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Zero²;220383117 said:
I started watching Black Mirror, so you might bring some antidepressants with you when you come.

Black Mirror is too good for this world.

so pumped for S3

That's a lot more extreme than me :p

Personally I just like experimentation and learning and analysis and that's just something you don't get much of in work. Seems unlikely to find a job that would make me feel satisfied.

I was mostly kidding. It is just really satisfying to be in an environment with people that are dedicated to personal growth.


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



yikes. I've been there.

I'm pretty sure my blood pressure was so high for so long is what caused my kidneys crapping out. I hope you can get some relief.
My blood pressure varies between dangerously high and below average depending on my anxiety lol

Xiao Hu

It sucks living so far away from the university. I've been waiting for almost 4 hours here because we still have a student council meeting at 7:30 pm...at least I could have napped if I lived nearby.

They're probably gonna forcibly refer me to mental health and prescribe happy pills

M&Ms, smarties or skittles?


What's going on shitheads.

I'm pretty jazzed this morning because the video I shot and edited last week did really well over the weekend for my wifes business and it's already brought in new customers. Did a Facebook boost campaign and got tons of engagement.

Feels good to get back into doing creative things successfully. Now I need to figure out how to start charging for this work in a way that leads me to get more sexual favors related to butt stuff.


You know why they call them happy pills right
they make you happy



irresponsible vagina leak
Zero²;220389085 said:
If you lived closer we could go out and have a drink, you like beer right?
I like beer. Would have been nice but I dont mind going out for coffee and baked goods either ;)

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Guys react to the sexual side effects in a hilariously dramatic way.

"My dick doesn't work! Help! I just quit taking them"

Like, one, you probably weren't getting laid anyway, and two, your mental health is way more important than looking at Porn Hub.


Guys react to the sexual side effects in a hilariously dramatic way.

"My dick doesn't work! Help! I just quit taking them"

Like, one, you probably weren't getting laid anyway, and two, your mental health is way more important than looking at Porn Hub.
I have even less sex drive than my already low one cause of hormones and personally it's a positive and exciting thing.
grats on the job~ i have an ashley furniture tv stand, so i'll think of you when i put my junk in it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

if anyone plays wow or ffxiv, you should play w/ me


irresponsible vagina leak
grats on the job~ i have an ashley furniture tv stand, so i'll think of you when i put my junk in it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

if anyone plays wow or ffxiv, you should play w/ me
Come to Florida and put your junk in my bottom drawer.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You can have all the things you want. You really can.

I'm working on this. I didn't mean this to come off as negative as it sounds.

I'm basically just saying that life is extremely unpredictable. And I'm all for having goals but I won't be heartbroken if they don't work out.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm working on this. I didn't mean this to come off as negative as it sounds.

I'm basically just saying that life is extremely unpredictable. And I'm all for having goals but I won't be heartbroken if they don't work out.
Life is unpredictable. Who knows and we end up together!
As room mates
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