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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Official Thread

VibratingDonkey said:
I don't get it. Did they remove melee attacks from the final version or are some critics just being idiots?
Well they are toned down compared to the first game, well what one can tell from the demo anyways.
Brakara said:
The melee attacks are still there.
Then it is just a mystery how on earth Kieron Gillen and Kevin VanOrd could miss it. It works exactly the same way it does in F.E.A.R. Kevin VanOrd is the dude who wrote this mind you.
Kevin-V said:
I know with so many reviews already being posted that it's disappointing that you don't see one from GameSpot yet--but we'd rather get it right than rush it. After all, Killzone 2 won't be out for over three weeks from now; racing to publish a review that isn't informed by incredibly important aspects of the online game would be doing you a disservice.
Poor form. Very poor indeed.
I do want this game but $60 is just to much. My gaming PC is not hooked up at the moment either as I am remodeling, so my only option is the 360. I liked the demo, but didn't love it. The game seems fun, but nothing special. Impressions are generally favorable though so who knows. It just doesn't seem to have any compelling aspect thats worth paying the full launch retail price for. I think thats why there were so many deals leading up to launch, and I expect this game to get dumped to a budget price fairly quickly.

Publishers need to re-evaluate their pricing models in this economy, I think.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Brakara said:
The melee attacks are still there.
Are they? I know they have a standard melee attack (ala many other FPS titles), but I was uncertain if the jumps kicks and whatnot were still present. Their removal, if that is the case, isn't exactly a big deal as I never thought they worked very well in the original game (they looked pretty janky as well).

If they ARE still present, well, I hope they've at least improved them.

Can anyone confirm gamepad support in the PC version? I believe someone from Monolith stated it would be there, but I just wanted to make certain.
dark10x said:
Are they? I know they have a standard melee attack (ala many other FPS titles), but I was uncertain if the jumps kicks and whatnot were still present. Their removal, if that is the case, isn't exactly a big deal as I never thought they worked very well in the original game (they looked pretty janky as well).

If they ARE still present, well, I hope they've at least improved them.

Can anyone confirm gamepad support in the PC version? I believe someone from Monolith stated it would be there, but I just wanted to make certain.

I know for certain that jumpkicks are still in as I did them in the demo alot. I think they took out slides though

Can't wait to pick this up today :D


AgentOtaku said:
I know for certain that jumpkicks are still in as I did them in the demo alot. I think they took out slides though

Can't wait to pick this up today :D

Slide kicks are now sprint (alt) and melee instead of duck and melee.
my copy is on my desk here at work. unfortunately i won't be home until 9:30pm or so tonight. by the time i have it installed i'm probably looking at an hour or so at most before i pass out due to five really late nights in a row.

the field guide was a pretty cool extra. i get the feeling that it's a bit like gears of war, in that there's probably more story in the extra materials than the game itself. we'll see though.

Nikorasu said:
Slide kicks are now sprint (alt) and melee instead of duck and melee.

which makes a lot more sense too.

do review copies of things not come with manuals? so weird to see people criticizing them for taking something out of the game that is still in there.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm, so all of the melee attacks are there (and improved), yet reviews are citing them as missing? That's pretty messed up.

I can't believe Gamespot was gushing over the first game while slamming the second.
Brakara said:
plagiarize, what field guide?
i pre-ordered with Gamestop and got an Armacham Field Guide thing.

it's written by Genevieve Aristide (supposedly) and it breaks down a lot of the Armacham backstory and the story from the first game.

there's her files on the various characters from the first and second game, and hints of her plans for the team you play a part of in FEAR2.

it's not hard backed or spined or anything as it's in booklet form, but it's full colour and 64 pages long. cover is cardboard with glossy bloody finger prints on it.

also someone has written notes all over it, i presume Norton Mapes.

it's neat like i said.

dark10x said:
Hmm, so all of the melee attacks are there (and improved), yet reviews are citing them as missing? That's pretty messed up.

I can't believe Gamespot was gushing over the first game while slamming the second.
well i've heard some people complaining that they're not as powerful as they were in the first game, but i didn't rely on them enough to really compare based on the demo. they're certainly all still in there though.


plagiarize said:
well i've heard some people complaining that they're not as powerful as they were in the first game, but i didn't rely on them enough to really compare based on the demo. they're certainly all still in there though.

In some conditions they are toned down for balance. Flying kicks will always kill, as usual, but standing melee will only instakill from behind I believe. Otherwise it takes two.


dark10x said:
I can't believe Gamespot was gushing over the first game while slamming the second.

Different reviewers, I reckon. Same with Eurogamer.

And thanks for the info, plagiarize. Sounds great, but it makes me sad I'm not getting any extras for my pre-order.


just picked this up for the 360. I enjoyed the first game so I think I will dig this one as well.

C'MON 4PM!! (<--thats when I get off work)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Brakara said:
Different reviewers, I reckon. Same with Eurogamer.

And thanks for the info, plagiarize. Sounds great, but it makes me sad I'm not getting any extras for my pre-order.
It's a not "different reviewer" situation. The GS fellow reviewing FEAR 2 gushes all over the first game...
dark10x said:
It's a not "different reviewer" situation. The GS fellow reviewing FEAR 2 gushes all over the first game...
sounds like it might be a bit of an RE5 reaction.

in that, they're disappointed that the game is 'only' a better looking and refined version of it's predecessor rather than the big step up in the genre it's predecessor was... but that's always an unrealistic expectation if you ask me.

Gamespot are guilty of this at times. Super Mario Sunshine being called disapointment of the year and the infamous Twilight Princess review spring to mind.

it's a first sequel. expecting the gameplay to be hugely evolved over the last one is lining yourself up to be disapointed.

some of the best sequels wouldn't hold up to those kind of standards.
Played the demo on 360. Oddly enough, I found the conventional gunplay extremely satisfying for a variety of reasons, but the "scary" stuff was really lame and detracted from my experience. I was a little creeped maybe once or twice but mostly I just found it annoying.
2 more hours played.
very minor spoilers if at all..

At Chapter 5.. the 3rd weapon (assault rifle) feels a lot better than the first machine gun. Much more weight to it. The scares are getting a lil tiresome, hope they switch it up a bit.

Also played 2 ranked games of MP. Both ended up in disconnects/host quits by the end.
The multiplayer is very meh IMO. Maybe because of CoD4 and KZ2, times have changed but FEAR 1's multiplayer felt much better at the time.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
What I find disappointing about FEAR 2 is that it seems to continue the new Monolith tradition of designing impossibly lengthy levels which fail to create the sense of an actual environment. When you enter a building in FEAR or either of the Condemned titles, you feel as if you've become lost in a maze of sorts with corridors and rooms strung together in a highly unrealistic fashion. It becomes tiresome and boring after a while. It's as if they design specific "scenery" for each area and then proceed to repeat said scenery until the next area. It feels rather similar to the dungeons you'd find in a game like Oblivion.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
dark10x said:
When did you last play FEAR? It looks and feels like shit. I was never impressed with it, but it's aged very poorly. FEAR 2 greatly improves on so many aspects of the original and at least seems to offer some decent location variety this time around.
Look at my post just after. Is just that by the time I made that post, I had played FEAR 1 on ideal conditions (my actual rig) and compared it to what I played on the 360 demo, but after playing FEAR 2 on my PC, I agree that FEAR 2 is much better.

Varna said:
Having just played through FEAR 1 just days ago, I have to strongly disagree with it being more scary. The scares in FEAR 1 were so cheap and predictable... not saying that there won't be plenty of those in FEAR 2, but the ones in the demo were all well thought out and a bit more then just seeing a shadow or flickering lights.

EDIT: Gunplay was definitely better, but not if we go by demos.

Also, read the post I made just after. I finally played FEAR 2 on my rig with everything maxed, and in the night, and with surround sound headphones. FEAR 2 turned out to be way more creepy. The gunplay though wasn't as satisfying.


dark10x said:
What I find disappointing about FEAR 2 is that it seems to continue the new Monolith tradition of designing impossibly lengthy levels which fail to create the sense of an actual environment. When you enter a building in FEAR or either of the Condemned titles, you feel as if you've become lost in a maze of sorts with corridors and rooms strung together in a highly unrealistic fashion. It becomes tiresome and boring after a while. It's as if they design specific "scenery" for each area and then proceed to repeat said scenery until the next area. It feels rather similar to the dungeons you'd find in a game like Oblivion.

I think that whole 'getting lost' in a level drives up the tension. 'Did I miss something - what if I missed something' is a nerve that will work against the player.

I always thought they did that rather well.


facing a bright new dawn
AgentOtaku said:
I know for certain that jumpkicks are still in as I did them in the demo alot. I think they took out slides though

Can't wait to pick this up today :D

To slide, you sprint + melee, not crouch + melee like in the first one


To all the comments sayiing that FEAR does not hold up today and looks pretty bad, I think people should actually go back and play it. Sure it isn't Gears Quality, but it looks pretty clean through an HDMI connection.

Main reason why I am hesitating on jumping on FEAR 2 is because of how well I think FEAR/Fear Files holds up with their gunplay, good challenge, good A.I. and awesome sound. The quality of the graphics on these sure don't compare to recent shooters, but they service me just fine.

I'm more mad at the devs with some of the changes they made in FEAR 2 from what I have heard, such as unmappable controls, easier game overall, no Instant Action mode, no slow-mo in multiplayer, blue glow around replicas in slow-mo time (WTF)

I'm having a hard time justifying pulling the trigger on some tradebait games (fable2, soul calibur4) I have to pick this up today despite being a big fan of the 360 games in the series.

Still looking like a price drop game for me I think unfortunately with how this economy is...
So I've played through this game on PC and Xbox 360 on normal mode, and I'm currently playing through it on PC on hard.

Definitely, hard mode on PC is the ideal FEAR 2 experience.

I almost never had anything less than all three health packs all the time on normal mode; on hard, I find myself scrounging for boosts and med packs, and really sharpening my approach when I come to the arenas. It's just a much better game on hard.


10 more hours until I get to play... *sigh*

Quick question for PC players... any way to remove the grain filter in the retail game?


I really got bad buyers remorse after buying this game. Not because I think it will be really bad, but because it seems like the kind of game I would play once then then forget about.

Got a couple of question for people who have played the game.

It was hard to tell from the demo, but is the AI as good as the first game?

Is the story as interesting as the first game (it wasn't a good story, but I was intrigued all the way through)?

One more... did they fix the aspect ratio for the PC version? Pretty shitty if they didn't implement a proper 16:10... 4:3 too.
Varna said:
10 more hours until I get to play... *sigh*

Quick question for PC players... any way to remove the grain filter in the retail game?
I can't find one at a glance. There are options for shaders and stuff, maybe if you turn that all the way down it would lose the grain effect. I can't check at the moment.


Chris Remo said:
So I've played through this game on PC and Xbox 360 on normal mode, and I'm currently playing through it on PC on hard.

Definitely, hard mode on PC is the ideal FEAR 2 experience.

I almost never had anything less than all three health packs all the time on normal mode; on hard, I find myself scrounging for boosts and med packs, and really sharpening my approach when I come to the arenas. It's just a much better game on hard.

How are you playing the pc version?

EDIT: nevermind, I didn't see who it was
Awww cmon Monolith ...I thought retail would have proper 16:10 back in. Doesn't have proper mouse4/5 recognition either, but whatever as I just use software to emulate keys.

What's going on Element?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
AgentOtaku said:
Awww cmon Monolith ...I thought retail would have proper 16:10 back in. Doesn't have proper mouse4/5 recognition either, but whatever as I just use software to emulate keys.

What's going on Element?

Did they at least get rid of the mouse acceleration?
Sinatar said:
Did they at least get rid of the mouse acceleration?

If you mean is it still mega fast? then yeah it still is. I have a X5 sidewinder mouse and switch the "on the fly" DPI to 800 for it to be smooth ...which is like the middle button on the mouse
picked it up today for 360. where did my last two hours go? ;) game is quality. maybe not AAA, but def A. one of those games that really sucks you in. the fighting is tense, especially for the first 45 min or so where you have no slo-mo powers. i liked what i heard on a podcast that the slo-mo powers are almost like cover...gives you a second to take a break, gather your shot, and pick off some enemies from a safer position. it's refreshing to play a fps with some creativity. weaves in story and horror and hallucinations really well into the gameplay. so far condemned 2 was scarier imo but that's just because serial killers are scarier than psychically tortured little girls.


Sinatar said:
Did they at least get rid of the mouse acceleration?

I don't think many people here know what mouse acceleration actually is. Acceleration refers to a movement curve that gradually increases despite mouse movement being constant. It was meant to assist slower ball mice to cross the screen. A game like bioshock has a form of acceleration that was a side effect of essentially using the mouse to emulate the thumb stick. This game has no mouse acceleration. It seems to have a lot of mouse smoothing and a really high sensitivity, but it's not acceleration.

Personally, the mouse control in fear2 feel absolutely perfect to me at its default setting, and I am a very low sensitivity player with an older 1800dpi razer diamondback. It's probably the mose comfortable sensitivity I've experienced in a game. Seriously. In Bioshock I still have to turn the sensitivity all the way down to have any sort of control over the thing.

What kind of dpi are your guys' mice at, and is your windows sensitivity set to neutral?


played through the first 2 chapter on hard (highest difficulty) and have not died once...i dont use cover and hardly use the slomo...the game is down right easy so far (also turned off that lame ass aim snap)

Ill give it a few more chapters but so far the game is meh.

I stopped to play some MP (which is average at best) and then turned the game off. Kinda bored with it already...the gunplay is not very satisfying. Oh well.....off to play some COD 4...


Nikorasu said:
I don't think many people here know what mouse acceleration actually is. Acceleration refers to a movement curve that gradually increases despite mouse movement being constant. It was meant to assist slower ball mice to cross the screen. A game like bioshock has a form of acceleration that was a side effect of essentially using the mouse to emulate the thumb stick. This game has no mouse acceleration. It seems to have a lot of mouse smoothing and a really high sensitivity, but it's not acceleration.

Personally, the mouse control in fear2 feel absolutely perfect to me at its default setting, and I am a very low sensitivity player with an older 1800dpi razer diamondback. It's probably the mose comfortable sensitivity I've experienced in a game. Seriously. In Bioshock I still have to turn the sensitivity all the way down to have any sort of control over the thing.

What kind of dpi are your guys' mice at, and is your windows sensitivity set to neutral?

I needed to turn the sensi way down (pc demo) and Im also a low sensi player...was using a Logi mx518 1800 dpi, windows dead center and windows accel disabled via registry. Default was way too fast for me. I would lose control when trying to turn 180...


There will be an inevitable 16:10 patch, either by the community (look at Far Cry 2), or official. No worries there. No mouse 4/5 recognition is so stupid though.
element said:
Don't ask me, I have moved on.

Ah! ...my apologizes then good sir :D

Nikorasu said:
I don't think many people here know what mouse acceleration actually is. Acceleration refers to a movement curve that gradually increases despite mouse movement being constant. It was meant to assist slower ball mice to cross the screen. A game like bioshock has a form of acceleration that was a side effect of essentially using the mouse to emulate the thumb stick. This game has no mouse acceleration. It seems to have a lot of mouse smoothing and a really high sensitivity, but it's not acceleration.

Personally, the mouse control in fear2 feel absolutely perfect to me at its default setting, and I am a very low sensitivity player with an older 1800dpi razer diamondback. It's probably the mose comfortable sensitivity I've experienced in a game. Seriously. In Bioshock I still have to turn the sensitivity all the way down to have any sort of control over the thing.

What kind of dpi are your guys' mice at, and is your windows sensitivity set to neutral?

Yeah I actually like how the mouse feels too. Just had to drop the dpi and indeed it feels butter smooth now.


Nikorasu said:
I don't think many people here know what mouse acceleration actually is. Acceleration refers to a movement curve that gradually increases despite mouse movement being constant. It was meant to assist slower ball mice to cross the screen. A game like bioshock has a form of acceleration that was a side effect of essentially using the mouse to emulate the thumb stick. This game has no mouse acceleration. It seems to have a lot of mouse smoothing and a really high sensitivity, but it's not acceleration.

Personally, the mouse control in fear2 feel absolutely perfect to me at its default setting, and I am a very low sensitivity player with an older 1800dpi razer diamondback. It's probably the mose comfortable sensitivity I've experienced in a game. Seriously. In Bioshock I still have to turn the sensitivity all the way down to have any sort of control over the thing.

What kind of dpi are your guys' mice at, and is your windows sensitivity set to neutral?
I actually play in 400 dpi mode, I'm pretty sure. I have three presets on my MX518: 400, 800, and 1600. I'd have to say that playing FEAR 2 on defaults with 1600 dpi, you could barely flick the mouse and do a 360. :lol


Anyone got PS3 version and is the framerate issues causing slowdown (not the bloody ingame slowdown before anyone gets sarky lol) gone from the demo? Just Im undecided whether to go for this on either 360 or PS3 (demo wise it would be 360 but Im hoping they improved final code). Cheers.
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