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Smells like fresh rosebuds
This is criminal
Excepting probably her nurse outfit from this season, it wouldn't look like a costume on me :p

Besides I think I'd make a better Chanel #3

So what's your plan? Burden this poor guy with everything should he be supportive and no one else is?

Some of my "supportive" and "accepting" friends don't actively try to hang out with me anymore. They'll pay lip service if pressed and don't run out of the room if I'm there, but they won't intentionally associate with me anymore. Fine. Screw them. But I never would have known which of my friends actually support me and which ones only say they do without coming out. Sometimes you just have to rip off the bandaid.

you walk around like this every day?

chanel #3 is awesome tho, she's my fav too.
you walk around like this every day?

chanel #3 is awesome tho, she's my fav too.
I don't much care for sunglasses and I don't own fur, but everything else is something I have in my wardrobe and will wear on occasion. ❤️

As mentioned earlier, I'm most certainly going to come out to my grandma, I'm planning on working on my mom, and if it succeeds with him then i'll check with his girlfriend (who is also a good friend of mine). I already have. One supportive friend (tho they kinda disappeared and are near impossible to communicate with and are in a worse place than me)

Ive already heard the opinion of most of the rest of my friends and family and it ranges from "well we should be nice to people like that but they shouldn't expect me to be okay with it" and "those people are mentally ill freaks who don't deserve any respect"

This isn't tearing off a Band-Aid, its more like trying to pull a knife out of your side without bleeding out.

This is my attempt to not just follow my original instinct of just leaving some day

So I guess I would have you question the utility of anyone who claims to support you. I mean this in the most pragmatic way possible. Because like if I built a platform and used pillars to support it, a thicker pillar is going to support the platform better than a narrower one. And a pillar that isn't even "there" under the platform doesn't help at all even though it's still a "support".


Friggin Steam went down right as I was trying to update my game :O

This is worst than the h... Well it's annoying anyway
I'am shocked that Jobbs has time to dev his game, I mean all the hot threesome sex he's having all the time with his room mates, I would plum tuckered for dev time


So I guess I would have you question the utility of anyone who claims to support you. I mean this in the most pragmatic way possible. Because like if I built a platform and used pillars to support it, a thicker pillar is going to support the platform better than a narrower one. And a pillar that isn't even "there" under the platform doesn't help at all even though it's still a "support".

Yeah even at best I can't see it be particularly good. The only person I could imagine would "go to bat" for me would be my grandma who has a ton to lose from it.

Need to hold on till I can make new friends and have professional support for the long term. Though I could check with my cousins who I know at least aren't as conservative as my family but I don't know how much and I have a more distant cousin who's a lesbian but I've barely ever talked to her


That sucks Misha, is there a way for you to attend LGBT events / bars etc.. and find people who have been through it before who can support you without uh, alerting people in your life?


That sucks Misha, is there a way for you to attend LGBT events / bars etc.. and find people who have been through it before who can support you without uh, alerting people in your life?

Not at the moment but tomorrow (so long as I have the nerve) I'm planning on scheduling a therapist appointment with a lgbt center. I'll either come up with a lie for that (like meeting friends or something) or just say I'm seeing a new therapist and insist on privacy (which would def get some complaints but what can you do).

I really need to get moved out but day to day I just dont have the energy to get past the anxiety related to it.


Not at the moment but tomorrow (so long as I have the nerve) I'm planning on scheduling a therapist appointment with a lgbt center. I'll either come up with a lie for that (like meeting friends or something) or just say I'm seeing a new therapist and insist on privacy (which would def get some complaints but what can you do).

I really need to get moved out but day to day I just dont have the energy to get past the anxiety related to it.

Well, here's hoping that you steel your resolve and go through with it.


Cheesy kaiju flicks, badly dubbed kung fu epics and the like used to be my go to.

Now, I just can't sit through any of it.

I guess it's a case of I don't have time to sit through so bad it's good cinema when there's so much that's straight up good to watch....that I still don't watch because I'm playing the vidjas instead.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Cheesy kaiju flicks, badly dubbed kung fu epics and the like used to be my go to.

Now, I just can't sit through any of it.

I guess it's a case of I don't have time to sit through so bad it's good cinema when there's so much that's straight up good to watch....that I still don't watch because I'm playing the vidjas instead.
This film is not so bad it's good, it's just plain good. It's very much a thriller. The Godzilla scenes are few and far bwtween. This is a film about disaster relief and international relations.


I know the horse is beyond dead but


I wonder if they still sell any copies? Like is there anyone who sees that and then buys the game for $60 anyway?


This film is not so bad it's good, it's just plain good. It's very much a thriller. The Godzilla scenes are few and far bwtween. This is a film about disaster relief and international relations.

I don't think I really want to watch a film about disaster relief and international relations.

I'd play the hell out of a good Godzilla game though.

I know the horse is beyond dead but

I wonder if they still sell any copies? Like is there anyone who sees that and then buys the game for $60 anyway?

Seans current koan: I'm shithead and I sure don't got much time left.



please date me

I legit can't straighten my left arm fully. This has been going on all day. I guess I did something to it when playing with the kids


please date me

I legit can't straighten my left arm fully. This has been going on all day. I guess I did something to it when playing with the kids

What? Why?

Sounds like a touch of tendonitis to me - still going hard on your workouts, tyre flipping and shit?


waht happened to the gf

What? Why?

Sounds like a touch of tendonitis to me - still going hard on your workouts, tyre flipping and shit?

oh that's a shithead reference! you referenced shithead.

I've still been working out (not as intensely as I once was, though) but haven't done the tires in a while. I did some curls the other day - I guess that could explain it, but the reaction is kind of delayed if that's the case.
It's heavily lecture based with music to listen to at random points. I guess the problem is that most of the stuff I'm already familiar with and his lecture style is incredibly dull. Or I could just be tired.

My music history class was painfully dull until we got to classical. At least the teacher was cute.

The harpsichord is a disgusting instrument.


It's heavily lecture based with music to listen to at random points. I guess the problem is that most of the stuff I'm already familiar with and his lecture style is incredibly dull. Or I could just be tired.

Boooo, not lectures.

My music history class was painfully dull until we got to classical. At least the teacher was cute.

The harpsichord is a disgusting instrument.

Classical music or classical-era classical music? I don't start connecting to classical music until Mozart and beyond. I find baroque music dull as hell (much to the horror of my old professors).


oh that's a shithead reference! you referenced shithead.

I've still been working out (not as intensely as I once was, though) but haven't done the tires in a while. I did some curls the other day - I guess that could explain it, but the reaction is kind of delayed if that's the case.

Yeah, tendon and tendon related irritation takes awhile to notice - it's how I ended up with bursitis for a bit. If it doesn't calm down there's some stretches and band exercises you can do, one of which I refer to as the uninterested handjob and the other as Axels uppercut.


Just googled to see what, exactly, I was referencing...
Classical music or classical-era classical music? I don't start connecting to classical music until Mozart and beyond. I find baroque music dull as hell (much to the horror of my old professors).

Probably classical-era. It was like 6 years ago at this point, fuck. I took jazz history a few years later and that was infinitely more interesting.


Probably classical-era. It was like 6 years ago at this point, fuck. I took jazz history a few years later and that was infinitely more interesting.

Jazz history also has the virtue of being less dense and easier to boil down. Classical music covers hundreds of years.

(I hated my jazz history class, though. The teacher was terrible.)

That said, there are ways of spicing up classical music history. Lots of fun (albeit grim) anecdotes out there. My favorite is the French baroque conductor who used to beat time with a long vertical stick he'd move up and down. During one concert, he got too excited and punctured his foot with it, which got infected and then he died. RIP.
oh that's a shithead reference! you referenced shithead.

I've still been working out (not as intensely as I once was, though) but haven't done the tires in a while. I did some curls the other day - I guess that could explain it, but the reaction is kind of delayed if that's the case.




My favorite is the French baroque conductor who used to beat time with a long vertical stick he'd move up and down. During one concert, he got too excited and punctured his foot with it, which got infected and then he died. RIP.
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