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FaceGAF 2014: post new pics that may disappear under mysterious circumstances

First pic I've taken in a while, from the Real Pic January thread.

First decent pic I've taken in a while. Had to get rid of my beard because I got a job at Burger King. I mean it's great having a job and all, but I'm gonna miss my beard :(

Ironically, every decent pic I've taken in the last few months features that beanie xD


First pic I've taken in a while, from the Real Pic January thread.

First decent pic I've taken in a while. Had to get rid of my beard because I got a job at Burger King. I mean it's great having a job and all, but I'm gonna miss my beard :(

Ironically, every decent pic I've taken in the last few months features that beanie xD

Wow you look awesome. Also that beanie :)


Now I'm imagining what it would feel like to do that.
It is a very satisfying thing to do. :D

For Real Pic January.
This is so golden! <3

Real pic January!

You, good mister, look extremely gorgeous. I totally love your eyes!

Alright, I'm finally ready to show what I look like. Please keep in mind that I. fought cancer for a year. And chemo made me lose all my hair. I dropped to 90 pounds. I switched to a different treatment after the first two failed (which didn't have hair loss effects). And I've been in remission for close to a month in a half.

My hair has grown back thin. And I guess it will never get thick again. :( You can't tell, but my side of my head + the back is very very thin. My beard is also think/patchy. But that said, I'll take thin hair over dying. I'm a bit insecure. Normally I'm not. I've always liked the way I look. But I hate what Cancer did to me. And I always felt insecure about my looks after it. But phew, okay. I'm back up to 140 pounds now. My hair has grown in but is very thin. But I'm glad I no longer look like a zombie.

Here I am:

You are truly amazing and with all seriousness, if you wouldn't have mentioned the epic battle against the cancer, I wouldn't have never guessed. You are very cute! I wish you all the best for the year 2015!


Wow congrats Azula, quite an adversity to overcome. As others have said without knowing your story, I would have never guessed. Looking good dude, best wishes! :D


Both great. love the color toning you used.

These were the ones I was choosing between for rpj

Plus a bonus Halloween pic

I've lost 20+ lbs in the last year. Feeling pretty happy with the results.

First off, awesome coffee mug. Second you look great. The weight loss is noticeable. Looks great.


not a medical professional
sunglasses all the way!

Hehe they are a coworkers. I picked them off Her desk and took the obligatory selfie because she's really young with strange fashion sense lol.

Thanks Azula. Went from 215 to 190 this year. Most weight off my face and mid section. Very pleased.



Me, my son ( the tall kid ), and my nephews going to see Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Kennedy Center.



Here's a recent pic of me hanging out on my birthday this New Years Eve before some friends got to my crib.

And yes for you Bayonetta 2 fans out there, that is a Kafka tattoo peeking out under my sleeve.
Alright, I'm finally ready to show what I look like. Please keep in mind that I. fought cancer for a year. And chemo made me lose all my hair. I dropped to 90 pounds. I switched to a different treatment after the first two failed (which didn't have hair loss effects). And I've been in remission for close to a month in a half.

My hair has grown back thin. And I guess it will never get thick again. :( You can't tell, but my side of my head + the back is very very thin. My beard is also think/patchy. But that said, I'll take thin hair over dying. I'm a bit insecure. Normally I'm not. I've always liked the way I look. But I hate what Cancer did to me. And I always felt insecure about my looks after it. But phew, okay. I'm back up to 140 pounds now. My hair has grown in but is very thin. But I'm glad I no longer look like a zombie.

Here I am:


I wouldn't have been able to tell that you had gone through cancer besides you providing that information by yourself. Having witnessed first-hand what kind of torment cancer can cause upon someone close I'll say you look great. In addition, you have my my sincerest form of respect for battling through such a horrible condition.

I understand that you're very self conscious but you shouldn't worry about that. I hope that in return you've become a stronger individual. People who persevere through cancer are imo some of the strongest spirits known to man.
Both great. love the color toning you used.

These were the ones I was choosing between for rpj

Plus a bonus Halloween pic

I've lost 20+ lbs in the last year. Feeling pretty happy with the results.
Looking great man, you can definitely notice the weight loss, good job!

Great Halloween costume btw.


I wouldn't have been able to tell that you had gone through cancer besides you providing that information by yourself. Having witnessed first-hand what kind of torment cancer can cause upon someone close I'll say you look great. In addition, you have my my sincerest form of respect for battling through such a horrible condition.

I understand that you're very self conscious but you shouldn't worry about that. I hope that in return you've become a stronger individual. People who persevere through cancer are imo some of the strongest spirits known to man.

Thank you so much. :)

The back of my hair and sides, are a lot thinner then they look in this pic. And my goatee is very thin. I'll try to dig up some old pics, that will show you guys just how thicker my hair used to be. It's night and day!

That said, I am very lucky that I got back what I did. Because you are right, I do look really good all things considered (I mean hair wise). I was very lucky that the my first treatments are what caused the hair loss, but that my later treatments didn't have hair loss effects. So I've had a long time + remission for it to get back to where it was. I appreciate everyone saying they can't tell though.

That really blows my mind, and makes me feel so good. :D

well here goes guys:

btw very good looking ppl here :)

Oh god, your Huey is soooo great. Love it.


Thank you so much. :)

The back of my hair and sides, are a lot thinner then they look in this pic. And my goatee is very thin. I'll try to dig up some old pics, that will show you guys just how thicker my hair used to be. It's night and day!

That said, I am very lucky that I got back what I did. Because you are right, I do look really good all things considered (I mean hair wise). I was very lucky that the my first treatments are what caused the hair loss, but that my later treatments didn't have hair loss effects. So I've had a long time + remission for it to get back to where it was. I appreciate everyone saying they can't tell though.

That really blows my mind, and makes me feel so good. :D

Oh god, your Huey is soooo great. Love it.

hahaha appreciate man..once again my last min cheap cosplay always goes popular at these cons


Happy New Years facegaf, pic of me and the wifey celebrating last night

That is a really nice shot of you two!

I vaguely remember you talking on FitGAF that your wifey has started to go to gym with you and planning to look like Jen Selter (she does have nice butt, good choice).

She looks gorgeous! If you are planning to get children I am sure you will have beautiful babies you can sell with a very good price. :p

Did a bit of hiking up Mt. Hood yesterday. Here's a selfie.
Wow. You look extremely hot and the pic is awesome!
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