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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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EU and US will always be for the government of Turkey whatever it will be. As long as it doesn't turn full on antagonistic towards their interests. They will put some statements and sanctions in place if human rights are in jeopardy but the geopolitical importance of the country will always be in the background of any decision.


The Birthday Skeleton
It won't be. It could be a complete dictatorship and it would remain a member as long as they listen when it comes to what the USA wants.

Probably. But was there any NATO member a dictatorship while in NATO?

Anyhow, while NATO membership probably won't change that easy, those nukes must go far away from Turkey under current circumstances.


So it sounds like the dismissal of the police is to force them to retaliate, to have some chaos. I would guess the idea is to create a new force from the ground up, out of his supporters, and to do that they need to get in a confrontation with an enemy. Otherwise he would have proceeded to get them arrested over time.

I kind of wonder if what the government is saying is even true, or if it's just to force some people out, to see who fights back or runs away.

Also some say the US is pro-Erdogan to use him against Syria and buffer Russia.
Well that would be exactly following the Hitler playbook, surely he won't be that on the nose?
Any word on the extradition of Gulen? Last I saw Turkey's Justice Minister said they don't need evidence because the sun exists or something.


Some news reports from a Turkish correspondent on Dutch radio just now:
Increasing amount of armed pro Erdogan goon squads sighted. Ongoing witchhunt on anyone who's suspected of supporting Gülen. Very threatening presence. People who have no affiliation with Gülen feel threatened as well.
Reports of increasing amount of women being insulted. Sentiment being described as "it's our time now" (like certain Brexiters have been treating foreigners).

In my country they've destroyed the windows of a building where Gülen supporters meet.

Damn shame but this was obvious reaction. Unfortunately with Brexit while racists were emboldened by the vote you could be confident they'd soon be brought back into line by police, etc. but I'm not confident this will be the case in Turkey. Sadly I feel the current government really does condone such actions.



Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 24m24 minutes ago
BREAKING: Close to 1,500 staff at the 'Ministry of Finance’ dismissed

EDIT: Also this:

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 50s51 seconds ago
BREAKING: Kerry warns #Turkey’s NATO membership could be in jeopardy - @washingtonpost
Oh boy oh boy


Turkey Parliament ‘evacuated due to imminent security threat’?

Wouldn't be surprised if Erdogan's countercoup has the rest of the army scratching its head whether they don't actually have to perform a coup. This is probably why the government has asked their goons to stay on the street for the whole week, to deter any other military generals from intervening.


I thought about Portugal and Greece, but I didn't know if they were already in NATO at that time. And was a bit lazy to search for it. So thanks.

Well. then it's all fine for the NATO membership.

Still not safe enough for those nukes though.
Portugal was a founding member and Greece/Turkey were part of the first NATO expansion in 1952.

It was a bit of an issue though. The US actually apologised about backing the Greek chounta for instance. That was the cold war mind. Who knows how the scales weigh now.



Chosen by the people of Turkey;
- Wants to reinstate the "death-penalty" after making sure 6000+ have been arrested.
- Locked up Dutch reported (Ebru Umar) after she gave her opinion, refused to let her leave.
- Threatens all who make "fun" of him, even if its just simple mockery.
- Erdogan makes sure that everyone who "opposses" him "pays" for the crime (I fear for every soldier that has been arrested)

Speaking of soldiers .. they are being held in barns. Like pigs. The pictures that are released are just ... bah.

And .. that should be democracy? This Erdogan is a goddamn dictator and I fear that in Turkey, things are about to get alot worse. As usual, the European Nations are looking away ...

... again, how is this democracy? It's not. This is starting to get closer-and-closer to a dictatorship. Stay safe TurkeyGAF. I wish you all the best in these stressful times.


... again, how is this democracy? It's not. This is starting to get closer-and-closer to a dictatorship. Stay safe TurkeyGAF. I wish you all the best in these stressful times.

according to some in here, being chosen by the people means you get to do whatever you want.


The Birthday Skeleton
Wouldn't be surprised if Erdogan's countercoup has the rest of the army scratching its head whether they don't actually have to perform a coup. This is probably why the government has asked their goons to stay on the street for the whole week, to deter any other military generals from intervening.

It does look like he intentionally tries to stir some shit with these mass dismissals, but it's more probable that it's just paranoia combined with the opportunity to get rid of anybody who's not a yesman.
Wouldn't be surprised if Erdogan's countercoup has the rest of the army scratching its head whether they don't actually have to perform a coup. This is probably why the government has asked their goons to stay on the street for the whole week, to deter any other military generals from intervening.
When you start arresting everyone, chances are among those there's a friend, family or brother in arms to those that didn't support the coup. If there's some support from the moderate Turkish population there's seriously a risk of of another coup or at worse civil war.


The Birthday Skeleton
If there is one permban bet I would have been willing to take than that these lists were prepared.

Or the Turkish administration is the most efficient administration ever. Gathering thousands of names from all over the country over weekend.


What if Erdogan organised this coup himself? As a way to "clense" the military of possible Gullen supporters? ... far fetched but anything is possible

... sure starts to look like it anway.

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 50s51 seconds ago
BREAKING: Kerry warns #Turkey’s NATO membership could be in jeopardy - @washingtonpost

Kerry is also claiming

"We will certainly support bringing perpetrators of the coup to justice - but we also caution against a reach that goes well beyond that."


Also I remember watching this 60 minutes thing on Gulen awhile back, its interesting for those who don't know much about him.



They are purging everyone from all departments and installing their own people. Dark times are ahead for Turkey and will be hard to reverse.


Deputy Mayor of Istanbul, Cemil Candaş, has been shot in the head according to Swedish/Turkish news, see if I can find a English source.

Edit: check below
Deputy Mayor of Istanbul, Cemil Candaş, has been shot in the head according to Swedish/Turkish news, see if I can find a English source.
Deputy mayor in Istanbul shot in head, in critical state - Turkish broadcaster NTV

An unknown assailant shot the deputy mayor of Istanbul's Sisli district in the head on Monday and he was in a critical condition, Turkish broadcaster NTV reported.

It was not immediately clear whether the incident was linked to Friday's abortive military coup in which more than 200 people were killed. Turkey remains in a state of high tension, though the government says it has the situation fully under control.

NTV reported that the assailant had entered the office of deputy mayor Cemil Candas and then gun shots were heard. Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) runs the prosperous Sisli district. Along with other opposition parties the CHP has condemned the attempted coup.

Deputy mayor in Istanbul shot in head, in critical state - Turkish broadcaster NTV

An unknown assailant shot the deputy mayor of Istanbul's Sisli district in the head on Monday and he was in a critical condition, Turkish broadcaster NTV reported.

It was not immediately clear whether the incident was linked to Friday's abortive military coup in which more than 200 people were killed. Turkey remains in a state of high tension, though the government says it has the situation fully under control.

NTV reported that the assailant had entered the office of deputy mayor Cemil Candas and then gun shots were heard. Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) runs the prosperous Sisli district. Along with other opposition parties the CHP has condemned the attempted coup.


Great, now Erdogan has his own PKC...


They are purging everyone from all departments and installing their own people. Dark times are ahead for Turkey and will be hard to reverse.

This is exactly what's happening. If you have people who support you (and in the meantime, benefit from every dumb thing Erdogan does) then the road towards LEDUR SUPRIEM is clear. I really do not understand why the European Union is looking away from this situation.

Things are starting to hit the fan real quick.


EU has no authority over Turkey.

No, they don't. True.

I take it that the EU is to cowardly to actually act. As it has been for years. Shit hits the fan all over the world and we (Netherlands) keep bitching about things like zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas ... But noooooo, Turkey is in the middle of a crisis and could use some help in guiding them towards a stable (brighter) future ... and here is the EU ... discussing about nothing.

I'm also worried for how my country is turning out to be. There have been several incidents regarding a certain type of community lately. Hell, they even have decicated Instragram pages for it. But the people who run this country fail to actually call them by name. Instead, they rub it in the Dutch's faces and claim WE are the ones to blame *sigh*.

My kids are growing up in a world which has gone to shit.


No, they don't. True.

I take it that the EU is to cowardly to actually act. As it has been for years. Shit hits the fan all over the world and we (Netherlands) keep bitching about things like zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas ... But noooooo, Turkey is in the middle of a crisis and could use some help in guiding them towards a stable (brighter) future ... and here is the EU ... discussing about nothing.

How exactly should the EU "guide" Turkey, an outside, sovereign country, into a "brighter future"?


What do you propose the EU does?

Does it, at this point, matter what I propose? Even if I do come up with a brilliant idea ... it'll never happen. Because no matter what someone else says, does or proposses ... we have no "say" over the matter because Turkey is not an EU country nor will it ever become one. The EU, so far, stated that Erdogan was elected by the people themself and that's that. A simple answer.

... what I propose? Well;

Make sure that the people in Turkey are safe. That they are treated equally. That they have the freedom of speech (instead of getting imprisoned whenever they take a pot-shot at Erdogan) and a bright future ahead of them instead of the darkness that is slowly starting over to take over the country. Making sure the country is run by someone who, infact, DOES listen to his people instead of coming across as a goddamn dictator.

I fear for every single Turk living over there. The idiot nearly caused a goddamn war ... divides his people. Yeah, keep it up Erdogan.
No, they don't. True.

I take it that the EU is to cowardly to actually act. As it has been for years. Shit hits the fan all over the world and we (Netherlands) keep bitching about things like zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas ... But noooooo, Turkey is in the middle of a crisis and could use some help in guiding them towards a stable (brighter) future ... and here is the EU ... discussing about nothing.

I'm also worried for how my country is turning out to be. There have been several incidents regarding a certain type of community lately. Hell, they even have decicated Instragram pages for it. But the people who run this country fail to actually call them by name. Instead, they rub it in the Dutch's faces and claim WE are the ones to blame *sigh*.

My kids are growing up in a world which has gone to shit.
What exactly do you expect the EU to do? How are you going to "guide" another country you have no jurisdiction over?

Does it, at this point, matter what I propose? Even if I do come up with a brilliant idea ... it'll never happen.

Make sure that the people in Turkey are safe. That they are treated equally. That they have the freedom of speech (instead of getting imprisoned whenever they take a pot-shot at Erdogan) and a bright future ahead of them instead of the darkness that is slowly starting over to take over the country. Making sure the country is run by someone who, infact, DOES listen to his people instead of coming across as a goddamn dictator.
How would the EU ensure people in Turkey are safe? You are making little sense here. How would the EU make sure a country is run by someone else? These are all very difficult things to achieve as an outsider - and that is not even getting into the negative consequences of Western countries again starting to get involved in the region and replacing leaders.


No, they don't. True.

I take it that the EU is to cowardly to actually act. As it has been for years. Shit hits the fan all over the world and we (Netherlands) keep bitching about things like zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas ... But noooooo, Turkey is in the middle of a crisis and could use some help in guiding them towards a stable (brighter) future ... and here is the EU ... discussing about nothing.

I'm also worried for how my country is turning out to be. There have been several incidents regarding a certain type of community lately. Hell, they even have decicated Instragram pages for it. But the people who run this country fail to actually call them by name. Instead, they rub it in the Dutch's faces and claim WE are the ones to blame *sigh*.

My kids are growing up in a world which has gone to shit.

Turkey emphatically does not want our help, the government is too busy installing a corrupt dictatorship out of their own volition. Also stop with the persecution complex.
No, they don't. True.

I take it that the EU is to cowardly to actually act. As it has been for years. Shit hits the fan all over the world and we (Netherlands) keep bitching about things like zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas ... But noooooo, Turkey is in the middle of a crisis and could use some help in guiding them towards a stable (brighter) future ... and here is the EU ... discussing about nothing.

I'm also worried for how my country is turning out to be. There have been several incidents regarding a certain type of community lately. Hell, they even have decicated Instragram pages for it. But the people who run this country fail to actually call them by name. Instead, they rub it in the Dutch's faces and claim WE are the ones to blame *sigh*.

My kids are growing up in a world which has gone to shit.

Like it or not, Erdogan is what people of Turkey wanted. At this point only a military intervention can change the course and I don't think we as EU have any right to do that. TBH I don't think even a military intervention would help anything except get people killed.

Plenty of leaders criticise Turkey over what they are doing. Best we can do is shut them out of our own society (EU), and be ready to guide them towards something better if they ever want that.


The Birthday Skeleton
Does it, at this point, matter what I propose? Even if I do come up with a brilliant idea ... it'll never happen.

Make sure that the people in Turkey are safe. That they are treated equally. That they have the freedom of speech (instead of getting imprisoned whenever they take a pot-shot at Erdogan) and a bright future ahead of them instead of the darkness that is slowly starting over to take over the country. Making sure the country is run by someone who, infact, DOES listen to his people instead of coming across as a goddamn dictator.

There's nothing anybody outside Turkey can do about this. Not legally. Look at Russia. Same shit. Short of a military intervention or some secret service movie plot, there is nothing that even US can do if Erdogan becomes a dictator. And he has popular support for this, It was since long time written on the wall that this is the end game and people kept electing him.


Like it or not, Erdogan is what people of Turkey wanted. At this point only a military intervention can change the course and I don't think we as EU have any right to do that. TBH I don't think even a military intervention would help anything except get people killed.

Plenty of leaders criticise Turkey over what they are doing. Best we can do is shut them out of our own society (EU), and be ready to guide them towards something better if they ever want that.

I know there isn't anything that the western world can do (hopefully they learned from getting involved in Syria and Iraq); I do however feel bad for a country that was only very recently secular; turning into just another middle eastern (yes, I know turkey is in Europe) country run by a dictator.
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