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Fable III |OT| King for a day...fool for a lifetime

Tiamatsword22 said:
Did they remove the ability to change your title? I'm only a couple of hours in but I haven't found anything yet.
The title is Prince/Princess or Adventurer. The title was a short hand to identify the character in the previous games. But now since you are playing a rather pre defined role already it seems like the did away with the titles.
TommyT said:
Oh, well that's probably because you haven't 'purchased' the other interactions from the Road to Rule. Later you'll get the lover ones, humor ones, bully, etc.
I do have lover, family and friendly packs unlocked so far. Which just means that when I interact with shopkeepers and guards the game seriously likes to choose "Dance" (which is a sexy, sexy dance), or "Whistle" when all I really want to do is "Shake Hands".

Did anybody ever like the random but context sensitive chosen emotes/items that would show up on the d-pad from previous games? Well, I hope you did like them, because those rule the day now. Those are your ONLY choices.

I'll stop harping on this point, but damn I can't express how bummed I am with this design decision (no pun intended). Along with switching modes and perspective to interact, its like a gut punch to what made previous Fable games charming and personal.


NullPointer said:
I do have lover, family and friendly packs unlocked so far. Which just means that when I interact with shopkeepers and guards the game seriously likes to choose "Dance" (which is a sexy, sexy dance), or "Whistle" when all I really want to "Shake Hands".

Did anybody ever like the random but context sensitive chosen emotes/items that would show up on the d-pad from previous games? Well, I hope you did like them, because those rule the day now.

I'll stop harping on this point, but damn I can't express how bummed I am with this design decision (no pun intended). Along with switching modes and perspective to interact, its like a gut punch to what made previous Fable games charming and personal.

Hmm... Only other thing I can come up with (which kind of makes sense now that I think about it) is that your emotions, since bought in different 'packs' can only be chosen for you when your relationship is coinciding with that 'pack'. So you can only get friendly emotes whenever you're friends with someone (opposed to neutral/lover). Don't know for sure though. Either way, I'm with you - preferred Fable 2's version.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Good lord, I fucking LOVE this game. It sucked me back into its world just like Fable II. I just explore every nook and cranny during quests and when I free time to roam cities, I love playing with my dog and screwing with individuals.

The Road to Rule and instant transition from Sanctuary back to the game is seamless and awesome.

Fable III for the FUCKING WIN. :D
OK, last bit, but maybe my game is running into problems? I just went to interact with a dozen different villagers, from guards to box carriers, to drunkards. "Dance" and "Belch" were my only allowed expressions, for all of them. This can't be right.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Sorry if this has been asked/answered but how long untill you can acess the CE content? I'm alreay doing the 3rd part of the 1st guys quest (after the merc camp) and I still dont see it. I also put in the code of the Amazon weapon/tats but they haven't shown up either. All I got extra so far was the dog outfit I bought in game and the free weapon pack.

edit nm just saw the post on the offical forums. doh!


stupei said:
But just one catch: the little coin thing that's supposed to come with it is missing. Now this isn't one of the big things I was that interested in, but still I paid the extra $20 and want all the extras. Do you think if I contact Lionhead directly they'll send me one or do I have to send the whole thing back to Amazon and wait even longer to play the game? I really don't want to have to go that route, I really want to play it tonight.

shit, i didn't open mine yesterday. now i need to run home and check :(


NullPointer said:
OK, last bit, but maybe my game is running into problems? I just went to interact with a dozen different villagers, from guards to box carriers, to drunkards. "Dance" and "Belch" were my only allowed expressions, for all of them. This can't be right.
You have to "buy" new expressions with experience points (guild points or something).


NullPointer said:
I'll stop harping on this point, but damn I can't express how bummed I am with this design decision (no pun intended). Along with switching modes and perspective to interact, its like a gut punch to what made previous Fable games charming and personal.

I haven't gotten very far into the game, but I don't think I will like the randomness of the emotes either. The change in perspective to interact is most likely to get rid of emotion spamming to get entire crowds to like you at once. They probably want a more personal interaction between the player and each NPC. I will have to play for longer to see if I like the decision or not.

On another note, what a damn nice moral decision right off the bat there Lionhead.


So last night after posting here, I decided to start over and zip as fast as I could to the part of the main quest where my previous game save got screwed up. Obviously, I lost a lot of side quest completion, villager-charming, and item-finding I had done previously, but fortunately this time around Samuel actually loaded. If a bug like this happens again I'm definitely returning the game. There's no excuse for releasing a "finished" game in this state.

SamVT said:
I can imagine getting bummed about loosing progress, wouldn't be happy myself either and I think I speak for everyone at Lionhead when I say that.
Well Sam, this is the game your development team made. Lionhead should feel bummed when this happens to everyone, since you made this game.

Has anyone involved in the production of Fable III actually apologized for releasing the game in such an unfinished state? Maybe I'm lucky, but last night was the first time in my 20+ years of avid gaming that I ever encountered a bug of this magnitude.


Hmmm..My gf seems to be stuck on the quest
"The Game"

The goal is to find the princess, and she got to an "eerie tower". The door does not respond to anything. We both don't know what to do next. When we go away from the tower, some guy complains that we're leaving.

Any help would be appreciated. Got this for her b-day, so I want her to have fun as much as possible..not get stuck like that :/


After playing it for about an hour... man. This game is pretty disappointing. Considering I bought it at retail for $120 for the standard edition, too. :\ I could have bought Dead Rising 2 four times for that amount.

The NPC walking animations when they're following you are terrible. They're skippy and they keep running into you and it's impossible to keep a decent, cinematic pace with them. Only when handholding do they stay the same speed as you, but for some reason whenever you use any form of stairs, people you're holding on to let go.

The start menu land isn't that bad, but I fucking hate how John Cleese will remind you that there's new bullshit to buy in the xbox market place every time you go in.

It's weird having cutscenes back in a Fable game, especially considering all it does is take camera control away from you and then focus on an ugly as fuck NPC model while they try their darnedest to lip sync, which never quite pans out.

As said, the 'interaction' stuff is a massive downgrade from Fable 2, due mostly to the black screens that appear while initiating and exiting the interactions. It breaks immersion to be hit with that black load screen, and the fact you can only interact with one person at a time, and the awkward transitions that pop up while going from emote to emote, ensure I'll never interact with anyone who isn't a vital story character.

I do like the idea of an evolving weapon, but I don't like how your initial choices are so bland. I suppose they did it so you have some sense of progress outside of making your initial choice seem bad ass, and let you swap stuff around.

When I tried playing this on my new xbox, which didn't have my old Fable save on it, everyone referred to my Fable 2 character as "your mother", when I played a dude. It got so annoying that I ended up pulling out my cruddy old 20GB hdd, recovering my XBL profile and then reinstalling the game (as I have no means to transfer game save) just so they correctly reference my Fable 2 hero. :\ Should've let us choose.

Oh, and John Cleese sounds like the most uninterested mother-fucker ever to step foot into an audio booth. Did they just give him the entire script and say 'go'? It's really annoying to have one of my favourite actors ever give in such a bland performance.

On the less negative side of things... the combat's still fun. The hero's voice actor isn't bad. Uh. And you can rename your gun?


seat said:
So last night after posting here, I decided to start over and zip as fast as I could to the part of the main quest where my previous game save got screwed up. Obviously, I lost a lot of side quest completion, villager-charming, and item-finding I had done previously, but fortunately this time around Samuel actually loaded. If a bug like this happens again I'm definitely returning the game. There's no excuse for releasing a "finished" game in this state.

Well Sam, this is the game your development team made. Lionhead should feel bummed when this happens to everyone, since you made this game.

Has anyone involved in the production of Fable III actually apologized for releasing the game in such an unfinished state? Maybe I'm lucky, but last night was the first time in my 20+ years of avid gaming that I ever encountered a bug of this magnitude.
That's the thing.
Since not everyone is reporting the same bugs, is not something that they can easily trace and correct. So, all they can do is just "look into it". They can't apologize, because there has been people that played through the entire game without any (big) problem. They can't just "fix" something, becuase it might break another in the process.

An opposite example would be (probably) what happened with Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox 360 around release. Back then, there was a bug that literally prevented many people to finish the game. So everyone had to wait for that patch in order to continue playing. The patch came, but it broke another thing so now the game crashed during a butscene before one of the final bosses. So another patch was needed.

Heck I remember my first Xbox 360, played every game but Perfect Dark Zero. It just crashed in the start screen. What I'm saying is that there may be some other factors involved, causing the glitches/bugs/lock. Bad shipment? Unit?
Is there an achievement for giving away 100 000 gold pieces? Some guy was giving a group of us a hard time threatening to cock slap us if we didn't message him immediately and the first one who did would get 100 000 gold pieces. The abuse went on and on because I guess nobody wanted to message him and when I went to my sanctuary, lo behold there's the money gift.

Now that I have a lot of money I love to give 5000+ pieces of gold to people who gift me condoms and 10 coins. One guy flipped out he was so happy.


DevelopmentArrested said:
LOL no. Just because people haven't been experiencing the exact similiar bugs doesn't mean this game isn't unpolished and glitchy.
No need to "lol" I was just throwing random examples, neither saying that the game is perfect. :p
As I said, there seem to be other factors involved.
Like how many from those are playing on slims? fatties? Jaspers?
Did the people installed the game? Yes ? Try uninstalling it. No? Try installing it.

Who knows.
If it was an specific bug, reported by everyone it would be way easier to track.

I mean, Seat reported that the bug from yesterday was "fixed" today when he reloaded the game. What caused it? Who knows.

I do remember many people in Fable II that had similar problems to that one, because when doing a quest after "finishing it", they went and fast traveled to the location of the person waiting for them with the reward, and the person wasn't there. Except that the fast travel location was the last known location, and there were times that the person was right in the exit of that quest.


Giard said:
Hmmm..My gf seems to be stuck on the quest
"The Game"

The goal is to find the princess, and she got to an "eerie tower". The door does not respond to anything. We both don't know what to do next. When we go away from the tower, some guy complains that we're leaving.

Any help would be appreciated. Got this for her b-day, so I want her to have fun as much as possible..not get stuck like that :/

She loaded the game, the door now works.
Another bug to add to the list.


Breadcrumb trail seems a lot less useful this time around. It often points out the wrong direction (mostly the opposite) at some points...
fernoca said:
Like how many from those are playing on slims? fatties? Jaspers?
Did the people installed the game? Yes ? Try uninstalling it. No? Try installing it.
I laughed because I saw the same kind of excuses in the Fallout New Vegas thread. The old 'I don't have bugs so who cares' and 'are you sure you're playing the game right' attitude? FYI, I have an Elite with the game installed. It still was incredibly buggy. When nearly every review mentions the technical problems, I have a feeling it's more than just a few rotten apples.. If I have to a) change xboxs b) reinstall game c) clear cache to make the game work properly, something is wrong on the developer's end.


I stopped playing it...

Having to interact with each person for rep (99% of the time doing the stupid dance) got old fast, it took forever
Looks like this whole "fade into a NPC. conversation, then fade out with horrid perspective shift" is actually how you interact with everyone……I'm not sure I will ever get used to how slow and jarring a desicion this is.


DevelopmentArrested said:
I laughed because I saw the same kind of excuses in the Fallout New Vegas thread. The old 'I don't have bugs so who cares' and 'are you sure you're playing the game right' attitude? FYI, I have an Elite with the game installed. It still was incredibly buggy. When nearly every review mentions the technical problems, I have a feeling it's more than just a few rotten apples.. If I have to a) change xboxs b) reinstall game c) clear cache to make the game work properly, something is wrong on the developer's end.
I have no attitude; heck I've admitted that many has reported problems and that the problems are there. I also admit I haven't had any problems, I'm just looking around for possible solutions in the case something similar happens. To help developers "get it".

Also because all developers prefer that when talking/submitting bug reports you try to be as detailed as possible. Not only in what happened, but on other misc. aspects like console, played time, etc.; heck, some even like to know the temperature in the room, just to see if it wasn't related to a possible overheating or something. So they can look into it with more info. (not just saying the game locked here and there, it sucks!!!) They need to know all the possible scenarios, to test and make a good patch.; is not me looking for excuses.

But whatever. I'm out. Seems no matter what I say, I sound like a big fanboy; even when I'm jus looking for possible solutions. :lol

Hope Lionhead releases a patch and it doesn't bring other problems then.


Gotta say I loved the game overall, but there's a few big problems that definitely need to be addressed going into any future iterations. Below is a short list of my story related complaints. I'll get into the gameplay aspects a little later on. Tell me if you guys felt the same way. Wall of black bars incoming now:

- Let's get this right out of the way, and just like everyone else said -- ENDING!! What the FUCK. WAS. THAT. SHIT. It's like going 100mph and hitting a a damn brick wall out of nowhere. You're on day 121 or whatever and then BOOM, Theresa sucks you into a portal during a MID-SENTENCE conversation with your butler (yes, I admit, it did surprise the shit outta me), talkin' some crap about how it's basically now time for the final battle to take place. Wait, what? Didn't I have 120-somethin days left? Did anyone else feel shell-shocked? Just a big WTF outta nowhere. Oh, and my ultimate bitch of them all....Walter, the coolest character in the entire game (no debate), simply dies. Nein.

- Story complaint. The main villain of this game, The Creeper (lol), is virtually never explained and has zero ties or connections whatsoever with the previous games. What the hell is this stupid, dark, gooey shit dripping all over my screen?! Why the hell is it trying to talk like something out of The Call of Cthulhu, and what the shit did it just do to Walter's eyes?! Now I'm really pissed.

- Why the heck is the Spire, supposedly the deadliest, most powerful object in Fable's mythology not even addressed or seen? Well yeah, you can vaguely see it in the distance standing on the shore of Driftwood, but so what? It is not even an after thought. Also, is it just me or does Theresa -- practically one of Fable's most important characters and the only one that ties all the games together -- seem so disconnected and insignificant to the plot? Sure, she appears during the Road to Annoying Chests, but she treats the main character little more than another hero coming off the assembly. "Hey, sup, you're gonna save the world. You are Hero 752 and your call number is #8967286, please, have a seat and wait to be called." I dunno, it just seemed so manufactured this time around.


- How come the previous heroes are not even referenced? I mean, I know 60 or so years have passed, but what the hell happened to Hammer, Garth and the previous Fable 2 heroes? Remember how you find out how the your sister from Fable 2 is actually alive? Yeah, where is she? Where the hell is the Shadow Court and how the hell is Reaver still alive? Uh, where is Bloodstone? I mean, there's way too many unanswered questions here. Someone educate me if I missed something.

- Where is Chesty? He was promised to return. I want my psychopathic, talking chest. And I'm sure he would give better items than 99% of the shitty chests you open up in Fable 3. It seems even the most well hidden chests give you a shitty health potion or another stupid highwayman outfit. UPDATE. Found him! Much happier now.

PS-- Reaver is hilarious. Someone you love to hate.

More to come.


Zeal, your first point was right on the money. I was bitching about it last night. It's unforgivable. No warning what-so-ever. It's just hum-dee-dum-BAMWHATTHEFUCK.


I was looking forward to playing this all day at work today. Very few games do that for me. This game is so damn good. A ton of shit to do. All the average reviews sadden me :(


UrbanRats said:
Can you continue playing, after the credits rolled? (i don't have the game yet, waiting for the PC ver.)
I dont know for sure but a review was quoted as saying even more things open up to you during the "post-game" content area. I imagine that means you can keep playing.


So far I'm enjoying it more than II. I didn't complete II because I got so tired of it, and I can't for the life of me even remember what the story was.


UrbanRats said:
Can you continue playing, after the credits rolled? (i don't have the game yet, waiting for the PC ver.)
Yes but the
Screwed me up and
Missed the 6.5 Million by 1 million :\


fernoca said:
That's the thing.
Since not everyone is reporting the same bugs, is not something that they can easily trace and correct. So, all they can do is just "look into it". They can't apologize, because there has been people that played through the entire game without any (big) problem. They can't just "fix" something, becuase it might break another in the process.

An opposite example would be (probably) what happened with Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox 360 around release. Back then, there was a bug that literally prevented many people to finish the game. So everyone had to wait for that patch in order to continue playing. The patch came, but it broke another thing so now the game crashed during a butscene before one of the final bosses. So another patch was needed.
I understand, and I know it's a prevalent and a tiresome issue at this point. I think many gamers are too tolerant about the "release now, patch later" mentality with developers this generation. In most professions, heads roll when an unfinished product is sent out the door, and I think somewhat flagship-ish titles like Fable should be more accountable.

I might be overreacting, but I was a little taken aback by SamVT's response to someone a few pages back who couldn't find the appropriate contact information to report a bug. I don't think the appropriate attitude for a developer is to "call bullshit" on someone who just spent sixty bucks on their game, especially when that someone can't make progress because Fable III was rushed through the debugging process to make a release date.

I seem to recall some snarky responses from members of Lionhead to gamers who complained about the under-promised, half-assed co-op in Fable II shortly after its release. Perhaps this is just the developer's way of doing things.

Heck I remember my first Xbox 360, played every game but Perfect Dark Zero. It just crashed in the start screen. What I'm saying is that there may be some other factors involved, causing the glitches/bugs/lock. Bad shipment? Unit?
I suppose a bad shipment is possible, but the bugs are happening with enough frequency that I doubt it.

I have a Falcon model Xbox 360 Elite that lays on its side and is very well-ventilated. I've never had any issues with it messing up my game saves.


Anybody know that if I start the game now and enter the code from the Fable Balverines book later (hasn't arrived from Amazon yet) I will be able to get the item regardless of my progress?


Posted my review in the user review thread:

Einbroch said:
Fable III
Platform: XBOX 360

Let me preface this review by first stating that I have played and completed both Fable and Fable II. I have been a major fan of the series. While the previous entries into the series have had their faults, they were very enjoyable.

You are the son or daughter of the Hero from the second Fable game. The game opens up with a very interesting and engrossing premise: your brother, the king, has become a tyrant. Children work endlessly in factories, the citizens are impoverished, and the world itself is disarray. After an unfortunate incident, you and your allies flee the castle in an attempt to gather an army to overtake your brother. While this story on its own would be enough to hold your attention, there is an underlying plot that makes the kingdoms horrifying issues seem inconsequential. On the way you gain many allies and become the hero or heroine Theresa, a seer, has foretold. The story of Fable III is the best in the series, but it is not without faults. There are many aspects and characters from the previous game that are shockingly absent. For a newcomer, these issues are non-existent, but as a follower of the series, I have to wonder if Lionhead even thought of continuity.

Another vast improvement over previous Fables is the new combat system. Each buttons controls one type of combat. One controls melee, one controls gunplay, and one controls magic, or will. The way in which combat flows is smooth and intuitive. You can weave gunplay and melee very easily. To add another wrinkle, there is the ability to charge all attacks. For melee and gunplay, this is called Flourishing. A flourish is an unblockable attack that will almost always knock an enemy on their back. While powerful, the usefulness of this type of attack diminishes greatly as you fight quicker and larger enemies. For players of Fable II, will is just as overpowered as it always was. A fully charged Fireball can kill almost any enemy, even those late in the game, in a single blast. You upgrade these abilities, along as many others, on the Road to Rule. Everything you do in the game is rewarded with guild seals. You can spend these seals to learn new spells, upgrade your combat prowess, learn new emotes, gain the ability to buy businesses…pretty much anything. This system is streamlined for the worse. You like the Shock spell? You can’t buff it exclusively. You want to buy real estate? You have to unlock it. It’s arbitrary.

The Sanctuary is a new feature of Fable III, and it succeeds, for the most part. The Sanctuary is, essentially, the menu screen. You walk around in the “menu” physically going from room to room. You can pull the Sanctuary up anytime by hitting Start. You can change weapons, access the world map, change clothing, view achievements, change settings, view multiplayer options…basically everything you can do with a normal pause screen. While perhaps a well-done menu system would be quicker and easier, the Sanctuary is a huge step up from the laggy and clunky menus of previous Fable games. Quests are also accessed from the Sanctuary. Sidequests are fantastic in Fable III, and can add dozens of hours to the experience. You can also upgrade weapons in the Sanctuary by fulfilling certain requirements (kill 100 hollow men, spend 10000 gold, complete 30 quests, etc). A drawback to this system is the fact that if you ever need to change your active quest, you have to pause the game, walk to the map, click the map, press Y, scroll through your quests, hit A, hit A again, and hit A again. When there are hundreds of quests to scroll through, this is such a time sink and it boggles my mind why this was not addressed in planning.

There are a few very glaring issues with the gameplay. Morality plays a much smaller role in this game. If you’re an angel and do everything right, you’re at a huge disadvantage at the end of the game. You receive almost no rewards. You don’t look any different (minus a small white tattoo around the eyes) and don’t receive any perks besides feeling like you did the right thing. From a technical standpoint, all jobs, or the way you earn currency, are quick time events. Normally there wouldn’t be an issue with this, but the frame rate stutters frequently while working. When you start getting into the upper levels of working the stuttering completely ruins it. Along the same note, one look at the official thread would tell you that this game is full of glitches. Your dog will constantly get stuck. You can get stuck in the Sanctuary and be forced to warp to another location to leave. You may not be able to interact with certain townsfolk. The game can freeze and even give you a disc read error when the game is installed. The list goes on and on. Not many force you to load a previous save, but they do take away from the experience.

Mulitplayer is much improved as well. Couch co-op lets you pull in your own hero and play alongside another on the same screen. Online co-op lets you play on your own screen, but you must be in the same region. Only the hosts story will advance, however. A positive is that you take back all items and experience you gain in your hosts game back to your world. You can even marry your host! It's a huge step up from Fable II, but isn't fully fleshed out.

The visuals in Fable III are a mixed bag. The art direction and menu system are very sleek and inspired. The color in the game really stands out. Grass is green, buildings are painted, and clothing is vibrant. However, from a technical standpoint the game is fairly pedestrian. Jagged edges abound, characters will glitch through each other, and the screen edge blur is incredibly noticeable. The music and voice acting are so well done that sometimes you forget that you’re playing a game. You can tell Lionhead really threw some money behind it.

There is one final point that must be mentioned: the ending is incredibly disappointing and frustrating. The game gives you no warning as to when the end of the game is. You simply stroll along as King, doing your kingly duties, when suddenly you are whisked away to the ending. Your assistant is literally interrupted mid-sentence. Not only is it sudden and unexpected, but it is underwhelming. The last boss is a complete joke and after you defeat him/her/it (no spoilers) you have a feeling of “that’s it?” There is a post-game, however, so you can simply continue from where you left off. Fable games are known for sub-par endings, and this version is no different.

Overall, it comes down to this: if you liked Fable II, you will like Fable III. If you didn’t like Fable II because it was short and the gameplay wasn’t for you, check out Fable III. If you just didn’t like Fable II, you won’t like Fable III. This game is essentially Fable 2.5. If you’re okay with that, you will enjoy Fable III as much as I did.

Loved: Upgrading weapons, music, voicework, combat.
Liked: Atmosphere, side quests, new menu system, collectables, improved multiplayer.
Disliked: Moralities role, Road to Rule, actual quest system layout.
Hated: Ending, glitches galore.

Score: 7/10


Domino Theory said:
Good lord, I fucking LOVE this game. It sucked me back into its world just like Fable II. I just explore every nook and cranny during quests and when I free time to roam cities, I love playing with my dog and screwing with individuals.

The Road to Rule and instant transition from Sanctuary back to the game is seamless and awesome.

Fable III for the FUCKING WIN. :D

Good to hear. Going to buy this on Friday.


Totally love the game. This is what I call "My first RPG" without looking like a rpg, my friends love it.

I am seeing some bugs for co-op, as the second player do you see yourself gliding across the land (without running animation) and the only way to get back the animation is either to dig buried stuff or interact with your dog?

Also sometimes my dog just disappears in co-op as well :(

Hope they are looking at the bugs...


NullPointer said:
The same thing happened to me last night. I had no idea what hitting down on the d-pad would do, and then my friend's orb just blooped out of existence and I also can't find a way to undo it.

I don't know if I did anything to remedy it, or if it just worked itself out, but the same friend's orb did show up tonight.
bigswords said:
Totally love the game. This is what I call "My first RPG" without looking like a rpg, my friends love it.

I am seeing some bugs for co-op, as the second player do you see yourself gliding across the land (without running animation) and the only way to get back the animation is either to dig buried stuff or interact with your dog?

Also sometimes my dog just disappears in co-op as well :(

Hope they are looking at the bugs...

My buddy tells me that he is floating occasionally, however as me being the host, everything seems to be normal.

There is one glitch where it looks like my buddy who is the second player, gets stuck in a spot but in reality, he is elsewhere on the map walking/running.


Man I really want that Channeler weapon that Best Buy had for their buyers...are there plans to make that weapon or other exclusives available to everyone?

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Kritz said:
Oh, and John Cleese sounds like the most uninterested mother-fucker ever to step foot into an audio booth. Did they just give him the entire script and say 'go'? It's really annoying to have one of my favourite actors ever give in such a bland performance.

John Cleese entire persona was built around being deadpan & straight.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Love the game so far, played it for hours today and still haven't finished the getting the 1st guy on my side (the old guy that had you do the 3 things to prove yourself). Taking my time talking to everyone and getting them to be friendly and doing all quests (that gnome stuff was funny). Also buying up all the homes I can, hope to have all the bought before I go talk to the old guy to trigger the next phase or what ever.

Only ran into 2 bugs but nothing bad, 1) some times the glowing line goes off in the total wrong way and 2) I was talking to a villager in a bar and I floated towards the roof and stayed there till I ended the interaction.

I know they aren't the same type of game but this game blows fallout NV out of the water. That game was fighting me every inch with the game stopping bugs and glitches. So far fable 3 is my fav game since Dragon Age. Great stuff.
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