Honestly, I think there was something weird in the FF to begin with.
As detailed by my rants earlier, when I finally snapped and installed it on XP because of the cacheing hiccup in turns, I immediately noticed the subtleties were much better for me in XP. That experiment ended quickly because I only got the FF to run properly once and the other two play sessions had completely broken and zombified steering. And after an hour and a half of head banging, I was pissed beyond belief.
Finally solved my issues by running in Windows 7 under XP - SP3 compatibility mode and setting the replay file to read only. This got rid of the hiccups and gave me the most consistent FF. Very good subtlety on the FF (almost as sensitive as XP), but with the smoother feel I was getting from 7 originally, and no defecto moments of zero feedback or wild yanks to the left or right.
Clearly a lot of people were having no issues on the PC, but I'm just saying: something about that code is weird and glitchy. It's possible this patch just turned those problems on for the PS3 crowd.