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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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again that is broad generalization

insulting a base with claims of lack of intellect

news flash people who are even smart do poor decisions

and things are not black and white in this world

your path will likely lead to dehumanizing people

like some minorities who cheer Assad since their groups are fine

If you see it as an insult, I'm sorry. But if you want to, I'll link to relevant statistics and articles (on Germany, as here we have BIG issues).

To you maybe, but in reality it's not.

Random mass imprisonment of political opponents? Check. Military and police action against political opponents? Check. Pressure and attacks on political opponents in other countries? Check. Curtailment of press freedom and freedom of expression? Check.

Seems your reality is your own reality.


Sure I understand his immaturity.
I am not sure about weird tendencies though, what makes my tenfencies so weird in your opinion. The AKP and Erdoğan are popular in Turkey. Do you think the majority of Turkish people are brainwashed fools with no sense of reality. Having an opposing arguments that tries to make sense of Turkish politics makes you look weird now?

From what you read on GAF it seems that Turkey is a really fucked up place with a lot of people presenting their reasoning as to why it's fucked up and it should be saved before things gets out of hand and turns into a fascist state. The truth is simply not the case, go visit turkey and interact with all people from different shades of society, you will not get the feeling that turkey is on the brink of collapse.

The coup showed how resilient and witty the turkish people are, and how they ended the coup in few hours without firing a single bullet, Despite having military forces killing some civilians. If it was a really fucked up place, then the outcome would have been the complete opposite.

Question, do you think it is OK to purge 30% of all judges? Send à human to jail for two years for comparing Erdogan to Gollum? Among other things.


lol Erdogan isn't some shiny star and he has some true crazy ego problems

he is also bad at certain freedoms, a control freak now paranoid and the dude acts like a maniac at times to reassure his base

but some anti Erdogan posts here have jumped the shark to insanity
Or maybe the posters here live in western democracies where things like freedom of the press are a thing and wish it upon their Turkish friends (who are not AK party brown shirts).
Question, do you think it is OK to purge 30% of all judges? Send à human to jail for two years for comparing Erdogan to Gollum? Among other things.

It's okay to purge any judge of military personal that supports a coup. What did you think will happen to them after the coup had failed, remain in theor respective positions?

Lol at the gollum comparison, of course do not support that.


It's okay to purge any judge of military personal that supports a coup. What did you think will happen to them after the coup had failed, remain in theor respective positions?

Lol at the gollum comparison, of course do not support that.

Freedom of press then?


It's okay to purge any judge of military personal that supports a coup. What did you think will happen to them after the coup had failed, remain in theor respective positions?

Lol at the gollum comparison, of course do not support that.

Erdogan arrests military officers that explicitly came out against the coup.

But guys totally only arresting coup conspirators.


It's okay to purge any judge of military personal that supports a coup. What did you think will happen to them after the coup had failed, remain in theor respective positions?

Lol at the gollum comparison, of course do not support that.
I'm sure 1/3 of the judicial system supported the coup along with the aides of some of the generals.
The press supported it too.


It's okay to purge any judge of military personal that supports a coup. What did you think will happen to them after the coup had failed, remain in theor respective positions?

Lol at the gollum comparison, of course do not support that.

There is zero proof the judges supported anything. Erdogan just said they were Gulen supporters.
What, all three thousand of them?

We've got a live one here guys.

I think you underestimate how much the judicial and military system are interconnected in Turkey. Most of the coups that happened in Turkey over the last century were blessed by the judicial system.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Re-Education has begun!

Instructor: "Who's the founder of Turkey?"
Prisoners: "Ataturk"
Gunshot goes off
Instructor: "Lets try that again. Who's the founder of Turkey?"
Prisoners: "Erdogan"
Instructor: "Very good"

*A few months and multiple re-education classes later*
Instructor: "Who is the heir of the legacy of Osman? "
Prisoners: "Erdogan I, His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Sovereign of the Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, the Reveler of Plots, the Vanquisher of the Faithless, and Sultan of the Reborn Ottoman Empire!


Troll accounts or users that activated when major things happen.

How would that work? They'd register on a major event but it would still take over 3 months before being validated, which most likely means the impact of the major event has worn down significantly. Unless you mean GAF moderators validate new juniors on big events on purpose, but I don't know why you'd imply that.


I think you underestimate how much the judicial and military system are interconnected in Turkey. Most of the coups that happened in Turkey over the last century were blessed by the judicial system.
Mhhmm most of the coups twenty to sixty years ago.

He was mad over Ergenekon.


*A few months and multiple re-education classes later*
Instructor: "Who is the heir of the legacy of Osman? "
Prisoners: "Erdogan I, His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Sovereign of the Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, the Reveler of Plots, the Vanquisher of the Faithless, and Sultan of the Reborn Ottoman Empire!

Most people already see him as a Prince to the new Ottoman Empire, his views are definitely in line with it, so they don't need additional re-education classes for that.



I assume they are either new and alt accounts and/or they only post in very specific threads. They don't usually tend to stick around for long
If you see it as an insult, I'm sorry. But if you want to, I'll link to relevant statistics and articles (on Germany, as here we have BIG issues).

sure more info is better to understand things

Are there actuallyany? So far this thread and others I know are full of confirmed videos and pictures of the mob beating and torturing the soldiers, but I have not seen one single video or image of a soldier doing the same to civilians. What I have seen was videos of soldiers firing warning shots over the heads of pro Erdogan protesters who then got back up immediately closing in further on the soldiers and attacking them first. Not the other way around.
tank runs over people

Another tank runs over people and a car
soldiers shoot at people outside parliament

killed and wounded
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CneBfjvVUAASZ-_.jpg (https://twitter.com/AFP/status/754214589600894976)
even some soldiers got shot by soldiers for refusing to shoot

More shooting

Storming news room

CNN news rooms

Civilians shot down by Aircraft

Bombing Institutions

This post had the ripped apart civilians by aircraft/helicopter ammo
dont know if its posted yet, i am watching TV but NSFL


I am living in Istanbul and can still hear copter sounds.

video was taken down by Facebook but go through people's replies (in this thread) to the gore seen in that link
Or maybe the posters here live in western democracies where things like freedom of the press are a thing and wish it upon their Turkish friends (who are not AK party brown shirts).

yeah anyone can do so

tossing fake news events and/or dehumanizing civilians who got killed is also not good either



I assume they are either new and alt accounts and/or they only post in very specific threads. They don't usually tend to stick around for long

But if they do stick around for long, you wouldn't notice because they'd turn in regular members, haha.

They've gone completely nuts over there. Captured soldiers are forced to look at Erdogan for hours:

"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken
him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the
dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O
stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-
scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was
all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished.
He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

- 1984 George Orwell
I doubt the order comes from Erdogan directly, are you guys fucking serious?? "Hey, subordinates. Let's punish the coup attempters. Instead of jailing them or doing whatever, we'll have them stare at my picture. Awesome, right??"

At the moment it seems they're at the mercy of the Turkish police.
It's about the dictator cult wiseass.

If those pictures are real, that means that some nutjob thought that it was an appropriate punishment to push Erdogan propaganda in the detainees faces. That's pretty much like "cult of power 101."


again that is broad generalization

insulting a base with claims of lack of intellect

news flash people who are even smart do poor decisions

and things are not black and white in this world

your path will likely lead to dehumanizing people

like some minorities who cheer Assad since their groups are fine

How is what he said an insult? He also did not dehumanize anyone nor the entire country of Turkey. Stop reaching for things that aren't there.

Attacking schools is really low.
sure more info is better to understand things

tank runs over people

Another tank runs over people and a car
soldiers shoot at people outside parliament

killed and wounded
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CneBfjvVUAASZ-_.jpg (https://twitter.com/AFP/status/754214589600894976)
even some soldiers got shot by soldiers for refusing to shoot

More shooting

Storming news room

CNN news rooms

Civilians shot down by Aircraft

Bombing Institutions

This post had the ripped apart civilians by aircraft/helicopter ammo

video was taken down by Facebook but go through people's replies (in this thread) to the gore seen in that link

yeah anyone can do so

tossing fake news events and/or dehumanizing civilians who got killed is also not good either

OP should be updated with this. Just in case if someone gets confused and think this is the doing of "Blood thirsty mobs".
*A few months and multiple re-education classes later*
Instructor: "Who is the heir of the legacy of Osman? "
Prisoners: "Erdogan I, His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Sovereign of the Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, the Reveler of Plots, the Vanquisher of the Faithless, and Sultan of the Reborn Ottoman Empire!

An old "Ottoman" soldier at an anti-coup demonstration yesterday.


The Ottoman Empire ended in 1922. If this man was atleast born in 1922, he'd be 94 years old.
I don't know how old he is but judging from their "claim" that he was a soldier he must've joined the ranks either from when he was born to atleast when he was 6 years old. I find this either crazy or ridiculous. Perhaps he was in the "Turkish" army but no way in the Ottoman army. He must've also probably not liked the secular Ataturk government.

As an Ottoman historian I find this interesting. Ataturk would be very angry if he saw this going on today and the sheer amounts of religious chanting.


It's about the dictator cult wiseass.

I understand that, but as long as Erdogan himself hasn't said stuff like "I want you to torture or kill these coup soldiers", we should judge the violent police officers or civilians themselves and not their leaders (as well as the other way around, the violent soldiers who attacked police and civilians). After all, aren't they grown adult that can make their own decisions?


I haven't commented on the issue on gaf yet, so let me express my sincere condolences to those killed and wounded by this event. RIP.
Probably for the next while.
I mean, it was always more of a distant possibility than a concrete near-future issue, but you better believe the date got pushed back further. Granted, with the weakened position of Greece in particular the distant possibility was not THAT distant anymore, but EU still had a great many problems with Turkey nonetheless.
How is what he said an insult? He also did not dehumanize anyone nor the entire country of Turkey. Stop reaching for things that aren't there.

Attacking schools is really low.

Is he talking about Germany?

If he is those people who attacked a institution are indeed in the wrong

what I am getting at is regardless of what side people are own we need to stop generalizing everything
OP should be updated with this. Just in case if someone gets confused and think this is the doing of "Blood thirsty mobs".

it would have been even more if Youtube and Facebook didn't take them down due to being NSFL
I understand that, but as long as Erdogan himself hasn't said stuff like "I want you to torture or kill these coup soldiers", we should judge the violent police officers or civilians themselves and not their leaders (as well as the other way around, the violent soldiers who attacked police and civilians). After all, aren't they grown adult that can make their own decisions?
We can judge them, but it doesn't mean that Erdogan isn't indicted in this behavior too.

He eggs on the absurd nationalism and cult of personality.


I understand that, but as long as Erdogan himself hasn't said stuff like "I want you to torture or kill these coup soldiers", I think you'll have to judge the police officers or civilians themselves and not their leaders.

If a leader rules a country where that kind of treatment is accepted and not persecuted by law than he is also responsible for it. Even if you don't have him saying: "I urge police and people to torture or kill coup soldiers."


I understand that, but as long as Erdogan himself hasn't said stuff like "I want you to torture or kill these coup soldiers", we should judge the violent police officers or civilians themselves and not their leaders (as well as the other way around, the violent soldiers who attacked police and civilians). After all, aren't they grown adult that can make their own decisions?

You really think some of the stuff being done isn't being carried out due to orders from Erdogan?
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