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In another life I'd make my protagonist (who is mysterious and covered in a suit/helmet) turn out to be a black woman and hopefully annoy some racists
I sell drugs errrr used to , I gave that up

"This are like drugs man"
When I sold retro games on Craigslist , some guy would always text me weekly asking if I had any new games


why can't all games just have the protagonist be a human being



One thing that I think a lot of guys overlook as well is that representation has never been an issue for you, you have never had a problem identifying. Everyone in media has always been just like you. You don't really get the experience of looking for something, anything to identify with.
Yeah. I didn't get the idea of identifying with a character for a long time but eventually it happened and I thought "hey something about her kinda feels right to me". Makes the story more personal and meaningful.

Also there's also thing thing with how I was confused why I only seemed to relate to girl characters but that's another topic...


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Yeah. I didn't get the idea of identifying with a character for a long time but eventually it happened and I thought "hey something about her kinda feels right to me". Makes the story more personal and meaningful.

Also there's also thing thing with how I was confused why I only seemed to relate to girl characters but that's another topic...
It's an issue white dudes just can't get. It's not their fault and I'm not trying to be a bitch but 90% of everything you see in media is directly representative of them. Identification is so very important. It grows tiring. It's why we latched on to characters like Lara who there was nothing to and was treated like a fucking sex doll by their creators because the other options are teenage boy saving the world or gruff white guy quips.
I don't see much Latinos in games but eh whatever I just don't get that into a character I'm playing as tbh

I also haven't played much games in the past year so I probably missed a bunch

Glover N64 the 🐐 with a glove as the main character
I was going to join the red dead complaining but that seems a little hypocritical when I'm sitting here playing Infamous: Second Son right now.

The AT&T guy is here right now because something knocked out our internet last night, so I'm playing one of the scant remaining disc-based games I have as a means of passing time while he fixes stuff.

The problem with booting up an old open world game you haven't played in over a year where all the story missions are complete is that basically all that's left is to clear out the last remaining enemy outposts I decided were too frustrating to be worth my while the first time around. I've been stuck on one in particular for almost an hour now :p


Isn't redo usually ctrl shift z? That's what I've always used, at least
I've never used that command. Always ctrl y (except vba for some reason but tbf vba is trash)

Apparently ctrl y as a delete is an old thing. Never knew that
I was going to join the red dead complaining but that seems a little hypocritical when I'm sitting here playing Infamous: Second Son right now.
Isn't the main character Native American?


It's an issue white dudes just can't get. It's not their fault and I'm not trying to be a bitch but 90% of everything you see in media is directly representative of them. Identification is so very important. It grows tiring. It's why we latched on to characters like Lara who there was nothing to and was treated like a fucking sex doll by their creators because the other options are teenage boy saving the world or gruff white guy quips.
Yeah I never know how to explain the effect of seeing your gender consistently being a sex object first and character second, and that's if they're even there in the first place.

And Latina women? Haha. Read Dead Redemption actually has historical reasons for including a lot of Latinas but the last game's Mexican characters were... not good so maybe I'd rather not.


Yeah I never know how to explain the effect of seeing your gender consistently being a sex object first and character second, and that's if they're even there in the first place.

And Latina women? Haha. Read Dead Redemption actually has historical reasons for including a lot of Latinas but the last game's Mexican characters were... not good so maybe I'd rather not.
Rockstar has a huge issue with blurring the line between parody and the appearing to seriously use the same things they're trying to parody IMO.
At first it seems like they're trying to horrify you with hyperbole and such but then it seems like they're expecting you to enjoy it. Would be much more effective if it was the other way around


irresponsible vagina leak
Arrived 45 minutes early to work. Gotta look at the other route cause I didnt like the first route but from what I gather I drove the other route for most of the part so I should be fine


would you cancel plans with friends because work asked if you could come in for some additional hours you didn't plan on?

Depends. If works needs you in and you can't get out of it then yeah. You don't have much of a choice on that one. It's a valid excuse to cancel.

Just don't cancel plans to make plans with a different friend. There are exceptions but in general that seems like a shitty thing to do.


i guess I was just looking for excuses to hear this haha. I already told them I can't come in but now I feel weirdly bad about it :( I hope they'll find someone else

one thing I have to tell myself pretty often is that the company will carry on with or without me here. I think the human tendency is to consider ourselves so important to whoever we work for but the reality is they were around before you got hired and they will be around after you leave so really the only obligation you have is to what your job description outlines. Any work beyond that should only be used for your advancement.
would you cancel plans with friends because work asked if you could come in for some additional hours you didn't plan on?

Depends on whether I felt it meant my job was on the line. Unfortunately a lot of jobs expect you to be able to come in on off days sometimes, and if you don't want to then someone else probably will be happy to have your job.

My job's not at risk so I almost never go in on off time, but I will try to make up for it with longer shifts later if necessary.

Isn't the main character Native American?
He's from a fictional tribe with vague Native American sentiments but he and his brother just look and act like white dudes (because that's what Troy baker and Travis willingham are).


Troy Baker's character in Infamous was a native american? hahahaha

It's a good strategy. Be diverse but just make the characters look like white dudes


Rockstar has a huge issue with blurring the line between parody and the appearing to seriously use the same things they're trying to parody IMO.
At first it seems like they're trying to horrify you with hyperbole and such but then it seems like they're expecting you to enjoy it. Would be much more effective if it was the other way around
I've never played another Rockstar game so I never got the sense that RDR was supposed to be parody. I wish I could just go hunting and exploring in the setting without sitting through the story.


He's from a fictional tribe with vague Native American sentiments but he and his brother just look and act like white dudes (because that's what Troy baker and Travis willingham are).
True. Well you could play the dlc with fetch when you're done :p
(She's the only other character I remember)
I've never played another Rockstar game so I never got the sense that RDR was supposed to be parody. I wish I could just go hunting and exploring in the setting without sitting through the story.
Parody is a bit strong. It has over the top characters, almost all of which you're supposed to dislike in one way or another. GTA is a bit more blatant but rdr and la noire both have a tinge of tongue in cheek period piece. One example is tying women to railroad tracks for an achievement. Completely flies in the face of any more serious narrative
Troy Baker's character in Infamous was a native american? hahahaha

It's a good strategy. Be diverse but just make the characters look like white dudes
Aside from twilight style made up traditions, it's not like they should make a huge noticeable difference just to say he's a Native American. I have a friend who is the son of a First Nations leader in Canada who would easily be mistaken for Italian.
@float: thx, I wil try to think like you!


I only remember Prey having a Native American protagonist but I dont remember how well it was executed. I think this whole notion vanished in the new one tho


Aside from twilight style made up traditions, it's not like they should make a huge noticeable difference just to say he's a Native American. I have a friend who is the son of a First Nations leader in Canada who would easily be mistaken for Italian.

My gf is 1/somethingth Cherokee and just looks like a white person.

...I still find it funny that a blonde white guy is a native american though. :p

I wonder why it is that the same handful of people seem to show up as actors in every AAA game. I saw Laura Bailey is the girl character in Gears 4.

These are good actors, sure, but so are lots of people - And it's not like people are buying these games because of who stars in them. It's not like with movies.. Most people who buy Gears 4 probably have never heard of Laura Bailey or care who the actors are.
Troy Baker's character in Infamous was a native american? hahahaha

It's a good strategy. Be diverse but just make the characters look like white dudes

Perfect! Just say this white dude looking person identifies as a woman. You get to explore an even smaller minority and have a character white boys can superficially relate to. What could go wrong? :p

True. Well you could play the dlc with fetch when you're done :p
(She's the only other character I remember).
I have First Light and I love playing as Abigail, but that requires signing into PSN and I can't right now.

I found Second Sun to be gorgeous and mechanic wise intriguing but the story was a turd :/
I actually like the story. There's not a lot to it and it's fairly predictable, but the performances are compelling enough for me to get into it.
@float: thx, I wil try to think like you!


I only remember Prey having a Native American protagonist but I dont remember how well it was executed. I think this whole notion vanished in the new one tho

It was kind of relevant in the way that you had the whole afterlife thing going on. I have my doubts on how respectful that is of their culture though.


My gf is 1/somethingth Cherokee and just looks like a white person.

...I still find it funny that a blonde white guy is a native american though. :p

I wonder why it is that the same handful of people seem to show up as actors in every AAA game. I saw Laura Bailey is the girl character in Gears 4.

These are good actors, sure, but so are lots of people - And it's not like people are buying these games because of who stars in them. It's not like with movies.. Most people who buy Gears 4 probably have never h eard of Laura Bailey or care who the actors are.
Pretty sure Delsin is a brunette. Oh wait you mean the voice actor. Yeah....

At least for the sake of hiring minorities it would be nice of the companies to try to get minorities to play minorities.
And reusing voice actors hurts more than helps IMO. Annoying to hear the same voice multiple times. Doesn't help to hear Nolan north/Troy baker as half the generic white guy protagonists


Kark bought and played Second Son after making fun of me for playing through my free copy of the first Infamous game. Turns out he was just jealous the whole time. :mad:


Are there any good sci-fi films or anything else good coming out soon? I kinda want to come out to my grandma (wrt sexuality. Not ready otherwise) but I need an excuse to hang out


Are there any good sci-fi films or anything else good coming out soon? I kinda want to come out to my grandma (wrt sexuality. Not ready otherwise) but I need an excuse to hang out

Ouija Origin of Evil is supposed to be good. Outside of that Doctor Strange comes out early next month

Kark bought and played Second Son after making fun of me for playing through my free copy of the first Infamous game. Turns out he was just jealous the whole time. :mad:

I still haven't played Second Son but I played the first game on both alignments and played through the 2nd one on good.


Ouija Origin of Evil is supposed to be good. Outside of that Doctor Strange comes out early next month
No thanks on the horror.

Could see doctor strange working out. Only issue is I already have a few people who probably want to see it with me
Arrival on November 11

In Villeneuve I trust
That might be a good pick. Would be nicer to be sooner tho but definitely an option

Xiao Hu

Something I appreciate about gaming is its therapeutic influence on my mind. I don't know what I would do with myself if I hadn't have any other passion left in my life anymore. I would love to start learning an instrument or practicing archery but daaaaaamn... I feel so tired and anemic lately I can barely study or do market researches on my own.

My mum is doing a cure for the next 3 weeks so I'll have some privacy and can find a psychologist to hopefully get some meds....or I simply get a cat 🐱
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