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F.B.I. Interviews Hillary Clinton Over Private Email Server

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The FBI is doing this independently of any other affiliated (dem or rep) organizations or influence, nobody knows except them what the outcome will be. The entire DNC would have nothing in terms of foresight into the investigation.
They have common sense though?


You know the talking point will change from "she's corrupt because she's being investigated!" to "she's corrupted because she was investigated!"

"They're so corrupt they even got the FBI to look the other way." No result but an indictment is going to be the right one for a lot of people.



Too bad we live in the worst timeline.


Things that didn't happen for 1000$

Where the hell do some of you people get your news from

My sources tell me she's going to be arrested on Monday. The greatest 4th of July present to real 'Muricans you can imagine.

Seriously though, that Bill meeting with Lynch was so stupid on his part. The Clintons just can't help themselves with unforced errors.


I think Bill getting caught by photographers meeting with Loretta Lynch followed by her having to recuse herself from the case looks pretty bad for the Clintons, the DOJ, and America in general.

Don't know if the FBI cares about how it looks though.

And it's not like the United States executive branch members don't have a history of pardoning people politicians guilty of corruption. Bush pardoned people to save the reputation of his administration. Nixon didn't get anything and he was caught and publicly exposed.

Washington has a way of tidying these messy situations up, because it reflects poorly on everyone.

The biggest problem other than security with using a private server is that the government has no way of accessing and assessing the agent's conduct under FOIA. If you wanted to talk about illegal things over email, owning the servers and deciding what to give to the FBI/Public would probably be the best option.


so, she's like the first presidential candidate in U.S history under FBI investigation a couple of months before the general election?



I can never tell if posts like this are serious or not

Depends on the outcome of the investigation.

so, she's like the first presidential candidate in U.S history under FBI investigation a couple of months before the general election?


I have a hard time believing that's true. When it comes to candidates, we've had some stinkers.
Seeing people make excuses for the email nonsense as well as lying to families about the cause for Benghazi has been surreal

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Seeing people make excuses for the email nonsense as well as lying to families about the cause for Benghazi has been surreal

I wonder how much more money/time was spent on investigating Benghazi vs torture, 9/11, or the Iraq war.

Let's add whitewater and Monica lewinski too.



Blackberries are awful.

Ok so let's agree that that is the case, if Clinton wanted her own server to make life easier then does she have to get approval for the server? If she didn't go through the proper channels before going ahead with the server then I can see why there would be a problem here.


What was the point behind her setting up a private email server anyway? Like why was that necessary?

Emails of government officials are public record. They can be accessed using FOIA.

Clinton used a private email server to conduct state business. This mixed personal emails with cabinet emails that she created and received while Secretary of the State.

Conducting business using a private email server means you can delete and control what emails any oversight committee or agency can see. It's like using a burner phone rather than the business phone.

If Clinton was doing anything shady like I assume most politicians are constantly doing, this would give her more control. It limits the damage in the event that something like this happened and prevents things from leaking that would be politically difficult to defend.

The other issue is that if the emails she was creating and receiving were related to classified issues, conducting said business outside of the government using a third party, would be illegal.


so, she's like the first presidential candidate in U.S history under FBI investigation a couple of months before the general election?


I kinda doubt that she's the first. Especially considering that J. Edgar Hoover conducted extensive investigations on many DC politicians as a means of wielding influence. The Watergate break-in occurred in the midst of a presidential election, and the FBI was likely all over it at the time.
Emails of government officials are public record. They can be accessed using FOIA.

Clinton used a private email server to conduct state business. This mixed personal emails with cabinet emails that she created and received while Secretary of the State.

Conducting business using a private email server means you can delete and control what emails any oversight committee or agency can see. It's like using a burner phone rather than the business phone.

If Clinton was doing anything shady like I assume most politicians are constantly doing, this would give her more control. It limits the damage in the event that something like this happened and prevents things from leaking that would be politically difficult to defend.

The other issue is that if the emails she was creating and receiving were related to classified issues, conducting said business outside of the government using a third party, would be illegal.

Many people here refuse to understand this because many of them probably haven't ever had access to classified material or used a government email that sends and receives classified material.


Many people here refuse to understand this because many of them probably haven't ever had access to classified material or used a government email that sends and receives classified material.

I have no experience with these things either. These are just my uneducated, uninformed thoughts on the matter.

I would think the reason for rules regarding conducting state business using only government servers and email was due to security and anti-corruption reasons.


Many people here refuse to understand this because many of them probably haven't ever had access to classified material or used a government email that sends and receives classified material.

I mean I work for a corporation that deals in a lot of private health information and I understand the need for adhering to the proper security protocols when conducting business (emails). How a government official conducting state business and exchanging highly sensitive information does not understand this is troubling.


The best part is that after this investigation fails to find anything to indict Hillary Clinton over, people are still going to believe she did something illegal, just like people still believe she's the butcher of Benghazi.

Because that's how stupid conspiracy theorists work. Any development that runs counter to their delusions is all part of the conspiracy.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Oh man she's going to jail baby! /s

Can't wait to enjoy the bitter tears on my Facebook feed. Maybe with a slice of lemon and mint.


Oh man she's going to jail baby! /s

Can't wait to enjoy the bitter tears on my Facebook feed. Maybe with a slice of lemon and mint.
They'll say the FBI is also corrupt, that they're covering up for Clinton just to get her elected.

Because they're predictable numbskulls.


I mean I work for a corporation that deals in a lot of private health information and I understand the need for adhering to the proper security protocols when conducting business (emails). How a government official conducting state business and exchanging highly sensitive information does not understand this is troubling.

The government official most likely understands and believes they are above said rule.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The best part is that after this investigation fails to find anything to indict Hillary Clinton over, people are still going to believe she did something illegal, just like people still believe she's the butcher of Benghazi
And people will still defend her horrible mishandling of privileged information. When they don't indict her, she'll still have set up a private server without permission to dodge FOIA requests


And people will still defend her horrible mishandling of privileged information. When they don't indict her, she'll still have set up a private server without permission to dodge FOIA requests

Criminal or not her actions to circumvent a Democratic transparency process should not be defended.
Saint Hillary could never have done anything wrong. It must all be a conspiracy. I refuse to believe our anointed queen might have made poor decisions. She's perfect.


Okay, if you really insist
I'm pretty sure if the FBI wanted me to come in for a three and a half hour interrogation, I'd be shitting bricks. For Hillary it's just another Saturday.



Did I get everything?


Saint Hillary could never have done anything wrong. It must all be a conspiracy. I refuse to believe our anointed queen might have made poor decisions. She's perfect.

Are there actually people that believe that the email investigation is a conspiracy?

Did I get everything?

Voter Fraud
Voter Suppression
Election Fraud
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