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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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Could you not form a company or LLC in said country and make that your way to stay as you employ yourself in a company you made in their country?

Sadly i'm not, i'm freelancer. I'm thinking to create Patreon soon but this will not save me from this place but some money can do for sure.


Well if NATO cut ties, like it really should right about now, then Russia would hve the option to steamroll them. It's likely to happen but when you disregard your own allies and their soldier like this and use them as leverage for one person you think is responsible for anything it proves you are not fit for a defense alliance.

Steamroll Turkey? How about no... Win maybe but not steamroll.


Sailor Stevenson
Actually, it's a Turkish airbase that NATO uses for operations, so the Turkish government can do whatever the hell it wants with it.

It's an American air base with the joint force agreement and NATO usage and Turkish usage. But it's a US base, on Turkish soil.


That isn't what is happening here. If the coup succeeded, we would have dealt with the situation, but it would not have been the preferred outcome.

How many "democratically elected governments" were in Turkey at the time of the coup?
This statement was issued this morning:
The President this morning received an update from his national security and broader foreign policy team on the situation in Turkey. The President's advisors apprised him of the most recent developments on the ground, and the President reiterated the United States' unwavering support for the democratically-elected, civilian Government of Turkey.

Note that it is explicitly clear who they are supporting.

The original statement (as things were developing and information was unclear) has a tiny but important difference:
The President spoke tonight by phone with Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the events in Turkey. The President and Secretary agreed that all parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected Government of Turkey, show restraint, and avoid any violence or bloodshed.

Why did that word get added in the morning? Because they knew who won.


Iran held a lot less Americans hostage after their Islamist dictator took control. Just saying.

Serious question: why didn't the EU do a refugee-deal with Greece? Greece getting the 6 billion Euros Turkey asked + a part of the national debt paid off. Sounds better than doing business with a backyard thug, who shortly after the deal has been sealed started bullying the fuck out of everyone.
That backyard thug was already stopping allied ships from entering the waters between Greece and Turkey and stimulated the refugees to move to Greece en mass. Besides, the refugees also need to be send back across the Syrian border.


I think the wording of the tweet is (unintentionally) misleading. At least the "official" story here is that the base was used by the coupists and that some of them could still be there, hence why they shut it down and nobody can leave.

El Topo

Serious question: why didn't the EU do a refugee-deal with Greece? Greece getting the 6 billion Euros Turkey asked + a part of the national debt paid off. Sounds better than doing business with a backyard thug, who shortly after the deal has been sealed started bullying the fuck out of everyone.

Because there are more than a million of refugees in Turkey, much more than Greece could ever handle, much more than could ever be controlled properly (and constrained to Greece), all of which would cost much more than 6 billion? Because Europe would rather keep refugees as far away as possible? The idea is to have a "safe haven" outside of EU that they can send the migrants back to.
The US can't give in to that kind of Blackmail.

The US can give into any kind of blackmail. The deciding factor here is whether or not the powers that be feel that "negotiating with terrorists is out of the question".

In which case they have very much proven that the current existing leaders feel that negotiating is always good.


Serious question: why didn't the EU do a refugee-deal with Greece? Greece getting the 6 billion Euros Turkey asked + a part of the national debt paid off. Sounds better than doing business with a backyard thug, who shortly after the deal has been sealed started bullying the fuck out of everyone.
Because German politicians are a bunch of stubborn spiteful dumbasses who'd rather stick weasels in their pants than deal fairly with Greece (also, large Turkish community) and the other Euro pols are the most spineless characters since Cow&Chicken's Cousin Boneless.


Serious question: why didn't the EU do a refugee-deal with Greece? Greece getting the 6 billion Euros Turkey asked + a part of the national debt paid off. Sounds better than doing business with a backyard thug, who shortly after the deal has been sealed started bullying the fuck out of everyone.

Because refugees see Greece as a transit country.
Problem is the 2.5m refugees residing in Turkey under appalling conditions

Greece would be unable to keep such a large amount of people. The refugee camps that have recently been dismantled need not be remembered. Situation in some islands bordering with Turkey is out of control due to refugees.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Serious question: why didn't the EU do a refugee-deal with Greece? Greece getting the 6 billion Euros Turkey asked + a part of the national debt paid off. Sounds better than doing business with a backyard thug, who shortly after the deal has been sealed started bullying the fuck out of everyone.
Depends if you want the politically-correct answer or the roughback.

Either way, either of them would have to do with being nice to a major NATO stronghold 'at the enemy's gates', vs making an 'example' of Greece. 'Don't alienate Turkey, don't cut Greece any slack' has been Merkel's EU's MO for a long while.

Apropos, the same reason UK had been supporting the Ottomans through the very end.


Well if NATO cut ties, like it really should right about now, then Russia would hve the option to steamroll them. It's likely to happen but when you disregard your own allies and their soldier like this and use them as leverage for one person you think is responsible for anything it proves you are not fit for a defense alliance.
I agree.

Not that I think Russia would actually invade them so I don't think Turkey would actually be much worse off.

That said, I honestly don't think keeping foreign warplanes out of the sky immediately after a coup is an insane request. Nor do I think locking down a foreign army is insane either. It's not great treatment but honestly if I was Commander over there I wouldn't want my personel going out in that environment, I'd keep them on base and I'd keep shit grounded.

But I'd still like to give the boot to Turkey because we're drifting apart and I think defense alliances should be made between like-minded countries.


The US can't give in to that kind of Blackmail.

Nah man, Gulen is not quite an exiled freedom activist. I usually don't like this type of blackmailing practices by stupid morons, but who wants to get dirty for this kind of bs.

Let little Erdogan play Suleyman for a while, then kick his teeth. Does he really think that he can play the refugee card forever. I can come up with at least 3 solutions concerning this issue that will make him look like a complete clown.


This statement was issued this morning:

Note that it is explicitly clear who they are supporting.

The original statement (as things were developing and information was unclear) has a tiny but important difference:

Why did that word get added in the morning? Because they knew who won.

Seriously, just stop. The coup wasn't democratically elected. Not sure how that is hard to grasp.


Current situation:
Pro-AKP thugs have been celebrating their "Democracy Festival" after beating the crap out of unarmed soldiers who surrendered. They've been terrorizing (insulting, trashing and trying to run them over in their cars) especially women and boys who don't dress "appropriately."


Let little Erdogan play Suleyman for a while, then kick his teeth. Does he really think that he can play the refugee card forever. I can come up with at least 3 solutions concerning this issue that will make him look like a complete clown.

Shit man you should let US and Europe know because I am sure they are interested in three solutions to the refugee crisis.


Seriously, just stop. The coup wasn't democratically elected. Not sure how that is hard to grasp.
Because of the coup clause and Turkey's unique history. The evening statement was flexible enough to be workable if the coup was victorious. The morning statement was most definitely not.
Just for reference there aren't only US soldiers at Incirlik.There are about 250 german Bundeswehr soldiers there as well and they can't get in or out either at the moment.
A NATO member holding another member's military hostage seems like an act of war, or at least some kind of treaty violation.


Current situation:
Pro-AKP thugs have been celebrating their "Democracy Festival" after beating the crap out of unarmed soldiers who surrendered. They've been terrorizing (insulting, trashing and trying to run them over in their cars) especially women and boys who don't dress "appropriately."

Links to the women and boys being mistreated? :( That sucks. Even with strong conservative parties and the presence of religion, Turkey has always been very secular and open society.
Well if NATO cut ties, like it really should right about now, then Russia would hve the option to steamroll them. It's likely to happen but when you disregard your own allies and their soldier like this and use them as leverage for one person you think is responsible for anything it proves you are not fit for a defense alliance.

I agree.

Not that I think Russia would actually invade them so I don't think Turkey would actually be much worse off.

That said, I honestly don't think keeping foreign warplanes out of the sky immediately after a coup is an insane request. Nor do I think locking down a foreign army is insane either. It's not great treatment but honestly if I was Commander over there I wouldn't want my personel going out in that environment, I'd keep them on base and I'd keep shit grounded.

But I'd still like to give the boot to Turkey because we're drifting apart and I think defense alliances should be made between like-minded countries.
I'm glad our leaders take a bit more time to think about these alliances. Turkey has been a NATO ally for over 60 years. You don't just throw that away. They are in a strategic location also, which is much used by NATO.

Erdogan is trouble, but you don't throw away someone from a defensive alliance easily. It's not like Turkey is going to drag us into a war. They contribute to NATO and will keep doing so, giving the others access to their bases which they need at the moment. Letting go of such a strategic ally in the region is very, very shortsighted.

A NATO member holding another member's military hostage seems like an act of war, or at least some kind of treaty violation.
It's not even 24 hours since a coup. As long as they leave the soldiers there alone, there should be no trouble.

We should pressure Turkey to get rid of Erdogan, but not through NATO.


Tehran 1979 all over again?

Unfortunately there is not much that Obama can do. He should ignore Erdogans comments.
Ignoring a mad man with power is not going to resolve anything.

US needs to get their nukes and personnel the fuck
Out of Turkey and so should the rest of their NATO "allies".


I'm glad our leaders take a bit more time to think about these alliances. Turkey has been a NATO ally for over 60 years. You don't just throw that away. They are in a strategic location also, which is much used by NATO.

Erdogan is trouble, but you don't throw away someone from a defensive alliance easily. It's not like Turkey is going to drag us into a war. They contribute to NATO and will keep doing so, giving the others access to their bases which they need at the moment. Letting go of such a strategic ally in the region is very, very shortsighted.

Yup, they need to tell Erdogan to fuck off and keep putting pressure on him, but you don't just drop a country as an ally. Negotiations and diplomacy are a slow, methodolical art. People are reacting like Trump would in here.


I wouldn't worry too much. Military lives will never be allowed to be used as bargaining chips. Pretty much anyone in the military knows if they are captured they are SOL in terms of negotiations.

I don't get this; the US has done a lot to try to rescue military personnel being held hostage. It's always been that way... soldiers are not abandoned like that.
Get reinforcements to Incirlik, pull out and let them rot.

Maybe Russia can finally have its way with Turkey.
"Get reinforcements"? And do what?

So you want foreign troops to violate Turkey airspace, drop troops on the ground and force entrance to a Turkish military base?

And then you wish for Russia to attack Turkey or get more influence over them. How does that help anyone?

But who exactly is left to remove Erdogan? The guy has been dreaming to become a copycat of Putin for such a long time, any oppositions are met with severe punishment.
The own military is still there. The people are still there. If they rise up and want to remove them, it can be done.

Foreign intervention in Turkey is absolutely not something we should wish for at the moment. Certainly not from NATO.

Diplomatically the EU and US can pressure them through things like economic sanctions and such.


Current situation:
Pro-AKP thugs have been celebrating their "Democracy Festival" after beating the crap out of unarmed soldiers who surrendered. They've been terrorizing (insulting, trashing and trying to run them over in their cars) especially women and boys who don't dress "appropriately."
Sounds like I won't be visiting Turkey anytime soon.


I'm glad our leaders take a bit more time to think about these alliances. Turkey has been a NATO ally for over 60 years. You don't just throw that away. They are in a strategic location also, which is much used by NATO.

Erdogan is trouble, but you don't throw away someone from a defensive alliance easily. It's not like Turkey is going to drag us into a war. They contribute to NATO and will keep doing so, giving the others access to their bases which they need at the moment. Letting go of such a strategic ally in the region is very, very shortsighted.

It's not even 24 hours since a coup. As long as they leave the soldiers there alone, there should be no trouble.

We should pressure Turkey to get rid of Erdogan, but not through NATO.
You mean like shooting down Russians and such fighting for the same thing we do right now in the same area?
That surely would be stupid.

There's no way you can pressure these people into changing. Not under Erdogan.


Current situation:
Pro-AKP thugs have been celebrating their "Democracy Festival" after beating the crap out of unarmed soldiers who surrendered. They've been terrorizing (insulting, trashing and trying to run them over in their cars) especially women and boys who don't dress "appropriately."
What THE fuck is going on there..
You mean like shooting down Russians and such fighting for the same thing we do right now on the same area?
There's no way you can pressure these people into changing. Not under Erdogan.
I'm not excusing Erdogans behavior. But the changes people are proposing in this thread are not to be taken lightly.

You do not pressure Erdogan that way, but the people around him. That is diplomacy. And we should always opt for that before military action.


Order 66.

So considering the events unfolding, I can really only thing of two likely things

1) This was staged

2) This wasn't staged, but Erdogan knew of it and to a degree manipulated or forced the coup's hand to go without having everything in order. So instead of preventing the coup from ever happening, he simply let it unfold because it was doomed to fail.
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