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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
alcohol is the devil's elixir


irresponsible vagina leak
Zero²;220497277 said:
Use gloves, I have one that I use to workout, though I almost never use it...
We shall see if the interview with Sears goes well. I may not have to worry about my hands lol
I've been cutting back on drinking for the first time since my breakup. Actually staying sober and dealing with you emotions for days at a time is exhausting. How do people do it?
I've been cutting back on drinking for the first time since my breakup. Actually staying sober and dealing with you emotions for days at a time is exhausting. How do people do it?

I had to move in with friends to keep myself from getting overly sauced every day after my marriage went full implosion. I'm essentially once step away from living back at home with my parents at 33. Not a good feeling at all, so that's my current motivation for not doing my best Andy Kapp impression day after day. It's certainly not easy though, and some days I stare at the bottle of JD I keep stashed in the closet and wonder how far into it I can still get.


Had an interesting conversation with my dad about control this morning. We agreed on almost everything but the solutions.

He is shocked that jail time as a punishment isn't enough of a deterrent for gun crimes, personally I think negative reinforcement alone just breeds resentment. We agree though that at this point the thing to tackle is culture and more social issues involved (though I doubt we entirely agree on which cultures to focus on)

The other thing that we disagree on is that the idea of gun control drives him to buy a new gun (that he's pretty much never going to touch tbh) cause criminals will still have them, while for me, I don't like touching guns at all.

I also disagree with his specific use of the word "criminals" to separate people who committed crimes and who may (?) commit crimes from the rest of society. Seems like it automatically brands people with potential for that for life and it seems pretty racist.
That drunk hobo talked to me again...he always walks up to me specifically to wish me a nice after-work evening. How does he even know i was working
I had to move in with friends to keep myself from getting overly sauced every day after my marriage went full implosion. I'm essentially once step away from living back at home with my parents at 33. Not a good feeling at all, so that's my current motivation for not doing my best Andy Kapp impression day after day. It's certainly not easy though, and some days I stare at the bottle of JD I keep stashed in the closet and wonder how far into it I can still get.

I'm glad you're doing OK, at least. It's tough to resist the temptation.

This ad is really helping though

I'm glad you're doing OK, at least. It's tough to resist the temptation.

This ad is really helping though

Yes, yes it is. I caved last Sunday and went to the bar, that's a hundred bucks and 8 hours I will never get back again. Felt like an idiot when I woke up, and I'm still kicking myself. But it was the first time in over a month I had gotten that trashed, so it was a good run I guess.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Seeing Lisa Gerrard tomorrow night after work. So excited 🐥


that nearly $300 textbook I bought people have been finding for $100

wtf. I'm gonna try to get a refund and price match today. pray for my $$$


I have appx no interest in a game with zero diversity.

Why announce your game a year out? They should do 6 months at the longest

In any case, yeah, I'm getting tired of playing the same dude character in every game. I probably won't bother... But talk to me in a year


I don't feel the need to have my philosophy and/or politics satisfied or affirmed in a video game.

I don't need to relate to the characters.

The only thing that matters to me when I play a game is really simple: am I having fun? and somewhat related, is this video game letting me forget about real life?


I don't feel the need to have my philosophy and/or politics satisfied or affirmed in a video game.

I don't need to relate to the characters.

The only thing that matters to me when I play a game is really simple: am I having fun? and somewhat related, is this video game letting me forget about real life?

People can play for whatever reason they want. Personally, some kind of connection or interest in the character I'm playing as is important. I don't need to relate to them or project myself into them. No, I don't do that at all. I just want to find them interesting or appealing.

I've said this a few times, but Lords of the Fallen is a perfect example that can illustrate how I feel about protagonists. It's kind of a middling Souls copy with some good aspects to it, but ultimately I gave up early because I just hated my character. If I could have made my own character or if the prebaked character were interesting to me, I would have probably stayed with it. Bald angry growling white guy just isn't interesting to me, and whatever blend of growling tough guy/nathan drake that the RDR2 protagonist is won't be much more interesting.


I have appx no interest in a game with zero diversity.
For me it's getting to the point where my interest drops when I find out a comic writer is a guy. Just tired of (white?) guy centric media. More diverse casts written by (preferably LBT) women pls.


People can play for whatever reason they want. Personally, some kind of connection or interest in the character I'm playing as is important. I don't need to relate to them or project myself into them. No, I don't do that at all. I just want to find them interesting or appealing.

I've said this a few times, but Lords of the Fallen is a perfect example that can illustrate how I feel about protagonists. It's kind of a middling Souls copy with some good aspects to it, but ultimately I gave up early because I just hated my character. If I could have made my own character or if the prebaked character were interesting to me, I would have probably stayed with it. Bald angry growling white guy just isn't interesting to me, and whatever blend of growling tough guy/nathan drake that the RDR2 protagonist is won't be much more interesting.

I'm like the opposite of you.

I played that Tomb Raider reboot when it came out. The characters were fucking awful. The story was like SyFy channel bad and generally the shootbang shit was really boring. It had all the trappings of why I hate most modern games: shiny objects of interests, hand holding way points that left little to the imagination etc etc

BUT shooting the damn bow was so satisfying I stuck all the way to the end.

I can overlook the stuff I hate and tune out things that are boring if there is at least one hook gameplay or otherwise that keeps it fun.


Unconfirmed Member
You can drink, just don't do them together, or heavily.



Editing posts seems to break Smiley's

But my faith in the SyFy channel is unbreakable

The story was like SyFy channel bad

How dare you sir that channel gives hope to scriptwriters who have failed at every other stage of their lives and just need a helping hand.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that at one point I looked for everything I enjoyed to be super deep and to affirm my beliefs but then I realized that real life is serious enough as it is and at the end of the day it's just entertainment so who gives a fuck?

I also listen to the most mindless top 40 pop tunes on my commute.

which isn't to say I don't like real music or real games that push the envelope or challenge me to be a better person it's just that there is a time and a place for everything and not everything has to be completely serious or overly analyzed all the time.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that at one point I looked for everything I enjoyed to be super deep and to affirm my beliefs but then I realized that real life is serious enough as it is and at the end of the day it's just entertainment so who gives a fuck?
That's one comparison to make. Another tho is that real life doesn't have meaning but fiction does.


I'm not looking for games to affirm my beliefs, I just have protagonist fatigue.

I'm tired of macho alpha masculinity stuff in my protagonists and the one alternative to that (the Nathan Drake archetype) isn't much better. I just don't care. I recognize I'm probably a rare breed in this way but I'm a breed nonetheless.

Of the numerous things I love about the Soulsborne games I also love that I can make a character who is whatever I want. If I want to be an old lady I can be an old lady. If you want to be a square jawed tough guy you can be that. I recognize this doesn't work for every single type of game but I'm invariably drawn to games that allow it.

Incidentally, the Gears 4 multiplayer cast is a lot of fun and really strong/diverse. I was annoyed (though not surprised) to see that the protagonist in the campaign is a generic looking white dude, but I'll reserve final judgement until seeing more of it.


I'm thinking of letting my WoW time burn away. The only reason that I'm spending so much time on it is because I'm on a time limit. I'll give 35k gold to a low level in case I want to come back and take a break. Maybe play something else


I'm not looking for games to affirm my beliefs, I just have protagonist fatigue.

I'm tired of macho alpha masculinity stuff in my protagonists and the one alternative to that (the Nathan Drake archetype) isn't much better. I just don't care. I recognize I'm probably a rare breed in this way but I'm a breed nonetheless.

Of the numerous things I love about the Soulsborne games I also love that I can make a character who is whatever I want. If I want to be an old lady I can be an old lady. If you want to be a square jawed tough guy you can be that. I recognize this doesn't work for every single type of game but I'm invariably drawn to games that allow it.

Incidentally, the Gears 4 multiplayer cast is a lot of fun and really strong/diverse. I was annoyed (though not surprised) to see that the protagonist in the campaign is a generic looking white dude, but I'll reserve final judgement until seeing more of it.

I guess one way to avoid that is to stop looking for AAA games to break the mold.

As an indie dev I bet you have an especially keen perception of devs that are more experimental and don't give a fuck about appealing to a mass audience. So why not play those games when you are tired of playing the angry white dude?

beyond the boring protagonists and horrible stories that most AAA games try to tell the gameplay just doesn't appeal to me at all. I couldn't possibly care less for about 90% of the games that exist today.

the good stuff that is actually out there I don't have time for so I'm pretty indifferent to the whole thing all things considered.


The one game I can think of in recent memory where I really enjoyed a macho male protagonist was Doom. They just pulled it off perfectly. I don't normally seek to or need to identify with or inhabit my protagonist, but in Doom I found myself doing this and it enhanced the experience.


Redmond's Baby
I want a clumsy,fat and thirsty gay protagonist trying to save the guy he is thirsting over.

That sounds like Uncharted 1-3 mod idea

The one game I can think of in recent memory where I really enjoyed a macho male protagonist was Doom. They just pulled it off perfectly. I don't normally seek to or need to identify with or inhabit my protagonist, but in Doom I found myself doing this and it enhanced the experience.

I would add Wolfenstein to that list also.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
One thing that I think a lot of guys overlook as well is that representation has never been an issue for you, you have never had a problem identifying. Everyone in media has always been just like you. You don't really get the experience of looking for something, anything to identify with.
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