy girls are extremely rare. Nerdy girls are common enough but they never seem to be physically attractive to me for whatever reason.

I'm also not actively trying to seek anyone out so maybe that has something to do with it.
I feel like this speaks more to your tastes than to much anything else. Most of the nerdy girls I know are what I would consider cute.

More to the point, it seems weird to put such a priority on those traits when you don't even know the person yet. Like imagine her version of being nerdy is liking Star Trek or playing way too much DOTA, or maybe she's just not a good fit for your personality in general. That's why I think it's stilly to develop interest in people you don't know. But I'm willing to hear arguments for otherwise! :)

edit: case in point, the woman I'm dating would have never called herself a nerd but I liked her as a person for years. But now because she wants to understand me better she plays games with me and is reading a book about the development of Spelunky. If someone loves you then they'll try to like the things you like, and if they end up not then that's okay too


So many nerdy girls are cute! (though I guess "nerdy" is subjective and you may have a very narrow view of what that means)


I feel like this speaks more to your tastes than to much anything else. Most of the nerdy girls I know are what I would consider cute.

More to the point, it seems weird to put such a priority on those traits when you don't even know the person yet. Like imagine her version of being nerdy is liking Star Trek or playing way too much DOTA, or maybe she's just not a good fit for your personality in general. That's why I think it's stilly to develop interest in people you don't know. But I'm willing to hear arguments for otherwise! :)

someone not liking Star Trek is barely a person, much less nerdy :p


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Guys don't really want a needy girl. Guys want a girl who plays that role. I think I've described it before. But they don't take to well to me spending a night playing Policenauts on my Saturn or binging the Gundam trilogy or spending hours perusing comics looking for specific appearances of Jubilee.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Finished draft three of my novel.

192195 words. Still not done though.
I kinda wanna watch porn right now, but then I start having awful guilt about watching porn for 15+ years and never having a social life and getting laid :(

I hate having a sex drive :(


Guys don't really want a needy girl. Guys want a girl who plays that role. I think I've described it before. But they don't take to well to me spending a night playing Policenauts on my Saturn or binging the Gundam trilogy or spending hours perusing comics looking for specific appearances of Jubilee.

A needy girl? Hell no. Someone who has a similar passion for escapist pursuits as I do? Fuck yes, I need someone who doesn't need all of my time.


Guys don't really want a needy girl. Guys want a girl who plays that role. I think I've described it before. But they don't take to well to me spending a night playing Policenauts on my Saturn or binging the Gundam trilogy or spending hours perusing comics looking for specific appearances of Jubilee.

I think I would be ok with all of that. In fact it's really endearing


A needy girl? Hell no. Someone who has a similar passion for escapist pursuits as I do? Fuck yes, I need someone who doesn't need all of my time.

Yeah, the thought of an SO needing to be around me all the time makes my teeth hurt. Ideally, he'd have friends he wants to spend time with, I have mine, we have some separate hobbies. And it's not just because I value my solitude and space at times. It just seems healthier.


Yeah, the thought of an SO needing to be around me all the time makes my teeth hurt. Ideally, he'd have friends he wants to spend time with, I have mine, we have some separate hobbies. And it's not just because I value my solitude and space at times. It just seems healthier.

Guys don't really want a needy girl. Guys want a girl who plays that role. I think I've described it before. But they don't take to well to me spending a night playing Policenauts on my Saturn or binging the Gundam trilogy or spending hours perusing comics looking for specific appearances of Jubilee.

That sounds like a baller way to spend a Saturday night!


Smells like fresh rosebuds
You guys are taking a typo really far, lol



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I understand the discussion, but the whole title thing for people (eg: nerdy) doesn't really paint a picture of a person and how attractive they may be, in my experience. Like someone who looks subjectively plain/normal could own the style differently through personality. I've met people who visibly are typically outrageous/unique (died hair, unorthodox clothing, etc) who in personality are dull, predictable, and boring as fuck (to me, at least). And then I've met people who visually seem conservative/normal, but their personality is batshit crazy wild and interesting in the best ways possible. And I think sometimes I find that attractive; preconceptions of personality from appearance/style turned upside down by the personality behind that.

Obviously some people own both cliché (and I mean that in a good way) presentation and personality perfectly, but yeah. The old adage of "don't just a book by its cover" is so true for people. I've met groups of typically outrageous trendy-cool nerd types who bored me to tears with conversation, and talked with neatly dressed girls who have the most insane, crazy, hilarious sexual/party adventures.

Regardless of gender?

Man boobs are not the same. There is no substitute for a beautiful feminine bust.
Speaking of boobs and weird people who dress funny, I finished Witcher 3.

Dettlaff is a fucking dickhead and I am glad I killed him. Fuck that last boss fight.


Bit of a subject change but what the hell is taking Nintendo so long to reveal NX? Wasn't the rumor for last month?

I feel like if they nail it this could possibly be the system to get me back into console gaming


Finished draft three of my novel.

192195 words. Still not done though.

How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice little story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for three years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protagonist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Little story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? Yeah, talking about that three years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? No, no, you deserve some time off.
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