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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Official Thread


As much as I was talking about waiting for a price drop, I feel I have to support the devs for one of my favorite franchises. I'll be picking this up with some game trades this week...


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Look what I got yesterday between dodging all the fire here...

Apparently people don't care about ship dates when everything is burning down.

Nope... Its not night. It's the middle of the day. The smoke was making things very dark.


Tried to get Street Fighter IV but they didn't have it in yet.


Awesome, Router (getting the game, not the fire of course). Hope to hear your impressions soon.

fps fanatic said:
Anyone else who played the demo on console turn up the sensitivity? Or did it feel good to you as is? I turned it up one space on the bar and it felt right...

That's what I did too.

TheRagnCajun said:
I don't think I've ever seen Eurogamer gush over a shooter. I'm not sure if that's just representative of the continent that they are catering too, or if it is specific to that publication, but I don't think I've seen anything higher than an 8 from them.

The first one got 9/10 both for the PC and the 360. That was two different reviewers though.

Added two more reviews to the OP: VideoGamer 9/10 and IGN AU 8.6.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
This game is so beautiful. I am going to post some screens from the demo maxed tomorrow.


Scores for this are all over the shop. Personally I really liked it: http://www.incgamers.com/Games/1500/reviews/818/FEAR-2-Project-Origin

While not a perfect game by any means, FEAR 2 is an intelligent and frightening experience that also features extremely enjoyable combat. On balance it’s the best FPS I’ve played since Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Paragraph 2 Subsection 2, and a real step forward for Monolith. Teddy bears on standby, everyone. You’re going to need them.


Nobody should bash Kieron Gillen for his EG review, by the way. It's just an opinion.


Router said:
Nope... Its not night. It's the middle of the day. The smoke was making things very dark.


Holy shit mate is that what Victoria looks like right now? I know the fires are bad but fucking hell, it looks like it's 6:30 or something not the middle of the day.

Where abouts are you?

Also, don't understand why everyone is digging this game, I didn't think alot of the demo, just seemed really ordinary. Didn't like the originals all that much either though. The original did have fanastic AI and combat but it all looked the bloody same. The AI in the demo for FEAR 2 just seemed ropey by comparison.


Mr. Durden said:
Yeah but it's a Games for Windows game so?

I think it's only GfW Live titles that require achievements. I could be wrong, but I noticed that GTA IV and Fallout 3 have the GfW Live logo (and achievements), while F.E.A.R. 2 and Tomb Raider don't.

Mohonky said:
Also, don't understand why everyone is digging this game, I didn't think alot of the demo, just seemed really ordinary. Didn't like the originals all that much either though.

Which explains it.

Personally, as I wrote in the demo thread, I thought the demo was better than the first game in almost every way.


Love this part from the Eurogamer review:

But for anyone who's been running down corridors with shotguns for most of their adult life, this is so uninspired that you worry for the spark of Monolith's soul. You guys made No One Lives Forever, remember? You're smart. You're better than this.

That's exactly what I thought ater FEAR1. Maybe I'll give it a rent but now even that is doubtful.

Give me NOLF3!!!


Got the game for the 360,EBGames had them in...there's a 5 dollars coupon for Friday the 13th also for those interested hehe...can't play till later on tonight unfortunatly.


Brakara said:
Armored Front - standard conquest, but where each team has one mech

Oh, fuck that. I'm going to skip FEAR 2 then. I was hoping for multiple Mech madness, but it's only going to be a team killing "Fuck you, I want the Mech" type game. Anyone play any of the Battlefield games, and all the retard n00bs team killing to be the first to hop in the vehicles?

Maybe I'll buy it when it's in the bargain bin for the single player game, but sounds like the story is not all that compelling.


Maybe I should've put a bigger caveat in the mp post, but nothing there is really confirmed since there is no official information (and which is why it's not in the OP). The one mech is something I've read in a preview and could be wrong, so at least wait until it's been confirmed before giving up on the game. ;)

Edit: it's definitely not 8vs8 mechs though, if that's what you hoped for.


I really wish Steam would unlock games when they hit retailers... I hate having to wait. I love Steam but there really isn't any advantage in buying new games on it.


Brakara said:
Maybe I should've put a bigger caveat in the mp post, but nothing there is really confirmed since there is no official information (and which is why it's not in the OP). The one mech is something I've read in a preview and could be wrong, so at least wait until it's been confirmed before giving up on the game. ;)

Edit: it's definitely not 8vs8 mechs though, if that's what you hoped for.

At least the same as Lost Planet, or more. Some of the maps sucked because there was only a few mechs.


Edwood said:
At least the same as Lost Planet, or more. Some of the maps sucked because there was only a few mechs.

Wait for the mods ;)
I'm sure people will be able to figure out some server-side configs so you won't even have to download anything.
So yeah, PC version ships with 1.01 patch in place ...but devs haven't gone on record saying what fixes have been implemented

Anyone got the patch notes?


Solideliquid said:
Gamespot Review


The video review pretty much trashes the game, especially the MP.

Did they not review the PS3 version of this? I watched the review and they go back and forth between the PC and 360 versions, not even acknowledging there's a PS3 version. To prove my point, I go to the PS3 page on this game: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/fear2/index.html What? No score? What gives?
fps fanatic said:
Did they not review the PS3 version of this? I watched the review and they go back and forth between the PC and 360 versions, not even acknowledging there's a PS3 version. To prove my point, I go to the PS3 page on this game: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/fear2/index.html What? No score? What gives?

Well, and the thing is if you watch the video review he says the PC version is the superior version of the game graphically, but the score is still a 7.0.

Personally, I think I will play this until Killzone 2 then probably trade it in for store credit, and you can't do that with PC games.


Solideliquid said:
Well, and the thing is if you watch the video review he says the PC version is the superior version of the game graphically, but the score is still a 7.0.

Personally, I think I will play this until Killzone 2 then probably trade it in for store credit, and you can't do that with PC games.
Yeah, weird. Well, the IGN review pretty much gushes over the PC version also. Though at least he acknowledges both console versions...

IGN said:
I played the game through on the console, and it's a wash between the PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of visual quality. It's a detailed game, though the graphics seem a bit workmanlike. As I noted earlier, though, there are some outstanding lighting and special effects going on. However, what struck me was just how much better the game looked on the PC.
I have a feeling most of the console reviews of the game will mostly be based on the 360 version of the game. I mean, I'm just really curious to read more reviews of the PS3 version due to the fact the demo was a little rough in the framerate dept. IGN does say the game is a wash on both consoles so that's a good sign cause from impressions the 360 version seemed solid.
2 hours in impressions:

It's fun. But it's not a killer app by any means.
Completed the first 3 levels and played a little bit of multi-player.
There are only 6 mp maps - mp seems fun but kind of throw-away.

Singleplayer? I already have 25% of intel achievement only 3 chapters in.
The game is 12-13 chapters long. It's pretty fun. The graphics are good but not great.
The game is definetely a lot scarier than the first. Stay away from the bathrooms hehe.

Overall, a good game but not a great one. Will post more impressions tomorrow.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I want to finish FEAR 1 before I jump on the second one, however, I get motion sickness. What do I do to eliminate the movement of the gun when you walk?


godhandiscen said:
I want to finish FEAR 1 before I jump on the second one, however, I get motion sickness. What do I do to eliminate the movement of the gun when you walk?

There should be a head bob (or something similar) slider that you can adjust in the options menu.


Solideliquid said:
The video review pretty much trashes the game, especially the MP.


I wouldn't say it trashes the game, but I can't for the life of me understand how anyone can claim the first game is a much superior game (at least for consoles). I re-played the demo yesterday after getting to Interval 09 in F.E.A.R., and everything just feels so much better in the demo. In particular the gunplay, where the rumble feedback makes the guns feel more powerful, and the aim view which makes it much more immersive than the shoot from the hip view in the first game. Headshots are also much more satisfying in the demo, and in particular during reflex time. I also like that you can change the fire mode for some weapons (single, burst, auto). Graphics are vastly superior, and the rag-doll animations look more realistic this time around. And even the armor and health system has been incorporated better into the game and makes it (again) more immersive. So I simply can't understand why the first game got 9 and 10s (for the 360) and this one is getting 7 and 8s.

Anyway, someone on the official forum has some good stuff about the multiplayer here:

* General info
* Menus and loadouts

Edit: updated post#51 with the new mp info.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Wow, FEAR 1 on PC is definitely way more scary than anything on the FEAR 2 demo. Also, the combat feels superior. I am going to boot up the demo of FEAR 2 right now, but all my memories of FEAR 1 are coming back. It is not nostalgia. FEAR 1 is a fucking great PC game.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Ok then, I have played the first 4 sections and am really enjoying it so far. Weapons are good. I have only used about 5 different things though. Environments are fine... Mostly indoors so far.Enemy AI is quite good. Only a few times have they don't something really stupid (Like letting me kill them).

Its a lot like FEAR1 at the moment. That's good and bad I guess. I didn't like FEAR all that much though. I am having a blast so far.

Just gotta get finished before Street Fighter IV. :D


Garnett Lee's single player impressions (he's waiting to play mp before putting up the review):

I got through F.E.A.R. 2 and started a second run before leaving for NYCC but there wasn't a chance to get in any mulitplayer. So, I spent the plane ride back from NYC putting down all my thoughts on the single-player. I'm going to guess I'll probably be one of the higher scores when it's all said and done, but yeah, I really like it -- so well that I'm pretty sure I'll play through it again here at home on the retail version. Anyway, here's my take:


His final remarks:

By the approach to the climactic final encounter Monolith has taken you from bombed out city streets, over roof tops, through apartments, into the bowls of secret manufacturing facilities and everywhere in between. And along the way you've been scared, startled, creeped and grossed out (lest it go unmentioned, with the gore turned on this is one of the bloodiest and violent games around), had hundreds of white-knukled shootouts with everything from soldiers to grotesques to specters, and tromped around in mech as a complete bad ass. And most importantly, loved every minute of it.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Wow, I really created a dark mood this time. I turned everything off but my monitor, and used my surround sound headphones. I was scared to death during the ghost parts. The demo did feel scary this time. The graphics look superior and at the same framerate. The dismemberments and gore are sort of lacking, andsome lights are too "disco" for their own good, but overall I love it. I have high hopes for FEAR 2 to be better than FEAR 1. I will not pick FEAR 2 on day 1, but I will as soon as I finish my playthrough of FEAR 1.


Sean said:
Do we know the average length of the game yet?

From what I've read, ~9-12 hours throughout 14 missions.

Also, if the demo is any indication, I recommend playing on hard. And since checkpoints occurs far more often this time around, there shouldn't really be any frustrations in that regard.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
godhandiscen said:
Wow, FEAR 1 on PC is definitely way more scary than anything on the FEAR 2 demo. Also, the combat feels superior. I am going to boot up the demo of FEAR 2 right now, but all my memories of FEAR 1 are coming back. It is not nostalgia. FEAR 1 is a fucking great PC game.
When did you last play FEAR? It looks and feels like shit. I was never impressed with it, but it's aged very poorly. FEAR 2 greatly improves on so many aspects of the original and at least seems to offer some decent location variety this time around.


Played the first 2 intervals so far and the atmosphere is pretty good...i'm hoping there's a little more outside stuff later on though because so far,it's all inside stuff...my only gripe so far,and a few people on my friendlist said the same thing(on the 360),there is a washed out/blur look to the graphics that is a little annoying,almost as if the resolution wasn't quite in 720p or something.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Completed the first 3 levels and played a little bit of multi-player.
There are only 6 mp maps - mp seems fun but kind of throw-away.

Thanks for the impressions. I would really appreciate if you, or any others here with the game, can verify what's correct and incorrect in my mp post (or/and add additional info to it).


godhandiscen said:
Wow, FEAR 1 on PC is definitely way more scary than anything on the FEAR 2 demo. Also, the combat feels superior. I am going to boot up the demo of FEAR 2 right now, but all my memories of FEAR 1 are coming back. It is not nostalgia. FEAR 1 is a fucking great PC game.

Having just played through FEAR 1 just days ago, I have to strongly disagree with it being more scary. The scares in FEAR 1 were so cheap and predictable... not saying that there won't be plenty of those in FEAR 2, but the ones in the demo were all well thought out and a bit more then just seeing a shadow or flickering lights.

EDIT: Gunplay was definitely better, but not if we go by demos.


facing a bright new dawn
I thought this came out the 10th, but then I thought the steam 'pre-purchase' thing said the 12th? Is this available on steam right now?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Varna said:
Having just played through FEAR 1 just days ago, I have to strongly disagree with it being more scary. The scares in FEAR 1 were so cheap and predictable... not saying that there won't be plenty of those in FEAR 2, but the ones in the demo were all well thought out and a bit more then just seeing a shadow or flickering lights.

EDIT: Gunplay was definitely better, but not if we go by demos.
Yeah, areas that I originally found to be creepy in FEAR have aged poorly and are not. I mean, I still think games like System Shock 2 and Silent Hill manage to pull off their scares pretty well even today, but not FEAR. The whole game just feels really cheap.


How are the graphics for the Multiplayer engine? Are they close to the single player engine, or is it really crappy looking in comparison?


Returners said:
Oh crap, what happened? Never followed the updates but I thought the demo was pretty fun.

What do you mean what happened? Besides Eurogamer, most reviewers seem to like it.
Gamespot said:
The cool melee attacks of the first F.E.A.R. are gone, but other varied gameplay mechanics are here to fill the gaps.
I don't get it. Did they remove melee attacks from the final version or are some critics just being idiots?
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