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Fable: Why is the screen flashing?

I just loaded up Fable for the first time and I can hear the music but the screen is garbage?

Did I get a bad disk or something?


Tag of Excellence
I'd say try again for a couple of times. If the same thing occurs try it on another Xbox. If the same thing occurs then yes you have a bad disc.
nooooo. Dont do this to me! I threw out the receipt. This is the first time I've EVER gotten a bad disk.

The screen is garbage. It looks like an NES game when you need blow the dust out of it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
seismologist said:
Why is the screen flashing?



It's because you're trying to run the game in progressive scan, but your Xbox isn't updated with Xbox Live 3.0 features (480p Xbox dashboard).

The remedy for this is :

Find someone who has high speed internet (or if you have it, you're ok).

Start the Xbox, but don't put any disc in, and go to the options.

Set the Xbox to interlaced only (put 480p and higher all off).

Put Fable in the Xbox.

While having your Xbox connected to the internet, choose Xbox Live in the Fable startup menu.

It will prompt you to suscribe to Xbox Live, but before doing this, it will update your Xbox to Xbox Live 3.0 caracteristics.

Just press B to cancel when they ask you to create a new account.

Remove the disc from the Xbox, go to options, set everything you want (480p and whatever), and go back to the main menu.

Press L and R trigger, and click on both analog sticks at the same time, you'll get the dashboard in 480p.

Put Fable in, and voilà, you're ready to go.


Trust me, you DON'T have a bad disc. This type of things rarely happens, I got a customer that had the same problem as you and I fixed it by doing all these steps, I garantee you that it works.
belgurdo said:
Your Xbox is trying to protect you. Sell the game immediately

wow where were you guys when the Fable hype train was in full swing. I finally got it working but the game sucks so far. Dammt, I shoulve waited for GTA San Andreas. :(
seismologist said:
wow where were you guys when the Fable hype train was in full swing. I finally got it working but the game sucks so far. Dammt, I shoulve waited for GTA San Andreas. :(

:lol :lol :lol

The Fable hype threads were practically submerged in Haterade...


for some reason i find the fact that you effectively have to "patch" your xbox to play fable quite amusing.. only microsoft could manage that one!

*note: not a troll, i love my xbox and fable is passing the hours for me quite nicely thankyouverymuch. Still, quite amusing..


I put about 10 hours into this game and just kinda...stopped. I'll pick back up again another day, after the reign of Halo 2. Maybe. :)
I can't stop playing Fable. My only gripe is the game looks like ass, and the loads times could be shortened a bit. Also, the lip-sync on the characters is horrible. But the game is very addictive.
I love the game. I AM glad that Iw aited after it was released to play it though, as it allowed me to get rid of mye expectations for the cut features. My only real problems with teh game are the laoding times and the world's linearity. other than that it's fucking brilliant. Fable 2 will be AMAZING.


seismologist said:
wow where were you guys when the Fable hype train was in full swing. I finally got it working but the game sucks so far. Dammt, I shoulve waited for GTA San Andreas. :(

Hey, I did my part in atleast 4 threads.
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