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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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If the EU decides to grant Turkey visa-free access, then that's their business. EU citizens are free to protest such a decision, if they feel that threatened by it.
They allready do, but none of the EU leaders listen, maybe with a few exceptions being immediately ostracized by the establishment and labeled as xenophobes.
According to news reports over 2,839 soldiers have been arrested.
There's gonna be a big witchhunt for sure, great opportunity for Erdogan loyalists to cleanse the military.


I keep seeing on Turkish twitter that Erdogan supporters have beheaded a soldier, has this been posted elsewhere?
Turkish police and military haven't bothered recovering some rebel soldiers from the pissed-off mobs.

The government will likely be content with civilians killing the rebel soldiers. What a horrific disaster this has become.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Apparantly the entire top brass of the airforce was attending a wedding where the daughter of the airforce commander was getting married. They crashed the wedding by air with helicopters and captured the whole bunch, with the hope of slowing down the ability of the airforce to react. Still what were they trying to accomplish with only a few f-16s, Turkey has 250+ f-16s in it's arsenal. Air superiority would be regained regardless.
My family has some investments in Turkey, as soon as they withdraw said investment I'm done with the country. Never going to go back, it's simply too polarized for my comfort levels. The AKP and MHP supporters are so aggressive, savage and uninviting.

Crazy EU is even thinking of allowing free Visa entry to Turkey, what kind of message does that send?


My family has some investments in Turkey, as soon as they withdraw said investment I'm done with the country. Never going to go back, it's simply too polarized for my comfort levels. The AKP and MHP supporters are so aggressive, savage and uninviting.

Crazy EU is even thinking of allowing free Visa entry to Turkey, what kind of message does that send?

I'm sure that's pretty much off the table now.
Apparantly the entire top brass of the airforce was attending a wedding where the daughter of the airforce commander was getting married. They crashed the wedding by air with helicopters and captured the whole bunch, with the hope of slowing down the ability of the airforce to react. Still what where they trying to accomplish with only a few f-16s, Turkey has 250+ f-16s in it's arsenal. Air superiority would be regained regardless.
Still a well thought out move. Explains why the rest of the air force didn't even react until late in the morning. That would have been enough if the coup had succeeded on the ground.
Also something straight out of a movie.


I don't think they can punish the captured soldiers too harshly without risking another (civilian) revolt. A considerably large part of the population still despises Erdogan

and if those beheading rumors turn out to be true, tourists will think twice before setting another foot into this country for the next couple years

Johnny M

I keep seeing on Turkish twitter that Erdogan supporters have beheaded a soldier, has this been posted elsewhere?

I saw a turkish Twitter with pics of the soldiers beheaded, but it has been debunked as fake (the soldiers were beheaded by kurds some time ago)


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Talked with a friend. He and his family will leave Turkey asap. They were staying because he has a good job and they were hoping for things to get better (not necessarily through a coup) but now it's clear things will only get worse.


what is it with muslims and beheadings

I'll answer this purely academically because I don't want to get into religion. The Quran and hadiths both talk about beheadings. The Quran itself:


"So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds."


"[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.""

The hadiths generally are worse. And many Sharia leaders have said beheading is an acceptable way to deal with crime. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Yemen are countries where it's currently legal, though the latter two generally don't apply it.


Talked with a friend. He and his family will leave Turkey asap. They were staying because he has a good job and they were hoping for things to get better (not necessarily through a coup) but now it's clear things will only get worse.

Every sane person should leave Turkey ASAP.
It could have been the fastest form of execution back then, and people have stuck by it despite there being numerous quicker ways nowadays.
It was also alot less messy than hanging people, both for the executioner and the victim. At least in theory. Like much in the Quran (or the Old Testament for that matter) it was a reflection of the realities way back then.
Nowadays? It's just to kill the victim in the most brutal and barbaric way possible while making for nice gruesome video material to be used as propaganda.
As opposed to?

Well the Chinese do it with a bullet to the back of the head. Americans have all sorts of slow and tortuous ways to do it that seem to be for the entertainment value for a crowd.

Of couser they do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_extradition_treaties

Not sure how those cases that can receive a death penalty are handled.

Pretty sure there are exemptions in the treaty where they may not be extradited if the death penalty can be applied.


Still a well thought out move. Explains why the rest of the air force didn't even react until late in the morning. That would have been enough if the coup had succeeded on the ground.
Also something straight out of a movie.

Yeah. Bummer they totally underestimated the power of media and social network. That's what got Erdogan out of the hole. First move would have been take over all tv networks.


Yeah. Bummer they totally underestimated the power of media and social network. That's what got Erdogan out of the hole. First move would have been take over all tv networks.
And Erdogan hates social media.

Maybe he'll change his tune on the topic, given that it saved his presidency/government.
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